FOUND A MOUNTAIN OF UGGS in the COLLECTOR'S unit I bought at the abandoned storage auction!

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this is kind of cool buffalo head at some point I got to figure out a test this sweet computer right here have a ferragamo purse I don't know if that's worth anything or not but it's some sort of Yamaha mixing board it says right there eggs a signal button when you open it sure enough does say on there anatomically correct you all right what's up locker nuts we've got another flashback video for you these lockers I've got three that I bought on this particular day which was back in December of 2018 why am i digging these out to show you well because they were good lockers and I've just been sitting on this film and I finally decided let's get organized pull those out and share it with you guys because one of these absolutely was one of my favorite lockers of all time it was owned by a collector and you're gonna see it but that's the third video I'm gonna show you the other two that I bought you are interesting for their own ways but real quick I'm gonna go through it first one I bought was a dollar it's one of those little closet lockers a couple bags garbage bags couple backpacks wasn't too exciting I didn't get a lot of film event but I'm gonna show you one particular item that I pulled out this very noteworthy the second Locker I bother the day I spent 250 bucks and this is the one I'm talking about as a collector now what's interesting about this one is the guy had four total units at this facility I bought the first one so we didn't even know what was we're gonna see in just a few minutes I bought at 250 the next one came up I should have bought that one to you it looked kind of like mine different stuff but about the same size and about just as good that one I think also went for 250 I was just kind of in shock that I just got this one because I was really excited I liked a couple things you'll see what I'm talking about the third one though oh boy so we saw these photos on the auctioneers website beforehand there was actually two units right by each other they showed the first one which is like man the second one oh boy they racks guitars amplifiers like everyone's like what why don't you show that in the photos this would have brought so many more people but it didn't seem to matter instantly I'm like I'm in I mean I had about 2 grand left on me after the cost of the other Locker and as I'm calculating my head like how much can I go the bid went past 2,000 like that so fast went up to 4,800 but then I'm really excited because I'm thinking ok this dude is the same owners of what I bought he had all these guitars everything what does mine have I know I saw some what looked like music equipment in there so now I'm really excited because this guy wasn't just an average ordinary Locker this is somebody who had a collection but anyways the third Locker of the day I spent a hundred bucks and it just has a few cool things in there we're gonna show you that one first alright so let's take a peek at what we got for a hundred bucks all right third Locker of the day I'm gonna give you a peek here and then I'm gonna hustle and get this thing loaded because the day's gotten away from me it's kind of late I need to get home wife's making dinner so let's take a peek all right so here's what we got it's pretty small little 5x5 and not too much but yeah I'll show you what I like not too much stuff in here but it is gonna take me a few minutes to get this thing loaded I like that coffeemaker right there that's pretty nice but this is this is interesting this computer system here this is like a gamer system or something I like the skateboard I always do good with skateboard units for some reason so I like them here's something else down here she looks like another coffee brewing or something something else like that here's much star Starbucks boxes then there's the jazzy little backpack right there so that's what there's another backpack right there and there's a laptop let's see what's in here at Never [Music] these boxes are almost always empty but you know what that's actually those four I think so before I get too far I did pay hundred bucks for this locker oh and man that'd be so good if that was in here this is one of the giant ones iPad pro oh yeah that's in here boy oh boy this be good timing because I got to buy one these for my daughter for Christmas well it's kind of a Christmas presents more for schools requiring I have this iPad this is what I have and I think it cost me about a thousand but she's pretty close to thousand bucks so um that's a good sign because whoever had this locker just got a little bit of money that'd be so sweet if it was in here okay another flag feel saw does it feel I patty okay this is all probably do things so let's get this thing unloaded I'll start the video again if I see something interesting that get this home get this processed at home alright I just finished going through this backpack this is a disgusting backpack do you see all the just nastiness dirty it stinks it's stinky - that one was stuffed full of stuff and then the other one was this audio backpack right here that one actually is nice and clean it's had somebody bejeweled it says Berkeley on the side but I'll be able to sell that but I threw most of stuff in this bin right here so this is what those two backpacks contained was a whole bunch of stuff that means really nice headsets here turtlebeach there's two of them and there's some sort of little box they plug into you it says dual band Wi-Fi so what I assume is that this is a Wi-Fi receiver and splits out to those two so two people can listen to the same thing I guess I don't know hour drive I don't know little Amazon fire stick box here and there's a fire stick here so it's dirty I think that's what that is yes so I got that I got other ones I tried these is so really easy um a whole bunch of mice let's get one through tons of mice yeah charging all kinds of stuff tons of cables yeah but what I like the most is this so it's an old iPad I'm gonna plug it in test it you can see it's got the old hook there and hook up so I don't know maybe that's a series one or two I don't I'm not sure some point I got to figure out a test this sweet computer right here hopefully this thing's loaded up with some expensive hardware and I can sell that for a good price but a hold this stuff I got all that for a hundred bucks monitor monitor that turned out to be a pressure cooker right there it's for rice Keurig machine all this stuff good stuff good good kitchenware to you well yeah before I forgotten that one of the backpacks there was a little pouch of money so I dumped it all in here this is kind of cool buffalo head when you call it buffalo nickel Indian Head nickel I don't know what you call that but pretty cool I think this is a foreign currency that I see a couple piece of foreign currency in here yeah but there's a lot of that's more from 120 that's we got some orders see dimes - something from Singapore remember their currency is two bucks two dollars hundred dollars two dollars Singapore money and keys yeah that's good all right nice little easy Locker which is good because I was tired it was the end of a long day of auctions and all right like I said I had to hurry up but that gaming computer you know it's at my garage up to a few weeks ago and I know it had value I looked up a little bit but you know I'm just not a really a PC guy so testing it yeah I can plug it in and see if it turns on and all that but all the different parts and stuff in there I'm not really that in tune with the prices on them or the best way to sell them so I brought it out to the flea market I sold it to one of our regulars and he got it for a hundred bucks and I think that's a pretty good deal but I paid for the locker so what can I say I sold that skateboard for 40 bucks and we sold a few other things we made we cleared an easy $200 there it was a very very easy locker I still got all those Starbucks cups though we still gotta sell those can you believe that one year later so anyways I brought everything home from the first Locker dollar in that last hundred dollar went through it in the garage really nothing really exciting to share with you the the dollar Locker had mostly closed a lot of dirty stuff I filled a lot of garbage bags full of straight up trash but there was one bag that had two layers to it this is like a duffel bag or a wheeled duffel bag I'll show it to you right now the top layer was nothing but I'm like there's something in here i unzipped there's a middle zipper we opened the bottom and lo and behold there's one item in particular in there that blows my mind let me show you what I'm talking about all right real quick with that dollar Locker I filled up this is the third garbage bag here of stuff mostly off on that dollar Locker it's it's mostly garbage I do have some clothes here I have a few things there I have this which is partly from the hundred dollar Locker partly from the dollar Locker mmm but literally down to the last I think this is the last bag right here the top part had clothes this part I'm not gonna open it you can see it's bleeding through right here have some nail polish I think there's some bottles that are broken there's some cosmetics and things in there but the nail polish is it made a mess and there's this thing in portions gotta go to the garbage but there was two two levels in here in this top level here I cleaned out I had some decent clothes most of its going to either go the first or work the flea market but down in this lower section here so it's got this lower section that unzip and I open this and I mean it's like most of this clothes are dirty and used up here we have something from Kardashian Kollection it's brand new ATAG $79 from Sears looks like a two-piece outfit I don't know if that's worth anything but then right here I have a Ferragamo purse so Ferragamo I don't know if that's worth anything or not yeah I had me first I don't know maybe the purse wore something but this one's a bust but for a buck I don't have a lot into it all right you heard me say it I wasn't sure if that thing was worth anything or not Ferragamo I heard the name but wasn't really familiar with Ferragamo products because I don't find them very often and the purse was cool that leopard print with the what would you call duotone right it was like a cream color whitish cream color with a black and pink ink on it yeah very very cool I thought it was cool I looked it up yo it was real I figured it was fake just because it was such a trashy unit that purse was real there's a couple real light stains on it and use a little goof-off cleaned up perfectly and it barely been used I think I put it on eBay 200 bucks took a while to sell but it sold 200 bucks so after fees you know that knocked it down quite a bit 30 I don't know 30 I just take 15% off so I figured $30 and fees but clothes and stuff we sold that at the next flea market I'm cleared a couple of hundred dollars out of a dollar Locker literally I cleaned that thing out in between the auctions like an auction is over I paid boom through that stuff in my truck zipped over the next auction and good thing I did because that's where I picked up this next unit which is is just an incredible unit I can't wait to show you guys let's take a look all right day two I'm in this other unit that I bought so here is the $250 unit which you know I'm pretty excited about this one because this is the one that is owned by the same guy who owned the locker they have all the musical equipment which went 4,800 so I'm gonna switch this around and get the light on it and I'll tell you what I liked about it all right first of all I like the birdcage because I think these sell for decent money it's a large one chairs not probably worth nothing you see it got a lot of a lot of boxes a lot of totes everything looks very organized I definitely like the RC car there that's a good sign what's this maybe saw that the other day and didn't think too much of it it's hard to see you the dark in here maybe put the flashlight on that bit now come across all the musical equipment definitely has me more interested in what this is because it's got that carpeting on it look at this love that box is still taped up this one maybe is opened definitely did not feel like it's been gone through so you know only cockatoos so alright so this we that's what we got so far people work see some tools in there that's good oh what's in there can't really tell what's in those No tripod a little short ladder probably that's mirror got a water cooler here and this guy here it's probably a barbecue well we'll see you soon in the kitchen pans some books in here there's some music books in you definitely makes sense now I've seen his music room ku cab module what I normally do what you shut the camera off so I get load and we got rain come in I'm trying to get a load home and in the garage before the rain really hits later today so I'm gonna say we might be able to do this in two loads but I'm always under estimating constantly so we'll see alright ding it I pulled two boxes out already I'm seeing to myself I should have got that other one the other one went for right about the same price so this box look at this it says right there eggs single button guitar pedal or something effects effects pedal I think those could be worth 30 40 bucks each that could be almost the cost of the Locker right in that box these I don't know I'm not going through hardly any of the boxes not even peeking I'm just putting it in my truck trying to get home before the rain but I can't help I keep kicking myself I should have bought the other one I should have bought the other one I didn't bid on the other one because I was just on kind of an adrenaline high from this thing and the other one was being bid like right after um now I'm like I should have been I should have been on it but I just want to show you I did get this thing out so look at this thing it's pretty heavy it's in this box I'm gonna seem there's more down here it's some sort of yamaha mixing board this thing's large that's got to be worth some money and I pull it out toshiba tv office chairs look those will go straight to the dump I was this some sort of a crib it's Funky Junk you know go straight to the dump um spinning wheel I didn't even see this thing up there nothing was covering it I just didn't see it back there more totes boxes yeah this is a good locker good locker [Music] DZ comments it's um some kind of trading cards Christmas ornaments I mean there's like regular stuff like sheets and the comforter paperwork mixed in with totally collectible stuff and expensive music stuff really interesting Locker I just really really regret not bidding on the other one the the guitar one of course I was out you know the price range on that 4800 I just didn't I didn't have much money nor what I spent that much but the other one went like this went for 250 and I'm just kicking myself I should have got I should have been playing on that one this is what is this you know this is it's some sort of a meat slicer that's the blade right there I'm pretty sure that's what that is some sort of a slicer that's what I think it is maybe it's a tool cuz then here's the skill saw box there's some tools in there and this right here I think is just yeah it's just a bunch of frames lightweight plastic frames Hey all right so here's the update I loaded that thing as fast as I could I was busting it at the end because that last trip I came out this guy's had gotten dark and as I was loading it as I was loading it rain started coming down so here I am it's starting to sprinkle I mean it is sprinkling so if you can see the windshield here it's got a nice sprinkling of do and which means all the stuff in the bags getting a nice sprinkling of do I'm trying to get home I'm just like 15 minutes away from home so quick jaunt I'm hoping it doesn't rain any harder but this light for so long is it's not helping this is definitely three trips but I think I'm gonna come back with the trailer and make it one more trip because some of those bigger items like the sound board are extremely heavy and the bird cages on wheels the barbecues on wheels it just be easy to roll that right up on the trailer and be done with it so I think that's my plan for tomorrow I'm excited to get home and go through this stuff cuz there's some good goodies in here see what fine alright getting through some stuff here and there's a stack here I'm getting through it now I'm digging in that box there there's a few airplanes it's cool stuff it's old Humpty Dumpty doll toy cars honking to talk a truck their little windup old meeting Hong Kong toy that's cool stuff some tools and I've been listing but I just came across this doll right here treasure collection paradise galleries whatever maybe Aiden I looked him up and there's one for sale on eBay for 50 bucks none of them have sold looks like other dolls in this collection of sold recently for like 20 bucks it's all listed what I thought was pretty funny it is does say on they're anatomically correct so it's baby yeah baby Aidan's anatomically correct pretty funny pretty funny here's a lava lamp that I found in it it's been plugged in for like an hour so it's a it's very large for a lava lamp usually they're like half that size it's a ton of material in there and this is a thick glass whatever you call it in case so the stuff is starting to move it's pretty cool as far as lava lamps go this is a legit lava lamp I'm gonna keep it plugged in for a lot longer and see it's got this nice little pin holes here to you this nice touch but anyways um yeah getting through all right check out this mountain of Uggs that's crazy alright those aren't nodes that's from a different Walker but this box right here which if you remember says hugs single button sure enough I don't know what this goes into didn't he collect bugs or was he trying to the reseller of Uggs I'm not sure one of these pairs has a slip in it that came from eBay looks like they had bought it for $20.50 some of these pairs look brand new like this one looks pretty good great tread then there's other ones like this which look terrible there's a hole right there that's one through and the tread looks alright but yeah that's not so good there's another one over here somewhere that it was missing a button I don't know I can't I can't make any sense of it but I'm gonna bring these out to the flea market tomorrow so it looks pretty impressive there but there's two pairs that I put aside which are even more impressive check this out they look brand-new these are hacking nice so there's those and then there's these uh moccasin tight shoes those are pretty cool too those are different 21 pairs of Uggs that is not too shabby that's some good flea market inventory there alright I thought there was more videos in the series sorry guys I really thought I videoed more either I lost him or I didn't I don't know I rented the unit for a month I went through it kind of slow I did go back quite a few more times take a load take a load take a load it wound up being great flea market stuff I mean fantastic those Uggs sold for I think we started I think what we did is we set up a whole table we started 20 bucks next we sold what we sold if they're damaged we'd go you know ten bucks or whatever five eight bucks whatever next time brought them out fifteen bucks each in you know some each time some sold next time ten bucks next time eight bucks next time five bucks we whittled them down till we had nothing left and we made really good money off just a box of bugs but overall this stuff will end up being great flea market inventory but we sold Vlad eBay and local stuff as well let me go through just a few of the more exciting and bigger ticket items that we saw all right there are just too many to list them all I'll just go through a few and to start with some musical items this carving foot pedal guitar foot pedal 22 bucks on eBay it was untested and then this Gibson leather guitar strapped 20 bucks there's a lot of little items like this we really did well with the musical stuff this axioms own heart rate monitor sold it online for 35 bucks and this baby Aid and creepy baby you know I got some weird messages on this people just asking was the is the skin really smooth does it really feel real like one lady just kept sending me all these weird messages and I'm I finally just blocked her and then I took the first offer I got which is for 20 bucks just to get the little creepy baby out of my house this is a cool find this little wind-up made in Japan metal toy sold it for $49.99 skill saw this is not an expensive skill saw like you know skill saws tend to be this is a cheap entry-level model sold for 25 bucks this lamp look like a Tiffany lamp but it is not just Tiffany style sold locally for 50 bucks a cool little transistor radio this one's these are collectible this one looked like a Sonoco gas pump and sold that very easily on ebay for 25 bucks the birdcage is one of the reasons why I bought the locker I had a feeling about this I was right even though it was dirty we sold it for 150 bucks locally the meat slicer the reason why mentioning this is only a $30 sale but I put it up on Facebook got tons of tons of messages on it it kind of surprised me under the cover yep that was a BBQ and it was actually a really cool BBQ it's a briquette barbecue or a cold BBQ but I had a gas tank first starting it very very useful very interesting sold it for 50 bucks and then I didn't have any better photos in this but the music box when I did open it up it did definitely have more things inside a whole bunch of amps great stuff I sold the whole thing to 500 bucks to someone who was buying it for their church and lastly we have this spinning wheel now I thought this was interesting you don't see these very often and didn't know what to expect on this is made in New Zealand beautiful wood I believe it was mahogany I might be wrong with it but I furniture polished it up and it came out stunning I put it on eBay I sold it for 350 bucks can you believe that a lot of great sales on this one a lot of great sales I'm gonna run them up on the side here so you can see so the cost we're looking about $360 in cost because we did have some extra stuff there like dump fees storage fees I rented it for a month and auction fee the auctioneer Feeny but anyways 360 not bad and the total sales here it's gonna be rolling for a while all right because there's a lot of items and lots of flea markets but the total was over $2,500 right crazy crazy so the profit 2,200 bucks this is fantastic fantastic if I make six or $700 I'm super happy I think it's worthwhile and fun but 2,200 mmm I'm loving that and you know what I still even have a few items back on the shelves there that are listed on eBay so still a little bit more money to come not so much at this point but still stuff coming in so the flea market trips really this was great stuff to sell at the flea market as well I mean you saw we've had a lot of items locally and eBay but the flea market stuff was prime prime stuff let me scoot over the side here so you can see up here the flea market action I'll just show you a little bit we don't have to play audio with nothing that exciting happen but the people love this stuff at the flea market like I already mentioned the ergs those sold like hotcakes but we would take like maybe like four or five six boxes put them aside and then bring that to the flea market with a whole load from another Locker and these four or five or six boxes would be the best stuff that we had in our booth you know like this is the stuff people would be getting excited about and buying and this is stuff that wouldn't be there at the end of the day for the free sale but it was it was great stuff we just loved it it was a fun Locker and you know what that's where I rolled this video out a year later to show you and the other two were pretty good too but this one especially I had to share it well I hope you guys enjoyed this shoot me a thumbs up if you did I really appreciate it and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet alright we've got great stuff coming I've got a few more flashback videos and I'm building up alright just let you know I'm building up to the best one one of the best ones I got last year is also December probably one the best ones that I gotten up at that point in my whole career so good stuff coming and once I finish the flashbacks I got a new one the palette auction I've been teasing you guys about it we're gonna show it is good you're gonna like it alright but you got to wait a little bit longer and until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on Lockett [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 19,580
Rating: 4.9324327 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Jeremy Hales, lockbox
Id: Fx3c2xZAT4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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