13 YEARS SECRETS REVEALED / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker With Mystery Boxes

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let's open it let's see if it's all in there here we go let's find out is it in there welcome back to the big show what the hell's are we doing today George George we are cleaning out a huge 10 by 30 storage unit this thing was owned by antique dealer right across the street was the antique mall that tore that thing down all of these treasures have been hidden for 13 years you never know what the Hales were gonna find in here but you're not only gonna find it on what the Hales you're also gonna find it on my new channel taking a risk whoo George George you want to take a risk and see what else is found in here make sure you jump over to his channel you will not see the same things on each other's Channel so we're gonna create a video on our channel we're gonna create a video on his channel back vice-versa it's gonna bounce back and forth all week for your viewing pleasure and don't forget to subscribe right that's right yeah and hit the bell notification too because that's what George would tell you to do I think they're ready all right the door actually it does get jammed it does okay this unit is monstrous now I know a lot of people have already messaged about the Virgin Mary statue here that is that's already claimed somebody's claim that and this unit goes back far now some people saw the raccoon poo and the doodoo the raccoons probably aren't actually in the unit but they're probably scurrying up above and then dropping doodoos right down in there that'll be easy to clean up because we're actually bringing in a a 30-yard dumpster because this thing is monstrous and this is gonna take weeks if not months to go through and this is only one because if we come over here right down the row there we go there we go this entire unit this 10 by 40 40 foot back we have to work on this as well upon first inspection of this unit George George what are your thoughts if you profile it what do you think I've seen a lot of stuff that looks like it might be from a school bill and there's a lot of instructor teaching resources there's also a student composite record which I'm guess they using the grade the kids Xerox paper you think we actually have a school all right we've got a 10 by 40 foot school building who the Hales knows what we're gonna find inside there let's take a risk we're in the ten by thirty trying to dig out all the beer cans I wanted to show you that collection because you've seen me buy a huge collection before and I flipped it and made nine hundred and fifty dollars and then George George is digging back here what do we got George George okay check this out this is the actual display and it still has the springs in it so here are the drawers I can only imagine what this is this is such a specialty item I can only imagine what this would bring in this is money so here's the other thing the back of the display so that would go straight on top George George right like that alright so here is your full selling display and this isn't the only selling display in here and we're just getting into it now this is the kind of super cool stuff that I just think is absolutely amazing and how do you even put a price on it it's so awesome the pile of cans just keeps going on and on look we unburied all of these LPS and I promise you we'll get back to those out peas it may be on my channel it may be on George George's Channel look at this here I love this decorative piece this house decor here so there you have old pulling team right there you even have look at the we're from the necks right in there it's beautiful I absolutely love it now most of this stuff actually has a price on it do you see a price on that George very cool I don't know I don't even know how to price it if you had to put a price on it what kind of price would you put on that it's gorgeous I would just I'd probably go a hundred bucks just about a hundred bucks hundred-dollar bill that would be my guest right now off the top of my head we've been digging out this entire can collection I haven't seen any cone tops yet neither has George George you see George George's back they're still digging because we wanted to try and get all the cans together and load them together this is a huge collection huge collection but look at this there's even boxes that say like Marc's tractors which marks his old toy company man if we got Marx tractors in there from back in the day how cool would that be so this is really neat stuff for sure we can't show you every single can there's a mini Pat's blue-ribbon but there's even stuff like these ions here's some Budweiser iron-ons that we found too so there is a lot of alcohol all related collectability very very very much so but there's a whole lot of everything in this unit it's just it's gonna show so many treasures so many what you just find I thought I found a safe box but Jeremy has informed me it's not he's making me guess as to what it okay what all right so what's so upside-down right now we can read the word under and now up right we can Underwood so you think it's a safe box all right no other writing at all what's it is it heavy I hear a little shaky shake in there potentially all right second guess what could it be box where'd you find it bye it was a bunch of other boxes but so you think it was by the LPS so we're just we're just trying to get space right now we're moving stuff out without even looking all right let's find out you know how open it is upside down is what it is so he said it was a record player maybe different types of records here we go this is an antique typewriter now this one is in really rough condition I just sent Grimes with Grimes finds I sent him an antique typewriter that typically sells on ebay for roughly three to four hundred it works so it works there you go I like this here I like this here typewriter a whole heck of a lot so it says Jeremy does it really it looks like it does Jerry Jerry oh so close if it said Jerry and Jeremy and George sitting except there's a Rachel I don't know nothing about no read that's for my unit ha very cool all right George George we got some boxes here what we got okay show me see it you guys know how I love glassware when it's 80s glassware here's harmony this is actually your harmony Smurf that doesn't look like me doesn't it see if we can find a date the day is you see an 83 1983 so we've got is it all Smurfs Papa Smurf all right everything in this box is Smurfs there's harmony is that the same one as before there's harmony this is harmony Smurf himself okay and then Papa Smurf in this man this is so Smurf and fun this is ridiculous are you smurfing out like I am oh these are all hers harmony again I think see that one all harmony harmony harmony harmony harmony harmony harmony martini we have that's a good question that's a lot of harmony okay another one okay harmony we did at least find Papa Smurf in the one so do you think the wrapped up ones are different than apparently that was the favorite harmony all right what do we got in this box it says glass good opium Thank You yogi yogi is back all right let's see oh yeah same shape huh man who is it it's harmony [Music] what the Hales did you find now so just like in my $65 you know we found a bunch of premium bananas okay so neither of us have had breakfast right well let's see what we got I'm smelling a dare me Jeremy yeah well I'm going vagin are you here we go okay this isn't a bad thing you can see they were trying to actually sell at the antique booth for four dollars four dollars four dollars okay now there are some VHS a--'s that are worth apana money oh the Indian in the cupboard so if we've got Disney okay we do have this knee honey we shrunk ourselves okay we're looking for the Little Mermaid and we're looking for the band covered and particularly we want the Black Diamond Edition look at that there's Toy Story bug's life the big green really that I've never seen oh that's the original they came out with a cartoon it's a horrible horrible cartoon but the the the storyline is on point okay The King and I Jumanji Free Willy okay not seeing it yet Halle right there you want a cracker we found a couple more boxes of VHS now suburban beard and Manny the mannequin has actually taught us that VHS is still worth something especially sold in sets and especially if it's something rare you can't find anywhere else so this should be pretty cool Pokemon Pokemon never even seen anything like this before Digimon had a really good following too but here's something we got to definitely look up Princess Diana so there could be something cool here and then here check out this this not your original atom but with the Ladin coming out it's got to be something right the way that we're handling the volume is we had a 30-yard dumpster dropped off you can see they just dropped it in between that unit and lucky number 13 hopefully our luck doesn't dry out 30 yards is the largest we can get cost four hundred and twenty dollars cash but also two hours away from home and jr. George George is jumping in between see there you go you want to go dumpster diving we're going to take up dumpster diving and George George is gone George George hey rawhide this is where we're staying tonight we're gonna work two solid days on this so show us around man okay on the floor that's Art Deco that's beautiful wow that's kind of nice that's a nice feature we come with our great ideas yeah yeah that's our that's our best idea so far smiling is my favorite for the kids just wing him yeah I could see that you see that this what I think it is I tried to light a bunch of fires okay all right this will do guys we keep digging further and further check this out this is one solid display unit with like one two three four five so it's like five like five Apple boxes but this is composite plastic right yeah so this is an actual display unit that they would have used it's got Smuckers all over it which makes it collectible as well that's cool what would you put in there George probably a bunch of jam jars yeah what about what would you put Smurfs jars in there maybe Smurfs glasses yeah harmony with the Smuckers the goodness of home made fun fact the owner his first name is Richard don't believe me really yeah dick Smuckers huh oh that was a really cool display would you just find now this beautiful knitted kilt quilt quilt yes mouse or raccoon what's your what's your guess I'm gonna say raccoon based on the size of poops we've been finding ya know so look down here something was digging in there yeah and we've got another 20 feet to go to the background and we're just pulling stuff out right now we're barely even looking at anything oh I see a I see a label back there says yarns look at that it's a Timex display very very nice I really like this piece they were obviously using this as a display piece for some of their cooler stuff you see the sticker right here not for sale so we're gonna we're gonna put this one definitely at the warehouse and I was thinking you know little small cool things like George's connives and stuff like that could go in here little knickknacks that you would want to put behind a door so that in itself I think it's pretty cool and things like this the shelf that'll go to the warehouse as well that'll be a really nice addition just you you never have enough shelves ever ever check this thing out why we're in here alright old toy right so originally I thought Flintstones no Robin Hood Prince of Thieves from the movie Kevin Costner the battle wagon paperwork is with it how cool is that now this is a really cool piece of furniture here George George is this what I think it is this is one big crown that's a oh I thought it was a crown hi okay so it's a spoon and we've got the saw so these are great for art pieces a lot of people will actually paint these and turn it into a piece of art this is a mortage superior okay so really cool saw there but check this out top doesn't open we've got all kinds of LPS down here in the bottom you name it we probably got it and hopefully we have some really good ones like this I mean this is a treasure of George in judge orgy enchants does it get any better when you get George chance there it is right there Trappists yeah sweet okay so if we open this up and there you have it so this is an actual this is a record spinner right there DJ George George about that are there is there anything else on that piece of furniture no that's all solid oh you know what the side pieces aren't those those are the speakers so if we go over here that's what it is I've never seen one like this before good shape plugs in good shape I wonder how much they were probably asking a hundred or something for this but the cool thing is that we got LPS all over it and that's not the only LP we haven't gone through them yet we're just setting stuff out here so we can get back in there but we've got piles and piles of LPS here we just got to go through them and find out what's inside let's take a little bit of a peek at some of these records whose LP so we got the 8 top hits I have no idea look at my boo boo 3 saying in Egyptian I don't even want to know how you say that in Egyptian well you might as well teach us now 6 of the best-known Christmas carols turned not to be not to be confused with modern-day corn this is Kern to Ray Charles oh wow you're Nora morels Wow crucifixion right here so Wow oh we got some choppin or chopping tons of candy Williams the blue-eyed devil who knows who the Hales knows what could actually be in here so that's the thing we got to go through every single record there's three piles what we've pulled out so far there's three piles and the way the pan Piper that's for a Victoria Victoria RCA huh okay so the way to look it up is we have to look them all up on eBay and then that's how we'll find out if we have anything worth anything or not just like the days of old I had to send a scout into the foreign land to find out what was up ahead it's George George yep you sure did so what we want to know is is this wall of boxes the whole way back there 30 piles if not more 30 that would be 300 plus boxes easily can you see anything else cool up there so sweet I came I saw I conquered Jeremy please tell us how this thing works it's just like you twist it's on unemployment it doesn't work it's fun employment it doesn't work bananas I'd never have enough fruit it always amazes me how the little critters can always find the blankets and always find the warmth so there was no doubt this box there was actual a box around all these blankets but the box was destroyed by the critters not only that there are more little critters in here so I'm not sure what kind of critters I'm not gonna touch them the too nasty and this entire thing smells like urine but there's hair right there from a critter not too far ago but there's a beautiful lamp that I have to find as well so skulls skin lamps in that order this unit keeps showing all kinds of different treasures like this one right here the cast iron okay so what would you call that I think this is for cobbler cobbler shoe yeah for sure let's let's pull the table back just a little bit for for light okay so captain fumble nuts captain fumble nuts all right the little red spinning wheel by Remco again Remco is a great toy company now this is for girls it's great with a hank of wool let's look inside this is all in there so there's the Hank so here's the cool thing they were actually making stuff so we've got the box when you have the box typically 75% more value is held on the actual item so this is really cool that copyright right there is 61 that's older than me and George George actually it's not and put together it's not it's not older but that's okay that's okay look what else George George found when he was up top he's like hey I think I found and he did so you gonna pull one oh Quaker State motor oil these are the full gallons there's six of them and you can see they were selling them for $5 apiece at the flea market clean tops are off beautiful if you love your old Quaker State motor oil they're in great condition these are gonna be a hot seller they are gonna be a hot seller now here's something else that we found we're just pulling stuff out just to get in there as we're piling it now some of you may already recognize some of this stuff so I want to know if you guys know look at this here and here and the list can kind of go on and on where are these action figures from come on let's talk about let's talk about vintage 80s right there where are the action figures from what TV you know that's the that's the saddle for well we're not gonna tell them they're gonna tell us let us know in the comments below and it's not the saddle for the hubba bubba chicken actually it does it does fit pretty well this is your hubble bubble gum chicken that you know drops an egg but the other thing that's under here that George George found you have your original Cabbage Patch I don't have the birth certificates you didn't find those but they still could be in there so there's a collect ability for original cabbage patches as well these are a little rough around the edges this is where the mice and stuff were yeah so we've been trying to clean out where the where the rodents were and George George found these here so really cool what's underneath it what's their like porcelain figurine I bet you okay flip it over look at the bottom what's it say it's an it's an Avon Betsy Ross figurine topes Cologne so we have a Vaughn's and probably a bunch of them so some people love these still some people don't like them at all but they're there this is what I think I'm most interested in bananas I don't see what's in this banana box here let's see open it up and [Music] there you go here's a model BP service station build your own BP service station for all you got gas and oil lovers so it's their date on this George George awesome finding dates if anybody knows I don't see one either but I'm not looking as much as he is I probably shouldn't play with it now I do see that the tape on the back has been cut through but let's open it let's see if it's all in there here we go let's find out is it in there our very own BP station if you've got gas we got your station right here Oh sealed all sealed they must have just opened it at the all sealed yes yes that's awesome completely sealed that's an incredible thing all right all right that's awesome that's and it looks like we've got some puzzles too right yes you know who loves puzzles George or George George Egyptians really yeah is that kind of a cultural thing yeah I think we created them as as a people I'm pretty sure you you created the first pyramid puzzle yes the giant puzzle with bricks yeah like hey make this into a triangle first 3d puzzle actually yeah yep I would agree [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 59,578
Rating: 4.898912 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: hnCxKhpGiQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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