The Spec Ops Apocalypse Challenge

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Greetings everyone so I'm here with Mike Glover from fieldcraft survival he's a former Green Beret he's a former CIA contractor he's an expert survivalist and welcome to the show Mike thanks for having me no problem appreciate it so uh so we're gonna get a scenario the scenario is we were dumbasses one on vacation in New York where they don't allow any guns we don't have any knives on us no guns we have a fifty dollar budget we have ten minutes and we've just been told the end of the world is about to happen and we've got a ten-minute head start some of our content where the fuck are you going we got a we got a ten-minute head start before general population finds out so we have ten minutes fifty bucks and we got to make our survival kit out of that so what do you think Mike do you know what you're gonna get I do but I can't say it's classified no fucking coupon cutting no fucking coupon cutting alright ten minutes no coupon cutting no stealing what oh you weren't stealing you aren't planning there was they good are we doing this legally yeah we're all right no acquisition all right do you think you're gonna get gummy bears 100% I'm getting gummy bears that's just the staple of survival all right half survival gummies here all right well ten minutes fifty bucks Walmart it's Monday I'm fuckin hungry on your mark get set yep yeah there's no where I'm going straight to the fucking Milk Duds or maybe gummy bears I'm not sure I actually have no idea what the fuck I'm gonna get and I've already waited 30 seconds there we go excuse me oh look at that you expect to see you here oh I'll be back dude did I see you fucking cut coupons before we came in no food stands allowed you're not allowed to use food stands for this bit what happens if you become over budget so just got back from Walmart for the $50 ten minute Walmart into the world challenge with 50 bucks no fucking coupon cutting mic and what do you got what's your first item oh we're going I to buy items will go first item you want for okay this is fun this is no Santa Claus gift exchange things okay should I go in order of priority and survival or just whatever it comes to look what was the first item that was in your head you were like shit I got fucking ten minutes I got 50 bucks the end of the world is about to happen nobody knows it yet what's the first thing you want for the first thing I went for because I understand that shelter and exposure to the elements will kill you the fastest yeah sure you could acquire and you could tell edge and do all that stuff but I wanted to be sure I was taking care of it especially if I was rural so the first thing I bought and I'll do a combo of this is a tarp and this tarp costs me four dollars four bucks actually less than that four dollars for three dollars at 84 cents this tarp costs me I've experience with tarps but this tarp is a shelter half it's also a space blanket it's also a fart sack and combined with bungee cords which are also tourniquets by the way but tourniquets to put them up this is a quick shelter half that I could you literally use on the go but also build me a shelter to live in during periods of rest I saw you in this aisle yeah yeah you didn't get that dough no I didn't he got there 20 hour headlamps I did and then I had to put it back alright I did you get what's your first thought first item I got what is a crowbar huh so how much did you pay for that I paid how much did I pay for this damn thing I heard that old lady didn't buy that for you she didn't that might have been one of the items wait a minute I did get the headlamp oh no it's voided where is this damn thing I'm thinking like eight eighty five eighty eight five eighty five dollars a day it's that so first thing that went through my head was holy shit we have ten minutes we're going to Walmart I only have fifty bucks I'm not gonna get everything I need so I went for the and it was the rules work we you know with weird we were on vacation in New York we had no guns no knives all right so I knew I wasn't gonna get everything I needed so I went with the crowbar we're at Walmart and in the world's about to happen usually people live around Walmart so I figured all right whatever I don't get at Walmart maybe I will find by prying people's doors open so and it's also you know took a weapon could be used for self-defense made you know I wouldn't want to get hit with this damn thing crying wedging cutting up I'm in great breaching tool you can't you can't replicate steel in the wild and so definitely good choice that's a good choice not bad right well you could also grind it down if you had to you could do I mean wedge like tough those five pillars of you know survival that you need to use in the world like the wedging the splicing the cutting smashing that's yeah good tool so yeah that's why I picked that I knew it wasn't gonna get everything I needed and so I figured maybe I'll get something take whatever you need that might be able to get me whatever I need it so what do you got next okay I think next oh my my bucket list was right across the hall and the or the Iowa I needed to get a way to contain water you have about three days if you're not fat like me before you die of lack of hydration so if you're not drinking water you will quickly die the bigger you are there's a whole bunch of variables involved but you have to stay hydrated so I needed a way to contain water and so I got this outdoor vessel for this particular one water bottle was five dollars and ninety seven cents a little bit more than I wanted to pay but can contain water to be purified later it also is pretty solid piece of plastic yeah I could hold food to contain food or anything that I find and acquire it's a good container vessel and I wanted to do something to this size that was key I looked for now gene because now gene has is a little bit more rugged mm-hmm if you have ever jumped on an airborne operation which I have with a Nalgene bottle and that I had landed almost broke my back and you know how strong they could be this isn't as strong because it's Walmart I'll do a rampant 5 bucks you're gonna pay a premium for Nalgene yeah yeah that's like 15 bucks all right what do you got all right so after I did this all right after I gotta order right you're not skipping around this is what you went to yeah okay the second thing I got and but just the first thing going through my head was this thenn it was food water shelter you know just what popped in my head right self and being warm before because it is fucking December yeah but then I got this the multi-tool it's got I should have got that long nose pliers standard pliers wire cutter knife bottle opener can opener Phillips screwdriver all which I don't even know what the hell that is a file a saw medium slotted screwdriver a small slotted screwdriver so this cost four dollars and 87 cents damn it so yeah that's a bargain tool I dig just happened to come across it it was in the middle of the you know one of the sales reps I was like oh don't mind if I do that that's probably one of the best piece I've tried to find that and can find it because you hit them all from me I did and I saw you we only here's the last one yeah wasn't really no okay some pink ones so I defined that multi-tool because it's the best and cheapest price cuz here you know I don't I want you to tell you what I do with this so it's five bucks and you can't beat that what I found instead was a for dollar and eighty-seven so I saved a penny on you they don't have the multitude of tools that you have but this has a stainless steel blade and a glass filled nylon handle that's what I'm talking about which means nothing absolutely nothing it just means this is a 6.5 inch pocketknife look up I knew that I was gonna have to have a weapon I knew I was gonna have to have a way of cutting and splicing there's no doubt in any survival situation you have to have a knife or a blade of some type either a multi-tool or this for dollar and eighty-seven cents pocket knife that was my next thing BAM what's your next priority water so then this is when I ran into you so then I wound up in the survival section where I knew Mike would be and I got the LifeStraw this was my most expensive find treasure by a long shot but I've used this before one good thing about it it's real light and I don't have much to carry this shit in so this was seventeen dollars and forty seven cents it does a thousand gallons I can just put this thing around my neck and there's a lot of water around here so I can just you know put some in the streams yeah just suck it up and so yeah that was my next priority was uh was water expensive it was you know but hey water is critical in survival I opted a different route because I knew that I couldn't depend on I could contain water but I couldn't peer fly it so I what I didn't I saw this light straw and the only problem I have with life straws is you can't contain it so you have to go you have to plan your route from water to water but I mean honestly in this kind of situation you would find a vessel or container that's wanna do just the transfer of that into another bottle could be problematic so here's what I did water was my next priority as well and so what I decided to do was I bought this a and W root beer not because I like root beer because it's the only soda that they had with the highest number of calories weight so you don't like root beer I fucking hate it let's discuss whatever but it's 300 calories and it's actually got this is what's great about root beer it's got 78 grams of carbohydrates and 76 grams of sugar 76 grams there's nine grams of sugar per teaspoon of of sugar so this thing is like a bottle of sugar which is a bottle of energy but the water comes into play when I have this little guy this bottle of bleach cost me say hello to my little friend this little bottle of bleach cost me two dollars and fifty four cents now it's important that you gets it free bleach which this is that's concentrated this bleach has a hundred and twenty one fluid ounces I know this is gonna be math I'm good at math cuz amazing this is what I do every sixth point this is what every six point five fluid ounces of Clorox bleach decontaminates or sanitizes 1000 gallons I just did the math in my head 18600 gallons of water I could sanitize with this bottle of household bleach it's about eight drops of water per gallon if you want to get down to the gallon but you need a way of carrying it obviously this is a this is my primary for carrying it but I knew if I came across shit water I need to be able to transfer it and sanitize it because I can't drink it immediately you actually have to wait a period of time to sanitize it so I take this put my drops of chlorine bleach in here shake it let it set and wait till all the bacteria and the viruses that could potentially live in it and then I transfer it to my working bottle and then if I need to get rid of this I'm obviously going to use one of these vessels or containers including this AMW which filled you know what real quick with their math this is a 20 fluid ounces so 6.5 times let's just call it 3/4 second math I could do three thousand two hundred and fifty gallons of water with this sized bottle of bleach so that's a lot of water to sanitize that's yes I mean I could make a pool and use bleach to sanitize it and swim in it and then drink it I'm just saying if you had a pool if you had access to a pool that's so what's next so all right we got here so the next thing I was concerned about was fire right it's December I like to be warm and so I got this I think this was 99 cents just regular lighter it was cheaper than your than those little letters that's what I had first and I'm this yeah you know I'm a bargain shopper so one dollar along with that right next to it was the Duraflame all right the Duraflame this is a fire starter and one of my weaknesses as much as I love burnin shit actually made my own committee called the burn and shit committee but that's how much I love fire but out in the wild when it's cold and it's wet you know as we found out last night sometimes can give me a pain in the ass get these going so I can just cut a little chunk off of this thing smart and it's gonna burn and uh you know this is probably this 2.5 pounds so I was gonna get Vaseline and cotton balls but when I saw this I I think I might get more out of those that won't cost this was uh oh the old Duraflame huh this was two dollars and ninety four cents yeah so would have been cheaper than the cop and then the sealy in anyways yeah yeah what else you got so that's a one that's a bargain if I would have no and that was that much I would probably got a couple of those and then I got my gummy bears but I decided to go with big lighters I forget the number of strikes I think there Tim there are somewhere in the thousands of strikes per actually we'll figure that out later because these are capable of striking a lot and I'm number one you could fly with a big lighter and also it's a staple a survivable fire is essential to keeping your core body temperature warm and get wet with staying warm their shelter signal day and night you know daytime green foliage gets a lot of pews a lot of smoke at night the thermal signature of the visual signature so big lighters are great for everything this is a 2-pack it costs two dollars and seventy eight or two dollars of 78 cents so not that bad for two lighters fire is key just make sure you could obviously start a fire I thought about cardboard and all the holy stuff but it is wet you could probably find dry cardboard but at a minimum you need a way to start it and that's not sparking or rubbing magnesium which is just a spark you need a way to flame fire or start fire very that next thing I got was the saw you eyeballin dose emergency poncho I did how much was this thing my tarp was much was my tarp my tarp was $4 Oh 30 34 cents actually three dollars and 84 cents three-two-three 84 later well your tarps a lot more handy than this piece of shit but this was 97 cent poncho I got it obviously to keep drying it's raining today and I don't like being fucking cold and I don't like being wet so I got this to keep dry I got this to keep my shit dry if I want to keep that dry and if I wouldn't if I couldn't find a house to break into with my crowbar then I would have to build a shelter out in the woods and this would probably wind up on the roof of it so 97 cent emergency poncho I you know I'd been the shelter the fire the water something to think about it which is my next choice was LED headlamps these are made distributed in Arkansas but they're obviously made in China yes made in China and these are 99 cents a pop I actually tested a couple prior this releases the little lithium battery that's in here that allows you to turn it on for the money these are cheap pieces of crap I understand that I've tested these before if they don't last that long but they're good for a redundancy and they're cheap there were 99 cents so I got two of them have a headlamp as a light source to find your way but also in addition to that as a method or means to signal non-verbally this is a bright light even for a 99-cent piece of crap this is key to see where you're going because the advantage is night but if you don't have a means to move at night because you're blind or you don't have loom then this is your loom and this allows you to move I would ideally in a survival situation rather during reverse cycle at night then be up during the day when most people were up during the day and risk exposure to people as people were the bad bad guys was that a two-for-one special or he had to burn I just bought two as a key to that since / headlamp / head man all right I think that bag is $1.00 per out of pity what else what else what else the next thing I got was the that's a good container here so when I run out of my thousand gallons three years worth of water with my life straw I can boil it and sanitize it in my metal canteen stainless steel 18 ounce cup I can cook things in here yeah boil water cook things paper that this was that old lady but 497 oh it's about right 497 so yep the old stainless steel 18 ounce cup like that not bad not bad I'm an adult look I figured one I was giving grocery bags on checkout so that for me acts as my wet weather protection for that Friday from the elements for my gear or equipment because this is probably not waterproof or resistant or anything so I also understand that I needed to get a pack to carry that that Laura carried in these packs I wanted to get like a JanSport like a kid pack well what I didn't want to get a kid's pack because I want to look like a weirdo like a creep Mike you already look like a weird thanks six foot one Asian man this was on sale the tactical version of this was 25 bucks this little guy was 11 dollars but it has enough capacity capacity where I'm not just carrying a grocery bag full of stuff and I have the ability to retain all my equipment safely but also have room to spare to acquire more because remember this is in a game of acquisition this is just gonna sustain my movement my short-term survival I have to start acquiring pillaging and doing everything I need to survive long term you know I think about this as a means to get me to the higher level of upgraded survival which is my house a friend's house whatever it may be yeah yeah all right what's your next item the next and the next item I god I'm just gonna throw both of them out I got the Zebco omni-flex 150 yards 50 pound test line fishing string I got the cheapest the cheapest fishing string fine with the the most with the most wave test so 50 pounds they had more I would have liked braided but which is that cost well I'm on a budget I think it was like a dollar or something dude that's a good bargain yeah out of test line and a heavy test to do a whole what you do sneers huh where the hell is it I'll get it something else the old lady bought for you shame you can't be talking shit about the old lady shame don't you seen on there did you steal that I did get the headlamp no she boarded that nope oh yes she did boy it well there did you there where five dollar 97 pay for that oh yeah omni flex pay a dollar 97 I paid for this so that's kind be the best bargain what am I gonna deal with this you know sneer I can snare I can fish and I can tie shit up and you know help me build my shelter with yes there's a movie yards so it's 50 pound test so it's brighter than a last and then I got the old Eagle Claw quantity 5 treble hooks I got the smallest treble hooks I could find beautiful trout small bad for smallmouth yeah perch whatever so anything I can dig up it's even get a little cheeky on the back for how to tie knots yeah like that yeah so that was my food I didn't want to spend too much time finding I was more concerned with the water warmth and shelter than I was food but this was one of the last things I actually went back to this section to get that and then I got one more oh go ahead though the last thing I got was gummy bears there's 450 calories in one bag of gummy bears fat free but tons of carbs tons of sugar tons of fat a little bit of protein actually it's got 10 grams of protein for a bag of gummy bears so between a whole bunch of everything that you need calorie wise I mean I got the combination of these two things of having nearly a thousand calories which is enough to get me started you can go 30 days without food easily I mean when I went to Ranger School lost 30 pounds eating 400 500 calories a day for the freaking three months food is that I can begin sir hmm I'm just concerned about short term the long term I'd be worried about food and this is real water rich Shawn but I got the hooks and stuff do what I need to do nobody bears cost me a dollar by the way one buck I actually ate the real bag this is just the reserve back that we had to buy after the fact to put into the show yes right on then alright so this is weird so let's talk about how much did you spend so I spent a total of 49 dollars and 36 cents to be exact I spent 47 dollars and 82 but I had to return some shit so what my strategy was wasn't gonna sit there on the calculator just gonna throw it all in the cart what I thought was close I actually ran out of time anyways and then you know if it was over then I would just tell him to take it off which is exactly what happened now I don't know if this is cheating or not but what else was in the card except we must have left the damn lamp there but I had another lighter I had something to contain water in it was the cheapest one I could find I wasn't too concerned with durability but this was the cheapest one I could find and we'll never know and Milk Duds there are ten servings nine servings 130 calories apiece five grams of fat and just you know a whole lot of pure goodness so but this shit doesn't actually count or maybe it does because the beautiful young lady behind me in line decided she would be nice and there was Christmas time she said so she felt bad that I had to take those she thought I was poor accounting you know totals the whole time so she's like these poor pennies and thank you to that lady yeah thank you for the Milk Duds lighter headlamp and water bottle so I don't know if that's cheating we didn't say it we said no couponing yeah Oh in a survival situation your network of your friends closest family that's how you're gonna survive Walter it's not just gonna be linear yeah so all right one thing that you wish you had fishing line what would you put back to get it I do one lighter instead of two which would give me enough money to get it would ya would you know I get that lighter instead Oh what about you I'm thinking you need a bag cuz I know the Walmart thing was and you're gonna hijack a little kid that has a bad eye I would but bag was on the list but we're on a budget and I didn't want to spend 10 bucks on a bag I didn't think about the bleach thing and to be honest I wouldn't have I didn't know that I don't know the the formula but so I would have stuck with the LifeStraw I thought about getting the iodine tabs to save the money but I said fuck it I'm going with the LifeStraw and whip so what what would I put back I would probably put back I think I would I'm gonna stick with what I got damn okay yeah okay I'll let you have a couple of gummy bears I'm gonna stick with what I got I'll let go I'll catch you some fish I like that but if I could pick anything I would I think I would actually take the headlamp mmm and with a forty seven dollar 982 don't earn an 82 cent budget I could have got the damn head lamps too what's your favorite item and then a bunch if you had if I had to pick one item to take out of that pile to deploy will you take with pillaging what pillaging and yeah with whatever your skill sets is in whatever you could do in any circumstance if I had to take one item did your dinner I would probably take the multi-tool yeah I would take the knife cuz this is what I may use to Jack your ass of all your stuff just saying yes it would be the knife war yes but this is a fun challenge yeah it was it was a good time we have ten minutes we'd buy it really fast yeah that once we uh once we put the ten minute time limit on the the pressure was on I did you run out of time or were you early I was early because I was in the vicinity of fighting older people near the gummy bears and so Katie saw me like right I saw you run that dude over coming through the door I know how to do it do you just say the ambulance pull up right here just it's a rocket then we had ten minutes we were out of there just kidding but hey thanks for watching check Mike out at Phil craft survival and Mike Glover like Donnie Darko I'll link is YouTube channel up in the just appear somewhere they'll be up there so subscribe this youtube channel and subscribe to mine and we'll see you soon
Channel: Vigilance Elite
Views: 1,163,609
Rating: 4.8934026 out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, vigilance, elite, shawn, ryan, the spec ops apocalypse challenge, spec ops, apocalypse challenge, apocalypse, challenge, mike glover, fieldcraft survival, doomsday, walmart, shawn ryan navy seal, navy seals, navy seal, green berets, green beret, special operations, cia contractor, fieldcraft, survival, end of the world, preppers, zombie, zombie apocalypse, special forces, seal, cia, shawn ryan cia contractor, mike glover cia contractor, shawn ryan mike glover
Id: P77SouIsXUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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