Pro's guide to CQB | One man room clearing

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I'm pretty sure anyone who watches EFT stuff on YouTube has ended up with this in their recommended in the past week. Gotta love the algorithm

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MetacognizantPastry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thus video is pretty interesting

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hardsoulution651 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I see this video every single fucking day in my recomendations, now its here, guess i'll finally watch it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IceBuurn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This approach will get you clapped against a good player, jiggle peeking and jumping past doorways to see inside then pre-firing with peekers advantage is the safest way. Even though IRL that would get you killed.

Watch Worrun or quattroace to see what I mean.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maustraktor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Uf pro imho is not the resource you want for cqb. The instructor is from prior Israeli sof I believe, but for cqb instruction I feel Mike glover is a way better instructor. Reason being is there is too much fancy shit going on, it’s pretty dramatized and a lot of the techniques are a bit... unconventional. The fast peek is especially funny, but then again I understand it’s meant mainly for solo clearing. Don’t know why he uses a team most of the time tho

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bushmastuh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Video itself is amazing, but using this method in eft will only get you killed, sprint and free-look then prefire with peeker advantage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrKratoss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This would work in tarkov if peekers advantage wasn't so strong. If you catch someone doing this in tarkov and they jump back instead of pushing, you can just prefire spray them and they won't get a shot off.

Carefully taking your corners in tarkov is good but trying to protect yourself with the techniques in the video will get you killed when going against an aggresive player. Instead, use these techniques aggressively; slice the pie, make sure your gun isn't in the door and you aren't too exposed, and be ready for something to jump out at you and spray the fuck out of it when it does.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AftT3Rmath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact with these tactics i killed a LVL 5 beefboi with an MP9 a few hours after watching the video using simply positioning and slicing taught in this video

ive been using these tactics for pie slicing ever since and they just work so fucking great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mikarana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pro's guide to dying in video games because you think you're a green beret.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SterlingMNO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
I will approach the narrow-angle I will stop I will orient check check to the back I will listen to the environment so I want to clear this room yes I want to I will start working with the apex of the threshold my feet gun and eyes are synchronized with the threshold I will snap the 90 degrees I will continue to slice continue to slice I will attack the corner as soon as I decided it's enough for me and soon as I will attack the corner I will give a quick check to the back to make sure that everything is fine or in this case I have to deal with the door and so on inside [Music] all right so we talked about different types of room shapes in CQB we talked about different type of entry angles now that you are aware about a danger and you're worried about the terrain that we have in CQB and that there is a lot of geometry into it I want to talk really quick about the angles that are in play and their relevance okay before we go into the team level tactics we start with the one-man tactics okay which means the individual working alone now I know in the military and the police we always say there is no chance that you will work alone right it's always like you're working with someone or with a bigger team you will never work alone wherever and in reality there will be situations which you will have to work alone can someone give him maybe in examples what do you think yeah for example I'm clearing a room and I'm with my entire team and we are clearing we are dealing with civilians which is it adds to the difficulty of situations and then someone recognized oh well I got that small door over there that is threatening my team but no one is addressing it because we missed it so in this small moments of time in place you'll see people clearing small fractions of structures alone okay and this is why it's important to understand how can I do it alone and efficiently or for example in situation where you have disconnection you lost the rest of your team or in moments when you are injured you're behind and now we have to work it along because your partner just got killed okay so there are many situations where you have to work alone okay so right now you will get that concept how can I work alone and in our system that concept that this one-man room-clearing is fitting perfectly into the two men three-man informant because in the end appointment work in different contexts is fairly the same make sense okay so we'll go through it is there any questions regarding what we're doing context when we're doing the next demonstration we will work on you in one room with an open door worst case conditions okay we could start simple and okay okay let's go okay when I was in the military I had let's say the beacon a little bit of a hard time to understand all of the numbers and angles in play and at some point my team leader came and he took and this measurement tool and he was slapping it on a box shaped sketch on a wall now from the moment that he did it there was a set of angles which was visible for me and he basically gave me the following principle you want to be able to fight with what you can see and not what can see you in other words imagine that in every one of those blue angles one person can stand with a gun and shoot a dorm meaning if I'm gonna run through the door and I'm standing here I am committing myself to a set of angles which I cannot handle equally make sense therefore what we want to fight only with what we can see the problem is however is that if I'm standing here there is a big difference between this angle to that angle not only in terms of what I can control in different positioning on my side but also in terms of the threat mobility okay people tend to work differently if the sofa is position here or there or if there is a door here and so on and so on so what we will do right now is I will give you definitions and terminology in relation to these angles this will be consistent tomorrow meaning we will work a lot with its definitions okay all right before we start really quick what what are the name of the angles we have your CQB inquiries narrow what else 45 90 150 180 okay what we'll do is the following I will start breaking down first position what am i doing in every angle and from there slowly I will build on top of it the tactic itself what do we achieve what are the dangers and so on and so on make sense alright let's break down this angle alright so the first angle that we have is the very first exposure and that is what we call the narrow angle it may varies in your size or in the frame size but primarily it represents the very beginning of exposure into the room what if there is a closed door well if we open a door then we can see it okay now our angle very very thin exposure into the room okay this angle is very good in terms of fixing certain stoppages or bailing out - or turning in situations where I'm standing here and I need to extract myself and so on and so on this is the beginning of everything so the now writing angle is basically this as soon as I'm up approaching the door let's say I'm just walking normally at some point of course when the door is open I will see a very narrow a very thin exposure into the room in this case I can see the hinges of the door and I can see slightly beyond the door and that already already allows me to understand that one my exposure starts - I can already start cheating the angles and look what's happening in that inside that room is there smoke coming out is there bloodstains and so on and so on make sense good right here right now from a moment I see that small angle I am in the narrow angle this is the very beginning now since we're in a one man room clear in context what we normally teach guys doing in our angle is to stop bring the gun down breathe look at the back and look back to the door but basically we want individuals to do is to do a quick orientation check one I want to understand whether I really want to take this room for example if I hear three people talking inside this room what does it means for me from a tactical perspective I mean I'm unable to handle this room right good second by stopping here and breathing I'm preparing myself for the possibility of threat and second I'm able to do a quick back check making sure that I'm on the right place where I want to be and that above all no one else whatsoever so for example if I'll be here Nancy shadow I will be able to get away from that room and prioritize a shadow and some and some make sense perfect let's talk about the body as soon as I'm on the narrow angle I am shifting my legs from here all the way to the wall so my hips are going to the wall the reason for that is is following one better exposure management second more cover or actually consuming and two I am setting my body into a synchronization with the threshold so basically what I'm doing is not only that I'm getting the rest of my body behind cover but my leading fit is going to point to the threshold my gun will point to the threshold and my eyes will point to the threshold one line of exposure I'm here it will be much more easier for me to handle the exposure and mobility go on that angle 45 degrees and just slide here towards towards this angle right here can you see my feet good if I will train guys to slice like this if you will recognize as I'm slicing that leg is already coming faster into the light correct now watch this if I'm changing the fit put that leg light again I'm out of that line but only this it's much more easier to manage this exposure and furthermore I don't need to focus on it too much because I can feel my videos make sense last point the mobility itself my feet right now are preparing me for combat I can run faster I can move faster and above all and the most important I can bail much faster from here if something happens make sense okay narrow angle orientation check I can stretch my head out if I want to the back everything is fine I want to work from the moment I decided I want to work my gun is going down slightly not too much I still need to see the flash the the flash hider and from here I can start slicing pay attention to my feet everybody see this fit over here it's pointing to the threshold this is the leading fit everybody see that fit over here this is the tailing fit okay one leg push one leg pushes okay and from here I'm starting to work and work and work then we have what we call the 45 degrees the 45 degrees as you can see allow the person to communicate with the flank of the room while being concealed to the rest of the room okay meaning that right now even if someone is standing here he cannot see that person at all but in the same time that person over here is able to scratch information which he can prepare himself to for example can everybody see the door over here at this point he can stop and he can say to him so well you know what I have a door over there if it's an open door I can bring up the shield guy whatsoever whatsoever it can still solve and address this problem from outside without dealing with the next issues the reason why I'm changing the fit and for example I'm not slicing like this back for example in the shooting end you'll see a lot of guys slicing like this the doors because I used for shooting range positions or like this is because I want to maximize the concealment behind the threshold ok CQB I have no cover I have only consumed Indian ok because now you can see me now you can't see me okay make sense good by having my gun now all the way down and again it's not all the way down it's still within the low ready context I'm able to manage my exposure and there will be no chance that my gun will be exposed like it is now to the next angle because right now the 60 degrees and 90 degrees can't see my flash hider coming which is by the way what what is the result here what will be the tactical issue if someone can see that part coming I will trigger the room and I will trigger the next angles which may not the matically the next angles will have an advantage makes sense that's the reason why the gun is down we will get back to that later then we have the 90 degrees the 90 degrees is an angle that allows me to see the center of the room which normally this is where people will be normally standing at unless we already started to fight with them in the 90 degrees my body posture is relatively comfortable it seemed there is a big difference however between wick situ strong side but long story short my focus is becoming to the center of the room this area is coming a little bit out of my peripheral view and I want to address it again that even though people always talk about the fatale funnel as a deadly thing that we should never stand in the middle of the door I want to again highlight it that even if he stands right here no one in this area can see him at all and this person is able right now not only to divide the room into two parts as controlled and uncontrolled but still he can prepare himself to the next issue so for example in a police context if an officer for the first time of his life just shut someone over here instead of running and doing it and overloading himself here is time here to engage the threat to identify him whatever perhaps eliminate him breathe get back into control and then continue to clear the room while not being exposed to the next problems so I will approach the door I will stop at a narrow angle the narrow angle will allow me to see a very thin exposure into the room that exposure will not allow me to see the corner of the room but will it will allow me to scratch a little bit of information outside of the room at this point I will stop and I will do what we call the orientation check I will bring the gun down I will look really quick on the threshold I will breathe I will listen why do I want to listen okay if I hear three people speaking Arabic in silent probably maybe I cannot clear that remove perhaps I want to bail out okay in addition I will also look to the threshold and look to the back for any case it could be I missed my target it could be that I pick now information which I missed before and so on and so on from here I will bring down the gun as we talked heaps towards the wall leading feet points to the threshold to the apex my gun the muzzle is pointing to the threshold but lowered and my eyes are above the gun synchronized with the optics from here leg pushes leg everybody sit that's all now I can see clearer into the room I can do a shoulder check if needed - what angle is coming now 90 right small tip it comes a little bit with feeling but as soon as you're approaching the 90s take it in one step the reason for that is is that we found out that between a 60 degrees to the 90 it is a very very tricky angle that allows the threat often to see your gun always also if you will be like this so what we say is as soon as you start to isolate the 90 degrees take it in one movement makes sense good soon as I take it in one movement I don't have to bring the gun up it depends what you prefer to do I have the 90 degrees it's a meaningful angle therefore I will stop shoulder check everything is fine and I will continue to slice next angle that we have really quick and dirty is the 150 in Israel we are also referred to as to it as 45 we call it 150 because of the following reason we want to highlight us for example if I'm coming from this area the more I'm opening in the room the higher the number goes and the harder number goes the higher the danger goes okay due to the following reason even though it's still an angle that allows them to see a flank of a room the person here is losing control on that the area it brings several problems that we will demonstrate tomorrow but long story short this area over here the previous 45 is out of the of control that means if someone is gonna come through that door not only that he will not be able to see it but if there will be additional team members over here they will not be able to address it okay so it's fragile as you can see past the 90 degrees my leading fit my gun and my eyes are on one line which is synchronized with the apex of the threshold and up X I remind you is the edge of the object we're working with whether it's a cover concealment make sense good weapon goes down here comes a really really really important point compress the weapon up a little bit to use it while I did with a stock this is really important why because in other rooms you will see that the threshold won't be so deep it might be a little bit thinner which means if I will slice like this the next corner or the next angle will be able to see my gun coming therefore here with press your weapon by bringing the stock up am i slower now or faster I'm still faster I can shoot I don't even need to go through the side and why because point should okay so it's to work alright let's continue then we have the final angle which is the 180 degrees which is the hard corner basically taking the corner slicing slicing slicing next phase is isolating the corner I am trying to cheat the angles and see as much as possible from outside before committing to the next angle and eventually I will isolate isolate isolate isolate and soon as I can I will attack the corner as I attack the corner the gun goes out my feet goes in I see everything is fine shoulder check if someone will trigger my attention I can flash out or if I see someone running to me with a knife whatever I will flinch out and so on and so on what is important however to understand that if it has to go inside a little bit flat on flat be stable so if something happens I can go out okay small tip if you will be with your legs outside and you will end too much into the room you can fly into the room which happen to you right so don't do it alright quick summary I will approach the narrow angle I will stop I will orient check check to the back I will listen to the environment do I want to clear this room yes I want to I will start working with the apex of the threshold my feet gun and eyes are synchronized with the threshold I will snap the 90 degrees I will continue to slice continue to slice I will attack the corner as soon as I decided it's enough for me and soon as I will attack the corner I will give a quick check to the back to make sure that everything is fine or in this case I have to deal with the door and so on and so on okay so we isolate the rest of the problems right now we focus in this are there any questions okay let's let's do a quick rundown regarding this thing so the reason why we teach guys to jump from let's say the 60 degrees to the 90 degrees weather would have gone up or just like this is for two main reasons one from our perspective as long as we have local surprise if someone will be occupying the room and he's not aware about my presence or at least my let's say tactical presence it will probably be in the center of the room so if I'm able to catch him surprise him and have already a gun on him and control am already better right because I'm proactive second remember this 60 degrees 90 degrees issue that we have with the flash hider does it get exposed a little bit before so if we teach it by default guys that sooner they recognize that the 90 degrees is coming to make it one jump and as you can see I'm perfectly synced with my concealment it will prevent by default the possibility of the simple individual [ __ ] up with the exposure okay so for example what we see often is that guys are coming around the concealment and they're creeping around like this you see it you can already see how how my barrel goes into the room to the next angles which I cannot see okay however if I'm coming from here and then I'm gonna just jump and get the 90 degrees maybe I jumped two angles at once but I just surprised okay so in order to prove that it actually works what we will do is the following you will take a phone camera okay you will be in a lorry position on the 90 degrees it's like it's like you're gone it's like a pistol whatever and I will try to attack you from the 90 degrees as soon as you see me doesn't matter what you will try to get a picture let's see who was faster in terms of having a damn under three okay so for example I want you to shoot me with a camera of the phone as soon as you see any part of my gun okay good you ready so you can see me yeah you can see me now right I can't see you anymore it's a typical issue with guys on the 60 degrees that they are coming around the corner take same time until they can see you let's do the snapping the 90s of what I showed you before again new definition snapping the nineties alright ok I wasn't able to see him now we'll do the correct way ok so let's see how it was so as you can see just what the only thing he was able able to film was a very small part of my body but I was already been concealment with a gun on him I was able to identify and I was proactive in his reactive so if we learn it by default to do that your level of confidence is much higher as well as survivability make sense yeah make sense for everybody perfect are there any questions all right so what bothers you like the exposure ok you all familiar with fatal funnel right fatal funnel means what in few words who can tell me fatal funnel all right sir ethically it would mean that anyone who stands in and doe will die because a lot of bullets will fly to the door right it's true in relation to dynamic entries because the dynamic entries everybody run awaited through the door which means which rigor the room in a slice entries it's the opposite way around actually fatale funnel doesn't exist unless there is a fat already for the very simple reason if I am on a 90 degrees in YouTube which is perfect example are studying here you can't see me correct you can't see me okay even if you will run towards me because I'm all the time working with the apex of the threshold half of my bodies behind concealment we can argue it's a cover but I don't care I'm calling it consuming but I'm out of picture for you so even if you will start shooting I still have the possibility to bail out now fun fact and we can prove it and again human behavior as soon as you will hear a loud explosion or you will see something that you will feel absolutely threat threatened by what will be your natural reaction bail out right flinch so if right now you communicate with me this angle and you already see a very small part of my body but I can still shoot you and let's say you will surprise me by nature I will do this movement can you see me run along okay so that's why we do it so final final take doesn't exist make sense good are there any questions yeah if you concur 90 I don't use the moment like like dynamic okay in the path so there is a variation in the past when we use to do it and actually teach it which I don't do it anymore it basically doesn't hold against force and force and above everything it just doesn't make sense anymore why because you basically collide dynamic with slice entries okay so if you're studying at 90 degrees right and from here you will literally run into the room you basically were defeating the purpose I just now expose myself to the rest of the room which has the highest probability to have a threat because if until here I didn't count it no one and from here I decide to run into the room I'm committing myself to an entire set of angles with the highest probability of having some of them make sense good so therefore except for very specific situations as soon as I will get a 90 I will continue to work also training wise it's much more easier for you because then you don't have to learn how to run fast or how to do this how to do that everything repeat itself in the end here it's a very consistent work of a few simple principles and that's it make sense are there any questions all right all right let's go through this video really quick it's gnarly for the purpose of visualizing the angles we just talked about right now you have a team approaching from the left slide so this will be the first angle is this a 45 or an hour angle that's narrow it's very thin normally if we are very honest it will not allow you to see the corner but it will allow you to scratch it tip we're always looking for hands why because if someone is going to hide or hold a weapon or something normally it will stick out a little bit okay and you will be able to see their hands from here we will have the next general angle and that will be the 45 everybody can see an mp5 perfect that means if right now I need to deal with that person behind the closet nothing can see you behind the wall even if something will come to me he will need to come to me he will need to come into the doorway which is more comfortable for me rather than having someone behind me running into me okay let's say I'm engage them I have no time to prepare myself mentally and continue okay 90 degrees exactly as you can see the room is divided it depends a little bit how deep the room is but long story short the room is divided everybody can see now the level of complex complexity here I have that spaces here also I have a woman over there which maybe I need to handle in terms of come to me come to me or she's freaking out or whatsoever if I need to handle her in terms of identification or profiling I still can do it behind consumed and without committing myself to do too many different angles make sense perfect let's continue really quick then we have the 150 degrees and the corners and here comes a very important thing this is the angles narrow 45 90 150 and 180 everything you will end tomorrow is based on this there is small check points between these angles and I promise you and we can prove it to you that once you understand his angles and the relevance between these angles meaning what can I use for stoppages bailing out productivity whatever you will be able to manipulate a threat and win him if even if he is waiting for you
Channel: UF PRO
Views: 1,088,659
Rating: 4.9324255 out of 5
Keywords: cqb, cqb techniques, cqb training, cqc, cqb training course, uf pro, close quarters combat techniques, ufprogear, close quarter combat shooting, close quarter battle, self defense, self defense techniques, special forces, room clearing, home defense, dynamic entry, special operations
Id: QSzTqh8ZsEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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