Kevin Zadai - You Can Hear God's Voice (Part 6) - 11/10/19

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there thank you Jesus how are you doing did you get some rest this afternoon how about we stop talking and let's yeah let's just give ourselves a couple minutes to just be still before the Lord it's been good to really visit with one another and get to meet new people and develop new relationship and I'm sure you made some divine connections this weekend but I believe more than anything else that you have been in the presence of God and you've been fed with a manna from heaven and if I ask you you're truly some of you have been touched from heaven you know that you're never going to be the same again but the thing is every time you come to a special special meeting place some something like this and there are many other places that you can go there are lots and lots of conferences God I mean all over the world but there are special places where God meets with you and when we follow when when you follow the heart of God God designates you when he's gonna meet you and when he does he does something what he's been waiting and wanting to do we know God is everywhere that is besides the point just like it God told Moses there is a certain place tomorrow morning I want you to come up there is a certain place what I'm gonna meet with you that's the same thing just like when you have your prayer time you can pray everywhere I used to work at Factory cookie factory as a matter of fact my husband told me that I could be the I could have the minister a minister on my face he says and one thing about it you smell you always smell sweet you know so that means he I just have to act out right i I have 2x sweet no but he always you know told me that so when I used to work at the factory and you know how factory life is I had a half an hour lunch break and I had to make a decision but I'm just saying that but I it was a never choice for me because my time is so precious to me I could talk to people while I'm working when I can't have my private time I wanted to spend that private time with the Lord so I did not spend that lunch hour eating my lunch a sit there just a chit chatting nonsense stuff or the wasting my time away I couldn't wait for that lunch time because when you work full time your time is very limited and so every moment I can get with him over so precious to me jazz soonest lunch time comes I clock out and I were going in the car go to parking lot and I will get inside my car and I would turn up the music and I get lost in Jesus I was spending my time with Jesus and I come in and I release the fragrance and the presence of Jesus and I begin to pray for people see people get healed lead people to the Lord I'm telling you there is a place got me with you and God knew that during the working hours when I work at the factory my meeting place with God was in the car and the parking lot come on somebody got meet you you know what I'm talking about and so you know you you treasure your private secret place and I would just tell you one more private story is that okay I just trying to make you hungry because you're all hungry and I'm just gonna make you more hungry so like you're gonna like what am I gonna do with this I'm trying to think if I can remember this story I'm turning I read and I can't think of this person's name his last name was a Fletcher and I can't remember Lord Jesus help me I can't remember his first name so anyway he was so consumed with a passion and hunger and thirst for God every day he gets on that bare floor and he prayed and he prayed and he prayed when he died they saw there was a concave paste on the floor where he kneels on his knees pray every day and that spot was all worn out from kneeling down and praying and crying out to God then they looked at the wall where he sat there and prayed to God that wall as he prayed that breath that crying out to God left a stain on the wall and I was thinking god I just literally brought me that am I really that hungry for God do I pursue God with this kind of a passion it made me so hungry for Jesus even greater depth than I ever had I willed and I cried and I couldn't sleep I say Lord I spent with you every day is there any arrest you of me spending time with you sign you were one day I was walking and come out of the hallway and as I was walking in my office which is my prayer room and as I turn towards my room and looked directly at the wall where I always sit and leaned against the wall cried to God and pray there is stain on the wall what I pray spend my time there is a place it's a meeting place with him it's a private place secret place only you and him it's holy it's precious it's beautiful it's a private place you don't share that room with anybody I know one day when my husband walked in that room to close the blinds I wasn't even there he got whipped by the presence of God and that's what God wants he loves his time with you speaker plays a place just you and him make that a secret place you can anoint yourself I do I know in my eyes my ears my tongue I drink all y'all sometime I know my lives my feed my hands my heart anything that I can anoint because I want God because of nobody nobody did me like Jesus nobody treats me like him you know what I'm talking about I wouldn't be Who I am today without him I will go after him for the rest of my life my desire is I told you God I don't have to have all of this I don't need all of this as long as I have him that's not for me that's Frank mine so anyway I want to open up with us that's a good sign because you're pursuing God that's why you're here I could not look at you the price you paid here and God sees that and God is just absolutely so in love with you he loves it he's drinking you in [Music] so I want to read you some 103 from passion translation I feel God right now [Music] [Music] they just said with my whole heart with my whole life and with my innermost being I bow in wonder and love before you the holy God Yahweh you are my souls celebration how could I ever forget the miracles of a kindness you've done for me you kissed my heart with a forgiveness in spite of all I've done you have healed me inside and out from every disease you've rescued me from hell and saved my life you've crowned me with love and mercy you satisfy my every desire were the good things and you sue you've super charged my life so that I saw again like a flying eagle in the sky [Music] and stand up for worship [Music] thank you thank you for your love for us Jesus thank you that we are covered we are covered completely covered completely covered under the shadow completely cover completely covered in you thank you for your love I invite you to come up in front there's where a lot of rooms you can just brought yourself you can just be free whatever you wanna do it just come and just be free in the Lord and just getting the posture and a position of what you just want to see God and get along with them in this time [Music] we're gonna keep singing [Music] but I just want to I just I just want to say that I just pray for a revelation of his love tonight a revelation [Music] consuming his love is I remember when I was a freshman in college going through a really difficult time and I had her does a supernatural revelation of his love come in my dorm room and it changed me forever when I realized I am and how much he loves everybody and I wanted to take people they wanted to shake up and say do you know do you know how much God loves you and so we are covered mountains are being moved strong rules are being loose because we're loved we men bodies are being raised Giants are being played [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] let's go through this [Music] he's here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] singing [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you Father thank you for this night of importation to succumb upon us in a strong way [Music] thank you and the mysteries of God be revealed for the boy spirit tonight thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for receive our worship we love you we love you you're too much thank you sure do you have some okay thank you thank you praise God okay I want to give away two books it's my study guide it's rigged in your favor I want two people that don't want it [Laughter] yeah okay alright that's the newest one and also I have they asked me to to do Christmas a Christmas devotional with 25 of the major offer authors in the world and so I want to give that out to two people that don't want it thank you alright the agenda of angels I've got how many of them to agenda of angels Merry Christmas yeah super no supernatural finances I know no one wants that one okay oh they take it by force all right okay and here's super nature this is raking your favor it's not out yet I know nobody wants that one so okay no we'll get no wait a minute whoa you three all three yeah and then her too for right here in a purple oh hello okay we'll see what we can do bring a bunch I'm not hurting bring a bunch of stuff oh yeah okay all right it's rigged in your favor let's see we got here oh my gosh this guys would help them oh okay is there any more supernatural finances any more supernatural finances okay you're welcome okay well just wait wait look wait on God he's coming wait on all right no sir financial finances here we go oh my gosh oh my gosh it's just not gonna end I know okay Wow you're welcome you're welcome make sure you read them ok hello in fast and pray for nothing I mean dear Lord okay alright you're welcome thank you Father okay hey where's my wife did she go to the airport hey I bored before you just remember that no no um do you have what we talked about there's a where's that little boy at you know what's it you know what to do no the little boys yeah yeah where is he you know what to do honey okay everybody turn to psalms 29 and pretend like we're really serious because because people will be watching this for for twenty thirty years from now so we got to pretend like we're serious Jeremiah is a prophet so we're gonna support his ministry alright so we want to be his first partners alright and so now his angels are going to go tell on us for doing something for him praise God all right I saved the best for last this is an interesting passage of scripture in Psalms the whole psalm is talking about the voice of the Lord and this is how strong our God is but yet he speaks to us in a whisper because we're sons and daughters he whispers to us but I want to I want to go through this to show you who our Father is how powerful he is and he he takes us into the secret place but he is an all-powerful Almighty God okay so I'm gonna go through this verse by verse and don't worry because it's only 11 verses we're gonna be okay you'll you'll still get out of here today the town has already shut down so don't I hope you got gasoline it's never open well at least you don't have to worry about a carbon footprint okay alright it's interesting because I I could take any translation but I like the title that the passion translation I had the New Living Translation up but I like the title that the author translated the the the title was the glory God thunders so it's the glory - God thunders and after we've done this study on God's voice I just want to show you how much he holds back just to show you who you're dealing with here and so King David wrote this and the phrase that he he put underneath the title was this King David's poetic praise to to God for the last days and it's really talking about the Feast of Tabernacles but in verse one it says it's proclaim his majesty all you mighty champions it doesn't say victims does it see look what has happened to us in just a weekend and you've gone from victims to champions yeah it was all free you know proclaim His Majesty all you mighty champions use sons of Almighty God please don't forget this night this is very special giving all the glory and strength back to him okay be in awe before his majesty be in awe before such power and might come worship wonderful Yahweh arrayed in his all in his all in his splendor bowing in worship as he appears in his holy beauty give him the honor due his name worship Him wearing the glory garments of your holy priestly calling okay whoa I think we can close it out I I don't know about you but I didn't I guess got hit I just got hit I think I'm ready I'm ready to wrap it up okay so this is the introduction but I just want to stop there and just talk about this you do you understand that there is a place where God dwells that if you go there you're not gonna want to come back you got to think that way he's so irresistible and everything about him is excellent and he considers us his champions so we're like his mighty men and he calls us sons that's what Jesus did he bought us back to the to sonship okay but we give that glory and strength back to him okay so when we stand before him in majesty I mean I've been there I mean I saw saints and angels falling down and they were like like all out it'd be like if you walked in here late and everybody's face down on the floor that's what I saw I saw the front row couldn't take it but there were millions of white robe Saints and and there was fire and glory and gold in the air and it was swirling and all the breath of all the saints was this gold mist it was coming and washing over God the Father and God the Son and the more they praised that heaven started to shake and vibrate and I didn't feel I didn't feel like there was anything I've ever experienced like that because it's all one voice and and it was so strong and powerful and it caused the air to ignite it caused the air to to just be this it's just like the river of life it's liquid diamonds it's literally diamonds that are melted it looks like diamonds but it's with water and you so beautiful and the air is the same way it's so beautiful the air and in the in the throne room there's so much going on well it's a gym everything you know if you drop a paperclip you'd hear so there's so much going on in the throne room but everything that has breath is praising the Lord where we have the other thing is is that he appears in all his holy beauty and we give him honor but it's it's just beyond our imagination who he is he's so full of splendor but we have glory garments and we I saw people with them on and I saw that we were made priest of the Most High God so it's all in this verse we wear a holy or a holy priesthood verse three and four start to talk about God's voice the voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and the seas the glory God reigns as he thunders in the clouds so powerful is his voice so brilliant and bright how majestic has he thunders over the great waters verse five says his tympanic Thunder topples the strongest of trees his symphonic sound splinters the mighty forests verse six he moves Zions mountains by the might of his voice shaking the snowy peaks with his ear-splitting sound the lightning fire flashes striking as he speaks God reveals himself when he makes the faultlines quake shaking deserts speaking his voice God's mighty voice makes the deer to give birth his thunderbolt voice lays the forest bare in his temple all fall before him with each one shouting glory glory the car of glory above the furious flood being thrown one reigns the the king God rules with the Eternity at his side so eternity actually serves him oh boy and that's even better than Star Trek this is the one who gives his strength in his might to his people okay so after all this it says that he gives that to us he gives us that strength this is the God giving us his kiss of peace Wow I don't know if I can teach after this but and I know a lot of people can't handle this but when I was I was I can't explain how I got there or anything so don't ask I just I was I was given entrance into this room and the whole known universe was a four inch globe on God's desk and you're worried about the hairdryer that broke this morning and I saw that I was I was I saw myself as a figure on his desk and I was just standing there on a stand and I reached my hands up and formed like a candle and I caught on fire and God just stood there sat there at his desk and stared at me he I could live up and he was just adoring me it's just amazing you know he makes his ministers flames of fire amen so all these things that we look at as the elements you know there are there things that are on the earth or there's fire there's rain there's thunder all these these different things there's the clouds the echoes these are things that we attribute to two major things when you hear thunder you can feel it too you know and the psalmist is doing his best to try to portray the power of God and how he how he he when he speaks he doesn't mean to be destructive it's just because he's so powerful and the earth now that it's fallen it's not just think that this way things are not as flexible that things are breakable and in a perfect world it wouldn't be that way nothing would deteriorate nothing dies and when the earth was cursed then things don't don't correspond the way that they were intended to anymore and so we have all these disappointments down here and we have things that happen to us it doesn't seem to work out right things don't seem to last your your house doesn't clean itself and in your kids don't behave unless you're on them you have to be always you know you know you can tell an employee to do something and they're only three feet from you and they they forget what you just said even after the third time it's amazing in three feet what happens to your words I don't know how many times I've said things and they go you never said that I go you were there and at three feet it changed it's a broken world as a fallen world but see in that world if God comes down and doesn't hold back this is the kind of stuff that happens trees split I mean the deer just have their babies because they're just causes it to happen and I saw that God coming into our world sometimes he has to tone it down just to to make it so that we feel comfortable because we wouldn't be able to bear it and I've encountered these things I've heard God's voice so many times audibly where it shook the whole house or wherever I was so i I've heard the audible voice of God and it it's not a small thing when it happens but I've also heard him whisper to me I've also seen him kiss me from heaven not say a word he's done things for me that there's no way anybody could have known to do that it was him causing people to do the things that I would never ask for and he seems to be able to to have people move on your behalf and that's the loving father that we have but this shows you his authority this shows you his power and his majesty we can never forget that just because he seems to look the other way at things does not mean that he's not chapter 29 of Psalms what he's merciful so in order to help your world be demon free and controversy free and drama drama free drama you have to take this medicine here you have to take this and remind yourself of who it is that's your father and that one day he's not gonna hold back against your enemy he's gonna fight a war for you and he's gonna display his power and it's not gonna be pretty I've encountered this in heaven I've encountered the fire in Jesus's eyes he's told me don't find yourself on the wrong side of me he's I've wanted to do things on my own I've learned my lesson but back when I thought I could get away with like just doing what I wanted to do every now and then you know if I just thought maybe God was having a bad day that's why he told me no and Jesus has appeared to me said don't find yourself on the wrong side of me he said I never told you to go there you know you go through me he was upset but I can't share that on TV because people get nervous there's some things that that I wanted to share and the host said you know if you do that if you share that you're gonna have to have a partner drive for me because I'm gonna lose partners because people don't want they don't want to hear that side of God but you know he's just as much he's just as much a judge as he is a king and and your heavenly Father I mean he disciplines those he loves right he's just treating us as children and so you can't get unbalanced so when you listen to people talk about God and they they have one side of him only you know you have to remember that you're not gonna get all the sides of him anyways many many faceted and even the dimensions that God lives in are so many that that you would never get them all in this realm because he's squeezing everything in down it's being downgraded into you know cut a few dimensions versus how much because music you know it's supposed to have colors and supposed to have smell so it's it's it's a multi-dimensional but you just hear music but it was alive in heaven it literally was alive it was many more dimensions to it and then we we know and I found that when he speaks to you you'll you'll see for years that same word you'll eat off of in many many times with different layers of Revelation it's about time you got here Lord it's hard doing this stuff on my own well if you if you couldn't fail how would you act tomorrow yeah this is what Jesus appeared to me in Naples Florida well it was in a coffee shop I won't tell you which one because people get offended that I was even there but I don't even like mermaids I just wanted some coffee so I won't say where I was but you know Jesus went in walked in there anyway and he doesn't like mermaids but it didn't seem to bother didn't purchase any coffee but he had a word for me all these ministers are sitting there at the table we're planning some citywide thing and I'm just planning on you know what I'm just gonna do it on my own but Jesus walks in stands behind all them and he says you asked them what they they would live tomorrow if they couldn't fail and when I asked him that I first of all I said you ask them because it's like they're not even awake the confort their coffees hadn't come yet like you don't ask ministers questions like they had before yeah yeah they might not be ready for that so anyway Jesus Jesus Jesus had his way and I asked him and they couldn't answer me you want to know why just like all of us that shouldn't be a new concept or a new reality but it is and I realized at that time this was many years ago but the the the issue is well I was like still with the airline I would I would go I would actually work to an overnight that I had pre-planned and scheduled meeting so I'd say goodbye to my crew from the airplane I'll see how see in the morning at lobby don't be late and I would go get dressed and I go speak my Southwest pay for it so they were my biggest supporter for a while there they prayed me to pray in tongues and in my overnights it was great but it was interesting that I never really got an answer from them and then the Lord told me he said okay now you see what happened there you see you you saw something on the other side and it became your new normal but to everyone else this is beyond but you can see in the Word of God that the way that God talks is it's it's just like Paul he was way beyond what we knew but he would talk but when he would talk he he almost had to be careful about what he said because they weren't ready for it and he wanted to go on but they were they were still hooked on the milk and he said by this time we should be going on yeah and because of this kind of thing I've been patient for a long time and I've been consulting with people way above me on how to release things so that they felt so every every couple of years it's pretty much every year now I revisit with with people that have been doing this 40 40 some years each I asked them you know they know about what I'm what I'm telling them they said we know this is true but the mindset of the church right now is not that only a few people would actually grasp the scripture in its fullness and you understand it's right that you when you read a scripture you want to believe but it's just it's too much because you realize what's going on in your life and you know if you step out in faith that you you could be proven wrong really quickly because Satan's gonna attack you but like we've already talked about what if God convinces you who he and he asked you the questions how would you live tomorrow if you couldn't fail and you start to just you know even if you have to just go to Disney World in your mind and start imagining with Jimmy cricket you know or whatever you know what if he just went there and used your imagination and and started to uh this is what I do I adopt the Scriptures even if it's just in my imagination because it's too much for me I literally go ahead and imagine it what it'd be like to be in in the Bible and in certain times and when Jesus was speaking certain things and I wanted to be his favorite disciple I want to be his favorite follower I wouldn't you know when Jesus went to lay hands on me you know after a hard day days ministry work I would say no you don't have to lay hands on me just speak the word and he'd be like oh man I love you right because because the Centurion right he was me Marvel there's only two times he marveled in the Bible and they were both one was a Samaritan woman what was the Centurion so this is what I do with the Bible I picked these things out and I find the things that God likes and I do them and I know that God wants to talk to us but why the reason why he wants to talk to us is he wants to make us he get us involved with what he's doing and so he had a couple of people that he did that with so David wrote this Psalm but at the same time it says that he was God's friend and there were only a couple people in the Bible that were God's friend but if you notice these people got visited by God like Abraham and Moses and David these people were considered Friends of God Enoch well God just took him but they were friends of God so I want to find out what it is about a God that if he touches the earth if he gets involved with anything down here things just start breaking apart but at the same time he whispers to us in in love what is it what is it about him that he's attracted to us why is he concerned why does he even take a notice of us as it says in Psalms eight even the Angels don't understand this in fact most most rabbinical writings that I've seen they think there are a lot of them say that Psalms 8 was written from the viewpoint of an angel what is man that you're mindful of him I mean in other words like they they don't understand salvation they don't understand why God is so focused but see were in his image so what is it that God likes about you because he does like things about you he loves you but he whispers to you so that you can handle it okay so out of out of this time of interaction with God if he told you you couldn't fail then you would have to start framing your world like well then what would I do what would I do if I couldn't fail and see I find myself doing all those things now I mean I didn't come here tonight to fail the angels that are around me right now they don't think about failure at all the Holy Spirit inside of me that's speaking through me we're not he doesn't want to talk about failure because there is none he can't even say it so when God speaks he's holding back so that you can handle it but you got to understand something he can't really hold back what he believes so if he believes you can't fail that in a perfect world you can't fail then what is it that needs to happen to get you into a world of an environment where you can grow and mature and feel safe because he wants to do that for you and as we talked about the secret place already there was no place to appeal when I was in heaven there was no appeal you couldn't go any further with your case when I was talking to Jesus that's it I mean if I saw him he represented a father I saw the father he was separate than this son get over it there's a Trinity Jesus was baptized in the Jordan the father spoke from heaven this is my son and in Spanish she said it's Kucha listen listen to him okay the Holy Spirit came as a dove separate person and then you have Jesus getting wet in the Jordan which isn't even a river it's a creek well at certain times it's not been but I was surprised at how people will argue about certain things but yet in the scripture clearly says but you have to understand something we're dealing with with a fallen humanity where the disciples were told Jesus actually Larry said I'm gonna go to Jerusalem I'm gonna die in on the third day I'm gonna be raised from the dead he told them that how many people were waiting for him on the third day none okay he also told everyone before he died on a cross he said if he said if you have any part of me you got to deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me now he said that before he died on one no one knew he was gonna die on a cross everyone that was around him thought that he was gonna push Rome out and become king of Jerusalem in Israel okay or should you so you understand that he is saying things that are beyond our ability to grasp at the time but I don't know about you are you just tired of walking away and thinking about what you should have done and said after the fact I am so what if God gave you the ability to grasp his intention for what he says so that the word has a full force on you without him you know breaking the Cedars and and having earthquakes happen and all the things we just read okay he pulls that back but he does not pull back the power of his word because the of the truth that's involved with that so God's always speaking to us but I know in heaven that if we just had one passage of Scripture that we could live off of that the rest of our life just one verse just pick one except for Jesus wept okay please give me a break and Jesus wept because you know everybody's asking why well you know why did Jesus weep nobody knows but see you have to understand in just a few days he's gonna be down there - hello here - go down in yank Lazarus out but the compassion to do that is a mence plus he's going further than that down I don't know if you're getting this jesus wept because he was weeping for Humanity because he realized he was going to the depths of hell it was a compassion there he purposely waited to the fourth day because of people's belief that the spirit stayed with the person for three days that's what I was told anyway so he waited till is impossible and then he shows up so that's what he's gonna do he's going to be alongside of you and he's gonna be standing there and you're wondering why he has an act because it isn't gonna be supernatural and they'll for me like shock and awe so he's gonna wait he will do he will perform so the Spirit of the Lord has instructed me tonight to talk about the intention of God's Word and the power that is involved with the Word of God that this is your voice this is the voice of God is that God tones it back you don't always hear God's voice audibly I mean very few people that I know have I never asked for it and usually it's rough ceiling when I hear the audible voice of God you wanted to make sure I got what he was gonna say cuz I'm gonna I'm gonna be tested and and and I hear the spirits saying that's because he's preparing you for an amazing future that has to do with him speaking something and him not having to speak it twice to you that a whisper can be so powerful he doesn't have to increase the volume the I hear the Spirit of God speaking to all of you he's saying I only have to speak once and it's not going to be repealed there's no one beyond him so if he says something over you he says something to you that's the end of it the idea is to get yourself in a place where you can hear the whisper because the potency of the whisper is just like Psalms 929 I may have envisioned after vision I'm sorry I'm having vision after vision of your provision coming I saw I saw that things have been held back because what you're hearing right now is starting to release you to receive that God is not holding anything back what it is is you're not fully convinced of how good he is then it has nothing to do with you obtaining goods it has everything to do with you being a son and a daughter of God and him being a good father it has nothing to do with I don't I don't even go there with people now listen to me I can quit right now I'm the lowest paid at my ministry I could quit and go buy a jet and take people every day for lunch and whatever city they want to go to for the rest of my life on my own so I have no problem with working hard and letting God prosper Lee I have a problem with people who prosper and hoard it because it had its ear marked it has a it has a it's already designated for a mission and it's just like when I was when I was being trained my my instructor took his his sidearm his gun put it on the table and he said is this dangerous and everybody said yes here's no it's not dangerous he said it's not dangerous until someone that knows what they're doing picks it up and uses it and he guarded he guarded one of our presidents one of the ones that deserves to be anyway but but the Lord told me if you put money on the table he said that's not powerful he says it's when someone picks it up I knows how to use it it becomes powerful you see it's it's it's it's a tool it's a weapon but it's of this world there's no there's no monetary system like that in heaven it's all based on what's in your account and when you walk it wherever you walk you you have you you are you represent your value so wherever I go I'm just drawn out of my account so I can have anything I want anywhere I go you know I'm just it's like I'm just scanned not the mark of the beast of course cuz this is in heaven but you understand that the devil doesn't have any new ideas this is the way it is in heaven I have an account in heaven and I'm never gonna run dry and everywhere I go who I am as a person is my value because God made me that way and it registers in heaven and everything that I will ever need is going to come to me including the jet that I never got to fly down here and you can just watch me take off in the millennial reign because there's gonna be people on the earth and they're all gonna be one B wanna be with us but they're not going to be with us the world will repopulate again for a thousand years so my value is based on my behavior down here now in this realm my value is already declared in heaven but how I qualify for the next millennial reign of Christ is by what I'm doing now with what I have I'm qualified I'm B I'm actually on probation and Jesus told me this he said so everything you do now is preparing you for your position with me and how you well you do with what I give you and how you manage everything I give you including disciples how you train them how you treat them is how much it determine if you're gonna be over Nations or not so we're gonna rule and reign with him forever and angels will be subject to us they'll be assigned us and so the voice of the Lord needs to talk to you now and convince you of how would you live if you couldn't fail because you might start slipping into that accidently and have so much favor that you can't remember the last time something failed I don't know if you're getting this or not things have changed because I have I've been consulting for a long time on when to release these kind of things I mean three years is a long time for me because each day's a gift but I've been asking people that kind of know the temperature of where everybody is I got a call one time from one of my spiritual fathers I was in a service just hours before he and they called he goes how do you think I did on that service I said it was great he said I said what happened at the 20-minute mark though he goes I'm glad you caught that he said they put the brakes on me because I started he started talking about taking the limitations off and you could feel it and these are his peeps it was a roomful and he said something and when he did you could feel it so you know what he did he just showed his big white teeth and started telling jokes started telling like funny stories and people started laughing and he closed it out early I learned something that day he said you see he said that religious spirit when he said when you start talking about what God's plans are and they don't fit into the framework of gloom despair and agony on me deep dark depression an excessive misery and I fed the banjo is not enough already all I have to do is throw an accordion in there I'm serious you got you got the hillbillies and that's entertainment I mean that's that's that's fine so you can just watch it's just like I saw this guy you know the Olympics you know they're like the biggest moneymaker for advertisement just like the Superbowl but the Olympics go on and on and on so this guy goes you know I really he said I really love the Olympics I'm for them - every year he said but I was actually watching a string a chain of advertisements and they interrupted them with the Olympics every now and then and I feel that that's what happens to all of us we get bombarded and our minds start to shift and you don't know why you want what you just saw and you start to believe that the world is a certain way and I'm just telling you I encounter people all over the world and I'm surprised at how small their world is and they think I mean they've made themselves king of their domain but it's only about three feet in diameter but they're like walking around like and I'm like man you got to be kidding me I don't know honestly you know you know what I'm talking about cuz you're in all kinds of different countries - and I'm like I have to turn away and I'm like I'm thinking if we just drop them out over California they wouldn't survive a day in California because because everybody in California thinks it's all about them except for some people not if you're from California I'm not talking about but I remember that a business lady on the airplane there there is something that I I get fined $10,000 for something that you're told not to do if you do it if I don't turn you in then I let it happen then I get fined $10,000 and the company gets fined $10,000 and then I'm there to make money and so as a company so guess what somebody's got to pay so I warned once and then after that I have to have him arrested or whatever if they're not gonna comply it's a federal it's a federal offense everything on airplane so I told this lady she said don't you know I'm gonna do this I said no you're not and she looked at me she had and I realized she had never been told no in her life ever and I really said her world she was ruling and reigning but it was a very small world and I felt like there was a lot of people that that had disagreed with her and are not alive anymore you have that feeling you're like okay well but you should have seen the shock on her face because she's never been been told no by a man before she was there was nothing wrong with her and she knew it so I want to say well just throw Jezebel down but I didn't but I realized that people's worlds are very small and it's because God has not been able to get in there and because of that they ruin rain but it's just I mean to me it's like you know on the on the Christmas show Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is the island of misfits you know I walk into this altar world when I encounter some people because I think do they not know that they're really not the queen or king they don't know and and and I've noticed Christians they you know you said you can stand up here and talk for two hours about what what it's all scriptural it's all in the Bible but it's stuff that I've saw and yet I'll have people instruct me and said well this is what I believe and this is you know this is what you know and I'm like you know I'm sorry but you know you're wasting your digital ink you know I didn't come back I didn't come back to argue because what I saw is based on the Word of God and it's absolute truth it's not amendable because you understand when God speaks to you it's very authoritative and it's not amendable do you understand what I'm trying to say okay so you encounter people who who whose world is small but they don't know it and me myself and I live there and it's unholy trinity I'm serious and that's what the Lord the Lord the Lord I wrote a chapter in my book why is my world so small and the answer is because me myself and I live there and no one else can get in knows everybody listening to me okay because this is what's going on you're supposed to be prospering you're supposed to be healthy the healing is actually for the Lost jesus healed everyone I think we need to step it up I don't want to lose any more friends to sickness ever and I it I admit that I have a limit to what I can do but it's not God's fault it's because I have not grown into being able to command people to come back from the dead I haven't grown into it to the extent where I see it consistently but in my inability I'm willing to let God expand my world but I have to let him unfold who he is in my world and let him have his way in my world which means that it's going to shift the way that I see everything and if you remember I use this as an example because this this keyboard here I wanted that keyboard it's the only one I don't have and if you remember when I first came Donna had one that I think he lied ahead in his cave [Applause] and I I said something I said you know you know someone like like the Brooks who are so anointed and and and have they're just glad to be alive you know the devil tried to kill them but they're still alive they see they still keep coming back and the devil can't figure it out and don't you think that they should have the best equipment okay so I said that I said that in the church a couple years ago I said you know I mean they should have the best kind of hitting around you know what come back the next year and she still got Elijah's keyboard so the Lord said just buy her one okay so we did okay and I wanted it I was waiting for him to tell me that I can buy this and so we got it for her and then they can tell you when they came to the studio to do the album a couple weeks ago she brought her keyboard but I had the big boy one the big boy right with the weighted keys the same one just a you know it wouldn't fit in all hedges cave you know but but here's the thing I believe that everyone who is called of God which is all of you should have everything they need to do what they're called to do right that you shouldn't have to manipulate you shouldn't have to work extra you're sending the cats and the dogs the McDonald's to work you got all the animals working you got all your kids working it's like mom you know I'm not even in kindergarten yet good get throw to work you know and you got everybody working so it doesn't take much for God to shift your environment and shift your perception but you have to let him take you to a vantage point where you see things the way he sees them which means that just because he's holding back from the ground cracking when he talks doesn't mean that what he's saying is any less potent so you get my point about God's voice is that it's the intent of God's Word because he's really protecting us by not speaking in full force and unless he has to but he's held back because we're in the age of grace but he's still wanting us to judge ourselves so that we don't be judged in that grace and not take advantage of grace because Paul said let you know he was talking about that people are saying just let us sins cuz it's great it's the grace all about sin where sin abounds grace walk he goes no we're not taking advantage of God's grace so when God speaks it doesn't have to be very much and it doesn't have to be something that knocks you on the ground be thankful that he doesn't do that but that's how powerful he is what I was surprised is you know you've heard this before but I just feel like it's important is the personality of God as I was spending time with him know I've spent a lot of time that I wouldn't talk about he's appeared to me thirty nine times now and I've never asked for one of them and I don't deserve any of them but I don't usually say that I trust you all but I usually don't say that because people get upset because brother Hagin only had Jesus appeared him eight times I think right or eight times right and he's my he's one of my father's and so there's no way well if you talk to brother Hagin he would want his sons to exceed him you know I don't think that I get his anointing because I wear my pants up here like he did you know what I mean and I hold my hands like this I guess a now now now now that's not the anointing that's that's brother hey man but yeah if I wear a tie that I can actually convert into a robe that wide that doesn't make me like have his anointing I mean he had white eyes did he'd use as a bath towel but you and you you should see all my friends they still dressed like him I'm like like do you bring your pants down a little bit it's like am i right am i right and if you go to the churches they still got the harvest orange the harvest orange carpet that he had at Rhema and by going too far I'm sorry avocado and the avocado is that the anointing is that is that is that what brother Hagin was teaching was he teaching that you just keep saying it until you get it no he had a relationship with God but look what they turned it into and don't worry I'm not invited I'm not invited I'm already you know I won't be invited anyway so it's like I'm I'm outside throwing snowballs right now if the cars I'm like no I'm not going into the building so the bottom line is I'm I'm I'm gonna make brother Hagin proud because I sat through every class and I have him playing in my house all the time 24/7 because he was a true prophet but here's the thing the way he taught the Word of God changed my life and I had gone through four years of college and got a degree in theology and then when I went to his school I really said I could in a higher level but then when I met Jesus he wasn't word of faith he never mentioned brother Hagin I'm serious well that's not bad but he never mentioned the Pope he never mentioned the head of the Assemblies of God he never Jesus didn't even give them any credit but what he gave credit what for is people who heard his word and did it those were his peeps and I saw that his personality was if you really love me you'll do what I say is that sound familiar because it's a verse and I saw that Jesus has he talked to me he was quoting himself for 45 minutes he just quoted himself and he would tell me okay I was talking to these these people you tell me who he's talking to give me chapter and verse some of them you know even as a scholar I thought I was I didn't even know where they were and he would tell me the verse and after when I came back I had to spend a day looking all that stuff up to see if he was right or not and of course he was right but they were it was in the Bible so don't get tripped up in this generation all the studies that I've done oh my god Papa Papa Tony [Laughter] [Applause] oh boy hallelujah [Applause] is this a vision oh dear Lord so in all your getting you got to get understanding what is God really saying so when he talks to you you have to move in to the other realm right away because if you start to interpret things by what God has said through this realm you're gonna miss all the realms all the dimensions that God was speaking from because he when he speaks it's multi-dimensional and he's trying to frame your world by what he says but see when it comes through into this realm you're going to be Meijin it by length width and height and time so you've already limited God because you interpret things and those dimensions then you just missed what he was really doing because you missed who he is see it's the intention of what he says so if you want to have miracles and manifestation then you have to allow God to interpret what he says but that's from the other realm so when he visits you and he tells you he loves you we're talking multiple levels of understanding when he said that because he's saying that because you wrote your book he thought of you he puts you in your mother's womb and now he's nurturing you and when he says he loves you he's speaking from the place where he formed you and he's also speaking from the place where you will end up at the day when you present yourself to him and you give an account for your life it's everything that he says is based on the whole cycle so you already are healed because where he's standing you haven't gotten sick yet when he spoke to you there was no mention of sickness so his his divine plan is for us to walk in health but down here in this world we judge everything by our experience and we miss out on what God's doing our life it's the same one when he talks when he talks he's not talking from your realm his world is he's standing on your future and he's telling you but it sounds like it's your now how much authority you given given to him is what you'll get in this life if you hand your authority over to a demon you're gonna get a curse because they're here to accommodate you but if you're walking in a curse right now it needs to be broken and the angels are here to enforce the blessing but they came from the other realm and they read their book your books from another realm and now they're coming back and they're having to take the message which is God's intention not just what he says because it's multi-level he speaks the angel speaks to you but there's an impartation that has to expand in you so it's it's not fair to just interpret it like that because you're going to interpret it chances are by the three dimensions plus one plus time you're your pilot right okay now you know when he's flying if he's running late he can change history he can change the future by pushing a throttle up I mean maybe a millimeter he clicks it up and when he does the rival time changes it's so precision he can fix it with the movement of a throttle but some of you haven't even put your gear up yet did I just say that I wonder why we're going so slow oh oh what's this gear up three greens three Reds this is not a test I'm surprised at how many times we want to find out if things work but we're not test pilots people have already done that they're smoking holes where people push the airplane to the limit so that you won't have to the manual says this is that never exceed speed these are the speeds for this is it's the same with your life God has already placed what you're supposed to do and how you're supposed to do it and yet we are just gonna try it we're not simple no sons of God don't try anything Tony I'm gonna have to go there now that you're here I'd say we've had conversation on the phone that would shift a whole nation it was a gathering of two just two people and I know what's already happened in the spirit the sons of God have begun to be unveiled okay but it's going to take a while for everybody to jump in and understand what I'm saying here but Enoch didn't notify people that he was crossing over and visiting he wrote about it but he wasn't liked in his day I'm sure I mean no prophets are their heroes in the next generation but they want to kill him while they're living because they speak from the other realm so you understand you know this is not just like I'm not just hoping you grab this I'm not like I'll test the spirits you know to see if it's a god or not no I'm not doing that for that you're not a test pilot I'm not a test pilot God's not trying anything he has already proven his ways it's his personnel and his personality as he likes certain things he likes it when you don't hesitate he likes it when you have convinced yourself by allowing him to overcome and overpower you with his love to wear it drives out fear and you don't have any hesitation you respond immediately no problem the last time I was here remember Janie in the kitchen I'm sitting there eating my my own business had just preached and they running they go Janie's choking she can't talk she's about to pass out she's got something stuck in her throat and I'm thinking okay just somebody do the Heimlich I'm trying to finish my burger here because in my world you just had to be qualified with it although every year so for 30 years I went through the course along with everything else that we have to do so I just walked out there picked her up and went BAM like at and she flopped unconscious and then she came to again with the food out of her and throat and I went back to eating my burger I did didn't I and I said Terrans eating and people are looking at me it's like I was trained to take care of things into shine in the under under duress or pressure I was trained to be the one that has the answers and to take care of things that's what God needs out of all of us I mean to in order to be in this generation you have to qualify at the highest highest level of excellence so to me it's okay if you want to be prophetic as long as you're not pathetic but what about the office of a prophet you know I don't mind you being apostolic as long as you're a father because in a true apostles a father he births people and he owns them not in that our control but because he wants to impart what he has or her into the people and they become sons and daughters it's about the generations and so in this generation you don't want to be robbed anymore don't I'm not going to say that okay I'll say it this way I'll blame it on Perry stone because he can handle it he's like he's like you know what he said please if you're gonna blow the shofar please don't make it sound like a dying cow that's what is and he just went on and I'm like that'll preach a true prophet will tell you what you dreamed last night and then interpret your dream he doesn't set a table up and say tell me you're dreaming I'll interpret that's a salient because because the excellence is there in the spirit I have to speak from this place is that all of you need to come up into maturity and realize that what God's wanting to tell you is beyond what you can handle and you have to tell him bring it on now when I was with pastor Curtis in Switzerland we did 50 hours of preaching there was 25 services there were four conferences two hours each was 50 hours of of material I've never preached before because the Lord said release it release it in the neutral country because it's not a longer going to be neutral it's no longer neutral now but it was so strong that when he would come and take me off and just give me 15 minutes we would we would we would do we just do one service after the other and I'd have 15 minutes and I'd past myself in the hallway and I had to ask the Lord to back off never had to do that it was so strong the fire was so strong it's coming now on them kind of getting into that again the fire was so strong on me that I really said all of us in this generation are supposed to be burning and speaking from that I don't want to speak from the outer court or the inner court I want to speak from the Holy of Holies I want to speak from the glory of God which means God is telling us if I want your opinion I'm going to give it to you there's something about his person you know this toy it's not being preached there is a part of God that he really doesn't care what you think did you know that Jesus was trying to tell the disciples here's how you do it here's how you do it and he was rolling his eyes as he watched them try to do it and people were coming and they were wanting a refund they said your disciples can't cast out the devil this is what he said how long will I be with you that's what he said right that's a big clue okay the other thing was was when they wanted to know why it essentially was their unbelief but he said this kind comes out by prayer and fasting he would say things like that well why would he say that because we or them were too caught up in this realm and not enough caught up in the other realm to handle that type of demon but Jesus just so happened that he was on his game so he cast it out it listened to him not know you told you agree with this not as the Son of God but as a son of man he cast that dear devil out he didn't do anything as a son of God okay so it's the same with us so at the end of this conference you have to you have to consider what you've been told but the thing that is is for me to have fruit that laughs to see it you're gonna have to allow God to back the moving van up and load it up with your stuff and make room for him you need to make room for the Lord because he's moving in if you loved me he sent me and my father if you love me to the point where you obey me me and my father gonna come live with you and when they come live with you things are going to change because you're going to start to see things from their perspective as you watch them interact with each other and you're there in your house and they're there part means scripture said oh don't look at me like that and plus you're not gonna be left as an orphan the Spirit of God is not gonna leave you ever so he's in there so you got the Trinity inside of you when you hear this in church so do you understand I am taking more territory I'm not giving anything away I'm not letting anything go I'm gonna eat everything that's placed before me so I don't care what has happened in the past I'm judging God by what he places on the table before me divine health is on the table and I'm gonna have a bowl of it I don't care what story you can up me you get up here and say tell me something worse than what has happened to me I don't care that's not a testimony service I'm not you can't tell me God doesn't want to prosper you it's too late he's already done it to me and my wife but we took a stand and said I know the table that the Lord has set before me is that he doesn't send a soldier to war it is only at their own expense so when that is written in Ecclesiastes I believe a warrior isn't gonna fight at his own expense in other words God is gonna support you so just get over it it doesn't matter what you have had happen to you because the demons have to leave and they don't they leave because God moves in and they move out they don't even say a word they just leave you don't even have to get out of out of you're out of your chair to show them out they just leave why because they can't abide in the same place as your father so there's leverage in the spirit but it has to do with knowing what God's intent is when he speaks to you so God's voice when he whispers it doesn't take away from the power of what he says to you he's holding back so you can handle it he's constantly holding back right now if all of you had a vision of what I've had a vision of of your future there would be nobody in a seat right now you'd be running around like crazy people you would you be prof. assign to each other you be yeah you be praying over people prophesying over them each of us would be praying over people right now and prophesying because we realize we got it all we have to do is yank what is already in heaven and yank it to this earth and we do it because we're sons and he's given us the authority to become sons of God because we had hear and love him according to John chapter 1 verse 12 he has given us the authority xoz oh so it's not a feeling but here's the thing Jesus couldn't do miracles in his own hometown he was limited because of the people's unbelief their inability to a grasp who he was okay Paul was stopped from coming to Corinth he said Satan hindered me so you have to discern what God has placed before you no I have told I mean it actually pastor Curtis has been as been in this situation with me where there was things going on it and I said out of my mouth you know I don't have to come back here I had to say that to stop the conversation I shouldn't have to say that you want to know why because God sent me there and I was sent there to speak from the other realm and the flesh got involved and the Lord was saying you don't have to come back here if you don't want to well I need to let them know that that what they just did God did not like you won't know why because they didn't discern their visitation they didn't discern it and I was fully ready you can ask my wife I was fully ready to retire and quit January 1st if that's what the Lord wanted but he told me no I'm giving another seven years but you're gonna have to focus on these things for the next seven years and what he told me to focus on there's only a remnant is this song remanent is it on okay as you just saw there shouldn't just be a remanent but certain people are not ready to go with the cloud they're not ready to go into the glory and so God is going to separate you're going to see a separation and just like all the moves of God that have ever happened people stood on the sidelines and were either critical or unable to grasp what God was doing but now in history look back and God in His grace was pouring out his spirit to help us but because it didn't follow the guidelines of the denomination they were told to stand down and now their monuments this is good I make sure I get this CD so do you understand you don't need another word from God you don't need hands laid on you what you need is to take that which Christ has taken hold of for you because he's your God he's my God he's your God your world is not small your ability to grasp his world is small but it's about to increase and here's how it does is when you realize that you have been chosen to live in this generation I'm telling you the truth when people start to see their value and that it was predetermined that you were to live at this time you have no idea I've already read the books in heaven about this generation so I'm coming back and I'm messing with it I'm a Jimmy in it I've gone into the control room and juice did a little bit I've turned up the knobs the reason why is it needs to get a little bit more overwhelmed you get it and you tweak with it in a spirit but see I've done that in prayer but now the Lord says okay January 1st buy all the equipment and pay for everything and so it's all paid for I still not gonna take an offer and don't worry about it don't get nervous this is not I'm telling you it's already paid for like like just today if you I just got a notice if I told you what came in today from people are saying God just told me to give you all this you would even you'd be like you gotta be kidding me it just keeps coming because you want to know why because there's always provision for your vision there's always people ok so do you understand that you cannot be sick to finish what God has said to you you can't be poor anymore because of what a God has said to you it's not about defending if God wants to prosper you're not it's about being a son and a daughter of a good loving God that would not give you a snake when you ask for bread or you know whatever it says you know bread no stone you get the point I said so just like right now there are people whose spine is straightening because the Glory's coming in and he ain't gonna have that crooked spine that's it that's it no no no don't get up here don't get up here your spirit receives healing first and then it manifests in this room this is the lowest level of existence is your flesh it says it says give no provision to the flesh it says no no man after flesh Paul even said this which is really like meth messes people up he says we don't even know Jesus by the flesh anymore it says that right but wouldn't you hear that I listen to a man for years and I still can't understand Holly listen to him for hours and hours and hours because he talked like this I am so excited right now I'm just I'm just dancing because Jesus Jesus has taken the war out of me if you don't have money don't worry about it you can have my stuff for free he changed my life and I feel like I had to get my slippers and might put my sweater and talk about the neighborhood and it was 28 minutes and 31 seconds of another world to me but he he changed my life because what he was saying was not from this realm but he didn't have the presentation the same with brother Hagin he hardly moved but he didn't have to because what I was coming out of his mouth was not from this realm well when I when I was when I had visitations Jesus was bringing people that were part of laying the foundation of what we're doing right now and whether you can handle it or not I've had I've had time with saints when I was in heaven I had time with Saints one person it was for four hours I estimate and this person sat and talked to me about how I was gonna finish what he didn't he said I've been bothering Jesus ever since I got up here he said my body wore out before my spirit got to do what it was supposed to do he said I was so glad when Jesus told me you were gonna do it for me so I'm gonna go ahead and reefing like whoa whoa wait a minute here are you in the schedule cuz I don't see like I got plenty to do here he said no it's gonna take six people to do what I was doing but you're one of them and a lot of them are working for me now did you hear what I just said most of them are working for me now the others are coming along though they'll find out because this is not about us okay so that still your spine starts to correct and you can't explain it but you don't get into your mental realm because what you're doing is you're taking something that's multi-dimensional that's from the other realm it's coming into your spirit and it's starting to affect your spine and if you go up in your mind you're making it length width and depth and then time thank you I was fell asleep during that science class but plus time becae in God's realm he literally has thrown all the clocks away in heaven because they limited him and all your opinions he's thrown them away too and I have been healed I have been healed by an angel and I didn't even believe that angels could heal you but it didn't matter the angel walked in touched me and I was completely healed in front of my wife and he turned around to me as he was leaving my bedroom and he said that's how easy it is to be healed yeah and I was completely healed and I was about to call in sick because I couldn't go to work and I shouldn't be limited by these kind of things no I wish that would happen all the time but it doesn't God chooses all different ways so do you understand all sick the percent of you in here have brain fog where you don't seem to be able to focus and you can't you can't think and hold a thought for very long and God wants to get rid of that fog right now he's gonna kill you in the and the spines are being healed right now the spine just stand up the spines are being healed right now they're straight because the glory says we're not having it this way well look at that dear Lord okay keep standing how many of you have pain or discomfort in your back right now wait than me okay I'm going to have you do nothing just do nothing this is the easiest way for me to say this Jesus is here and Jonna talks about an angel that came in troubled the waters and the scripture says whoever got in the water was healed of whatever disease they had there are healing angels right here right now from the moment Kevin's tux talked about God sending an angel to bring the healing of Jesus into his body that anointing was released i'ma say this to you think like this you have heard of airborne sickness because you have been close to somebody who is sick you catch the disease and have the symptoms right now there is airborne healing because Jesus and His glory are here you're catching a healing right now you don't have to do anything to catch the sickness you don't have to do anything to catch the healing except be here you've got a word so are you ready are you sure okay I want you to bow your head I'm going to pray a prayer that you may not understand but you don't need to understand you just have to believe in the name of Jesus I take authority over time and is now suspended Holy Father when you do a miracle you suspend time you drop the miracle in and then time resumes I command every evil being that is causing pain or discomfort anywhere in the body come out of the body leave the body i discharged you and dismiss you from the body in the name of the Lord Jesus and now I command pain and the reason for the pain to dissolve dissipate disappear I command every spine go into place according to divine design in Jesus name I'll just stay right there when you feel pain starting to decrease start waving your right hand or your left Jesus is doing it right now soon as you feel it starting to decrease Jesus is doing it and it's not my fault his glory is here just keep standing it's decreasing angels are touching people right now you're in another realm the invisible is becoming visible efficients one blessed be the God and father the Lord Jesus Christ who has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly realms because you're in Jesus Christ it's happening right now when your pain or discomfort has decreased eighty percent just come on up to the front just come on up to the front Jesus is doing it it's decreasing you're being healed by Jesus just come up to the front and make a line under standing in front of the people Jesus is doing it he's doing it now and when you start to feel your spine move or you feel a tingling or a numbness or a heat you know God is doing something you can come on now there's a healing glory here you're catching a healing you're catching a healing you're catching a healing your right hip is being healed by Jesus right now your right knee is being healed by Jesus right now God's going right on down the road inside a man that right ankle and that right foot is being healed even under the foot and then even the numbness and the neuropathy God is removing it as soon as you begin to know that that's you you ought to start waving to God and praising him right now hallelujah now God is moving on the left side it's the left hip and the left knee right on down thus right on down to the left foot even numbness and pain in the foot it's dissolving if that's you you just come on up take your healing it's yours you've been sitting in the school of the Spirit and the realm of the glory now this glorious manifesting in your body headaches are dissolving they're disappearing the irregular heartbeat is being healed right now whoever's been having the problem with the endometriosis wave it me get my attention okay that's why I'm turning you're being healed right now watch this stand right here lift up your hands toward heaven close your eyes I take my healing now three two one I curse the disease you have to leave the body if you'll stand over there please ma'am lift up your hands toward heaven close your eyes save Jesus it's already mine I take it first the disease you leave now there it is come on keep praising God go ahead come on praise it with your lips praise it with your lips praise it with your lips that meniscus is being healed I said the meniscus is being healed the meniscus is being healed you can go right on back there now I'm going to show you now you can't blame me you can't blame Kevin because we didn't touch anybody look at somebody say Jesus is here helped everybody put your hands down for just a second how many of you that are up here are 80% healed wave now watch how many of you that are up here you're 90% healed wave they're catching the healing how many of you up here you're 100% healed [Music] they're catching a healing there's a healing fire oh my there's a there's a fire angel oh my oh my when you began to with your husband we get to feel the fire that fire angel your diseases being burned out I said whoever has the dive roll with diverticulitis wave at me you're being healed right now whoever's got that you're being healed of that you're being healed of that right that's happening right now anybody else being held at diverticular you're being healed now I see Hashimoto's disease [Music] who's got Hashimoto's is that you standing right here as you walk god [Applause] well Jesus is like Gomer Pyle surprise surprise listen pasta YUM Debra and I were in Dallas Texas visiting Phillip Sara and the grandkids past the Ray we wanted to come with you Kevin Kathy we decided we'd surprise you just dropped right on man they didn't know we were coming hallelujah all the Holy Spirit oh you knew it oh my goodness tell me later lift up your hands Lucy I curse Hashimoto's disease leave the body now who else has that wave at me how she Moto's wave at me who else has that who else has that you wave it you waving a hand that you have that your mom has it what's your mother's name we agree in Jesus name father that you heal her wherever she is who else how she Moto's who else who else was there anybody else you do you have that no he just plays in the law anybody else have that now I'm going to do one more thing because we don't have time for testimonies unless that's what Kevin wants but here's what I want to do is there anybody here you have metal in your body or foreign substance and it hurts you got that too and it hurts and it hurts now was it hurting when you were back there he couldn't be that you had you had meadow where I had metal here to here I have ten screws I've been in a book what couldn't you do or do this without pain I could not do it how many years have you had the meadow it was 2017 so when you turned your head did it hurt I can't turn it on I couldn't turn it all the way like to check a blind spot and but I got hit again you couldn't do that without pain or you couldn't do it my voice well your voice thing is pretty good right about now okay I can't sing somehow the black african-american Saint Jean skip that went somewhere maybe you got it can you fill the plate only if you swallow but the pain is gone it was constant up here got your back heel wave it us all the people with the back healings keep waving [Applause] one word listen the glory is voice-activated as soon as you speak from there it becomes visible here who else said they had metal wave it me so I need your attention well you have metal both hips are you in pain now watch what happens when you come up here [Applause] pay attention come this way you have one or two head metal heads there's this place in heaven that I saw there was an angel in the entranceway a place where God makes body parts and each body part has a person's name on it and I've seen God do this so many times the angel will come down take out the metal put it in the new hip we've seen God do it again and again in fact what are you feeling right now in your hips well you mean they feel okay well you mean they don't hurt you said they was hurtin not my fault not my goal not my boat you've never had it okay here's the deal see this okay because I'm a minister like he is I understand some of the a few of the dynamics of the Spirit Kevin's been here preaching and he's been releasing revelation that is released around when you walk into that realm was in that rim gets onion and gets in you and changing sheet now just listen everybody this this parts like really important it is written on the Lord your healer on the Lord who heals you I am the Lord your healer now you serve the Lord he takes your sickness away look at somebody say he took it no watch just just then right here watch the Bible says God sent His Word and healed them so God is sending his word and bringing healing now it doesn't matter what your diseases doesn't matter he forgives all your sins he heals all your diseases march up and down right right right I know right no no no see we are in a realm of heaven right just father your name is holy your kingdom come and agree now your will be done now in this earth as it listen okay can I ask you to do something can I ask you to praise the Lord for everybody else as many friends come on praise God for somebody else's America [Applause] and Jesus no don't thank me is Jesus yeah now what happened was as the angel took out the two old hips and he gave you to supernatural hip replacements [Applause] Jesus he's a surgeon he's the heavenly surgeon so you have metal where there how long have you had it five years just super brief what happened I my rate per campus remove and half of my temporal lobe so you have so it does it hurt or doesn't hurt that hurts all the time for how long five years I'm gonna ask you do something really strange I want you to bow your head but do not pray now listen to me carefully you are a woman and you guys are always thinking you are not a man a man are simply going to as nothing box but a woman doesn't have a nothing box so I don't have any place to tell you to go except for to breathe praising the Lord in your head and still praying I would have to say this two men I just say nothing boxing the brother wasn't right there that's why sometimes when you ask him and what he's thinking and he says nothing he may not be lying you ready can I get you guys everybody else know to praise the Lord praise the Lord for her [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep raising [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on clear right on plays [Applause] [Music] who-who else has metal and and and discomfort what's his name father were praying for - let him have a miracle wherever he is letter angel take it to him in Jesus name thank you anybody else here who has pain wave at me I'm just waved just a second I'm waiting wait no no wait wait wait where's your where's your middle and where's your pain huh where is your Medellin you know what both of you come this way watch what God does I'll let you move darling okay something's happening right now thank you to worship Jesus for me just for a minute [Applause] now they cannot hear you no not first first do this tell us what happened just real brief I mean how did you get the medal I got pushed out of an apartment and I fell on my arm how many years ago that was just in May in May and how much medal did they put it I've got two plates and four screws and you wouldn't pay it hurts anytime I move it what about right now it's not hurting I couldn't make a fist and I can make a complete fist down and move it now you ready before this moment this miracle moment were you able to actually feel the metal in your wrist with your finger or no you could just feel the discomfort of its presence and now there is none so no pain whatsoever can we give God a praise for that miracle you go praise the Lord sister girl can I get you to do something can we all just pray for her to get a miracle now please don't pray the more you have a prayer life the heart of this instruction is the key okay it's really hard are y'all praying for her thank you Jesus you're a miracle worker and your miracle worker now Lord let this old need disappear Lord let the angel go get the need that has her name on it and let that angel put it in now and let it form let it be made complete three-two-one let's do this because I like to quantify things 10 being the level of pain before you came up and 0 being none where would you estimate it is right now some people get caught away in the glory 10 being the level of pain before you came and 0 being none where would you put it if you don't mind answering us oh that's a zero more Lord more more more MORE now you get praise e come on let's give God a praise let's give God a praise hallelujah Kevin what you want me to do keep going am I supposed to keep going you have one more what happened my mom and then I'm I got a bad pain my knees my shoulders where you go Church ma ma Springfield Missouri ready what's the name of it radiant radiant church whose pastor is right here Mac and Jenny Dalton okay so you have pain needs and your shoulders but how is this is it working but the pain is okay can I get you to do nothing for just 30 seconds I'll believe that for one minute she said I usually do nothing I don't believe that well you guys stretch with your hands can we pray for her Cassie put your hand on her head which on her head you ready about praying the Holy Spirit for her this is called a corporate anointing and a corporate glory amen you know when we're all in one Accord in one place there comes a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it's a fire Lord heal your daughter's shoulders and heal her knees Lord take the pain and the reason for the pain away and Lord any foreign substance in the body fix it Lord so she feels no pain whatsoever y'all keep praising the Lord [Applause] [Music] father we release healing in the name of Jesus bring our healing to completion God for your glory come on lift up your hands let's give God a praise also you're 50% there then I should get out of the way and let you get back to dress standing there right you can't move are you stuck to the floor I will get out of the way you continue to be stuck let Jesus fix it and then after the miracles done I guess you'll be unstuck while we're on this let me tell you a crazy story I was at a Pine Grove Baptist Church in Detroit Michigan everybody say Baptist Church now Chuck Chuck this woman comes up into Baptist Church at God touches her she gets stuck to the floor during the altar call churches out she still talk to stuck to the floor I'm sitting in the appropriate with the pastor and we're just sitting there talking I think there was one or two other people there churches out we're just visiting and she still stuck to the floor so finally the Lord said she could move now so I say you can move now she gets unstuck nikka sometimes say get stuck in Jesus look I said I say plant your feet in the presence of the Lord with the Saints and just get stuck there come on lift up your hands and let's give God a praise come on crazy crazy crazy [Music] phrasing [Applause] somebody's right shoulder is being healed by Jesus right now you should start to move it and as you move it it's going to get looser and looser and looser it's the right shoulder keep moving it and when there's a lose that you know what's he'll give us a wave or a shower because Jesus is doing it right now let us know let us know who got it you got it let's give the Lord praise for that there's number two you got it who else amen she got it anybody else Amen right shoulder right shoulder right shoulder right shoulder right shoulder let's get the Lord praise for that I did it again yeah everybody responds results mark man with that within him the father shows Jesus I'm going to heal him he has a revelation he said stretch when he does when he responds to the revelation does what Jesus said he gets the results so now there's a left shoulder being healed start to move it and you're gonna find out God's healing you God's healing you and when you get healed notify us cuz God's doing it right now make sure we know so we can all give God a praise keep moving it it's going to get looser and looser and better and better who's healed somebody healed already left shoulder so one we got one brother over there he's here how do your left shoulders being healed by Jesus keep moving it we got another sister over here she's healed by Jesus hallelujah let us know let us know get our attention yell at you're healed over here Amen let's give a lot of praise for that who else who else she's got a healing how they knew you keep moving girl she's getting her healing come on let's give the Lord of praise let's go you have no pain none huh when you move work no I'm talking about right here that pain is gone and you have that pain for how long five years and none no move move usually it hurts when you touch it how's it feel okay stop moving your neck I know it's I'm asking you strange stuff there you go no pain I need to ask you a really strange question did you hurt your back yeah huh [Music] where you are and you know some sisters we wait for no man can I can I help you sisters I'm just gonna say this a man is not going to do it because you ask him once the first time he you ask him he was in his own world he didn't hear you [Applause] so you have to ask him more than once number two do not think to yourself he should want to do it what am I thinking he's a man look at somebody's to ask and keep asking and then you shall receive right right because the first time you're asking this is what he's gonna do uh-huh me hey you go keep going right what he's doing okay all you sisters have been there for a while how many y'all know this is the truth all your brothers who've been married for a while how many y'all know it's the truth okay because he's in his own little world he's gonna say to himself yes honey I'm gonna do that he's gonna get back to what he's doing and then he gonna forgive so you have to remind him so let me pray for your back and then try try to wait for a person Jesus Hillar back and lord I give you praise Amen let's give Jesus a big hand clap okay come on let's clip plays it along you guys could take a seat come on let's praise the Lord for sixty Seconds [Applause] yeah bringer yeah and their thyroids are punching real good yeah their own normal facial radiation shows up decades later prey from that they stay healthy okay and they're why are they his family that had the yeah the two boys stand up just stand up you don't have to come forward the two boys stand up everybody stretch forth your hands they're from Russia there was some radiation don't fix that fixed it but fix the thyroid but we just want to 100% look at sub I said don't worry about it it's alright we decree and declare total miracle of healing in Jesus name Amen me too knees and a hip can you guys stretch forth your hands don't let her fall out hold her up don't let these two old knees disappear I called from the 3rd heaven Lord bring two brand-new knees and a brand new hip methode hip disappear Lord says spend the time break the laws of time and physics old needs disappear two brand-new knees be created a brand new hip be created in Jesus name right now this is gonna sound strange to stay with me does anybody here totally deaf are almost totally deaf in an ear okay yeah but is anybody here who's come up to me if you're like totally deaf or like almost deaf in an ear okay okay okay no see let me tell you okay let me tell you something about the healing ministry I've been doing this for so long I'm totally detached no no no no she says I'm sorry I'm still in pain here's what you gotta understand I'm so detached see if a person gets healed I don't take the credit if they don't get healed I don't take the blame because it's neither my success nor my failure when it becomes your success or your failure your egos in it so what we're doing now this is important okay let me give you a quick lesson in healing stay here when you pray for somebody and they're not healed you're sewing for their healing prayers do not have a shelf life Jesus said one person Souls another person Arif so when you pray for somebody and they don't get healed that prayer states before the throne five prayers later Tim prayers later 20 per liter somebody will pray and that when that person get healed all the part the 19th person went before so he their souls and he who reaps rejoices together so you never worry about whether somebody gets healed or not because what I say is your job to love and to pray leave the healing up to God so we so for her healing father all over and we thank you for it in Jesus name let's about to give the Lord praise can you hear a phone out of that ear I can hear it if its loud there I mean from this one no this is the best one right okay how long you been deaf in this ear for a long time it got worse and worse as I got older okay hold this in your hand turn and face them and look cute make sure to do the cute part baby could have permission put my finger in your ear so you've been definitely RIT guests I made how many years I would say about 20 years okay will you receive watch this did you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior yes I did and you just believed the word and just receive it yes would you receive Jesus the same way as your healer in miracle work yes did you go to the doctor the doctor tell you how you win death I wanted a doctor but they didn't tell me how I went deaf did I say it was nerve deafness did they say it was something missing in their drug really okay you ready are you ready to hear you ready Just Breathe recreate their drum Olga recreate their your drum you deaf spirit in Jesus name out anything nothing did you hear the word I said but did you repeat after me can you repeat it after me what you do here would you do that okay let's break recreate their drum Oh God recreate their drum Lord healed the nerve you deaf spirit of Jesus name out I could just feel your breath on my ear more breath on my ear can we pray one more time here it anything okay can you repeat what you hear I can feel your breath on my ear but you can't make out any words can't make out any words that's what I'm trying to find out I'm gonna pray one more time okay she gave her sound but she can't make out words you guys don't pray for pray for her to get a hearing I know what you were saying okay so you're not getting it tonight okay but that's all right we're gonna pray one more time that the Lord gives a - so Lord we're sewing for her healing in Jesus name and thereby said let's get the Lord of praise [Applause] [Music] okay can you hear a phone out of that ear or no have never tried do you have a boat okay you got voicemail go get it let's check your voicemail let's pray for her come on pray for okay check your voicemail out man here see I can hear all this year [Music] yeah I can hear it last time okay we're trying okay so in other words you have to have it on can y'all be patient with this for a minute we gonna check we're here I don't know okay ready say what you hear it say what's your number stay right where you are what else for once and eggs what is it 7 to 7 put it up to your left there y'all praise the Lord for me [Applause] [Applause] yeah actually tell the truth are you surprised yeah because I've been waiting and waiting you know because I couldn't hear have what Kevin said tonight yeah let's get a lower price for that yes [Applause] those rhymes save Jesus I take my miracle right now carpal tunnels being healed right now whoever's got that stand up and take your healing carpal tunnel is being healed whoever that is to stand up and take your healing whoever that is stand up start moving it around College doing something right now God's doing something right now praise the Lord when you could tell a difference let us do it now what I'm gonna do October when I pass a Tony and see I want and I wanna wonder well at our church ministering and this lady her name is Brienne and she came to our church one Sunday during the water baptism and she testified dad nobody lay hand on her nobody pray for her and that she was a stuck on the chair this microphone is not good she was just stuck on the chair like at this you know Anna she couldn't move so anyway she had all kinds of pain different parts of her body and then one of them was her she had a carpal tunnel and she was in so much pain so when she came October 27th a week after the conference she testified nobody pray for her every pain every place that she had a pain that you it was all gone she was a completely heal and she said she tried to make her her carpet oh no she had she tried to make it her she showed it was been and twisted you were there cam you guys were there and she tried to make it her she couldn't make it hurt nobody pray for her carpet oh no went apostle thrown in on what they're ministering completely God heal it's on my Facebook page it's on Church Facebook page she recorded and she written and she came personally testified I just I want to do this before we close how many of you received a healing tonight wave you wave your hands that fact keep them up you receives it some do me a favor and count keep your hands up yeah you look up guys what's Terrell Meza I just want know how many people jesus healed tonight somebody else yeah let's give God praise for 72 people receiving a miracle from Jesus yes ma'am hi can I pray for my husband my husband you know he's on he's this is the gentlemen's club that I was gonna ask if you pray for him too but I was asking the guy who was what sure I was once there his name is Sydney okay Oh God told me his name his real name is acid' real you God told me he was his Israel so they call him Sydney okay father we agreed for Sydney I didn't have a miracle in Jesus name total deliverance Oh God how many of you have relatives or friends that you want Jesus to send an angel to to touch well just let's all stand up for who this listen I do not want you to pray for the person you're concerned about I want you to pray for somebody else's person does that make sense so the Holy Father we're lifting up all the friends and relatives whoever they are and father we're asking you to send angels angels of salvation angels of healing angels of deliverance angels of miracles angels of financial breakthrough whatever it is Lord send send an angel God for your glory now can we take 60 seconds and let's give God a praise 60 seconds [Applause] come on Rohan [Applause] but here's what we want to do everybody sit down just for a second this would be the last thing that will do for me to do but I want everybody who with diabetes to stand down everybody with diabetes diabetes so if you have diabetes stand up now I want you to check your blood Sugar's obviously but we've seen God heal sugar diabetes okay so we're gonna pray for that a mass prayer and if you don't mind if you are close to somebody who's standing up would you just lay your hands on them and pray for them if that means you have to get out so we're gonna pray for people to be healed of sugar diabetes check your blood Sugar's and you know you know what to do go ahead pray for their healing so father we're lifting up every person with sugar diabetes every single one father every single one Jesus you said lay hands upon the sick and they will recover they will become well it's the Lord we're laying hands Jesus you've healed people of sugar let people be healed right now and I thank you Jesus for touching people I thank you Jesus for healing people right now let's give God a praise for about 30 seconds [Applause] can we say thank you thought Paso Thani he's gonna come back he's gonna come back I'd like to see him back with a Kevin Jedi and him together yeah okay this is we need first of all before we end I ask you we do want to receive offering but listen you are not obligated to give I want you to give because you want to because I got put it on your heart to get you have given sacrificially you have come and you have blessed us you know blessed everybody so if you got put it on your heart to give please give and yet I don't want you to be obligated to give so you know what we gonna do it just assure is why you passing the baskets around and this is what I'm gonna do we're gonna tear it we have to tear everything down stick up the tears we have to take everything down everything we have to get this out of here because they have school in the morning so we need your help tre I need your help can I count on your muscles oh yeah okay I put you on the spot so you kind of have okay so if you want to envelope if you in writing a check right check the ruble of Destiny Church and just go ahead and so what we're gonna do is is books so a book table is gonna open are they gonna be opened huh okay so they're gonna be open for loot are you gonna be open for a little bit and in a t-shirt table please wipe out that t-shirt table and a book and CD table so but hey can we just kind of I want to just get rid of okay so people who you might not walk around I'm trying to talk I get distracted very easily please help me out only the ushers walking okay rest the people on that walk a lot of people can focus shooting at the same time I'm not like that just like one I read the word you know some people can
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 25,982
Rating: 4.8209877 out of 5
Id: GUGqNvXLkyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 59sec (12359 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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