Kyle Cease - Have an Open Relationship with Yourself

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so I'm pretty much in a open relationship with a pornstar and um yeah I thought that was the thing I was scared of throwing out there but uh she is very open obviously I think and yeah I would imagine um it's probably no one is it's been it's probably challenging that how know this relationship with a porn star yeah um I I've been learning a lot about myself but it's kind of gotten to a point where I'm like okay I don't know if if I can fully handle something like this and I'm at that I get it you're wondering if this is heavy if this is heavy or if this is something - yeah - to break through I get and if it's oh my ego saying oh because I'm being told and I'm under the impression that regardless of what she does without me it doesn't change how she feels about me which is kind of the whole premise of it and I know this to be true for myself because I've ventured off and it hasn't changed how I feel about her right just because I ventured off and so knowing that that's true for me I'm just having a difficult time knowing if that's I don't know I just I just want to feel like a long yeah so basically you're trying to figure out if this is something for you to work through if this is to work the Sosa's here's how brilliant ego is ego creates the illusion that you have a dilemma ego created both choices ego created do I let go of this and ego created do I work through this because whenever you're at a fork in the road you're being asked a new question what's trying to emerge out of me that I've never known or been before right so in knowing that there's one way or the other already your mind it's not body that feels either choice right if your body felt the choice you'd make the decision you'd know when it's time or you know when to move through it but both of those dilemmas you're in your head because you see them evenly right because egos just bored and the fact that you're doing what you do egos creating a dilemma no it's interesting because from the beginning of the first day till now well I'm bringing it up because I guess there's still stuff there but for the most part is just like what you're saying is that you know um it is just like a choice like I'm just making it into something that that I've created right it's actually nothing because I flip-flopped between oh it's heavy I should let it go and oh no this is great I should just move through it and it's it's literally just a choice I've made in a moment right and it's probably but both choices involve her and not you yeah right does that make sense yeah so you this is another example of which circumstance is better and ego is so sly that it took the two things that I was talking about following your calling and it made them to mental separate things and made them things to do does that make sense this is so deep I don't know if that's making sense but it took something that came out from my heart and it made it a mental thing instead and it said which way do I go and created the illusion that you're in lack in the first place so let me ask you this I want you to ask that question to yourself again and when you ask that question to yourself and ask yourself you know which way do I want to go with this or what which what is the highest calling to me and then I would love everybody for a second to ask yourself whatever dilemma you have because your soul is going to have answers that you can't see because if he could see it he wouldn't have the dilemma right so he hasn't been able to access the deeper place because he's creating the dilemma so that he doesn't go inward because that's how good ego is egos going let's not go inward okay create this choice out here and get him stuck in his mind creating a certain way so he's blocking himself from going inward because that's all ego has left is this little thing where it goes this way or this way pick up choice see you can't go and it's creating a this way this way and your mind is doing the work and you're blocking yourself from your heart actually talking to you so what this opportunity is for you you have an opportunity here to ask yourself that question and I want everybody to think of a big dilemma question you have in your life about your career relationship what to do all those questions are future by the way not what am i right now not what do I love about myself right now because there's an illusion of a right or wrong way because he thinks this is what you think tell me if I'm wrong with if you do it wrong you won't get loved to an extent yeah there's a bit of that I think that deeper part of me knows that I'll be fine like I that's big too because people say this all the time whenever they're in Hell they go I know deep down everyone time to go fine have you ever heard that and you've ever said it every time you go through a breakup or a painful thing or you get broke or you're in debt everyone has this one part where they go I know deep down everything's going to be fine now here's my question what if deep down was the place you lived in not the vacant house that you look in barely only when you have a catastrophe going on what if deep down was where you lived where you knew everything was okay no matter what and that was where you that was where you lived you bought a home and deep down so that was a great sentence I know you mean you kind of said that I know deep down I'll be fine which means by the way do you even have a dilemma no right now ego goes so what do we do and what's funny is ego also thinks whatever decision you make is your life decision ego creates this black or white till I die decision versus you just having a conversation going right now I'm just feeling some stuff I'm not quite sure of and living in a little bit more of a gray possibility of love where it's not this way where we can't breathe and we're stuck forever or this way where we only breathe and we never see each other you're saying that you're run by what you do in that one situation with this woman right and neither way will run you because if you know everything's okay it won't run you so you suddenly become the space for those dilemmas to get smaller and smaller and smaller is that making sense thank you doctor yeah no problem operated on my heart so supposed to be a funny joke Oh God naked comedy so that's actually from five to six naked comedy is going to be so I would love for everybody to check out the illusion of their question I'll get the shoe on don't worry for OCD people like I can't know just everyone with OCD it's your big night everything is not aligned it's going to be the worst night ever oh how do I tilt this little with this little bit like this is disaster now and by the way I want to say I should have gone with this joke but I want to say that do you realize what laughter and crying is do you realize what I think this is what it is I think we've created a boundary of how we see life right with the circle that we go this is the rules and this is how two beautiful thank God okay so imagine if we create this comfort zone that we have for our self that this is how life is this is this bubble and this is where everything is and this is what your comfort bubble is what happens if something happens outside of your bubble that is beyond you in fact when I did the Oh see it's cool right yeah when I when I said the OCD joke I know there were people going oh god here we go there were people that we're feeling that right I think laughter is you adjusting and readjusting your circle to fit the new boundary I think it's your body actually going hahaha I have to actually adjust to this thing and same with crying you saw something out of your boundary and then you try to you try to fight it and you have to adjust to the thing and that's why you could see the same joke again and you might not laugh again because you've adjusted to that new level and that's why you could icould retaught about Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh yesterday and not cry when a week ago I was ah because I was adjusting to the new thing but now this is my new boundary so your circle is always expanding and when you're laughing like that you're doing this and that's why the OCD thing actually probably was a louder response because there were probably people went I can't even handle this I have to adjust to the insanity of one shoe everyone has to have two shoes and my crazy mind hahahaha okay it's your body expanding so you have questions that are illusion questions he had a question that was an illusion question because he knew deep down he was going to be fine but why don't we meet deep down you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 87,901
Rating: 4.9232364 out of 5
Id: SZUH1doc_gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2016
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