We've Become Meaning Machines - Kyle Cease

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[Music] i really believe that we're moving to a time where we have a very serious pandemic and the pandemic is much more about false meanings than the pandemic we're used to talking about there are so many things that we've done as a community as a world of everything we as individuals where we give things a meaning everything has a meaning right now in this time all we are is a giant collection of meanings it doesn't matter what you feel in any area you hear something and you just watch everyone come up with a meaning like a law could be passed and then you'll hear five people have different meanings for it right oh they're going into lockdown they're doing the lockdown because this is a blah blah blah blah they're doing that because blah blah blah now i'm not saying anything about some of these meanings aren't true but it's amazing to watch how much meanings we give things all the time everything right that person didn't call me back so they must have been cheating or talking crap about me that person looked down when i said hi so they must not like me my partner's not answering me so i know that he's done talking to me there's it's just meaning after meaning after meaning and the more i do this work the more i ask myself is everything a meaning i mean everything in the world feels more and more like it's a meaning right everything you believe is go is going to happen in the future is is a meaning in itself we don't know what's going to happen in the future even in the spiritual community we do it oh the the stars are doing this so that means there's a massive great awakening conspiracy theorists do it all the time sometimes i get really into conspiracies and you'll just say oh that thing happened so that means this is going to happen but it's weird how factually we know our meaning is right and i feel that there's something about this time that has a meaning in everything really loud and the reason we fight other people is because we are so strong in our meaning and then they're so strong in their meaning and we're all fighting through this meaning because if you if you are challenging my meaning you might take me to the actual essence of what i am but it would be the death to the part of me that is used to protecting the world around this meaning and i was thinking to myself about how every single thing um that you can google about like anything how things work the best way to work out what food to eat what you should do how much you should meditate whatever you will always find the counter argument to it like you could look up working out every day or every other day and i guarantee you that there's an argument for all sides if should you have eight glasses of water a day or is that too much should you intermittent fast or is that not enough should you read all the time or or are you getting too much information should you meditate or should you get motivated there's an argument for everything right should you take the vaccine or not that's a really good one someone just wrote should you take the vaccine or not right is this thing dangerous right is it not is it actually good for you did a bunch of people just make up that it's that way right did a bunch of people just make up that it's that or is it factually that way and if it's factually that way do you have the belief that it's that way and is that creating something now i'm not saying one way is for sure true or not i'm not endorsing any meaning i'm just saying isn't it amazing how we all are plagued with so many meanings right now and what would you be if you could start to identify that man i thought for sure this was going to happen how about when you fall in love what meanings show up oh i have the right person forever and then you break up but you had a meaning that was already this meant this so then the breakup is like the disappointment because you for sure had a meaning it wasn't that there was a person in your life it's that they mean this for you right they mean you don't have to feel this pain anymore they mean forever right they mean you get what i'm saying and then something falls apart and then what do we do right away even if it's a positive thing we go to a meeting yeah we broke up but you know there's other fish in the sea that's a meaning i know that i'll find someone that's better i get it that's awesome and now right and now that person didn't write back they didn't text back that means xyz and now oh i lost all this money in the thing that means and now that means i don't know it means here and and i've i feel i have a little this is a meaning and an assumption in itself i have i have a mild feeling that i'm wide open to i'm wrong that one of the things we're here to learn is i don't know i mean how many different things did you hear were going to happen this year that didn't and things that you didn't think were going to happen this year that did that you have enough times that you can go i don't know i don't know how many millions of ways can you research oppositions with facts backing those oppositions now this is what happened no it's actually this is what happened this is what's going on no it's actually this and how much is that getting into your body as what you're here to be is this meaning machine and what if what you're fixing when you go to fix something or your mind goes what do i do is you're trying to fix the meaning but your meaning is something you've created right can you just sit in i don't know i don't know and it's fine can you just sit in now do you know that famous story i never get it right but there's like a famous story of a like a chinese farmer you guys know what i'm talking about i know that i got the story right and i'm going to have to ad-lib the story through so it'll probably be dumb i've tried to do it before and it never works but like there's a chinese farmer and he any and he builds a farm i'm going to try and do it my way and uh his son is on the farm so bad already and the sun fell down in the carrot section and broke his leg and all the neighbors came up to the chinese farmer and they were like oh it looks like your farm is bad luck because he broke his uh his his leg in the carrot section so i guess your farm is bad luck and the the farmer goes maybe but then he was carted to the hospital where he met a nurse that he thought was hot he said that this in in chinese he said she's hot and uh she married him so they said oh it looks like your farm is good luck and he's like maybe and then one day he and his nurse wife were walking out of the hospital he stayed there until it fully healed and they fell into a big hole and uh they were like oh the neighbors ran to the chinese guy's house and said they fell in the hole so it's your farm is bad luck and the chinese guy said maybe the chinese farmer said maybe and then they landed on a rock so the neighbors were there also this is bad luck too and he was like maybe and then she hit her head on it and got a gash and the neighbors were like yep this is for sure a bad uh this is still for sure a bad luck farm and then solid gold blood came out of her temple and they were like they're millionaires it turns out your farm is a good thing and he goes maybe so they start climbing up the out of the dirt with their new cash-based gold blood and on their way out uh the chinese sun rock weird and half of his nail like half bent off and some for some reason the neighbors of the chinese farmer are watching everything play by play and they were like oh this farm is bad luck because what you've created is this nail issue even though he's got blood there's gold blood there's no gold blood that's going to cover that half nail off and he says maybe and then after climbing out of the hole uh it turns out she can fly so they're like good luck a good look for him they just went to the neighbor at this point and just said it's good luck farm and he just said maybe and they didn't catch that and then but then she flew too high and went into bad airspace and she flew into the no-fly zone and um it was over the reagan airport around this time um which is totally not allowed because of the insurrection act that for sure has been signed and is enacted and she yes and totally was not allowed and the military got him got her because she flew there and they shot her down but they hit the leg so the neighbors ran while she was falling in free fall the neighbors ran to the and they were like it turned they were like it turns out your farm is bad luck and it goes maybe but because they shot her in the leg we discover more gold and they go it's good luck and then the market crashes and we are at the gold standard so she fed everybody with her blood and it was all good and it turns out it was all good they were like they were the neighbors went to him and they said oh she's feeding everyone with gold blood this is all good and the farmer went correct so that's i don't know if i have it right it's something like that um but my point is what is my point maybe my point is i don't know and i can't tell you how much you can look at something on the news and go that means this most of us almost now don't even see things as they are right do you notice that right do you just go oh they didn't respond the end can you think of how many times your mind goes one past and goes oh blah blah blah that means this oh the stars blah blah blah that means this oh you're a virgo that means this right oh we're out of money that means this and you can have a good or a bad meaning oh we're totally broke that means i'm about to start learning something oh that means we're about to become really rich because you're going to be motivated oh that means you're about to become homeless versus there's just no money in the bank this second the end right and that that's really what's true is what you're seeing and there's something about this time that doesn't notice anything happening now as is oh that is happening and you can really get good at it just by going oh the news is reporting that's happening so you can have the space for i don't even know if that's true i'm just saying the fact is the news is reporting that's happening right oh this alternative you know conspiracy site says that but that doesn't mean that's what's happening right and i i say this because i'm always learning it how about this you feel sick and you you start coming up with why you are sick right oh i'm stuffed up you know why because i ate blah blah yesterday right that's why i'm sick versus just the body's doing it and it's sick i don't know because there's people like i got a headache it's the 5g towers or you know i know what it is dude now you can cough any you could just cough in public in the old days you could cough you could sneeze five years ago and everyone just would say bless you now it's you because they think you're giving them covet right right just a year ago you could sneeze and everyone go oh now it's just like oh dude we're all gonna die like everyone back up that guy the guy sneezed we're just meaning machines right and the more you do this work the more you can just go now now it's almost like we're creating these meanings to avoid the now it's like we're so scared of the now this incredible massive vastness that you're in right now that feels and the experience is so all-inclusive and everything seems fine there's very rarely that you're in and now actually in danger but you're almost scared that everything's fine so we need to put a bunch of meanings in that spot so we have something to feel like we're overcoming but what if in this moment there's nothing to overcome and what if you're just here and what if when something happens you just see it as it is [Music] so you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 12,414
Rating: 4.9528718 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, JP Sears, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Motivational, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Tony Robbins, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do
Id: V2KhQU2vrVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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