FORGOTTEN 1984 Camaro Will it RUN AND DRIVE 800 Miles after 27 years!? - Vice Grip Garage EP86

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1hr! What a treat.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tcpip4lyfe 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello guys here in kentucky just got here from pennsylvania supposed to be flying home quickly and safely ken says derek why don't you just take this camaro that hasn't run in 27 years instead we're talking 1993 fillers this guy's crazy so of course naturally i said yep it's only 800 miles [Applause] [Music] so i actually just helped pick this car up out of a garage in pennsylvania so we were able to get a lot of history on it it was parked in 93 uh due to health reasons and unfortunately that gentleman's no longer with us so it's sad all this time and then the sun didn't want to see it deteriorate anymore and wanted it to go to a good home so ken picked it up originally and then it looks like i'm gonna end up with it but it's got some rust issues here and there but overall it was really well kept it's got a hundred and 000 miles interior is in really good shape i mean it smells like laundry that was left in the washing machine for 14 years but other than that you could tell the guy kept really good care i mean still got the tag on the key and he had a lock and gas cap had the rear seat folded down so the sun doesn't get to her it's still got the factory spare and jacks in it pretty neat car a little time capsule uh the front wheels when we took it out of the garage we're locked solid they're frozen so we actually had these to come along and winch it out so it's going to need a complete brake job rotors calipers pads bearings seals and i kind of got a head start on this side and you can see it was just it was really nasty and these are just basically welded on spindle looks good hoping the brake line just you know if it just hangs in there for me we'll be okay um i did put a battery in it this morning and we shot some laughing gas down here because i didn't want to spend a couple days here and more money if it wasn't going to at least fire and you're not going to believe me but literally i went and ken just breathed on the key and this thing fired off immediately so i'm doing things a little bit different this time i'm going to do the brake laters first because there's a really good chance it's going to run but i don't know if it's gonna overheat or if it's gonna stay running this has a rochester e2 which is a two barrel with a bunch of alien science and stuff hooked onto it it's got a mixture modulator control valve 9000 and an idle master modulator basically it was the beginning to the tbi stuff and i know nothing about any of this so that's good the rear end will just ignore any of that stuff no idea if the transmission works yet i have an appointment tomorrow at 1 30 to put new shoes on her and it's uh what is it about 1 30 right now the day before so i got a hustle and i'm just you know these tires seem they seem fine they were all flat all the way to the rim we put air in them and they're kind of holding air so i'm just going to nurse it down to the tire store i'm going to need some more lug nuts because they're just blowing in half and disintegrating from sitting underneath i mean i'm used to minnesota cars so this is not so bad at all the main support you know down here that's okay where the captain's feet go that's pretty fine-ish uh rocker panels surprisingly pretty good under the doors are getting it underneath the car in the back um she's getting a little you know here's some just put that back and i don't know if i got a brake line or if that's a shock blown out but she's leaking there exhaust seems fine so we got a pretty good start i'm just like i say gonna start with the brakes get this thing rolling because i've got about 500 bucks in it now with all of this stuff the rest of this stuff came from rescuing the chevelle so i already have my tools and all that stuff so now that i've got more than a plane ticket into it i don't got a choice i'm either gonna drive it home or i'm gonna rent a pickup and pull it or i don't know yet but we're just gonna go for it so ken's helping me drain the gas out with this wizardry machine here it's pretty sweet the depressor fold vacuum we're going to dump it into this jug and then we'll be able to put some fresh gas back in it so here's what's coming out and it smells nasty there's just a tiny bit of particle in there not a lot which is great so we might get away with just doing the old swaparoo but yeah that is that's probably the most varnish i've seen actually oh we got about that much of the sewage gas out which was really clean except for the last little bit it was like almost like a road tar came out and then there was about three maybe four gallons of this one it's fresh that we dumped in gage says eight gallons that's that's not right but at least we know that's you know it is on an incline but i don't think it should throw it off that much but that's going to really help doing the italian tune-up and whatnot here in the garage having fresh gas in there already so i might have to use that wizard machine when i bleed the brakes up here i'm going to get set up get all the parts and just get this knocked out quick and then we'll move it on to the other side i don't know what it is but it feels like a guy only ever does wheel bearings in fact i just did some yesterday i think yep i did any who i got these bearings in got the rotor on of course you reuse the old cotter pin cap you don't got to get fancy there and i'm putting the old pad squeezers in you got to go big so i got brake best actually it was just the cheapest 11 millimeter socket and a 3 8 allen socket wrench thing it's back here and you want to grease on these too so they slide in and out easy does this grease that comes with it no keep your pin you don't need that what would i do i was putting this on [Applause] is this the wrong size this stuff is just crusty junk ken made me one of these swedish goats comes in a fancy copper cup and uh it's tasty just quenches on you it is so unbelievably hot here i'm just my boots are filling up this garage is so nice i don't know where to put my feet i just i'm having i'm having a day yeah you know a guy should have painted these like neon green or something apparently it gives you horsepower and stopping ability torque ceramic performance sure they don't smell good how do you know which one goes where these both have the same flavor no that one's got a hook do dab on it and this one lays out here like this this side's all done and to kind of reiterate what you want to do is if the car doesn't run or move yet just buy the best parts from o'reilly's and stick it on there and then you kind of just hope that it's going to work we'll get to this side get that done then we'll use the wizard machine and bleed on them and this brake fluid looks nasty anyway so we want to just snip that out of there a little concern because the brake pedal on the inside she's just solid but sometimes a little bit of yeah yeah from a size 13 i'll pop that loose and this flute will shoot up that seal on there sometimes doesn't tear in half and other times it does and when it does you just ignore it and keep going i could potentially swap on this though because these fittings don't look too rusted back here so far everything's going you know we're getting there it's getting done wow this trim ring you know this will come back around never mind this one might be down oh well this side looks worse that's good first thing i like to do when they're this rusty is you just gotta prepare them a little bit you know shake them up and get them ready and i use my three pound tonya harding for that and just tickle it bottom maybe these little slider pins they just get seized up in there and that once you get this in there give her a couple whacks and it should come around oh this one just broke three with some horsepower i don't know why they make cellular phones so darn big you can't even sit down with them got a message well help me understand i just ain't got no more wind just out of curiosity how do you guys pack your bearings up i kind of just uh do mine by hand just throw all the old grease in here and work them in use one of those fancy cup tool things or throw them in dry and pray or i've even seen some grease gun tricks out there i don't know bleep bloop it down there i'm just curious guy can always learn new tricks you know i'm not that old yet sure looks pretty good ready to go thank goodness these clouds are moving in i just sweating like a stuffed pig yeah yep come on okay come on sometimes you gotta teach them a lesson right out of the gate just get them seated there we go then you can throw your washer on i like to just max them all the way out until stuff is bending and then i just back them off a skosh jam the key in her and call it good just felt the seal go over the there's bending mode yep yep yeah she passes jam some grease in here and then just you know bring it home brakes are gonna be worth more than this car perfect [Music] well a guy went to start bleeding on the brakes and i'm getting no fluid up on the fronts so i'm thinking i've got a stuck proportioning valve which is way down there and basically impossible to reach and there's a little slighty check valve do dab in there when a guy jams on the brakes it shuts down a little pressure to the rear wheels so you don't get the slider rooney but when cars sit a long time like this sometimes those get stuck and i think that's what i've got going on and i'm gonna try to get it unstuck because replacing that is gonna be a bear you can hit it with a stick or a hammer you can also jam on the brake pedal some of them have a little reset button on the back and well that resets it and there's some other various methods so i'm going to dink around with this for 94 days could be done but no of course slowly making progress i loosened up that back one there and that swoops down to the uh what is that the captain side front so i'm going to tighten that back up now that i got fluid there and then see if i can get it out here and then we're making progress i'll do the same sometimes you just gotta bust them open get some air in there and then you give the brake pedal about 914 pounds of force and it just shoots it through there got oil out of the back the proportioning valve then had a hunch that maybe i had a collapsed line up here because that'll shut down pressure coming out or pressure will come out but not back went to test and so i guess we're just you know we're just going to run all new brake lines that's that's fine that seems easy enough and i'm sure it's going to be the same over here no use even trying to get that fitting off might as well just cut it and run all new stuff so got to run down to the hardware store and get pipe cutter and flare tool a bunch of line and fittings and great i had to drive around town for an hour but found the line that i need goes in there like that and i'm just going to snip this off and try to flare on it get a fitting on it and that's close enough we're going to forgo this bracketry try to lighten the car up a little bit and just hook her right down into there and that should work got this side all finished up and then i installed a brake line rubber later 200 lead which is just a piece of fuel line split over that and then zip tied her down and this is fine and gives you more ability to lay the camber out if you need to you got more adjustability here see the other side is going to look about the same i haven't tested it yet because if that leaks and i'm just going to clamp it off so we're just going to say it works for now and i think this is all done yep sure whatever that is got the brakes done 174 million dollars and two hours later right back to where we were which is fine uh we're gonna try to bleed on it with that liquid sucker 400 wherever that went and ken's out here he knows how to run it he'll turn the air compressor to max i think and see if we can get some juice through these get all this old brake fluid out hopefully well what is going on i just there we go all the back ones blowing dry that's new so must have sprung another leak somewhere like that one there operation half breaks seems to be working i've got about 62 percent pedal got a different plan on the tires now since i've got probably 700 bucks into this thing already i'm not gonna put new tires on it tomorrow and instead doing some horse trading for these which are new used but they just went i don't know 500 miles or whatever just fine and we're going to put these on there so it's not sitting out in this nice house on stands and then ken's going to get new tires so a lot of swapping around but anyways yeah but then they'll fit on here these are 14s 15s same size tire technically it'll ride just a little bit higher but actually look a lot better with the rallies on here anyway than these things plus i'm down a trim ring you can't go around with three trim rings well i talked him into doing all the hard work out here swapping all the wheels so i just laid on the ground for about 20 minutes and then eventually crack the pan oil looks actually really decent i'm gonna throw the old wicks in there and then run the old t4 really liking this stuff i don't know how many quarts it takes so i'm just gonna put a bunch in and i'm gonna put a i got a belt for it here i think that might be the right one and if we get it running i'm even gonna try the ac to put the old adapter rooney kit 5000 on [Music] and i got one of those restore kits already got the new battery and probably figured it out by now but this is the 2 8 with the rochester 2 barrel e2 i think they put out like a hundred and seven point three horsepower these guys and they had the 700 r4 overdrive transmission so they're gas zippers that cruise down the highway that's kind of what that's going to look like it's going to look pretty good i'm not going to use the other lug nuts because they have this like outer shell thing that just blows off that's the wrong one but they're basically junk ken's such a nice guy he's going to pick some up for me a big thank you to ken and his family they this is probably a worst case scenario for them they just put this beautiful home on the market and then we drag this third gen in here and just blow it apart and you know they're gonna have showings and here we go so i'm trying really hard to get this out of here tonight and some of you are probably thinking why you why you spending so much time and money on this car it's you know i realize it's not that desirable it's just a v6r doesn't even have automatic windows but the guy that owned this car was a great guy and i wish you could have heard and seen the story in person and i know it's going to make the family really happy if i can get this thing running and on the road so that's the reason i'm going at it so hard good rig okay i think we're ready we've drained the old gas put new gas in change the oil check the coolant put your battery in put a new belt on it fix the brakes check the transoil which is pretty skunky but i got some i don't know there's something in a blue bottle that was cheaper than lucas yeah and i think uh i don't know i'm just going to twist on and see what happens it fired last time i'm just i couldn't believe it i walked around here mumbling for a while because this is legitimately been sitting for 27 years now so we'll just see what happens give her some laughing gas do you have a fire extinguisher yeah oh good oops keys oh there they are that's crazy zero dash lights no service engine light oh it doesn't like throttle maybe just let it sit for a minute so that knocking noise is the cadillac converter and the exhaust is literally just blowing into pieces i'll go back there and show you it started idling smoother [Music] that's crazy oh the muffler is just basically coming apart pipe over here blowing out there i don't know i don't think the muffler's plugged i'm getting a little bit out of here there's a cat up here i got to worry about this is what was knocking the dang it's about a minute ago but she came out of it dash lights work no engine lights nothing [Music] transmission's empty doing an idle surging a little bit i'm probably still trying to figure things out one more thing just for fun because it's about 700 degrees celsius here so i'm gonna throw this in and see if the ac even works pump hasn't turned on yet there it went this is crazy it's slowly getting better i guess we'll check the transmission see what happens might be a little low still [Music] reverse this is crazy 27 years probably the best running car i got now well i'll clean up and let's go test drive this thing well i made it to about not so much here oh you can see by the muffler debris blowing out i made it to here and uh i lost reverse not a gear i think the linkage is just the linkage is just unhooked i mean when i do this i got nothing so i'm going to take this off first i hope it just came unhooked there it's not a snap cable or something else all right i am just around the corner from the house this cadillac converter is obnoxious i'm starting to think that's the reason it was parked i'm just hoping it's not plugged if it is we'll just snip it off you know as far as a test drive i'm testing it straight to my motel get some sleep and then tomorrow and we can see what the heck is going on we'll uh actually give it a test do i got lights in here what is i don't know if this is helping the video or i don't know at this juncture it's just it is what it is folks we got a slip slide in the second gear i can't see nothing with this led light my face but we'll just keep going with it they got speed bumps the size of semi trailers in this neighborhood yeah i can't she's she needs trains juice just slipping oh i got stuff just sliding around in here it seems to be running okay speedometer works [Music] i gotta i gotta turn this light off this thing fellers it's just it's not good i'm gonna focus on driving i'll get back to you in a minute i made her to the gas station about a mile away i don't know if you can see this but she's just she's smoking let's see if i can figure out what's going on here probably just i you know i just i don't know and it's too dark to see anything so we're just going to pretend we don't see the smoke i think we'll just deal with that tomorrow i'm going to throw some fresh gasoline in her i got some 92 here and then i'm going to shoot over to oh oh advanced i don't think that's right but are they open i think they are get some transmission juice for tomorrow and my motel is literally just right there so i'll hit you guys up in the morning and we'll go from there hey good morning car took about 28 minutes to go 96 feet over to here so that's good i'm feeling great though i got a couple hours of sleep and i'm just firing on all seven this morning we got just under 800 miles to go correction just over 800 i got to make a detour grab some cassette tapes and axe body spray just feels right i think this morning i'm going to start off with the old italian tuna just didn't feel right late last night in that nice neighborhood i could just hear the property value just you know and then i gotta deal with the slip-o-matic it's supposed to be an overdrive but it kind of just wanders around i'm hoping she's just still low on fluid but it's not and then we're just gonna send it i guess you know it's never gonna be 750 then 700 and 650 if we don't just go is there anything else oh plugs wires air cleaner we'll just see what the italian tune-up rejuvenates i can't even get my arms in there anyway so it's not like i'm really gonna do it i mean i'll probably have to but here's the thing i'm out of clothes i got my sunday best on i just i can't be flopping on the ground today [Applause] can't [Applause] [Applause] just pulled some leaves out of the copyrighter well we'll see if she fires up and barks at us i'll just dump this down this should clean up the intake valves and i'm hoping cleans the plugs good enough to you know just forget about changing them bring the thunder well where'd the keys go yeah this again it's just it's not happy so [Music] oh well the italian on the boxing mat it's just it's not this isn't it's not good well guys just gonna hook his peepers on this thing and see if i can figure out what's going on i found it never seen this before somehow the front california sensor just blew right out of the manifold and i'm about 104 positive that is not going to come out of that manifold there is no way and if i start heating and putting juice on it and breaker bars i'm going to crack the manifold and then i'm never getting home so we can do some wiring magic or some macgyver stuff i'm actually relatively close to a parts store it's just yonder right over that hill i wonder if i could nurse it down there and then we'll tinker on it i'm going to keep it 68-32 with you this isn't looking so hot but i just i can't give up it's just not my blood you know we're just we'll just keep taking around the channel we'll get there i think a guy might get in here and wipe this dash down just a hair a lot of that stuff's probably just gonna come right back up in my teeth and i got this headliner issue i already don't fit in here i'm just i'm slouched and i got the seat back in tupac mode but i just i ain't got no room for my calculator and it's not very comfortable the good news is the brakes work excellent now well i basically just rebuilt this whole car in a parking lot put some more uh berrymans in here and i bought like six or seven bottles so every stop i'll just dump some more in and that'll clean up the digitals up here hopefully in the cover rudder and then i fix this the right way i got some uh muffler tape and you know it feels pretty wiggly so it probably won't work but we'll we'll run it see what happens and then i did a little bit of factorimizing got a ride in comfort got this wheel just dialed right in this is a about 92 horsepower comfort level 11. about a cigarette lighter plug and adapter thingy for my telephone doesn't work it's down here looking for a fusion look what i found i'll be dipped i was bummed she don't have crews up on the stick but maybe she's got it after all no idea if it works probably not but we'll try it and then i put some fresh-o-matic 200s in here i got four of them in here which is way too much perfect returned a bunch of parts uh dumped my oil out so i think i'm ready to rock just got my tonya harding some coolant oh what the oil had to pick up a spray gun harbor freight it's on sale for 10 bucks this is empty so that'll work good i got one quart then already i'm gonna let it two on that for a minute then we'll check on it again and just hope i guess sure is running though hopefully getting out on the highway just blows the pop-ups out of here all right here we go let's see if it shifts better nope third gear one to two is really bad two to three is no overdrive yet it's going to overdrive 740. oh i hope i have overdrive there it went okay so it's got all the gears which she's just you know a little slow shifting i got a red light here i'll try it again i think the gas gauge is actually working because when a guy breaks she tilts down and back up kind of a funky gauge it just has gallons and late trees all right one to two really two bad three slow downshifts oh so that could be three things sticky valves or its bands could be a tv cable adjustment that's needed but this guy was really particular there's overdrive big time sure throw it in at 30 why not but anywho this guy sounded really meticulous i don't think he'd back her in with the tv cable being incorrect so i think we're just going to just jump right on the interstate dig her into the overdrive try to get some miles under the belt and see if she rejuvenates i got some transmatic 9000 jackhawk x-ray txl in there i don't know i never saw it before it was blue maybe that'll do something my first stop is uh 159 miles you got to go get some cassette tapes well don't be mad at me i'm going the limit anyway we got to get some cassette tapes gotta have some tunes that's important and i'm going severely out of my way to do so let's get on the interstate just see what happens i guess the roads are just really good in kentucky i can't see nothing but it does look cool there's overdrive i mean it sinks that really good as long as we got park and overdrive i'm fine i'm gonna say it goes straight i mean the roads here are like this so you can't really judge that no shakes in the wheel the tires are vibrating severely but that's the unbalanced tires from 1992 that we just took off that chamel that also shook my teeth out driving the chevelle from pennsylvania i was gonna buy new tires but after we put 800 million dollars on the brakes and everything else figured we'd skip that yeah i'm passing people i think we're set oh cruise control where's this thing okay on or what's that say off is the opposite on must be okay set nothing i mean it's really hot when i touch it no it ain't doing nothing i don't want to start a fire well i think if something's going to break it's going to be the transmission so far i got ac still this must be the blower motor seal that's just flowing right into my back neck [Music] [Music] been cruising down the interstate for a while now she's doing pretty good around 65. i got a service engine light that comes on and then if you just you know ignore it for a while it turns off but then she comes back but then you know you ignore it and it goes away the temp light's not on oil light's not on uh long as the service light doesn't flash that's the old you've got a misfire shut it down i think we're good i'm just gonna keep rolling keeping my eye on the fuel gauge i got to kind of test the water to see how much i want to trust it the good thing is i have an empty can on the back so that's good already getting hungry it's past lunch time left pretty late so i might stop and get some food and then we'll check the oil and i might even uh squeeze some gas in so i can calculate the mpgs on her and then we can dilate how many miles we can go here well the ac must be leaking because that's just blowing fire and my wipers they work um you know it's pretty good this one does absolutely nothing and this one kind of just well they come back up there they go oh they're just they're just going down uh this one just kind of smears mainly more than anything so i might try to stop and get at least one blade [Music] guy just knocked off a huge chunk of mileage and instead of shooting straight up to chicago i'm in uh jamestown indiana which appears to be nothing but a giant metal building here and making something anywho i uh snipped off the road i got to pick up a cassette tape so i can have some tunes no idea if it works so definitely worth the side trip good news is even though the check engine lights on the car seems to be running better the transmission is still a centrifugal clutch and just kind of wanders around but engines coming around oh light went off everything's fine again i'm about to bottle your mind up completely worth the trip look at this what is this thing oldies there's so many tapes in here bg's crows johnny cash the eagles eddie and the cruisers any loggins he has more than one tape don't be dipped this right here is actually fairly hard to find and these are too deep meatloaf i better get that one ready metallica one you two batman beach boys radiohead elvis i got this you know there's about a little bit of everything in here and i'm just i'm liking it a lot cult better get that ready i can actually feel my mullet getting longer it's just it's tickling right now that's the speed wagon down here rocking the 60s prince kiss super trout oh my goodness i just i can't breathe i'm getting so excited here i'll report back in a bit and let you know if the tape player works go in here and snip me up some wiper blades it's rained on me about 38 times but thankfully only for a minute or two at a time that's a whole lot better only charged me like five bucks a piece for those originally an odd fellow's building uh rebuilt in 1910 the guy said really cool inside and then he gave me directions down this highway here there's a watering hole down there i can get a hamburger and a cold snack and then since we're you know an eighth of the lay-in i guess we just keep on trucking something just feels right about having the b-52s just ripping on the cassette player and a camaro just filled up if i'm doing the numbers right on my number machine on the phone here getting about 22 almost 23 miles to the gallon i'll be dipped so that means i can go about 350 some odd miles of tank so i got my foot mashed all the way through the firewall we're just gonna i don't know if you can hear that alternator belt just ripping in the wind out there she stretched out giving me a fuss but i think i'm just gonna go until this one blows off because i got the old one that's 30 years old back i got about 570 miles left that seems normal 1086 international pulled off to snip down to this napa i gotta work on this belt and the engine keeps quitting just quit again i'm just coastal eight in here i gotta go farther than the ampa store i ain't gonna make it point seven miles dang it it's running really rough i wonder if that o2 sensor sprung out of there again come on come on the good news is that not even halfway so everything's fine you know oh that's a big pickup truck not their jingle i don't think well it smells like burnt indian food which is usually fine um this is fairly tight actually i might just get some anti-slip juice i can't believe these haven't blown off yet i mean those are more crumbly than that kansas song oh yep the old uh muffler tape fix well it just it didn't make it so i'm gonna go inside i did coast into the napa i don't even know what to oh my goodness i don't know if you can see that there's a bunch of old cars back there anyway oh there we go remington someone a mosey in here and see if i can find something to cobble that back down in there again what else do i need nothing just keep rolling a little bit of a leak on the water neck oh that just flops that seems normal well i don't have a bottle torch so i just held this little lion here at 5000 rpm until she got good and hot and then i used nothing but my back and i was able to break that loose that little devil i just can't believe it so now i'll go back inside and see if they even have one of these probably not well status report the car is running worse with the new o2 i even reset the battery on her i can't get her to idle we'll just rev on it like it's a z28 you know scare the mustang guys way no not really what is that now i don't know what's happening anymore i did put some more refrigerant in her because i'm just melting i had to change my shirt it does leak hopefully it'll get me till sundown and uh yep that's you know we're just going to keep going everything seems just normal it's fine what's on fire dang it i think it just needs more throttle is what it's trying to tell me you can't just baby these things you got to drive them coming through this dash noise is fairly obnoxious [Music] i just i don't think we're i don't think we're advancing very fast that is a nice fire department wow [Music] oh there's that nice tray on slip sure is a nice day as well how do you eat an elephant one bite out of time [Music] [Music] do guy finally lost his ac belt but sun's been hiding it's been raining on and off i think this is all that's left in right there that's okay this rain's been tough these tires are just you know they're not what you would call good so 55 60 she starts doing the old that thing squeezed in about nine and a half gallons so let's have another 180 190 miles down so that puts me at about 350 i don't know there's math 330 let's go with 342 left uh idle issues started to come out of it i think she just had to get acquainted with the new 02 up front here everything else is looking pretty good checked on the oil it's still full it's not getting hot we just keep grinding away [Music] [Music] should be the last fill-up 67 miles left i might have made her but just it's too close and i'm really tired to be messing around with running out of gas so one more phillip and then we're gonna make her [Music] now this is my accent here i got about three four miles left man this one really had me nervous actually when they got all the digitals on it like this it just makes the bush fixes a lot harder to do works great when they actually run but i am surprised this transmission held up of course are you kidding me come on well i might be walking the last couple miles oh guy made her in about 1 30 this morning i kind of just plopped out of the car and low crawled into the house last night after i took that corner just a couple blocks down she blew the old charging whirler belt but i knew i had another belt on the water pump i only had about a mile to go so i just ran her home on the battery we made her in the lights were really dim by the time we got here but other than that she did pretty dang good whoa whoa settle down didn't use lick oil doesn't smoke i mean pretty good little v6 actually but now the fun part is what do i do with this thing do i restore it to original try to find the original wheels on it tires v8 swap it i don't know you guys let me know i'm gonna load it up today haul it over to the wisconsin shop drop it off and wait for your guys suggestions pretty amazing this thing made it untested unseen 27 years and almost 800 miles and it did pretty dang good thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much if you're not subscribed please do that hit that little bell thing down there too and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,681,604
Rating: 4.9476619 out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg
Id: Q_S77iT1HeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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