Bug Out Load Out - Packing Out Your Ruck With Special Forces Veteran Kevin Owens

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[Music] we're gonna talk about bug-out bags so there's so many variations on what you would need to put in your bug out bag depending on this scenario so I'm gonna give you a real quick set simple scenario right here so you can kind of wrap your head around what we're doing alright this is your city wherever you live this is a this is Gotham alright so Gotham's been hit with a massive earthquake and lots of burning buildings destroyed infrastructure and there's four bridges leading into the city and development taken down within about 20 miles of the city has been devastated also all right so you're in here you're hunkering down and you're trying to wait for public services and the government that come feed you and rescue you so after a couple of days as resources get scarce and criminal gangs start taking whatever the [ __ ] they want then you decide look I gotta get out so you can walk across this bridge you just can't drive so you have a brother in this scenario who lives like 50 miles away so you're gonna walk there true in a rural environment nobody's looking for you nobody's tracking your cell phones take that take the tinfoil off your head but you are trying to avoid contact with people because as resources get scarce people are willing to do a lot of bad [ __ ] to feed their kids alright so that's the scenario we're doing we're gonna talk initially about what the where and then we're gonna pack our bag and to deal with this scenario alright let's do it alright so let's talk about what you're wearing in this scenario the the temperature is a little bit cold but not not terrible so when you step off when you start walking you need to be cold before you step off i comin know a common mistake people make is they snivel up especially when to get out of a sleeping bag in the morning put a lot of layers on and then went in half a mile or stripping things off so ideally a light jacket a light wind proof jacket t-shirt or a thermal top like this one was issued the some comfortable pants that you can lift your leg on jeans are awful they're like the worst thing you can possibly wear because they shrink and then you did their restrict movement all right good pair of boots these are Merrill's hunt them for a while I tape up duct tape I tape up my laces so they won't come undone and I'm wearing smart little socks night-night say good socks look there's no such thing as waterproof except for your skin so you're going to get wet sooner or later so you need a light pair of boots that dry off quickly it's about what what you you can expect all right I've got a good army belt on cuz I like it when I can clip in here if I ever need it like descend on a rock I'm carrying a Glock 17 on it on my hip I'd say it's not super accessible but I went with this as opposed to a appendix carry I can put my rucksack strap underneath it it'll keep it up high and it won't restrict me I've got this here in my pocket this is a big lighter and a multi-tool and the reason I attached it to myself is I'll never ever lose it I'll never put it down if I lend it to somebody they can't take it it's attached to me alright um I've also got this which is a little heavy for a knife but I just really like it the Spyderco knives I used to have them they're super light you put it in your pocket you forget all about it alright so also for security I've got this this is a titanium revolver 38 and I can keep it in my pocket like this so as I'm hiking I have access to this I could fire it from inside my pocket if I need to but I have it ready to go and it weighs almost nothing so it's nice to have alright let's talk about a jackets again like I said nice said windproof jacket this is another good one this is made by her on which is the clothing company Fortier tactical and it's really cool little wind proof jacket that rolls up really really small kind of cool just another top for the film movement radio if you're if you have somebody else you're talking to compass GPS and math absolutely critical pace count beads sperm egg from big pistol my phone I usually I would put it I would turn it off and I would put it in this waterproof case stolen pistol some gum decent watch little new cardinal direction compass headlamp and tourniquet okay so that's all I got on my person baseball hat and so let's go look at what we've got oh one more thing Benny come here so for security I've got this and I've got this and I've got that then he said fire down good boy alright alright so let's talk about the equipment in the gold bag let's talk about the bag first this is the bag I chose before we start I didn't buy anything I just grabbed stuff that was around a shop and i readed Mike stash this was Mike's bag he had his flight fishing equipment in so i stoled it it's got multiple compartments it's fairly rugged and it's about the right size for a 72-hour bug out bag now if I'm gonna stay longer in the woods if you look over here I got multiple options but if I took this which is my old commando pack from Ireland and this thing for like 30 meters I love it well missin the belt anybody wants to send me a belt well if I took that I would fill it and it would weigh a hundred pounds same with this North Face right rook this is a smaller one I can't remember who makes it glad it's just one compartment that's a penalty honest appeal in and out of and then this is the tier tactical jungle rook that's the SOCOM programmer record I really like this it's got that ad killed Alice Fran but as carbon fiber it's super light it's very narrow for going through the jungle and it's got some external pouches but it's to military for what I'm doing I wanna kind of sort of look like I'm not an army guy right so I chose this 511 tactical bag and again it's probably not perfect but we're gonna make it work all right so that's the bag I grabbed this sleeping bag out of Mike's place it's a it's a small lightweight sleeping bag the temptation is to cinch this thing down and crank all these and make it really small the problem is when you do that it becomes a solid little rock and it's hard to put inside a backpack so I leave it a little bit loose I will put it in a trash bag and stow it now pack your pack your bag regardless of what the weather says like it's going to be pouring rain everything in Ziploc bags everything in trash bags and you are going to get soaked just start with that mentality maybe that's growing up around I don't know but that's the way I always do it so in a sleeping bag now a sleeping pad is important you can always usually use in debris and stuff like that they kind of pad you would stop the Vinny come and stop the Nicole coming up from the ground but I like to have a sleeping pad the problem is this is kind of big and bulky and hard to use so what I did was I cut a piece off it and this is Mike so I old but Mike I cut your sleeping mat but Vinny had already eaten hole in it anyways that's gone so this is small it's enough for my upper body because I'm a little guy and it'll keep the damp from coming up from the bottom now for my legs and stuff like that I will use a pine straw or whatever I can I can find what this I can stow the full one I can't alright so a power bank can charge my phone or my ham radio goes out a couple of pistol mags some ammo that's a good bartering right there enamel ziplock bags this is a n95 mask let's threw it in here just in case but it's made by clear tactical it's really light easy to store and it's got a Velcro pouch and you put the filter inside it so I actually really cool little in a ninety five minutes topical alright let's talk about that yet boil some fuel I drink a lot of tea I have to have my jet board cup in second repellent couple of Nalgene bottles army canteen alright baby wipes even though I have toilet paper if you've never had monkey bud in the field it's a it's pretty bad baby wipes will be your friend worth carrying all right so Chow described a couple of mountain house meals I could probably survive in one a day but I they're super light and easy to pack so I took like four or five this is dog Java Vinny I took one per day and then if I need to I can feed him some of my stuff extra trash bags alright let's look over here I've got our food crap survival survival kit that's got all your essential stuff in there if you don't know what's in that kit then just go on the website look at it I got a first aid kit this is for trauma it's pressure dressings tourniquet and a few other things just for trauma I've got a waters not gonna be a problem in Rob we're gonna Philip but I've got a couple of bladders that I would leave with full these are gore-tex socks I've had these things for a while but these are badass you can wear these and walk in them they're breathable and they're really nice cuz they'll keep your feet dry if your feet have ever been wet for period of time then then you know what I'm talking about it but I've used these I've also used trash bags on my face not good to walk in but good for the patrol base alright so this is how long I had this thing thirty years or something I've built old peas with it and everything but this is a british army if you sell equipment you can tell by the camo pattern but it's called a fashio and it's really good and I'm gonna use it to where I'm gonna do some videos on building a shelter with it but it's really cool it's it's the coolest pattern of camouflage ever but that's a really cool piece of it not your worry whether bags everything needs to be the wet weather bag then these are all my clothes so it's hard to tell what they are so I wrote on it these are long johns sweatshirt couple of t-shirts some smart wool socks beanie cap and a pair gloves in here now for Globes I'm I'm not a huge fan of big cumbersome globes I like to have dexterity I like to be able to use my gun or my token utensils or whatever so I just these light as gloves that they're they're just enough to keep your hands somewhat warm but I can still do what I need to do all right but everything individually packed if you think about I'm trying to get socks out and it's pouring rain I don't want to open up my pack and let all that rain in so everything in individually insulated in in ziplock bags hit pimple bungees for setting up my huge a little bit of 550 cord pair of binos I need one of them collapsible bowls like I said in buy anything glasses if you need them what weather gear so this is hey I won this in a competition I would never buy it it's extremely expensive this is our Tareq's gore-tex jacket and gore-tex pants now III don't like to move in pants in gore-tex there what other pants so I'll usually just the jacket I liked it to be long so the water runs off and then just wets my legs but this is a fantastic jacket I take the pants even though I don't like to move on them but they're good for the patrol base if you're stopped and you're you're pulling security or it's good to be able to put them on the other thing I have I have long johns thermal pants what we used to do is we used to take them split them down the side and then velcome so velcro tool so as you can take them on and put them off without taking your boots and pants off you just drop your pants and then put them on and you can get a job as a male stripper on the weekend you can break that up [Music] [Music] let's talk about a couple of principles of packing a rucksack number one the items you don't need very often like my sleep gears on the bottom here but I have my my bash at my big poncho thing very accessible in case I get into a position where I need to pull it out hook it up on trees and give me some overhead cover while I set up my sleep area so stuff I need often like food or water or some of my survival items I have close and easy to find my less frequently used items of buried heavy items are tight to my back and so is it doesn't like pull me back downhill when I'm moving uphill I cinch down all my straps make sure everything's buckled and everything's pulled tight it just makes it neater and it stops it from snagging on bushes and stuff like that while I'm walking through tight on the growth if this is like 28 pounds so if it was bigger than this or heavier I'd want to frame something like that that jungle rock something solid now you always want I've seen people that cinch up these waist straps and kind of secure them and they don't use them to use everything on their shoulders when you walk for a long period of time that gets really really painful on your shoulders so what I do is I will tighten my shoulder straps and I'll type my waist strap and then periodically I'll let my waist strap open up and I'll take the weight on my shoulders or I'll tighten my waist strap and loosen up my shoulders and let the weight take on my hips just to alternate to give it a little bit of a break obviously water accessible if you have a Camelback it kind of reminds you to to drink a lot if you have a water canteen stowed you have to stop pull it out people just tend not to do it and keep walking my nation stuff or in my pocket my compass my GPS and my map and then I'm not I'm not pulling everything out of this unless I absolutely have to okay so um yeah that's it a little bit of a tight struggle but we got there all right so without water we're at about 28 pounds right now so we're gonna add once we step off we light this Camelback I got a canteen I got an algae in the bottle in here and I got a separate bladder if I needed that I wouldn't fill unless I was close to a stream packing a rucksacks not rocket science you keep it flat to your back you put the heavy stuff tight against your back and you make sure it's comfortable and nothing sticking in I generally wouldn't waves a little bit of a struggle to get everything in here I wouldn't I don't like going through the fields with a rucksack that's bulging like this because when you open it up in the middle of the night in the pouring rain it's pretty hard to get stuff back in so I guess you can eat your child to make more room then each day I bought a yeah about 28 pounds not too bad I can carry that 1,500 miles not that big a deal but yep if you have hit me up with questions I didn't put everything in here obviously there's more stuff I could put in so don't bother with the how you missed this and you missed this this is what I need you might be different okay all right that's it until next time stay alert stay alive [Music] you
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 440,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fieldcraft survival, fieldcraft, survival, prepardness, bugout, bug out, bug, out, bug out bag, bugout bag, bugging out, ruck, rucksack, trail bag, on foot, special forces, green beret, green, beret, socom, sniper, special operations, special ops, mobility, mobility bag, mike glover, mike, glover, kevin owens, kevin, owens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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