I BOUGHT AN ENTIRE SALON for just $230 at the abandoned storage locker auction. This unit is crazy!

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what's up locker nuts alright today I'm getting a pedicure how to take a little break from all the auction activity just kidding but I am sitting in the pedicure chair check this out you what's up locker nuts alright so check this out yesterday I went to the auctions and I bought two lockers they look really good I can't wait to show you what's in them but I'm not ready yet okay in fact as soon as we're done filming this I'm gonna head over there and start digging and filming so if you're new to the channel here's what we do we buy storage lockers at the auctions kind of like on storage wars TV subscribe to the channel if you're new and hit the thumbs up if you like what you see and don't forget to hit the notification bell so you'll be notified when we put out future videos alright so this video I'm about to share with you I shot it a little over a year ago and I've been holding on to this footage because it's just one of those lockers that I just it stands out from the others it's so different it's one of my favorites and I'm happy to share it with you today but bear with me a little bit because it was shot with the old phone you're gonna notice it a little different in the quality and also in the camerawork so we didn't we weren't using the tripod but I had to bring this story to you I had to tell it because you know what you guys I bought an entire salon alright so here it is in all its glory - pedicure chairs you got these chairs here I don't even know what this stuff is right here I think this is a kind of chairs that lean back you sit in them and they lean you back so that your head goes in the sink what for like a barbershop type thing I think that's what it is for the shampoo station I don't know leather chair leather chair a little barstool chair and look at these I mean they're almost like like barber chairs they're almost like barber chairs those are some nice chairs really those are nice I got one too it looks like three four at least I can't even tell cuz this place is packed full I see another chair back there see ya see that handle I see a seat I see another seat I see oh there's a dress form that's kind of cool if you can see that looks like a wrought iron dress form right there it's neat couple lampshades those thrashed I don't know lots of tables these things here I think those are shelving units I don't know what they are this thing I don't know what that is either [Music] all right so as I said 225 bucks this was actually the second Locker I bought so let's take a trek down to the first floor I'll show you the first Locker I got both are owned by the same tenant this one I paid 225 for the other one I paid five five bucks it's a five by five and when you see it you'll know why I paid five bucks cuz it ain't nothing exciting but we'll have to see sometimes those lockers are the biggest surprise we got here box jump mystery box there's a ladder and there's one sellable item cat box let's see if it's loaded nope it's dirty though paint so this fireplace actually buys from the five bucks I don't know how much these go for but it's better than a poke in the air at the sharp stick I'll tell you that much looks like it's in decent condition some broken glass or something down here I'm stepping on this little table that's cool Sadoff you see but that's cool all luggage was have zero luck selling oh ok so then this right here is ah yes the other locker has two of these I didn't remember seeing it in here so cool I don't know what that is I don't know what what it is in which side is up but it looks I don't know it looks expensive so we have this stuff I think it's for table or something with tables and you got in here some art I don't know I did see this in this this piece right here some sort of sign advertising serene and I thought that was interesting Josef's the advertising stuffs pretty cool boxes back here yeah that's cool I think the sparkle board it's a particle more there's another one of those stations or whatever they are back there dang this could be like a whole nail salon that's what we got so this video is going to probably take a moment for me to put together because it's right before Christmas the other unit I rented for a month because my garage is full and I'm also have another unit in Castro Valley that I haven't finished clearing out so yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so I picked this up is not empty technically is empty but it wasn't empty how could something be empty and not empty at the same time a penny making my money back slowly here or I dropped a penny on the ground I pulled my phone out I don't know that's out I can see back here got some nice pots to go with the joint compound get it hot joint nevermind I've got some boxes to in extension cord [Music] couple sets of golf clubs I've never been a real successful at selling golf clubs but still so what does it say flirtations salon walk-ins welcome rotations so on so that's interesting I'm gonna look that up I think that's gonna do it my truck is already almost phone Tevan no I'm gonna get that on there but I will I'll get the ladder because I can list that tonight price off for 20 bucks the fireplace is going to make it on the next trip all right locker nuts I'm limited on time so I got to the unit here and I just sort of busted it out real quick sorry to get new video yeah looking a little bit more bare it's hard to say because there are tons of boxes stuffed in there this desk was pushed back there's those golf clubs back there there's stuff everywhere there's like six bins stuff behind their boxes all up back there so it doesn't look like I took all that much out of here but I did so all I really have at this point is these two big nail stations this desk which is garbage and a whole bunch of like glassware and shelving and tables and there's like seven or eight mirrors back there that are really heavy here's a beer mirror I guess you call it Hermann Joseph so I'm gonna take that home and look it up here's the sign for the business so let's turn it this way locations so long the phone number off that look that up see what happen to these guys I have to get this thing empty by tomorrow but it's gonna rain tomorrow so what I was trying to do is leave everything here that would probably go to the dump I'll figure it out I have to you I always do all right what's up Blanca Ned's didn't show you what I took home on the truck but it was a full load he got the grandfather clock got the fireplace and a bunch of a milk crates about ten milk crates a couple boxes didn't find much good stuff a lot of glassware probably three or four boxes of glassware it was a low-end stuff really low and so I took a full load to the thrift store yesterday including those two huge fake plants there a couple small Christmas trees in a box bla bla bla anyways is boring full load to the thrift store I just don't have room for it so um let me show you what I got here then so here's that one of those salon stations my pull it out look at it I knew they're nice but I thought they're kind of like custom put together but then I saw this this right here T mark K T mark K this is professional salon furniture this piece right here is another one it's kind of dark in here but this is a double-sided station see there's two sides to this station of course this monster right here is a big desk this is thrash that's an easy that's an easy move on that one just busted up and bring it to the dump all right that's what it looks like with that big a little desk on there it doesn't look like much when you break it down it was heavy alright we're back at this one I'm gonna try to pull oh boy I dread it just the thought of it I'm gonna pull all this big stuff out I'll see what else can go the dump out of here um try to get as much cleared as I can yeah I got to get that one cleared out and I just don't want to throw away those stations I think their money will find out so is if a dump load wasn't enough now I'm gonna be rearranging a whole gimbal jambul Locker [Music] all right that's kind of interesting it's the old sewing machine I'll sing really nice case I've never found one this fancy that is beautiful sewing machines overall don't have a whole lot of them here but I think this might be one of the exceptions Wow that might be my 225 bucks back right there but oh you see me unload and all this stuff it's I'm not gonna have any problem get my money out of this thing it's just gonna be finding the right buyers there's so much in here but this is uh this is not the type of thing you would expect to find inside of a salon business storage locker so I don't know if these is for decoration you know like a conversation starter and while they're doing here or nails or whatever or if this is someone's personal stuff they put in here but I know yeah that's a good thing also just want to show you all the stuff I've been dragging out these are those nice they look like barber chairs but I think they're for so long these are the shampoo station the bottom flips up and the back flips down there's just a regular chair a couple leather chairs here this one this one are for these you slip that in there [Music] all right that took a lot longer than I thought I got there at 8:30 it's just turned one o'clock right the second four and a half hours got oh definitely a better feel as to what's in there and I got to get to the dump then I got to get home so I can load it for the flea market tomorrow that's right folks it's flea market time all right back at home that Christmas tree back there I just looked up the values on those oh my goodness I thought I was gonna list that thing local and basically make it just go away 25 bucks maybe but check this out so there's the box video was hooked up it's there's a receipt inside from JCPenney is from 1980 when it was bought and let's see look at these 142 50 65 155 that actually looks a lot like it that one 55 that's a little shaky there we go to 275 130 eighty-eight seventy five 275 150 20 75 98 115 71 dang 345 Wow vintage Christmas tree big money big money that's a really nice surprising right I just plugged this sewing machine in I'm gonna give it a try I was kind of straight everything would go up in smoke and I plugged it in but it does not appear to have any issues are you cool I mean it is actually really cool this thing sounds like it's it sounds like it's brand new it's definitely been well taken care of it's gorgeous this one the nicest sewing machines ever seen boxes shut this opens scared to touch it the paper is actually waxed all right this first page right here I'm not sure if it's falling out or if this is an insert but there are some dates right there see that it's copyright 1914 but this form says it's August 1920 so that's at least when this booklets from and yeah just from the feel on the look of the paper I would say that's probably correct so this is like 100 years old right here that's crazy this thing should be in a museum consolidating the two lockers and taking a load to the dump six hours I'm tired I'm banged up I'm cut up but when I find the I surprises like that and I found that sewing machine did not expect to find antiques in that locker at all so really really happy but we'll keep looking pretty soon here I got a switch off to garage flea market mode start loading for the big flea market tomorrow actually I don't think it's gonna be that big but Saturday before Christmas we'll see what happens I'm on my way to the storage facility I can hello just a little bit I guess a couple feet makes a difference so I'm on my way to the storage facility and I just want to capture the breathtaking countryside that I get to pass through on my way there this is a kind of a shortcut it doesn't really take much less time it's about the same it's taken the freeway but it is a pretty pretty Drive look at this it's going through what is technically Castro Valley they call it Castro Valley but it's kind of outside Castro Valley City Limits it's more like just been incorporated in Alameda County this is a North Canyon right now that I'm going on that's the road and really pretty lots of farms and livestock and we just don't see that much around here in the suburbs it's mostly homes alright so I'm back at the locker and it just sold one of those lawn chairs 75 bucks and then I sold one of those supply carts you can see it this is a plastic card on wheels I've got drawers inside and you put all the supplies hold that for 25 bucks so this is good yo I think those 160 bucks new and I didn't have the key so they bought those two things hundred bucks cash right in my hand boom but now I'm down to three of the salon chairs and those seem to be the hottest thing I'm getting the most hits on it but the shampoo chairs dryer chairs those I'm getting some interest on online without even putting photos up yet I just put in the other listings that I have them and get people asking about him I don't know what this thing is right here ask the girl that came because she just got her beauty license and she's gonna start cutting here I asked her what's this she didn't know she didn't know what that was so I'm have to look that up but then this thing down here which I thought was like a TV or something it's on a lazy susan right here it doesn't turn this easy thing is the stinking brick did you hear that it sounds like change so why I started the video and why I'm talking about this is because this is a slot ring here and that almost looks like a money slot and then I see a coin slot there and I'm wondering what the heck is this so I'm let's pull that out and look at it could there be money inside that thing what's that for okay I just laid this thing down there's definitely some change in here tons of dust rattling around I'm taking this home with me what's this area Midway which is a game company Midway Games eight yeah okay so I couldn't see you from up here so um amusement machine this is some kind of video game or gambling machine I'm gonna be a gambling machine I didn't see any places spits out money but there's definitely money in here there's quarters my goal is to get all these little boxes out maybe those things I'm not sure let me get these boxes out I don't think any of these boxes really have to do with the salon stuff if they do I'll leave them but I'm finding like this one's more Christmas this one's got dishware this one's got fake plants I don't know what's in this one but it's light but I think that these are a mix of like either personal stuff or they had decorative items up at the this lawn I don't know I'm gonna try to get those out right can you think plug it in and see what it does they kind of see the you know get you on camera your first reaction is be prepared from now on listen I'm you filming yourself right now right how do you get that thing you're saying wait cuz it 97 I don't know did they have touch screens I don't remember if there's touch can use 97 you know am i touch master oh look at that look at detail your son knows yeah my first touch tank touch tech you then see if it works he's plugging him in touch master 7000 here it goes copyright 1990 Oh centipede breakout registered trademarks what a joy stick then I don't know there's ports for joysticks or something [Music] touch Master 7000 number one it's touchscreen try it shut up car oh my gosh this could be rated PG this is a bad word he's a pediatrician famous me touch your answers I want to win we have to be wait to learn you have to pay oh come on okay do we have a key to get this going okay so we're gonna do I don't know word go word it's in Spanish though make sure you're in English okay uh we're at word quiz word quiz for 300 was was yeah sure it worked player one you only have 1 credits how to play quiz with touch your answer below to the question pass discus to Gus is the rot except we keep it you know I don't like that ok kid history 8,000 points go in 1883 American George still will invented a machine that glued together the very first brown paper it no no no bags go bags yes I'm smart did I get that right what comedies he mean first name for silent movies Laurel and Hardy oh Marx Brothers Laurel and Hardy GU Laurel and Hardy 3,000 points good wife okay hanging with mr. Cooper TV show 80s alright next and which of these films does Molly wean will not appear weird science dude being born in the eighties I mean 70s and grown up in the 80s is beneficial to this who found the science of biology oh go Caesar just do it nope uh go three go three oh now we're bad okay first one wrong most of the world's crude oil comes from Saudi Arabia right my shadow well Saudi Arabia is my first choice bonus question Leif Erikson first was called the island home I was lying flat stones hello Greenland Iceland sorry [Music] all right that is this game I believe time travel you have a corner booyah beat that fools is 69 700 on my first try take that Theresa alright touch master 7000 not a super hot product there's not many a soul here's one but it looks different this is a different one 250 bucks but yeah it's got that top there and there's a bunch of parts here warm then here's another one sold for 150 let's see that's the same nope that was different too I guess the buyer paid 74 dollars in shipping so Wow maybe we can get a couple hundred bucks for it I mean 150 plus shipping so yeah pretty cool alright it's day after Christmas and I'm here almost all this stuff came out except for the big stations everything came out again and then everything back in there's a lot to this locker I mean it looked full but it was full so I feel good I got my trailer I show you in a second what that looks like getting ready to go to Stockton flea market tomorrow I sold three so volunteers today so that makes four in total and thought I had three shampoo chairs but I got two which goes with the two bowls that I also have it put those in the car the bowls actually I looked him up online they're like 350 bucks brand-new so there's some value in those bowls so today I sold the sewing machine out of this thing for $125 at 8:00 a.m. this morning day after Christmas love that and then made some eBay sales sold three of the chairs here 75 each 2:25 so that marine means I've sold 350 bucks out of this locker today I like that that more than pays for it so Singh's a prophet things going good here's the fireplace working away should taking the photo earlier because now it's dark this stuff here is from the the other locker that everything like on here for it is the salon there's all these boxes tons of these huge boxes all these chairs everything and then everything back here [Music] everything's free we're live through a couple bits there's the lock see we also have Jax senior here today Jack say hello to the folks hi folks just supervising second power look at that look at all the money in there there's many more let's take a close look I might be making a trip to Coinstar today that's not bad right this is a what's this game called again some sort of trivia game that Jack took out of a locker from a beauty salon so if you're in the need of some beauty stations or pedicures reach out do you think there's another area the bills would be yeah so let's check that out this could be this is live folks this could go big that's cool this could go big we could have quite a bit of dollars in there okay we found a set of keys once he drilled it on Finn this is where bill acceptor that's it oh no I think they do do some right here Oh [Music] don't hear of a $3 bill that's cool you've struck gold bugs alright we might be up to another $17 alright anything else do you want to say before we wrap it up to have your walk or nuts no that's the first time we've drilled the lock off since the first Locker ever bought right know you can actually every book on treasure held in that case ah oh yeah that was bad oh yeah yeah there you go okay okay we're signing off right hope you have more exciting things in your day than this alright here's the terminal three ones and $22.25 in quarters so $25.25 inside that machine not too shabby alright let's go through some of the items some of the more interesting items that sold so here you see that's what the locker the big one looked like when I bought it and of course I bought it mostly because of the pedicure chairs those are the standout items everything else just look like a jumbled mess but the pedicure chairs well I thought we'd give big money for him but we really didn't we sold one for a hundred and seventy and the other one didn't sell I marked it down to fifty bucks right at the end of my rental term and sold that the key mark furniture these are really expensive brand-new but also really hard to sell unless you find someone who's opening a salon there's not a lot of need for these but I wound up selling them all for 250 bucks the salon chairs the the haircutting chairs these are the easiest because I have people want to cut hair at home want an appropriate chair these sold for $75 each I sold all four of them and in hindsight I wish I had charged more because they went super fast the Singer sewing machine is such a great find I really like this beautiful beautiful machine put it up on Facebook for 125 lady came the next morning early morning and picked it up she was so happy those two sinks now this is a big surprise use as I mentioned so on eBay for $350 I put him for 50 bucks locally and sold them fairly easy and then that antique ceramic Christmas tree you know this thing's been sitting in my garage for almost a full year it took till right before this Christmas to sell but it did for $119 on eBay then of course the trivia game man I wish this thing I wish we kept this really because it was a lot of fun we had some fun with it but it had like an erotic section to it you know that's not that's not appropriate for families that's not something we're keeping around the house I wish they didn't even put that in there because we would have liked to enjoyed this longer but we're not gonna let the kids play with something like that so we parked marked it for $125 sold it pretty easily local sale all right there lies my tale I'm glad you guys got to see it thanks for watching it one of the more interesting lockers I've bought for sure because it basically was an entire salon so this company are this salon rather I'm not sure exactly what the story was I did do a little research back when we bought this I saw that they had an online presence and then they didn't so who's to say why or what happened I think they just simply went out of business and instead of liquidating their stuff and getting a little bit of cash they decided to put it in storage maybe they were thinking they're going to reopen it someday but yeah unfortunately they didn't and they want to paying monthly storage on stuff costing them even more money until they finally defaulted on it and just walked away apparently so too bad but yeah an entire salon now if I had found somebody who was opening a salon I probably would have been had a very easy sale there was tons of stuff there tons of stuff good stuff and but I didn't so what I did is I took pictures of all the pieces made a lot of listings online and put some on Facebook from everything went on Craigslist and on every listing I said I have other pieces I have this I have that I have this if you're looking for stuff let me know so if someone was looking for multiple pieces but I never really connected with that person what I did is find a lot of people who are doing a home business like cutting hair wanted maybe a shampoo chair definitely a hair you know like a barber chair but they only wanted this or that they only had a limited amount of room so all in all the sales of everything combined right about seventeen hundred and fifty bucks so not bad not bad for a 230 dollar investment we also had tax we also had dump fees and a few other expenses renting the locker back back cost about forty bucks but overall I mean we're making we made well over thirteen hundred on it almost fourteen hundred bucks not bad it was a lot of work though you guys it was a lot of work this the furniture was extremely heavy but you know what it's all right it's better than going the gym because that was fun and I made some money so I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video I really appreciate you watching it again hit the thumbs up if you liked what you saw and subscribe more videos coming but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on loggernet
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 12,032
Rating: 4.9500389 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company, flea market, swap meet, found gold
Id: p7yGz9fc68o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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