Army Ranger explains how to win a gunfight (With KAGWERKS)

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channel today we have a guest we have garrett of cogworks thank you for coming on to the channel man i really appreciate it thank you um i've known garrett for a long time we've been friends for a long time um we've been meaning to do a video for a quite a while at this point yeah yeah quite often yeah quite a long time quite a long time um i don't want to take uh you know steal your thunder here but can you just take a moment and tell everybody a little bit about your background before we kind of get into our discussion yeah um i was a 275 ranger um for for a number of years and then all the rangers out there pumping their food west coast so and then i went uh i was a contractor um you know ran the roads um became a lead firearms instructor for uh tc and then we stood up to the helo qrf team for the state department and um did another 12 deployments as a contractor so um nbd yeah yeah no big deal i guess you have a little experience yeah yeah um and then you know and then i transitioned back stateside because my body was all jacked up and um got recruited into a weapons development company and then um and then yeah now it's cod works now you know you have cog works you are the owner of cogworks yeah and uh made some pretty cool products nbd i'm just that's cool well man um you know i wanted to bring you on because you have a lot of really good experiences and um you know i just wanted you to to talk a little bit about it so there's been a lot of talk about you know things getting crazy and and you know people just this information is power right and so the question is how do you win a gunfight and that's a that's a very broad question but i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna put it to you and i just want you to um let's talk about some of your experiences man and you know tell these people uh some some good information well um basically you have to have more guys putting accurate rounds uh than the other team that's how you win a gunfight that's that's a pretty good one that's good that was a great video everybody thank you thank you thank you we're done yeah all right so all joking aside obviously more guys more guns more rounds are going to win that's been proven time and time again yeah what are some things that people can individually do to ensure that they can be successful if it comes down to it if their life's in danger what are some things they can do prepare to do you know i'm not sure i'm kind of leaving this up to you man yeah i think um you need to make yourself a an asset not a liability and part of that comes with uh you know stress inoculation right yeah you know you can have all the guys in the world but if they buckle at the knees um if they you know freak out right if they're hitting you know auditory exclusion and whatever i mean stress inoculation is a big part of that yeah and you brought up just a ton of things so let's talk about a couple of them so when we talk about stress inoculation we talk about there's a lot of things that happen to your body when you get extremely stressed out you want to talk to that a little bit yeah um there's uh there's auditory exclusion um there's uh tunnel vision right um you know that's uh you know my first gun fight like i didn't i couldn't hear anything yeah um you know i i we talked about it a little bit before um you know i was had tunnel vision like stuff was starting to slow down and i was like wow i am way too ramped up right now yeah and each each you know uh mission afterwards you know when when stuff kicked off um you know i i started becoming like you know a calm cucumber a little bit better yeah and always always kind of looked at the um you know kag is the big brother of the rangers and uh those guys were just man they were just cool as ice cubes like just you know blowing into a door and and when rounds were coming out you know they're just no problem yeah just like hey we got to do this let's go so there's a lot that goes in the stress inoculation right um ultimately it comes down to putting yourself into more stressful situations than when you're typically in so you know what what can people do just you know in the comfort of their own home the united states you know these guys probably aren't smoking through doors what are some things that they can do to help with stress inoculation it's a big um topic of conversation in the military yeah right is how do we stress inoculate our guys when we're in training yeah um so uh competition always drives uh a is a competition yeah yeah artificial stress inoculator there um you know putting yourself to a time standard uh that's that's kind of you know it works it does but it's not like like if we were to have a preset uh thing where you're initiating and i'm reacting and now we're trying to you know actually yes um that's that's always um uh helpful because ego is in every one of us and uh you know so um you know um uh physical stress you know um mental and physical stress is basically like you know the culmination of it i mean is as much as you can uh create in an artificial environment absolutely you know and i think another good one as well is um utms simulation i think that's a great training um aid that's been used because there's nothing like um using with utms it's your actual gun right you've got your actual gun with a different bolt in there you're pulling your own trigger you're filling your own recoil but you have living breathing people also with their own gun with their own stuff firing right back and they and they hurt like hell right um i was training a group of uh pjs from from moffitt and um and we were doing cqb and um i i literally after i got hit i got stitched up in the in the pelvis and like it worked up and i was like please god don't shoot me in the jungle but yeah it was it was after that i was like soup it was basically as stressful as a gun fight you know i mean because it was just like you know can you can you work through the stress can you think clearly absolutely you know with stress inoculation we've talked about it before but you know you said you started getting calmer and calmer the more you got you got through it so there's there's something to be said about understanding how to regulate your your heart rate how to how to calm yourself down because it's that adrenaline dump yeah just like something's new and you know that comes down to putting yourself into new situations consistently yeah to to just understand what it feels like you know how your body is going to react you know hey you know this is why i ski you know crazy slopes or this is why i i fight jiu-jitsu or something like that because you're constant you're consistently in a new situation and you learn how to manage that adrenaline dump at least in some small way yeah i think the more uh the more you get used to being uncomfortable yeah the more you're familiar with that with that that area become comfortable with being uncomfortable yeah absolutely yeah and so you know daven goggins you know oh yeah says it all the time and and um it's but yeah just but it's on the individual to be like okay um i need to go do this right now and i know it sucks but it's going to be it's going to pay dividends uh for what i'm trying to you know achieve oh abs absolutely man and i definitely agree with that so um you know first point stress inoculation uh something that you should really think about and definitely um find a way to increase through those variety of means that we've talked about all right so we've talked about stress inoculation garrett what is next on your list for how to win a gun fight um resiliency interesting okay we always say just because you're hit doesn't mean you're out of the fight just because you're out of the fight doesn't mean you're you're you're dead you know what i mean that's good and so um just kind of uh having the ability to um while it while you may look like you're facing overwhelming odds just keep chugging forward because the tide can shift very quickly absolutely i i definitely agree and i think resiliency also comes into more than just you know getting hit it's also uh your attitude while these are going on because toughness yeah absolutely i think we talked about that actually i'll let you talk about it man you have way more mental toughness than i do no no no i mean you know it's it's kind of a uh a thing that i've i've been telling somebody you know or people uh they always say like well you know how did you get to where you are and i'm like you know i'm too dumb to quit right it's true though yeah yeah i mean it's true i can't tell you how many people told me that going through the pipeline yeah yeah yeah i mean it's um you know i think um a lot of people um any any um any decent decently smart person would be like okay i'm tired of like head butting this wall and you know my mentality is like i'm gonna get i'm gonna beat this thing right like i'm gonna i'm gonna bust my head through this eventually uh break that break on your head yeah break break breaking breaks on the head on my head so um yeah it's it's uh you know mental mental toughness um resiliency like just and it becomes a game uh with yourself mentally it's like how hard can you make it and and and um not not like the defeatist mentality where it's like okay you know we are optimized to just make things everything kush in our life right of course um it's the people that are really um kind of uh understand it they they want to throw challenges in their life to know that they still have it to beat it back you know absolutely you know you know what's funny about resiliency is it comes down to your to the attitude as well right you think about the attitude of people who are um really successful in really adverse situations uh situations that you that you have been in um you know how many times have you uh been you know about to do a turnaround right you do a mission you get something you get some immediate intel and they're like hey we're going right now and people are like oh man we gotta go right now dude you know yeah yeah and honestly inside resiliency is as stupid as it sounds it all plays together everything's interconnected in life yeah i can't tell you how many times like we had a follow-on mission where we we you know we we wake a bad guy up and out of his bed and um you know we're jacking his phones and computers and then you know and it just so happens that all of that uh information led to the next target which was you know an hour and a half or two hours later and you know sometimes we did two three missions a night and so um yeah it's like you know it's it's like training on a square range like that's those are optimal conditions but um how can you do deal with you know a curveball how do you deal with a follow-on mission how can you deal with oh we're in an ambush oh yeah well it's funny because people look at that and they're like well that was you know iraq man that was afghanistan it's like dude think about it you know you're walking home from dinner with your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend whatever and uh something a dude pops out and you're like oh man like how are you gonna react to it and that comes down to mental toughness and resiliency yeah just like aaron was talking about so it's a huge thing to think about yeah yeah while we're on the topic of um resiliency i know you've had a lot of struggles in life right and i know you actually had a pretty big one recently man you mind talking about that because again it all plays into it like you know everything that you've done has kind of led to this yeah and getting through and i think it's important you know i mean it's cool no i don't mind at all um matter of fact i i um when i first found out um that i had a brain tumor yeah uh you know i was out here you know um just kind of letting instagram know and and uh letting you know the followers know so anyways um yeah so i think um you know just just kind of when uh cog works was busting through yeah yeah and um you know i hired a ceo and he was coming in and i was gonna take some time off and he was here uh two days and i got an mri done and i walked back in and i was like on his second day and i was like i got a brain tumor and he was like what do you think yeah so you need to do a little bit more yep yep so uh you know so i wasn't able to ride left seat right see with them uh as long but um yeah i mean they uh i went to ucsf uh it was one of the most rare types uh it you know it has a fifty percent chance of growing baths back so i had that lingering over my head but um yeah they they uh they got me into uh the best doctors um uh for this particular type of tumor and they cut it out and and uh you know potentially i was going to have to relearn to use my right side but definitely going to have to relearn to speak and so um you know it turns out i woke up and was waving with my right arm but good to go yeah but but um i my speech was like you know it's clear up up here but i couldn't form a sentence and so um but you know uh five days after the the surgery they let they let me out of the hospital i came home and day six i was back in the shop so indeed it's incredible because here we are six months later after you had literal brain surgery yeah and you're sitting here with a rifle in your hand yeah talking fine just talking about how to win a gunfight man yeah i think that's pretty incredible yeah i mean um you know that's resiliency right there like i don't know what else if if that's not resiliency i don't know what it is man to quit i was i was going my way to ntc when um when it was happening so i was about to go like out of you know cell phone like out of range and something i was like oh yeah yeah no no big deal i i didn't have any uh feelings about it was going to go wrong you know i was i didn't have any fear really which was weird um but yeah it just kind of it was just another thing that we had to like tackle to the ground and make our so we've gone through a lot we got talked about stress inoculation resiliency and then um i got to bring it up right cog works you're the literal kind of like motto of your company is never a fair fight it's literally on your shirt and also tattooed on your neck like a thug so yeah yeah and half my employees have your employees have it so what does that mean and you know how does that translate into winning a gunfight well um i i think originally it was um we were making gear we we are making gear and um we were we were putting it on the home page it was kind of in a in a paragraph and um it was saying like we want to make gear for our guys so that they they have such an advantage that they never find themselves in a fair fight it's important um yeah absolutely and then it was also like on the training side it was kind of like well um you know you might find yourself in not a fair fight right and so are you training to that level where you know uh it's two on one it's um you know you you know any number of things right like pick your pick your poison so um yeah and then and then actually you know when i when i got the tumor um you know my team went and you know um and got it all tatted up and you know and and so it was kind of like yeah hey you're not you know after 14 deployments you're not this thing isn't supposed to take you out but um never a fair fight like let let's go yeah do everything we can yep never fair fight what's the first you know topic within never a fair fight of how to make sure we win a gunfight how do we make it not fair um well i think rule number one is just have like situational awareness yeah i mean i mean know your environment um know where you're going ahead of time what what the conditions are there um you know i mean we live right across from portland and and we are right across we are literally right across the river from the port from portland and um you know if if i go over there like i know that i have to have certain things you know what i mean um i have to i have to always i'm a catastrophist right so i'm always thinking about the worst case scenario of course um and you know it did me well overseas and now it you know it it doesn't do me well uh in my in my home life right now it does you very well well no i'm like i'm like you know you know the baby's walking around with you know beads around her neck and i'm like she could you know fall and choke herself and she's like oh my god so but no that's gonna cut that out no no yeah so no but situational awareness is definitely important because you have to be aware of what's happening around you yeah right absolutely and i think you talked about this uh quite a bit because um you've been in a lot of situations i know overseas where situational awareness has pretty much been the difference for you yeah yeah i mean you have to know your environment so um you know we would go to these meetings where it was like lowepro um so you didn't have your long guns you didn't pull them out of the truck yeah and you just kind of had a pistol under your suit coat yeah um but you know and intel said hey this is like a friendly meeting you know friendly area but you would you would kind of watch the vibes of of you know the intangible mannerisms yeah um of of of the the locals and and you know it was like hey call it on the fly like hey long guns out right now of course um so um and then there's other times where you know um that's you know you gotta you gotta dress it down you know absolutely absolutely so i think situational awareness definitely top of that list and making sure that the fight's not fair right because if you see what's happening um if you know it's going to be occurring and that's important also we i think uh the thing we talked about earlier was body language right oh yeah what is this person doing so uh you know you you get into an altercation with somebody or whether this be military you know somebody's posturing on you or something you should humans are animals we are animals and uh people act especially untrained people act certain ways when they're being aggressive they start peacocking exactly it's very common very few very unless you're trained most people tend to peacock a little bit it's just it's natural it's just what your body does so understanding what those outward signs of aggression are from a human being as maybe they're getting ready to attack or something is something that you you as a concerned citizen should be studying up on and you should know those signs yeah yeah i mean um you know there's al all kinds of uh a wide array of um human behavior spectrum right for sure um you know what what's up saying uh real killers move in silence right you know what i mean yeah like they don't show nothing it's it's um but it's it's the guys that are peacocking and showing out and um and you know if you see that just kind of you know break contact like just you know i i'm at the point where i've seen the worst of conflict and um and i want to avoid it at all costs but make no mistake like you know if you if you give me in a corner like hey man winning a gunfight doesn't always mean putting somebody to the ground winning a gunfight can be something as simple as coming home yeah yeah or win it winning a fight in general like just avoid it you got to win if you can if you can avoid a fight like you should but i mean if you're i mean you don't don't go searching for conflict yeah yeah you're you're very mortal to be clear even an untrained fighter is a dangerous fighter or something that that was always taught to us was you know even if a guy's unarmed he gets a lucky swing he hits you in the chin you go to the ground and you're unconscious for a couple seconds he can that's time you can get your gun yeah and yeah white belts and jiu jitsu good example yeah they just want to go harder because you are just gonna get wrecked so if you can avoid a fight absolutely but if you are gonna get a fight um something that comes into play is you can't just you see somebody posturing on you you're like okay i think this guy's gonna be threat you can't just gun up and gun somebody to the ground no because that's called murder so you have to yeah that's literally called murder so you need to know the applicable laws yeah um uh ability opportunity in jeopardy yep right um and uh i mean what it comes down to is we're not lawyers we're not gonna give you legal advice on this but basically you should know the laws of your area and if you're in a deployed environment obviously um a lot of different things come in such as sops and loac and that type of stuff but if you're in country no if by in countries excuse me if you're in the united states know the laws of your state yep know what's good and bad because you don't want to find you don't want to get into an altercation that you could have possibly avoided and then be on the wrong side of the law right like last castle any of that stuff right exactly exactly so you want to make sure that you're that you're being smart about it under the category we have never fair fight we have our situational awareness extremely important we have information what's the final piece and never a fair fight just training you know what i mean yeah you gotta i mean just with my gun right that's all that matters oh no no no exactly no that's that's the easy part anybody can can buy gear and go to a square range but it's it's um you know are you in shape yeah we we do a thing um at each one of uh at the beginning of each of our classes where um it's a diagnostics drill and you know i take them on a half mile run and you know um can you survive can you survive and you know sometimes um we complete the the diagnostic course of fire and there's guys rolling in and and it's but but there's a takeaway from that right there is there's something to learn yeah it's like hey you know our class is about like what are what are you taking away from this portion and you know and uh oftentimes you know for that portion it's like oh i need to get in shape you need to be able to get to the gunfight like you need to be able to move quickly uh you need to be able to like not have your cardio be affecting you so much that you can't get a shot off you know absolutely yeah so um you know uh yeah cardio is a big big thing i i think you know you can buy all the gear and patches in the world but more patches yeah more patches but um really having really deliberately training yourself in the areas of that you are weak yeah um is is gonna make you a more rounded uh individual you know and identifying those areas is always difficult right because i for me there's always like three areas of training right we have um physical right of course we just talked about you have to be able to to run uh for me it's like can i lift a dude right so i train a lot to fireman carries buddy drags like i have to i if i can't take my buddy get him on my shoulder and get him out of dodge i'm a complete liability to foreign a liability or an asset it's fact that's and we're not knowing but no truly and then um of course so we have our physical mental is a big thing for me too right um i know travis always talks about it that's the thinkers before shooters oh for sure yeah that is so important be able to to diagnose to look at situations to to think critically and so that comes down to you should be studying every day you shouldn't be wasting your time around just you know playing video games and watching tv you should be taking um actual time out of your day to strengthen your mind because that is just as important as having you know thick quads you should have a thick mind for studying yeah my my my buddy drew um dressel no another drew he was in the rangers okay nice but he you know he's on this training program and he's like my body is a weapon yeah my mind is a laser beam and i like it yeah and he's he but he's had to do so much sacrifice to get to that point right of course and and i'm like man i admire that you know what i mean he doesn't even play with guns respect yeah respect yeah but he's yeah so we have our uh physical we have our mental and then of course equipment right yep so so you should be able to train through equipment like just like we talked about um like you know being quick at your draw is very important you should be able to know your equipment but at the same time if you are sub second draw but you can't run 100 meters of the body on your back yeah yeah you got some serious problems it's about balance yeah i mean you know i'm not the fastest shooter i'm not the fastest draw i'm not the fastest runner but i put it all together well right you do you're very well put together yeah i consider you like a blunt instrument you know yeah to like break through a wall or something yeah i would use like a brick yeah heavy like or garrett's head yeah yeah yeah no i mean i kind of just train my weaknesses and i'm always trying to sharpen those areas and you know i'm not like mojo or luke yes or you know and i'm not like jj ricasa yeah but great uh yeah great guy um but um you know being fast through efficiency is consistent fast hand speed is not predictable right so yeah so so i look for the in it the inefficiencies and try to carve those off and it just makes me a you know a jack of all trades that's a fact and i have to plug you man because you give out great training i've been to the training courses with garrett um and i'm gonna and he he probably won't plug himself but he's too he's too he's too like humble on that stuff but garrett uh cogworks has wonderful uh training classes i'd highly recommend them uh they helped me id a lot of problems in my own shooting not just my shooting but the way i moved and that type of stuff so i definitely really recommend them which you've gotten way better thank you well i have my own range now it's been way easier to shoot um so we have never a fair fight right and i think that's a that's a thing that i always think about when i'm training when i'm training with my guys and that type of thing and that brings us back to our very last point which was uh learn by failing yeah fail forward fail often yeah fail early yeah you know um you you've got to push you got to push yourself to your failure points right and and identify those and then just kind of grab the bull by the horns and and um and tackle those things directly it's often times that we we go out to the range and we train the things that we're good at but that doesn't do you anything with the build drill you know yeah yeah so two seconds dude yeah but your reloads suck yeah you're really sucks you're cardio you can't shoot past seven yards yeah yeah so i mean you know it's it's um you know uh uh forge yourself you know put yours you know um just i you know identify where you're weak be honest with yourself and then go out and tackle that yeah uh so i mean i think what it comes down to garrett from talking this entire time and is there's not a singular way to win a gunfight right there's a lot of a lot of things that go into it a lot of people i think like to believe that they're an operator because they can shoot really well right but obviously you having done a lot of work um know that that's not the case no i mean it's um it's it's different for everyone and um you know i i think you know guys that come to our course are trying to get good in like a two or three day window and we can only we can only provide them so much information and let them execute it to where they can take it from you know here to here yeah um but you know they're emulating the guys that are doing it real in real life like yourself and you guys are doing it full-time it's always every day is you know you're working out every day you're doing medical every day you're doing calms every day you're shooting every you know what i'm saying yeah and so it's just rinse and repeat so you know um manage manage those expectations appropriately and you know and and guys that say you know i want to do a um you know a problem solver course i'm like you're not ready because if you don't have it at a later level of subconscious competence meaning you just run the gun you know like brushing your teeth yeah um you know like travis says you know you thinkers before shooters like you that gun fighting is only one it's a tool for solving the bigger problem of course right and so if you don't have that down like pat yeah down pat then um you know so it's it's it's working mechanics uh and fundamentals to a point of like subconscious confidence and then then when you got that licked then you can go into the processing and the problem solving i love it man yeah i love it that that's awesome dude i mean um you've given us a lot of really great information um a lot of really great things to work on i know everyone probably coming in here thought that you're just gonna be like all right dudes when you come in you're gonna lean left and lean right and then change your levels a little bit and yeah gunfight's over but there's a lot that goes into it so i can't thank you enough for coming on and taking the time to talk to them about a lot of the mental aspects of winning a gunfight that a lot of people don't think about so yeah um thank you so much man um like we've always talked about dude i mean it comes down to train yourself right oh yeah it's really important um you are the weapon dude your mind is a weapon right we've talked about a lot so guys make sure you get that training out there tons of great classes i mean we talked about it before of course cog works bear solutions do i still love that yeah bears awesome hair is awesome yeah haley do you want to name anybody else that comes off the top of your head uh roon nation yeah ruination's on awesome dude core vision oh yeah i love that core vision vision great guys gosh uh so many you're probably gonna forget something they're gonna be super pissed at you at this point i had a tumor so yeah and he's safe so uh guys thank you so much for watching make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves getting a little crazy out there guys we've got nothing else for you we're done for you guys so i do to all my guests who come on my show and they ambush you i want you to give a piece of dad advice to these people it doesn't have to be that has to be life advice or something but i give them a piece of non-military non-kind of gun advice that i allow my guests to just tell the people whatever spot on the spot whatever you want then if there's something that you teach your kids if there's something that really speaks to you as a person all you men and take the time that you need to think about it since you have a tumor hat hat had a tumor yeah i'll cut that part out no leave it again don't pee into the wind ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching you know you guys know if you've gotten this far the last thing i'm going to talk about survival dispatch survival dispatch is a subscription service for survival type information uh obviously you've been through seer courses that type of stuff is important those types of criminals primitive skills are very important definitely go check them out final shout out to my patreon people thank you so much for making all this possible ladies and gentlemen we love you guys take care of yourselves we got nothing else for you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 584,980
Rating: 4.9451246 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, army ranger, ranger, ranger explains how to win a gunfight, win a gunfight, win a shootout, shooutout, army gunfight, how to win a shootout, how to shoot, combat gunfight
Id: XavAanwtoww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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