A Green Beret and a Navy SEAL Talk CQC High Port VS Low Port

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I think they weren't asking the right questions and were already drawn towards one conclusion, personally.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/cqbteam 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

High port feels better when snapping at the 90

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I believe this one is biased since Glover was part of an SF CIF team which, I believe, took up the high ready as their standard. Think they practiced a lot of maritime operations.

So, it's not really "Army vs. Navy" so much as it is two high ready dudes jerking one another off.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Rainbow6Actual 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

A topic people feel strongly about.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/comradeb0ris 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

lmao. both has their merit. its simply context and bit of neurology.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ProjectGeckoCQB 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

We’ve talked about this before but I’ll still say that ready position is entirely situational.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Dkui2200 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Interesting dichotomy between Army SOF and Navy SEALs on the use of high port and low port during room clearing, It even has an impact on how they approach the entry to the target room.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/BarneyRubble853 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
All right so we're about here on the range and we're gonna give a couple of demos first so Mike why don't you just if you can just walk us through what a lo port room entry comes looks like and you know we're not going to do staff we're clear and safe with double checked but Mike's just kind of like talk us through what a basic low port entry looks like we're not worried about sectors of fire right now we're just worried about getting through this getting through the threshold all right guys so if I'm coming over here and I'm on obviously I'm inside of this room and this is the threshold and the doorway and I'm coming into another room this is considered a center fed room because I have a point of domination here and a point of domination here we typically call this the cut this is the place that more than likely you're you get shot from outside of the threshold of another doorway because I can see all this open space so it's here or here so if I'm going in low low ready which is you know it's very typical to see an army guy doing movements from the lure already in the stack I'd have a guy in front of me and that guy might go right what I would do is I would hug my gun butted up against him with my gun oriented obviously down to the ground and as soon as I clear open space to see my point of domination or to get around this wall I take the gun up in the street to that point of domination that's a basic of a low ready and then coming up into my point of domination remember that the point of CQB especially with the center fed room is to come in with a simultaneous clear of each point of domination the idea is there's a bad guy here right and if I'm coming in I would have the hugged up on that number one guy just to get that into that point of domination at the same time he's clearing his corner a lot of time in a briefs well but it doesn't execute as well make sure I get a question what I've never done little port entries I've only right port so when we're in the stack then get the camera to come around here say we're heading this way and you're the number one man my gun is like this yeah up here yeah so it's a little ready am i down like this just like that yeah okay you got to be really cognizant that my barrel is not a Beretta your fucking cab yeah okay all right yeah and the one of the things that's been articulated I talked about this years ago in a podcast was the fact that in the G wat when we were doing joint operations with a navy we thought that what you guys were doing was Hollywood that's what Hollywood guys do until we started getting into small contained buildings where you know you don't have a room for an assaulter and you have to squeeze two big dudes in kit through a threshold simultaneously again that briefs real well in training but doesn't execute well in real life in combat and so you should understand that army catwalks observe and control from the top down meaning there's a catwalk where a controller is standing on top an instructor is standing on top of observing down and if I have the gun here at the high port pointed at the instructor up on the catwalk that's not safe and so institutionally they didn't allow us to do a lot of that and so we had to start doing a lot of this from the from the low carry or they or the low ready but obviously war has changed a lot of things and we've adapted to that I used to do did you sorry to cut you off so did you guys actually switch like mid deployment or we did we did I I believe the big switches came in oh six oh seven no way we do with you but then eventually we get to a live fire and when you're doing a live fire if there's guys on the catwalk we'd have to change our tactics and we might be like this for UTM source imps would if we'd eventually have to get our guns down out of the catwalk or clear the catwalk to be able to do that notion Isis tinkly remember doing ops with East Coast teams in O six we're doing joint ops and then I remember making fun of the dudes and going hey this is that's kind of crazy they're doing that until I realized that was more advantageous and it works yeah especially when you're I think the biggest point like people articulate in different ways but the biggest point is if you're in front of me and you're my number one man I have a barrel here but and so I am so close up on this operator that when we go through that into single doorway and I give him the squeeze and he goes into his port of domination I am on his ass to drop this Barrel in to that point of domination there's a couple other benefits but that's one of the most advantageous for me I guess I mean we're a little short on time so I'm not gonna dance around words but nobody take any offense of what I'm saying but so I've never done already and you're saying the only reason was training yeah well the biggest reason was the way our CQB shoot houses were built and you know I remember doing tape drills in the infantry and the 90s doing it this way like even was with hands doing rehearsals on engineer tape and then going to counterterrorism units and operating that way we still did it that way it wasn't until like I said Oh 607 it's done until we started realizing that that was just a better alternative yeah and then we started building the infrastructure a little bit different now there are different takes look I'm a SIF guy I grew up in commanders in extremis force grew up in Special Operations doing counterterrorism I know there's gonna be outliers cephalic Florida committee I got it your your individual deployment but from my perspective for my eyes that's what I was seeing all right I was just curious we never trained a little floor so it never really I mean eventually safar Tech which is our CQB shoot house school eventually adapted to that and I remember distinctly going to range 37 and seeing different variations and they were definitely teaching high carrier high port but that took a little bit of G watt to get that engrained I think another consideration is the reason the Navy did that is because you you do maritime ops and you're on a boat you don't want to shoot a round through the bottom of the boat and so high port was a consideration to keep the gun up and out of the deck but for us we don't operate on boats or that we don't roll that way so it was a consideration for us interesting well I'll just run through a demo of one more in the stack we're always if I can get you to be a number one man just for a sec but when you're coming in the stack you always have your gun kind of rolled promised barrels higher than the tallest guys head and then my other hands on his shoulder so when I'm ready I squeeze them she feels goes in I've go to retract it and then I'm punching back out so I've always found just some like some benefits I'm gonna run by myself benefits and is I can personally get on my sites faster coming from a high port I don't know if it's just because I've been doing it for so fucking long but I tested it we've proven it's faster than coming up from the already yeah I mean if you a lot of guys anchor I think a bad habit is anchoring a pivot point off your buttstock and doing this because no lull in latency I think this is more effective mm-hmm but from it from coming to this movement snapping it down from this movement where typically you're not out of 45 you're coming from like a 90 and riving the gun up stopping the gun up is slower obviously than the minimal movement of dropping the barrel down a couple degrees yeah I'm I think it's a lot more aggressive to at least I feel like coming from a high pork is a lot more aggressive and it's a ton more energy I mean I don't know if you guys were doing strikes or anything and but holy shit I mean you can really fuck somebody up like snap it out like that so I can get the camera right around let's say you can't see this side of the doorway you know and you're entering one thing that I've always wondered is and there's a fucking bad guy right here they need to be shot maybe they don't but I'm already right here so technically I can engage here all the way up to extended and let's run through that real quick just so you guys can see what it would look like I snap out immediately I give it that aggressive aggressive snap out so that I can anything that's in my way is fucking going down no matter what I mean there's just it's gonna be hard to stop that but so I'm gonna ground my I just like coming through the doors at a low ready so obviously you know there's an advantage it is the reason why I adopted and evolve my tactics to go into a high carrier because the the one of the biggest advantage advantages and what I teach is that when you have two points of control with both your hands on the weapon system you could manipulate this in space this idea that you're a tank and you're a turret swinging around a gun off one pivot point is a bad idea especially in dynamic fluid situations where you have to move around obstacles constantly and you know if this wasn't a guy this would be furniture or some other obstacle so you have to have a tactic in which to take this off your shoulder and manipulate this gun in space when I teach people is when you take this gun and you put it out of the line of fire meaning you reduce your ability to react to an immediate threat or an imminent threat then you're putting the gun to sleep so if I have the gun here and I see a threat but I can't manage the threat because I can't break a shot and in that person his life or at least get a physical reaction by shooting him in the knee the groin the stomach and the chest then I'm at a huge advantage this defeats that so if I step them here the idea is when I clear this space I need to be snapping that gun to that position which again you're moving from this dancing around the guy's legs hopefully understands footwork in CQB and hopefully getting that spot to where you can clear it simultaneously but you think about the delay in the latency from coming from here to where the guns present that's a lot of time so if I if I came here and this is just regressing to old tactics and I stepped in here and he was here I understand retraction would retract the gun take shots and then try for the target but again I've adapted myself and evolve and so I wouldn't be doing that that's why I that's why I do like the high port where if I come through here before I clear this space my muzzle is breaking that corner even if I'm offset and then as I Drive I'm bringing the gun out so if I had to run into this dude I give you some Tony Blair tactics I can muzzle strike them or if I can put them in the dirt if I had to the answer is I digressed and tap-dance around out because I've never do it no not anymore okay I was just curious you know what I mean tempted cuz you know if we're good made fun of by every fucking branch for a long time and and I just always wondered you know well I mean not that that scenario happens that often but yeah so coming in kind of slow down right here or wait for my train to catch up or if their heads up enough then I'm just fucking rolling through but that's the exact same thing I push mine I move mine in space right here I tuck it into my elbow and then oh shit and I think another big advantage is if he's standing right here and you're doing cross coverage if I look if you're on a door especially a center fed door doing cross coverage is how you use two eyes two sets of eyes and two sets of eyes is better than one because we can clear sections of this entire room and then have to have opposing we have opposing threats obviously because we have the two different things but we're covering those opposing threats and we're entering this room with cross coverage so a huge advantage of high port again is if I'm here with high port and he's got that covered and he makes the commitment to come in and then he goes into his point of domination so move slow and he comes in I could snap the gun up over his head and as he breaks in simultaneously clearly that point of domination with low port listen I'll just demonstrate remember there is some guys you know oh that's not low carry well low port or low carry to me is the same thing because this is not getting out of the way of anything right this is getting over people's heads so the difference is if I'm here on this guy I could be butted up against him here but if I try to do the same thing with a gun here it's in his back and there's nowhere to go so where does this gun go it goes down in the dirt because that's what I got so there is no difference to me so as he's come in here I'll show you with low fourth imagine he's coming slowly right go then my guns down and now I have to wait for this wall time I just flagged my leg because that the only option I have in steps stepping right into a center fed room is clearing this way if he inefficient to do it this way so I already just swept my leg now I'm stepping out here and then I'm trying to fit the gun into the space there's no advantage to that from the head down is where everybody's bodies are and if I'm trying to swing my barrel around people's bodies friendly then that's not a good advantage right here in this space nobody's heads above the neckline so we're all here my barrel can manipulate around that space be safe and then snap into position what I need to do you feel having done both do you feel there are any advantages to look it's it's minimal at best but the only there's some some benefits to low port depending on the situation there are instances where you'll have obstacles that are overhead you could be in a in low rooms you could be in containers you could be in confined spaces where you have no other option but at that point it's not a consideration to do low carry it's just a consideration to manipulate your barrel around space obstacles etc so I don't think I honestly don't think that tactically especially in a collective task like CQB it's necessary or advantageous at all to carry out low carry do I get an honorary Trident because I backed the Navy up in this one like I get like a hat that has a trident or something that's above my pay grade okay Jocko what somebody's got to have that knowledge yeah well let's uh let's end it with like some live demos and cool you know some bullets these airsoft guns shoot live bullets they do sometimes sometimes so I'm going old-school today shot this thing and I like that I'm building one of those right now you have I just can't find that m-68 I think that's a copy it's not a comment - or old am 68 it looks like yeah all right going to go first or you want me to go first yeah to a couple quick demos so get a couple ex rang a couple angles and these fucking live fire and gonna just stand right about here give me from coming from this side of the doorway you be do some low yeah if you don't mind do some low you want you want me to move it back a little bit yeah all right oh I gotta remember I got a number one man so the number of wham man's in front of me so I'm just gonna simulate so you guys sweet with hi Kari coming in that corner looks like yeah I see your number one name already I had to wait for him to get his dance out of the way through the space make sure I don't flag my own leg admit to ride that girl up and you can tell good cqb between the latency of the number one man entering in a time it takes for the second person to either clear as Porter domination or actually engage a threat big latency just for the record I would never buttonhook a rogue like that we're just doing that for range constraints let's do just one more with the high carry on you as a number one man button hooking so you can see the difference in speed do some steel fired up the time it takes to break the shot from high versus low hi ciao that's one of the drills I do I challenge myself all the time from the low ready and the high ready and I honestly as much as I'd love it to say like it's big yeah it's like a major fucking difference yeah it's like faster and that's why I said you know like for me personally if my just because might just be because I'm so used to acquiring it from all from a high port yeah but I don't think you know although I'm coming from here - I'm not coming from all the way down like we were just doing coming through the doorway yeah and I think that's the real assessment - is like people forget like a lot of people train this well that's good as an individual skill set but when are you ever going to be standing like this if I'm moving to contact my guns up right and I'm moving over my optic or maybe even in my optic if I'm moving like this like what what's the posture where you'll be in an amber phase we're on that green I'm not red but I'm somehow amber like that doesn't make any sense I don't get that either I mean the only time I could think of that this baby like coming off a bird on doing else yeah but inside a house yeah I don't really I just don't see the point yeah so well I think that about covers it how's it good yeah you know what you can't wait to watch it from slow-mo it felt good for once to see an AV soo in front of me usually they're behind me so this is the first time I've actually been behind one of it felt right it just felt good you know that's got to be a good view for you yeah yeah my GoPro is attached to my belt that's where I keep it just so I can get the POV perspective all right thanks for having me on your channel
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 762,877
Rating: 4.9141388 out of 5
Keywords: fieldcraft survival, a green beret and a navy seal talk cqc high port vs low port, mike glover fieldcraft survival, mike glover green beret, mike glover, fieldcraft, survival, cqb, close quarters combat, green berets, navy seals, special operations, cqc, green beret, special forces, navy seal, military, combat, combat tactics, vigilance elite, vigilance, elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan navy seal, spec ops, mike, glover, cqc training, special forces training, navy seal training, socom
Id: 6wd2fJw0dRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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