Former CIA Agent Talks Government Secrets | Joe Rogan

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the Joe Rogan experience I guess I'm talking about it I'm not supposed to but we're looking at military government organizations that are typically in the shadows right we're not releasing any sources and methods right disclosing and classified secrets but we're talking about elements and units operational activity events that before now I've pretty much been in the shadows and some incredible people that's one of the best parts about this thing it's been going out there and meeting some of these guys that are doing some of this high speed [ __ ] and it's it's pretty amazing and when when they do release things like long long after I was reading something I forget what the case was about but it was something about how the the files won't be released under the Freedom of Information Act until 2080 mm-hmm yeah I know how they make that distinct an ADEA sassa nation right and sometimes they roll it over and it's not even then right so sometimes they extend that other times they don't and and so some information comes to light periodically and so this does look at this the show be looking at some historic but a lot of current things that are going on and where the money goes right what are we spending our money on when it comes to this high-speed operations that Special Forces and others are involved in so it'll be it'll be very good I was I was lucky to be able to work with again you know some really great people on the production side but just also going out there and meeting some of these cats they're just the the [ __ ] that they do is it's even after being around a while so I have it just amazes me well it's got to be constantly accelerating too right they're constantly coming up with new and spectacular things that nobody knows about yeah now they employ them right exact and sometimes that [ __ ] stays on the Shelf right you know you they it was like the the running joke at the agency at the at the CIA was you know they we have a fantastic S&T group science and technology group and they're the ones responsible IQ from from bond right they're the ones responsible for developing all the gear responding to specific operational requirements how are we going to do this particular thing well let's develop a piece of kit that's going to allow us to do it but the running joke is always that you know they'll develop it and they'll show it to you before an operation but then they'll put it back the Shelf because they don't want that [ __ ] getting out there right and people finding out that they've got it so they'll give you like a 20 year old piece of kit to use instead and you'll be walking around with like a phone the size of a brick knowing that they've got something high speed on the shelf well that's what everybody always thinks like when you talk to the average Joe on the street about technology in the government there was like dude the stuff they have they probably don't tell us about how much of that is real yeah it's it's pretty real have you seen some stuff that made you go holy [ __ ] yeah you can do that yes really yeah and how much can you tell us well you know what one thing that they're doing and there's a this is actually something I wanted to talk about today because it's gonna affect everybody it's not just something that it's gonna affect people in the military or else in the intelligence community but one of the things that they've been working on is imagine you've got it you got a rock up on it on a target and you're but you're before you do that before you get the customers on site and you're gonna you know hopefully obtain some high-value targets there at that location before you do it you gotta you talking like euphemisms oh I'm sorry sometimes you know okay actually I was gonna say sometimes you want to actually capture them and get their intelligence we've gone past that right because the years where we were getting our ass kicked for holding on to people in detention facilities you know what that did that that pretty much convinced everybody that was involved in this too just just whack them right because then you don't have to deal with the aftermath you don't have to worry about are you gonna get in trouble for interrogating somebody right exactly so so that actually increasing lethality of operations you started painting targets and just blowing the [ __ ] out of there rather than trying to grab the target and get their Intel that's a problem because in the pipeline dries up for the Intel but anyway so imagine you've got this you got this site the first thing you got do is determine if your targets there right and it's not like that you know the Tom Clancy movies where you know you're looking through walls and all this [ __ ] it's you know that that technology night-vision devices and and and that ability and low-light conditions to to monitor and to identify specific individuals has always been a problem they make great strides on it to the point now we're in no light can this right with the with the right stacked database with the right information and that database meaning the right amount of information about individuals right you just constantly populating this database with new faces or with new photographs of individuals that you're going after with enough for that to sift through they're getting to the point now with no light conditions that they can identify positively the targets in that room or the targets in that facility or in that building whatever it might be and that's pretty incredible I rather they can identify people by their heart rate mm-hmm with well not just their heart right but I mean other other bio data right I mean other but they can literally with video somehow or another they can zoom in on you with some scanner and recognize that this is a particular individual because their heart rate yeah this is there was an article that was written about it and I know that there's a company do you know what hex is HECS it's some company that's been used pretty extensively by scuba diving community and now by the hunting community as well because it blocks the electrical signal hecs it blocks the electrical signal that your body gives off okay yeah that makes sense and I think they're doing work with the military as well to develop suits that will somehow another stop someone from being able to recognize your particular heart rate right they're just a lot of work on what they call this or the universe there's older pending on is the leis that I got identified people from a distance yeah it comes easy it helps if you have other data points right if you but this is all part of it to some degree what you know they refer to as a universal soldier right the the the fighter of tomorrow and on Claude Van Damme yeah that's right yeah who doesn't remember yeah although he's all in one room he's doing like chip commercials now I'm sure he haven't seen him in three toes or whatever 70 distro the splits yeah well ops yeah I don't know when that becomes useful though really splits I mean I've never actually you know felt that that was something I needed to accomplish in any given moment operationally movies where you have to do this it's very important but so the Universal Soldier thing where you you you're you know there its exoskeleton it's a soft suit it's all that data that you can acquire for that warfighter how do you create the perfect environment on that individual as he's moving through an environment to you know be a more efficient effective lethal fighter and you know things like that identifying target whether it's with a laser whether it's with low light or no light conditions where you can you as you're rocking up on the target you can do that all these things you know the ability to to carry more gear right hump it another extra you know ten kilometers whatever it might be it's it's pretty incredible what they're doing and it's it's a joint it's not just the military they're working with you know companies like axe or they're working with with the commercial sector and academics too but anyway and I disappear and down a rabbit hole the these like the idea of like this Universal Soldier thing if you've been paying attention to this Elon Musk neural link thing that he's coming out with you know they're gonna somehow or another insert fibers into your brain and then have a Bluetooth enabled device that you wear that it's gonna allow you to somehow or another interface with data at a much higher bandwidth I don't know what any of those words mean I just said but that was good though it was good it sounded like you understood it that's my trick it's all repeat words yeah I you know there comes a point if you're talking about I mean well that's that's going into a different area that's going into civilian applications and by the way the military application would be great for that to everyone could synchronize data you could give them navigation in their head like if there's some sort of augmented reality we could literally see the targets in front of you like they if you had a map say like that if the Pentagon really does have this laser beam they could identify specific individuals and you have a map of a building that's in your head and they can identify the very location absolute perfect location of each individual person in that room and you could see that as you're running into this building you're seeing like a 3d grid front of you and no I mean you could shoot them right through a [ __ ] wall right and there's but there's there does become a problem then there becomes a problem of information overload and when you get into that situation right everything starts to close down a little bit right and anymore and so you've got to start pushing some of that away and and now what you end up doing is you get the off-site you know command center relaying some of that information as needed but that guy that's about to breach that door you know he doesn't want a lot of data points anymore now having said that knowing where you know knowing where the hostiles are the other side of that door that is key information that's not rocket science but so there's a lot that's going on there's also the ability to monitor health of the individual you know soldiers are out there through the the gear that they would then be wearing it's it's an it's an incredible effort that has been going on and so to answer your point a long rambling answer yeah I've seen some things that are pretty amazing you can't talk about though no no some of this some of this should actually we'll get into with the new show that's coming up sometime in fall I don't have a release date and again I'm prescribed from talking about so I won't do that because Osama attention some of the things that you saw you'll be able to talk about yes so how does the government do that they just decide well listen it's not a bad thing if you tell people about this sometimes raised yeah I mean well I think this there's an element of some of it's not what you would refer to as classified it's just not readily available public information and it's not out there in the domain because people aren't aware of it or searching for it some of it does I think you're right some of it is look the military wants to say at times look what we're able to do we're doing this and oftentimes it's because it's in a sort of a private public cooperation and and so that encourages other companies with innovative technologies to step forward and get involved in some of this and I guess that opens up all sorts of other you know some people are out there saying well they shouldn't be working with the military well [ __ ]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: R_BejQo8SN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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