Green Beret Justin Lascek Leaves Joe Speechless

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Respect. Total respect.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/1151THOR 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Powerful stuff

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Victorious10 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
the Joe Rogan experience this is uh oh do we even it would be an introduce you properly no ok that's Justin I think we did introduce it's Mike Tyson gentlemen places I'm hanging out with these guys because I'm a green beret and I got heard and you saw the show last night so I'm speaking at the shows because Sturgill on his own well let me back up I got blown up in March I was in the hospital previous year I'd like come off of a deployment had like 11 months before the second one was bit down in the down of the dumps got divorced had a dude died on the first trips it was kind of like it was real rough to deal with and then was listening to these dudes quite a bit and then led into the next deployment I was there a month boom almost died pretty hard team mates saved me and we had blood on the ground like I got blood on on target and then they made a hellacious movement to get me to medevac long story short I'm eating dinner in the hospital one of the first meals jamming out to these dudes and I was like mommy serves Simpson and then she tried to get a hold of them so come eventually did and he came hung out for like two hours I made my friend now general Beaudette wait like 15 minutes so that we could finish talking about what you're talking about which when you're when you're an enlisted dude you don't make generals wait but I was on a lot of ketamine so it's sweet but uh then startled headed I was gonna had it on his own accord to like donate to the foundation so this little tour going on that coincides with the actual album release is donating to the Special Forces foundation so that helps gold star families which are the families that remain of remained of the friends that got killed on this trip so there were four Green Berets into yo D techs and so that money's going to them and that's that's what I care about I don't like I'm alive I don't have any legs below my knees for those I can only can't see my legs on the video anyway but and I don't have my testicles either so it's a different set of challenges but I don't care about getting taken care of other than the normal army processes but I want them to get taken care of from the foundation so I'm grateful to have these guys as friends now they're awesome they're amazing musicians but amazing people and then I'm grateful to be here and just to push that out and so people are coming to the shows all that money goes the the foundation and then people can go on the foundation's website which is Special Forces and yeah I appreciate it that's [ __ ] awesome man yeah it's really really really cool that's really cool that you're doing this and and thank you for coming here and telling everybody is you know it says um it's a great way to it's a great way to help out and and your music you know to connect it to that I think that's that's just a [ __ ] incredible thing it's really cool you know when you send me the text messages telling me that you were going to the hospital you know it's very touching that's it was like yeah yeah you were you know you could tell you're seriously moved by this and you know for someone like you who truly understands the consequences of war like the physical consequences in a way that none of us will understand you know it's it's very not just it's brave of you to talk about this but it's also it's so so valuable so valuable for everybody that that hasn't served to understand what it really is so thank you for that well I always say I really like combat because there was in a lot of it relatively speaking but bunch of guys have been in way more combat bunch of people treated more casualties I'm a medic but I was in a fair amount almost got killed on the first trip of good handful of times and then so I just don't like the war aspect when you see your friends get killed and you're stuck in a hospital bed on top of all this stuff that's you know I didn't [ __ ] for a week I piss blood for a week I've had tons of nights of excruciating pain it's the life of an amputee or they're guys that are worse than me so I'm just grateful for having what I have and yeah that's the beginning of it like especially on ketamine when you're going through all that and you're just like I was telling like the people that took the trash out in the room like hey I'm grateful for you brother like right on brother what is uh what does cata mean like after a catastrophic injury like that does it relieve the pain does it just put you in another dimension so ketamine is a an MDS sucker right yeah just and ketamine is a NMDA antagonist in the brain so it essentially is a dissociative so the way that it feels because we learn this in class as a medic and everything but the way that it feels is kind of it takes your perspective and it's like it always felt like a whirlwind when if I was getting a push of it but things it's like you're starting to get your vision masked and your prayer but you're dipping into like subconscious because you're still conscious because unconscious would mean that you're like you pass out and you cannot have a gag reflex depending on how unconscious you are so ketamine I would close my eyes and immediately trip the most insane ballsy you could imagine and open up and I'd be back in the room I'd be like what the [ __ ] oh and then a friend of mine when I left my first rotation he was an Air Force CCT that got blown up in the same village I had a few casualties in he stepped an ID he's an above-the-knee some missing fingers but when he was on ketamine when he was awake and looking around he'd see the walls on fire and then there'd be like women like white pale skin in the corners peeling the skin off their back and he was like awake and I was like Judas yeah like whatever I don't know it must be like someone's psychology when they go in like set and setting type thing but I was in it when I got a lot of ketamine my legs were blown off I'm getting worked on I'm telling dudes how to treat me I cut my own shirt off and then I get the ketamine and I'm like in and out and I see these visions back and forth and like I was convinced I was there two distinct moments I was like I'm not gonna make it and had that conversation and what's surreal about this right here is that you were talking to him on this show and you guys talked about combat medics and you were like I and I just singing key and I was like right on they're talking about me and and then I got all kinds of jacked up makes you appreciate makes you appreciate life and I've gone through a huge development last year through depression and then this year after this blast of like being grateful and like int do an introspection and communicating and having empathy for other people and being compassionate human which general mattis has told us a group of us on the way back from my first trip it's like don't let this experience of war make you more hateful human being because people haven't experienced it let it allow yourself to go through post-traumatic growth and become a better human being and treat other people like you want to be treated in tree and I would add on to that which came from Tim Ferriss treat yourself the way you treat other people - that's not a side of Madison you ever hear in the press huh I suppose not that's that thing that would be very valuable for people didn't know that he thinks that way that's a it's a very powerful way to view this inevitable the you know inevitable consequences of war that that started scraping me off the bottom to focus on that after that trip yeah that ketamine shed is a weird one because a lot of people do it recreationally and apparently they they blast off and go into other dimensions and [ __ ] and they go in a k-hole somehow I never did harder I knew it dude who died from it he was really into it it's doing a lot what what happened I don't Lincoln infection he I know he he probably was doing about a bunch of other things as well but he was getting treated for ketamine for addiction and then he wound up time you can dose the [ __ ] out of ketamine yeah you didn't it doesn't kill you you can give a kid 300 Meg's of it and they will [ __ ] trip balls but they are going to they're not going to die like the opposite of all the other drugs I think he was doing other [ __ ] too yeah I think the ketamine was just something he was treated for I think he was doing a bunch of speed and stuff too which it's ketamine was originally like isn't a cat tranquilizer or something like that they give it to my wife's best friend's a veterinary and she definitely was like jack and animals with ketamine on the world it's it's increasing now and like civilian hospitals was started as like a veterinarian drug which I mean it works great and you combine it with some other stuff do you know John Lilly is no such John John Lilly was this scientist that he was a pioneer in interspecies communication did all this work with dolphins and he was also a big acid freak and he would like to take he would take acid and try to communicate with dolphins he didn't allegedly give dolphins acid he was a part of this long-standing program to try to get dolphins to talk to him but one of the things he invented was there not a movie about this there is altered states no way altered states based a lot on John Lilly because he invented the sensor sensory deprivation to give the Dolphins ass of the movie no because it just was loosely based on him because in the movie the guy experiments with a bunch of different types of sensory deprivation tanks and everybody knew that this guy he was a legitimate doctor a brilliant guy but he was also a ketamine freak and one thing he would do is like you take intramuscular ketamine and then get into the sensory deprivation tank yeah that's a double whammy sweet yeah a double whammy so is that stuff difficult to get off of or do you have to worry about that is there like a withdrawal symptom the issue would be with the pain like when you have something that's controlling some sort of level of pain and then coming off of that you usually will wean off of it but they're not a physical addiction issue you know I should know the answer that definitively but as a medic yeah but a I haven't heard of anything that works card to come off of they had you on other stuff way harder to come off oh yeah I was on methadone and Sturgill French shooter and Duff McKagan came to the hospital and Duff was like methadone is worse than heroin because Jean our guys were rockin it easy but that was like I mean one one week I dropped down 20 MiG's instead of the 10 and it was like being a junkie like for nine hours I was just like rubbing my legs like whoa because they're just lit up with nerve pain it feels like there's daggers in your leg or some sort of electrocution you look like on a movie with like it someone cracked out or something I was just like rubbing my [ __ ] we used to see these guys that would come into the pool hall when I used to play pool in White Plains they would come in there was a methadone clinic down the street and they were all heroin people and my friend Johnny B would call the methadone Ian's because they would come in they all had like this like sort of like dull shuffle to them they were all slowed down and I can never understand it it was like I was like is this like a culturally like did someone agree did we make some sort of agreement like this drugs okay this is it's got you know it's got some some stamp of approval so we're accepting that they have to get methadone every day but they can't get heroin anymore why don't we just give them heroin like is how much different is the methadone is the methadone get them high let's synthesize so it's easier to control but does it get them high I didn't have any of our own oh it's just fighting off the physiology yeah so it just fights the physiology they're not you know you'll never get high love for first leg spike orally houghton narcotic yeah for like the other the adverse effects but don't people have like the best effects with like ibogaine and things like that when it comes to opiates for getting kicking opiates yeah I mean if you want to go through that I would say you know I would probably be your best but it for a for a quick solution if that's what you mean like the method don't like it is actually bad for you isn't it yes it [ __ ] yours I didn't sleep I don't have deep sleep for four months and I was I'd go to a get in bed at 9:00 not fall asleep till 3:00 in the morning that [ __ ] with everything - yeah it's a pretty shitty year damn and how long does it take you to get you off of the methadone I mean once you're off of it the doctors were saying that it stays in your adipose tissue which is your fat for like two or three weeks because I'd have random nights when I was off of it and just get lit up with nerve pain and like I'm getting hit with a hammer and my toes so probably for two there's probably like six weeks of weaning that and then I went another drug lyrica I mean for you it had to feel me because you were there that at Walter Reed the whole time you had to feel frustrated but for somebody like my first time I came to see you it was only what about a month after the blast at most so you he was still in a lot of makes more pain than I could even comprehend somebody being in you know from their pain feel how many how many surgeries on each leg it's close to 30 surgeries total which yeah there's a lot there's a staple in your back too yeah before they taken I mean you you describe just man just like how can anybody you know and then he was still as he said the first time we met he was high as giraffe balls on Academy but like I was I was profoundly impressed by even then like how clear-headed and articulate and I was obviously because guys oxide brilliant you know I mean like you just through the fog and awareness of everything going on in the room despite the faint the pain he was trying to pretend like he wasn't in I just and then that place is full of guys like him and everything then when I went back it's like all new faces you know these people but then when I went back the second time I went to see him was there a couple days and it was like just in a matter of short time it was leaps and bounds and you're using the gym on one leg like [ __ ] busting out 20 pull-ups and everything you know just kind of like there's got to be something we can anything you can do to help in whatever way and these guys been up since I've known him I've never once ever heard him asked for anything his only concerns were like for the families of the guys that that didn't make it you know so it's just like really were around an album release if I'm gonna have a bunch of attention on me at it would be a good opportunity to put attention on what other people can do to help these guys their families because they're you know the sacrifices is especially sitting in these rooms and looking at these dudes man I can't even you can't you know what do you what do you get what do you call that yeah well I want to help so after the show let's figure out what we can do to jump in and I wanna I want to help so help with the podcast help with some comedy shows maybe to just whatever we could do I think that I'm you know it's listen I'm blown away by all this as much as I think all these people are listening and watching this is um it's beautiful that you're doing this man and I think that you know I mean it's inspiring me to do something I think it's probably inspiring a bunch of other people and that's that's that's those things that people talk about one thing that you might experience are here in life that sort of changes your worldview that moves you in a better direction this is this could be one of those things you know well you're a good man I thought well I'm not thank [ __ ] anything man he's so I'm just a dude oh you're just an awesome dude all you guys it's cool I'm very happy that you're bringing awareness to this I'm real happy that you doing that makes me feel great listen you know like Justin said the war side of it is the the tragedy I guess so it's not like you know right or left it's just like this is the reality of it and people are making these sacrifices for you and when they come home what do we do for them you know it's a hard thought for people to accept that war is inevitable it's a hard talk and it doesn't seem like it's inevitable because it's not inevitable in this room I mean if we were the last people on earth and there was a bunch of food and places sleep I think we'd probably not kill each other probably wouldn't go to war right it's like what is the number where you go to war is it a million is a two million is it separated by oceans is it just mountains or boundaries the fact that no one thinks that war can be solved like no no one that I know thinks that in our lifetime there'll be no war there's never been a period where someone on earth that's human hasn't been going to war with each other it's a horrible truth of being a person and nobody nobody knows it the way you do so for you to come on and tell your story the way you just did I appreciate the [ __ ] out of that man and I would just want people if if they hear that and it moves them it's more of like I just be grateful on a regular basis for what for anything yeah I mean Steven Pinker was on your show I ended up facetiming with him as a result of all this but like he has that book about basically the Enlightenment worked and we still have war and then there are people still fighting it but overall the world is continuing to improve and like steadily getting better and fewer people are dying from genocide and war but it still exists so that I'd want the respect for war if someone is wanting to go to war you know if someone is gonna be a commander-in-chief and that's it that's a heavy thing to like toss back and forth you said it means that I may never have kids because I don't have my balls you know like like that you there's sacrifice like I and I'm the one that lived and I didn't have any kids but like my friends have four girls my other my other friend has three kids so I one year if you're gonna move the chest piece to war then we need to understand the implications of what that means and try to do everything in political power in state strategy to avoid over at war because it's yeah especially nasty of near-peer I mean that's Russia Russia nuclear war would be the worst thing you know that's what war three mutually assured destruction is a strangest thing on earth that we all have enough weapons pointed each other to literally nuke every [ __ ] man woman and child off the face the earth many times over and that's what keeps us from using them but yet we still have them and we still haven't pointed each other I mean remember when you were kids and we were worried about Russia do you remember that [ __ ] I mauled my guys and I'm worried about people walking in the target with a suicide vest yeah yeah when's that coming right yeah you could all of it sure because Europe's been dealing with that [ __ ] for decades you know we really haven't tasted that yet like going on a widespread habitual scale [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: p2G7buZ2JSg
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Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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