Nazi Box from an Abandoned Storage Locker

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okay hi everyone we're going to open up I'm not really exactly sure how to call but we could call it the Nazi Locker yep we update out another locker this is my locker it's not the Nazi Locker and we're going to open up a box we just call it the Nazi box because there's a lot of well probably some really disturbing things in there so if you don't want to say this kind of thing I understand it so here we go we're open up I'm going to find this box inside here with some homemade box it's play okay we're going to open this up just so you know that we we opened up briefly just to see was in there and it's kind of disturbing we didn't go through it or anything but we did see what the contents were so here we go this is a homemade box you see there's some symbols on the front this kind of looked like some before which you might use a navy to it with flags and I kind of think I'm not sure if you know what it is maybe someone I know that watches these videos might know what that is but it looks like it may be something like semaphore so let's open up a so we got [Applause] now if some of these Nazi flags are old then they would be worth something but this is this is pretty bad here these are new Nazi flag yes yeah that's interesting that was an American flag on it I mean you can see there's this last attack so yeah the probably not worth even they were I would never saw me here's so I don't know what this is it's a banner of some kind with the dragon huh now let's say this one's nylon so I'm thinking that it's probably I'm sure it's not worth anything and whoo you smell interesting it smell like four cigarettes now it's got the German symbol better the cross also know what I believe I don't know that it's Wow see is a swastika and then everything okay bicep cards oh yeah this is pretty bad when you have business cards with the KKK in in here all right so there's bringing the message of hope and deliverance for America so when I joined the Ku Klux Klan I guess that's what you gotta talk to these are pretty old cards so that won't bring the stuff in the house well I know that they like to collect a lot of newspaper articles about the Red Wings and things like this so this kind of makes sense you know here's some stuff yeah newspapers now let me that's a big maybe they kept their golden here that's the tracing paper it looks like personal record many things like this someone was under growing to mr. beard room at mr. beer those are just some of their records in there put this up there know some more about the Aryan Nation lovely well there's the same symbols we saw oh yeah it looks like they even translated all the semaphores into a fake if I'm right that's weirdness you're a Nazi stuff oh there you go [Music] the Holocaust is alive and they bring them so you know there's some memorabilia about playing activities a lot of hot rod stuff let's get nice though I'll show you that stick with all the stickers what but this may not this is like going back when he was a kid apparently back here I see something interesting that looks pointy some type of a throwing star it looks like well then you have to have your clan credentials to get in press events or something I don't know always well that's kind of anticlimactic I don't know this for nothing nothing else back there let's see what's in here you have a box it's all been empty there's no holds a watch watch it there lots of pink books right here the rise of Adolf Hitler so they're really following yep they're pretty pretty closely we got here like a homemade kind of a thing there's a pleasant-looking soul okay Hitler victorious we're still holding on to that line oh they have their own that's kinda nice I have oh what's this it's a music magazine actually so a whole bunch of save your fortunes algebra all right the University of Chicago um I learned some man something like angels history of the waffen-ss [Music] we serve drawing so they don't keep their stash of gold like these just look like more documents we'll go through those but they're probably just back things like that and then no more hockey cards we found a lot of hockey cards in in the unit ah you know in total and here is a hockey puck the official hockey puck that looks like about I'm not gonna bore you taking you through newspapers there no but pretty much that's what the nuts in the Nazi box no gold no really have anything of value in there but it was pretty weird so like you have to say on YouTube thanks for watching
Channel: MacDuff's Cool Stuff
Views: 12,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, chainsaw, craftsman
Id: qdDb90858KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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