Pro's guide to CQB | Solo CQB & Corner fed rooms

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Eli is a master. He's a natural teacher.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iceman312 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If someone is really, really waiting for you [...], then yes he will be able to shoot you, but that is reality. At some point you can't be 100% safe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RPofkins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is covered in this video? Corner-feds, positive and negative; heavy-left or heavy-right, known wall. Clearing behind the door (behind-door check). KSK and CTSFO featured examples.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cqbteam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
let's talk first about positive corn-fed and a positive corn-fed for example if I'm approaching from here at some point during my slice I will see that there is a wall over them from here I know that there is a corner fat furthermore I know where is the highest probability for me to encounter something not only this and that probably was a force of force if I will fight someone it will be easier for me instinctively to understand that soon as there will be here an engagement any person room will probably go in that direction so it's easier for you to orient around the situation as it unfolds but that later you will send four centers how do we clear it pretty simple if I'm coming here from the now angle again I will do a short stop for orientation check by now I am able to slice up to 80% of the room meaning the only place which has the highest probability for sure their threat will be over there [Music] all right guys before we go into the corner front and center fed and we make clear definition a definition between the two I just want to clarify what do I refer to as an entry point in reality we have three types of possible ways of entering a room through a door through a window or through any kind of improvisation such as a wall charge making a hole in the wall with a hammer or whatsoever okay what common to these three types of entry angles is in will in which angle in relation to the corners of the room am i entering the room or the structure so for example if you look on the picture to the left I have a corner fat while the picture on the right I have a center fit in a corner fed I have one less corner to worry about while in the center fat I have two corners which I have to worry about okay it's really important to clarify because often people ask it so it still looks like a corner so how come that this is not a center fat well an our system we define it in the following way if the corner here for whatever reason is shallow meaning under two meters I will refer to as the corner fat because normally I would be able to see that area from outside even if I will have a door a little bit against the wall in terms of heavy side versus light side Here I am to expect much more movement of threat in comparison to that area which is more isolated okay priorities priorities priorities but we will get back to them okay so we talked about different types of room shapes we talked about center fed corner fed and different ways of doing things let's go back a little bit into room clearing in a capacity of one man and this time let's focus on corn fats okay so as you remember we have two types of corner fits right what what out is negative and positive right in few words what is a negative corner fit negative coordinate is that I see the wall first is almost in the room exactly the ball that's played 90 after 90 degrees yes if I go to 150 actually very good what is the biggest danger a negative corner fan I exposed himself into the room till the moment I really notice that it's negative exactly so I'm wasting my energy on something doesn't exist a corner right good what is the positive cornified or you know what how do I identify a positive dolphin I need to know or at least 45 and see already - all right we can recognize that there is a warm front of me meaning there is no corner or perhaps a very thin corner the majority of the room goes in a very certain direction which means a corner fit right good what is the human factor here why is it positive what what is really positive in this case like I realized it at the moment I'm at the open door like they have to put their thickness at the doors open and I come to the door and I see the wall so I know what happens and where's the main heavy area of the room art very good which means higher competence level okay you're able to visually visualize in your head basically formation coming from the room like hearing things where his additional humans are in this room is onna ok let's go through it since you know already the body positioning and everything I don't need I don't think there is a need to make it to talk about it too much instead we will just demonstrate a couple of stuff and then we will just practice it okay let's go ok let's talk really quick about the corner fed first of all it's important to understand that when it comes on the corner fed we have two categories of corner sets ok these categories are prospective driven or in other words into from which direction of the door am i approaching the room right now so when I was in the military at some point I realized that technically the corner feds are split into two categories if they're a positive corner fed or a negative corner fit in a positive corner fed I will be approaching from the right side of the entry point let's say right now that I open the door or the door is already open the reason why we call it a positive corner fell is because from the initial moment of exposure into the room which is around the narrow angle or 45 degrees I will able to see a wall that wall will be an indication for me that I am dealing with a corner FET the reason why we call it a positive corner Fed is because right here I am still not committed to this room I'm still not exposed to this room but I already know what kind of room am i dealing with even if there is gonna be a door here it doesn't matter right now I know what is the heavier side of the room and where should my priority go to which is the right side and a positive corner fed for example if I'm approaching from here and I'm coming let's say from the narrow angle at some point during my slice I will see that there is a wall over there correct from here I know that there is a corner fat furthermore I know where is the highest probability for me to encounter someone not only this and that probably was enforcement force if I will fight someone it will be easier for me instinctively to understand that soon as there will be here an engagement any person room will probably go in that direction so it's easier for you to orient around the situation as it unfolds but that later you will sin for some force how do we clear it pretty simple if I'm coming here from in our angle again I will do a short stop for orientation check what am i doing by the way in orientation check breathing coming down shoulder check is everything ok looking to the door maybe wires traps whatsoever shadows bloodstains in addition I'm listening maybe my target was actually over there maybe the ostrich takers over there maybe I hear three people inside so on and so on makes sense let's continue okay from here I decided I want to take your room and let's work with it if you will recognize during the entire size which is the same as a Center fed I am pretty much protected from that flank over there make sense by now I am able to slice up to 80% of the room meaning the only place which has the highest probability for sure terror threat will be over there make sense until now good ok an appositive corn-fed the majority of the work around the entry point is relatively safe if you can see also the slice is relatively staying close to the aplex over here which means during the entire process not only that I know into which general direction the threat might be located but also have the possibility to simply step off in addition I don't have any kind of a problem to the left normally and even if I have a door I'm relatively safe because the angle will not allow a direct exposure okay all right so you have seen this tactic from the outside perspective now you will see it from the inside each one of you is located in another angle which is perfect so you can have the impression of the threat or any person who would be in the room okay so I will demonstrate it one more time and when I'm finished to demonstrate I'll ask you a very simple question and I would like to have an honest answer max is good [Music] okay did I forgot something did I finished clearing the room or that door all right let's talk about it real quick so one of the problems we have is that around this area when people are seeing doors like this they get a little bit confused what they will do is the following that will jump around the corner that will get that corner and the militaries that we turn around it they will throw themselves into a really quick phase of clearing there are a few problems with that and I would like to address how we can be more efficient here and why do I address this rather than this because it does conflict a little bit with what we talked previously right the need too far problems correct good you will be with me here number two first issue that we have with all this jumping around is that if I will teach you to jump around the corner and tamale automatically to turn around probably in reality it will conflict a little bit without things happen right because you need to identify you need to see probably you can't see the corner pretty well correct make sense so this is more important with all due respect that second priority will get back to that second issue that's we have training wise and we sought enforcement force very often is the form and you'll see guys coming from here attacking it and immediately turning around doing this movement now as I do this movement slowly they're starting to position themselves against the second partner comes out or perhaps additional members in in the corridor what is the problem here the confliction if there will be a threat here do you really think that you will shoot in that direction no you will defend yourself correct you'll start shooting doesn't threat stairs in the same time no he will move every human being is moving he's fighting for his life correct and what we look into is the possibility of someone jumping around the door to clear it and second later shooting towards his friend behind the door or the wall makes sense so let's make it more efficient thank you very much from the moment I'm coming from here I will take that corner I see it I see the connection of the two walls everything is fine I will check around me if I have a door like this and I feel super super threatened by it whatsoever instead of standing here what I can do is the following me here you see it that's all clear it and come back here again that's it I'm outside from here the angles are so thin that if someone is standing there I can see half of his body already you see it makes sense next point question why I am prioritizing as a threat this area rather than this area because you know people get freaked out from this job but there is a corner here and you know I can kill you ID why this or not this first and so on very good what else I was a grasp attacker as you might think if he's in the room how can I shoot from your leg listen I mean seriously second i nee if I want to hit someone I need to see him first unless I really know exactly where it is make sense very good what else you want to say something they're good next point if someone is going to be behind it and he's hiding and he will try to open that door against me then I know for furthermore you will feel it any movement against you okay so here comes the next question who is more freedom of movement tactically a person who will be hiding here or a person who is hiding here therefore I want to hit the trees we have a very simple priority list threat civilian open spaces open doors closed doors that's how I'm prioritize my problem with near to far of course make sense so therefore prioritizing this and than this here is the truth if someone is really really wedding for you like in all of these games and stuff that you see then yes you will you will be able to shoot you but that is reality at some point you can't be one person safe but here at least we're prioritizing where is the highest chance for a threat to work on me are there any questions anything so how to do it properly yeah okay so first of all you talk too fast will cause me to rotate to my position perhaps hit my friends correct good can you give me some context some some kind of something to orient myself around there is zero a threat to want to shoot me what did I hurt something to secure in this way that I don't endanger my my teammate okay that I don't have to point the gun in his direction let's start with this with a suspicion okay I have no idea if there is someone in there and I will not [ __ ] you I don't have this spacer I have no idea what is behind the door okay make sense good during my slice at some point around this area here I am hearing movement or whether it can be animal it can be a human being that I don't know but there is a movement there right here right now the majority of this room is not a problem for me you know what let's say that I even clear until here I will do a quick pick clear what I will do now is the following I will switch this up X with this effects just like I work with this area I will now work with this area and I will start slicing around it the only thing that it's really important to understand here is this if you work alone you might want to do it a little bit faster why because this is a consuming and this area is starting to boil up because the person knows you are coming okay - I don't want to see people taking the door with the door you know like people often do it they take it like this and they take the door again like this why because first you will have stuff like this and second you will have stuff like this and third if there will be a big guy like you behind it and you will push that door or you will try to escape I will fall backwards so what I want to do is again the same principle of room slicing to shift the APICS from here to here and start walking around it you see it I'll do a little bit faster and suck make sense that's all and gain a little bit of distance from it this is important let's talk about a situation where when I have a partner with me just to demonstrate it really quick okay you will be with me again remember we talked about the situation where I could aim against them remember so what I will do is the following and this is really the beauty about these tactics because it allows you to react in the right time and in the right moment for any kind of a complication in the room right so he will be with me shoulder-to-shoulder let's say that you cover him over there okay Chuck I took that corner everything is fine that I'm recognizing that problem and I'm orienting he see my body position do you see it doesn't even know that he just did it automatically you see this area free now instead of me just running and turning around because you see what his problem I will tell to him I will give him this very simple order come back with me soon as I say that with me he's with me he stuck to me like glue with me okay really important pressure and he's all the time with me is all the time with me in all time with me it needs to be trained of course it has to be a little bit faster okay therefore just to make sure that no one understood it wrong let's do it together really quick with me with me he said that there is no chance of course it should not hug me too much we need the baling distance again that's the next topic but it's just sure what we can do the only thing I'm asking you not to do is not to get used in today like this running around or is it's dangerous okay positive corner FET that summarized very quick I'm coming from outside the first thing I can see will be the wall over here no one can see me correct but this is what I'm controlling the more I'm slicing the more I'm confident because I know exactly what kind of room I have in and as you can see no one can see me coming until it's too late for him okay the majority of the room until here but you can see the corner there very well it's secured from outside the only thing I have to do is to attack it makes sense perfect let's talk about negative corn-fed really quick how we can do it and then we will just practice okay negative corner FET question from this angle does it look like a corner Fed doesn't will you agree with me right now that it's relatively too late until the upper eight realize that it's a corner fat yeah okay I will continue the video so the operator is approaching the room he is slicing he is shooting and around this point probably recognized he was freezing this is a typical situation in a corner fed which we refer to as a negative corner fed in this situation the operator will slice the room he will see a very open empty space he will think that there is an opposite corner coming ahead but at some point around the 90 degrees a little bit beyond he will recognize that there is a wall when he he will recognize there is a wall well his job is done right there is nothing to clear there the only problem is that he is exposed to the rest of the room deep inside okay and this is what we referred to as a negative corner fit now that you have seen the video and you have a figure in mind I want to break it down a negative corn-fed I'm going to approach from the left side of this corner FET let's say that you open a door for me whatever door is open or maybe I can still bit into the room but what I can see is quite of a depth right I see a empty corner I can't clear it I have to continue to slice the room or enter over there during my work around the entry point it will take me quite a lot of time until I will realize that the area which I'm primarily going to clear actually is not a big priority for me instead the opposite area is the area which has the highest likelihood to have what that's right correct good now what's going to happen typically is that slightly beyond the 90 degrees most individual if we were honest most individual will see this wall by the time they will see this wall the limbs their legs their knees their shoulders will be exposed to this angle over here okay and in force and force this is a situation that's very problematic because this is where we see people getting their heads their hands shut all the way from that corner and that is primarily why we call it an a negative corner field now here comes another interesting thing that we saw on force and force which was really problematic and it's the following ironically your exposure to the corner which is a place where people who were tried who would try to ambush you or hide will who waited they will have the ability to already hit you as soon as you enter their narrow angle let it up right now I mean that a narrow angle I can see into the room I can see an angle but as you can see my legs are already exposed actually a really important parts of my body are exposed things that can kill me really fast why do I have your inside firm or how long does it take me to get basically to die from it if it's I get it like cut it all right think about it so here's the thing looking at my body my eyes looking forward I shifted my legs just like I learned the only problem is that my eyes obviously are not in one line with my leg normally so what's going to happen here that often guys can't see properly but a threat to his wedding is able ready to score shots in them this is very dangerous therefore I want you to keep it in mind okay good kill it okay from here the next issue issue is the following I will slice I will slice I will slice I will think that you know it's a Center fat whatever I will slice and if we are honest all around let's say past the 90 degrees whatever I will recognize that well maybe there is a small corner here but this has a higher probability for a threat right so what's going to happen at around this area that arms put the like on that arms are going to be already exposed okay but I can see what there is over there even if my weapon will be lowers still my my wrist will be exposed to the next angle okay and by the time that I'm able to see that [ __ ] it's there it might be too late why it will be too late because of the following reason if a number two will be standing right here he will be literally in the center of the light if a number three will be standing here because number two covering over there the same effect so the team can get really hit from that enforcement force if it's done it not in the right way we see number two and three getting hit because the number one triggers the fire and everything that comes from there is going in our direction okay let's just think about it so what is the principle here very simple extremely simple it's only one principle shift the hips if I recognize this is not relevant for me anymore I will shift these epochs with an effects which is relevant to me which one here question should I do it in one movement or should I just switch and continue slicing from here what do you think very good always thinking one thing I really don't like the same with t-section is in Sona is when people are jumping all the way because I just now consumed so many angles so many possibilities of humans that I might need to identify without being able to identify because we can't control while being in movement we can't make sense okay so as soon as you recognize that this area is not really relevant for me because it's a negative corner FET and this is where the responsibility should go you change your feet in a position and from here you continue to slice until you hit that wall make sense I know how it is here or in a classroom it sounds like yeah and yeah makes sense but later when you put guys in this room with this with this airsoft guns or FX whatever and Hertz and no one want to get hit this is where you see this stuff okay people people are assitant people are like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] where did it came stuff like that okay now I brought for you another visual explanation and I will play the next video which shows a really good example and afterwards I will ask you to describe for me where did you recognize it negative corn-fed and that way I will be able to understand that you understood this concept okay negative or positive corn-fed negative all right here is why it's negative again from the moment the door is open doesn't matter if dynamic or slice methods at this point no one of the operator is able to tell whether there is a corner here or not and what they will do normally and doesn't matter if they will do crisscross or buttonhook they will give attention to that area now when I'm gonna press the play I want you to pay attention to the first guy wasted resources that's the major issue we have with negative corner fed plus the issue of injuries normally the number one will go into the room he will put his back to there the area of danger and he will waste time and effort on putting in the gun against the wall fun fact the moment when I realized the wall story about positive and negative confidence was when I crashed against a closet okay I went into the room I thought there is a corner and I just run with my head against tool you can tell how much concentration you have here door gets open there is a freeze waiting for the flashbang you can see how much angle goes here into the room and from that moment I decide to move in they have no idea what comes next by the way fun fact dynamic entries around this area will push the operator to shoot in that direction and guessing there will be someone behind the door as it's not controlled which again the confliction but that was just an extra piece of information but in the end of the day you can see how it looks like and this is something that actually exists all right how do I you and then fi+ corn-fed but it is in few words are you coming from here in a positive qualified okay you're coming from here right how can you tell it's a positive corner faith you will see the wall correct if you opening the door whatever it means the priority goes there of course if something is gonna happen beyond the door you change priorities but that's big-boy rule we will talk about it tomorrow in a negative corner fed I will come from here of course what is the bit what is the problem here why it's a negative corner fed basically well you can't say you can say to you will think there is something there you will shift a priority in turn into this direction but you will be Falls to the deeper angles very good I want just to put one more important remark regarding the positive corner field which is really important to understand here is a really interesting thing about human behavior even if I do something wrong meaning my training is completely well [ __ ] but I feel competent I can facilitate stress better which means my family if I'm standing outside of the room and I have no idea where is the threat but at this point I can already tell that this is a corner fed room or I can orient myself with what kind of room is waiting for me inside I can be more competent and when I'm more competent I can do what facilitates stress better okay so just keep it in mind okay corner of it is clear for everybody let's talk really quick about Center fat honestly there is not too much to talk about it but I'm entering relatively in a center of the structure or the room long story short I have two empty spaces which will refer to as hard corners meaning I have to get through the entry point in order to see them they are equally on the same angle okay and yeah basically centreford okay um I think it's pretty self-explanatory we don't need to go too much into it so we can continues in the next topic so we'll approach it in our angle I will stop just like we always learn by the way I'm on my weaker side right so if you take if you have time and you have a local surprise here is the time to do a show let's make sense only if you have the time if you expect any person to come out well you should not do it make sense okay from here I'm starting to slice everything is fine everything is fine I'm slicing all good and oh [ __ ] I see a wall where is the responsibility shift so in this area right okay so from here I will shift slice it if needed I will attack it look over shoulder and then I can start working on the next problem and Sun and Sun I'll just do a demonstration without talking and we're good to go okay so I think it was pretty clear right doesn't make sense to the separation between positive to negative okay for you this is like another thing you can recognize on the go and adjust to it because here there is not too much thinking it's just like driving on the highway right you see something in front of you you know what it means and you react to it for example if your car is getting too close to you you know - Marty - that you need to get a distance if it's too fast you know that you have to change your line son and so on same effect here I'm coming from there I know I see the wall automatically in my head I know what kind of a tactic I'm going to apply here which later we will discuss so again we're eliminating this how should I do it I can do this and I can do that and we have to communicate no it's too much right we have to keep stuff simple good are there any question when you realize okay you mean if someone like I'm right here and right now someone came from there you will ask which one I will go ok very good question the question is how intense would be this new - stimulus so for example if it will be like a loud explosion and some other one gunshot whatever probably we will look into something like this going away completely ok what I like to teach guys is the following if you already here try automatically to catch him from here this requires a little bit of training why because if you will go from here and you will Vale back here first of all your cover you don't have really consume in here second for the way it works for the eyes to orient around your cover this will be much more easier because it's just one texture versus two you see the more lines I have the more complexity I have makes sense good so it would look like this I see something coming out I will just react to it here very quick and that's all that sounds good are there any other questions anything good how was like you know how was this module for you I mean you're coming from different backgrounds in the end and son and son how was like you know this tactic this way of building up their capability okay I was fearful it's actually pretty easy to accomplish and I'm excited about whole works and force and force yeah difference between exactly exactly all the tactics like you expect before so I know that the tactics are working with my human instincts and also my human reflexes when you have to go wait first okay here is some a little bit you know we talk now about some stuff when you mentioned human behavior so you know you said like it's really simple right it's really easy to do and you mentioned human behavior so I just want to give you a really quick quick quick background information why we're actually doing it so simple in the end why we you know we avoid all these enzymes and saying stuff like you do this and you can do this and that and we go in here we go in and [ __ ] like this there was a research regarding the performance of f1 drivers you know Formula one right you all know that and it was found out that despite the fact that they know the track of the driving you on all this information still during the drive for the majority of the time of the competition their heart rate value was very high we're talking about something from 160 beats per minute all the way to 180 constantly almost constantly and the question was made how they can perform with such a high rate higher heart rate value over such a prolonged time and still drive very good I mean you know they still need to be able to drive right there is technique into it right the answer is very simple when they drive they have just few things they have to do speed up slow down left and right that's it from the decision-making point of view the same happens here I have the apex I have my legs I have my eyes I have my gun and I have the consistency in movement this the only thing the only thing that you do by devil is this nothing else no special movements like this and going down and going here and taking a little bit backwards and stuff like this now just everything is the same very simple and therefore we said we start with one man to man through man for man and in the end the capability repeats itself across different context capacities and so on and so on ok CQB especially CQB because of the distance to the threat and how things happen has a lot to do with German behavior especially when we look into it through the desired performance level if you would like to see with the fighters ok good so just think about right [Music] [Music]
Channel: UF PRO
Views: 217,257
Rating: 4.973639 out of 5
Keywords: uf pro, uf pro gear, special forces, cqb training, cqb, cqb tactics, cqb training course, itcqb, force on force, cqb room shapes, force on force training, room breaching, breaching, close combat, close quarters combat, cqb techniques, room clearing
Id: tam5y2qREkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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