FOUND HIDDEN TREASURE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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I just found it's not a purse oh my goodness it's filled with money I tried to avoid all the sickos in this world but it finally happened I'm sick II and there's only one cure I gotta get myself a storage unit I have to because when I'm sick sitting around the house does not help me get better at all so I'm out on the road headed up the stove got one on line $36 there is nothing in my area right now nothing but I got this little gym and let's hope for the best let's hope we strike gold again and make sure you subscribe hit that Bell so you get notified every time we upload every time we go live cuz you never know what the Hales we're gonna find don't get too close I don't want you getting sick [Music] I want to say she has decent stuff in there again I don't know you know what's in boxes things like that but she definitely always paged you always took care of it so it must be worth something you know it at least of her anyway so she's like foreign obviously so I don't know if she's out of the country I don't I don't know what happened she's young so she didn't like pass away or anything I hope not anyways but should only need Ramses for this one today unfortunately the last load I had there was kerosene lamp in there and there's kerosene all over so it's gonna stink everything up this is an odd one because this one we got to actually open the door to get to our door so we got to 43 I'm feeling lucky I have no idea what's gonna be inside but we're gonna figure it out together oh look at that we already have a transfer tote for for doing things so there's the cut lock there on the floor and we got totes we got boxes you got some kind of jazz stuff this should be interesting I'll tell you what first thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna put that in the back of the truck get that out of the way and we're gonna dig into some boxes got a nice little stepladder here I mean that will sell for $10 at the warehouse so that's an easy 10 bucks right now remember got it for 36 once you add in bid 13 comms fees I paid like five dollars and 40 cents on top of that so let's just say 45 dollars okay and you got gas time the whole deal and nothing else going on so might as well come hang out here this storage unit and see this is sealed kitchens and tools [Music] see the manager told me this was a foreigner let's see let's see a lot of binders Oh feminist theory psychoanalysts huh look at that this is gonna be interesting believe it or not I did bring aconite with me so we're all set and ready to go cut away from the sausage so what I'll do with this and I'll probably get my I was just thinking the local Kent State University is really near here that groovy great so there's probably a good chance of getting a student's unit and people probably come from all around actually go to school there there's an old school groovy grape about this Phillips here this is a photo frame I guarantee you that's in there this thing is heavy and it is looks like it's sealed still look at that it is it's still sealed so this is brand new right there brand new still in there not a bad deal right there another bonus boxes are labeled I don't know what that means sleeping shirts t-shirts Gangi I don't know what that means but I do know good stuff typically means good stuff lost mic a knife alright can't believe I lost my knife I had it I swear I have it and okay here we go wacky chicks I've known wanted I've known one well sure in my life there's no doubt about that writers just well here's what I typically do with this kind of thing okay I've got a used bookstore in my area in Worcester and I'll just drop all the books off they take twenty-five twenty-five percent of whatever it sells for online and they pay me cash I don't mess around with selling it online I just drop it off they sell it I get 25 percent I don't care if they're happy I'm happy we all make money yet another big box here and it says bookshelves three plus two oh there you go remember when I said Kent State there it is this looks like just oh there's more Penn State this looks like a student at Penn State for sure or a professor I bet you a professor or something like that alright DVDs CDs that's what it's labeled and let's see what we have here oh by the way that person that is not the person that owns this unit is a female and so I have no problem showing that address cuz it doesn't mean anything chick just got box from somewhere probably left to college okay we've got definitely have VHS so we know old school look at this we have cassette tapes too so definitely old school REM if you believe they put a man on the moon man on the moon does that see crimes maybe I just see crimes I think it's it might say gimme maybe it says give me crimes maybe that's what it is I don't even know what that says either let's see if we have any good DVDs are they in there about a boy best comedy of the year and making money yeah we'll have the forgotten we'll have our we'll have our money purchase price backk just right here in this box I just have to go through everything you know scan it on declutter find out how much we can actually make on it Busta Rhymes here's a Dell box let's hope there's a computer in there although no no no computer somebody was definitely intellectual and there's Grimm's fairy tales right there well still we have some good books we do have some good books so that's interesting this really definitely just absolutely looks like a student's a student's unit which is what you would find in a in a city like this what's in here yep yeah oh look at that that's a beautiful purse or SATA would you call that a satchel whoa oh man here we go just gonna dump this out it's easier to dump it you don't want to be disrespectful but we do want to see what's in here I thought I saw leather purses down there what I saw was leather shoes this box is labeled ornaments dissertation so if this was an actual a home I did this this is an ornament you can see it this is and that's all right does it if I cut it off I cut off will be all right it doesn't really matter 230 first commencement Kent State this said there Oh some culinary connive stuff there what's this the Bahamas maybe maybe she's from the Bahamas let's see I bet we can tell really quick by the music Built to Spill oh happy day okay the few G's okay well I don't know I thought maybe we'd find something to make him musica you know what I'm saying cuz you jump making me that one we're just gonna set that aside and let's see what we have in those giant oh we've got a bonus Oh mothballs mothballs like crazy I smell them here we got blankets anybody does anybody truly know how to get the mothball smell out of anything once it's in there it's like there forever I would love to know would that be good for the camper so this is towels and this that's just a giant pillow I went ahead and sliced that one open so we'd have easier access and we're getting more reversing the gays what is this oh look at this just like a jewelry come on Jeremy figure it out okay one hand we can do this we can do is what's inside what is that is that like a tattoo kid if it is I'm putting some initials in my heart-shaped birthmark on my hip anybody want to guess what the initials are put your guess in the comments below what tattooed initials what I put on my heart-shaped birthmark on my hip go ahead pause it take your guess for all of you who guessed YT for YouTube you are absolutely correct huh yeah this is definitely stuff here huh okay let's take a peek over here oh yeah that's my last thing that I saw okay jazz berry is it in there no but alright let's just dump let's dump her out and more shoes a woman's best friend shoes so far we're not finding the tremendous amount of profit but remember this is not the normal unit that I would buy for profit this is what I bought because there's nothing else and I'm bored at home sick so I'll definitely make money I'm not gonna make a lot of money on this one like each one of these boxes at a garage sale could actually make the money back if you part everything out and you sell everything for a buck apiece right I mean even you could do this you could you can buy this unit it's a small unit put in the back of the truck and part it out at a garage sale let's pan down a little bit here and you could make $200 easy in a day but I like to make two hundred thousand dollars in a day all right but you can only make as much as the opportunities afford I'm een honestly if we just scrap if we just scrap little everything there we'd still make our money back this box says bathroom and typically that means that's where all the ladies put their jewelry at the end of the day that's so it ends up generally thrown into a box like this so let's take a peek oh come on we didn't want that okay so we got a bunch of hanger look we got oh yeah we got a plunger right here okay oh we do have the bathroom there we go baby shake brave you no wait no body shape I was just thinking baby baby baby all right what else do we have yeah oh oh my goodness this was worth the trip right here cuz I don't even know what medicine I should be on right now but I'm having a feeling that's the one right there I think yeah I think that's so good who's this skills it's not skittles skills that I don't know oh look at that we could put this and this we could use that for sure and oh look at we even have daytime this is perfect actually this is what I need I'm cooking this right now okay we've got a garbage can in here I know a little bit we got a giant cone all right and I don't know what it is I'm at a point I don't want to know but just leave that well enough alone must be something special in here I know I just saw sausage there we go there we go oh okay so you know nothing here we go here we go this look two hats right there there's the summit hat Houston Texas there's two of them that right there have paid for the unit get some other consonants in here - I thought that was a half horse character exactly a lamp lamp shade there's the lamp oh here we go there feel like I'm watching Manoa monana you know whatever whatever that Disney cartoon was all right things are getting interesting I bet I know what those were for and those are reals huh huh yeah I think we can figure out what these are for holy cow oh my goodness look at this I just found it's found the purse oh my goodness it's filled with money it's filled look at that it's definitely filled with money let's see if we can find any foreign money give us a little bit more perspective this is like somebody just literally disappeared see maybe there's bills in here like dollar bills not like bills that have to be paid huh Oh seen any Hot Topic somebody was definitely that's probably where the hand ghost came from okay we got a purse what's in here we got handcuffs we've got lint picker-upper books tons and tons of books these I got plans to these later [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 22,110
Rating: 4.8689003 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 8NAJXoak__c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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