Making a Camaro Barn Find ready to Sell! - Vice Grip Garage EP73

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[Applause] yellow welcome back to vice-grip garage the guys finally decided what to do with the 79 Camaro here and that means there's a lot of work to be had I need a little bit more room in here you know get the elbows swinging on the Chevelle and the crew cab so I'm gonna button her down throw some lipstick on it just shoot her down the road for sale so that means we need the buff elite the paint I got different tires wheels for it guy ought to clean out the interior just a skosh and maybe we'll address that sticky go left go right selector probably not and then we'll do the right thing and lastly we'll see if it runs you know that would be handy and if it starts we're gonna test on it just a skosh that's a responsible thing to do so we better get started this is a good rig I kind of like it oh right on my scar dang it [Music] [Applause] previously we already pressure-washed about 20 years of barn gonk off of this thing and it came around a little bit and I wiped her down with some spray away just to make sure we're not digging in rocks and whatnot and then there's a very specific reason I'm using wizards polish today I already had it and then I got this pad here that I've used about fourteen times and it's still red from the big ten but that ought to work just fine I'm gonna start up here on the roof and then we'll work our way down not much I could do with the nose cone here it's gonna look a little bit odd but I mean the whole car looks worse than mrs. Doubtfire his makeup so I think this is gonna do it good and this get a little bit of curb appeal back in her you know I call him an 86 footer they look good from the entry at Walmart and that's about it like everything around here this Camaro she's on a budget too so a guy who decided to take that fund and put it all into the transmission so I dropped her off at Harmon transmission behind the scenes and he rebuilt this turbo 350 for me so if she fires up this is gonna be a nice running and driving unit and that ought to help me sell out a little bit you know you know a guy should run a little test area see what it looks like but we're just going to commit and go straight to the roof so we've got no option but to finish it what are you gonna look like I think this is gonna need a heavier compound dang it do I got some probably not well it looks like she's gonna shine up on us but it's just not getting this weird stain out whatever this is on the paint this is a great finish polish she just doesn't have enough bite in her so I'm gonna run down to the hardware store and see if I can get something a little more abrasive and we'll go out or again this is typically what a guy uses right around a level 9 and I got to scale for people like me and 9 wasn't working so it's the shooter all the way up to 105 and see what that does you know she's all the way to the top and this says it will remove 1200 grit sand marks so surely that ought to dig some of this stuff out yeah that's way too much perfect all right let's see what this juice says [Music] well a guy did go on ahead and give up last night shining on the hood the bonnet the boot it was clogging the pad up every 42 seconds and the result just wasn't worth it but I did scoot on over and started shining up the sides there and it's coming around and I think I'm gonna change my tactic today on the tops will probably go straight to wet sanding and just give it the beans the side here she's starting to come around I mean she's got some shine in it guy could probably shave his whiskers on that just fine there's what it looked like before of course and that's that weird stain I'm gonna try to get off today I think it's just bird poo poo and dirt most likely started in on this side and then I gave up on it here's where I started wet sand and on earth it's taken that stain right out and then the other benefit is will really smoother up some of this paint is she's got some pretty good orange peel and there she was shot on dry so this will help with that at least on the tops and then I'll get the tsunami shiner mm out again it is you know overtop of that guy Moz will learn you up a little bit on what sanding but I'm not a body guy I'm more of a vise grips and hammer guy so don't listen to anything I say I like to use a block yeah and it just gives you a more even you know it's human nature when you grab sandpaper like this and you start to sand them all the pressure goes on your middle finger there and all you're doing is leaving stripes and if you shoot your eye down a rig and you can see those ripples and low spots that's from someone getting sandpaper and they're really digging her in well one of the reasons using a block will prevent that so unless you're a really good body guy go right to these guys I'm just using some waterless wash and wax for mothers I got this free on power to or off their table and it's been frozen about nine time so this should work fine basically you just need anything with lubrication water soap carwash stuff this kind of thing just shooter on and go to work dry it off every now and then and wear the shiny stuff is that's your lowest spot just get in there and work it out so I'm gonna start on the roof here and see how much I can get down before lunch I'm already finished wet sand and don't panic I know it looks like we ruined it but it's gonna come right back around for us ideally I'd like to take another go ladder but the paint's too thin and she's starting to come through in places and without blemishes for the paint's are coming through once we get that juice down on here that's just gonna amplify that so I got to stop here but I'm gonna hit it with a pad and see what the finished results [Applause] captain site is done turned out pretty good a lot better than it was yeah my pads don't gum up that way so we're gonna continue that process over here and then I'm gonna what sound this in one big shot and I'm gonna what sound this two wrong what sounding that way I could just stay in the buff elating mode I don't have to keep switching back and forth and then I'll finish up this side still contemplating whether or not a guy should wet sand this quarter panel out they either didn't have enough material or it was too much air but this is really dry on here and I think the door and the fender will come out okay that looked to be the same condition as the drinker side over here and she shined up pretty good [Music] [Music] trunk is finished up and then I had to blend her down into here and a guide at the same thing over here otherwise it's gonna look funny there is a nice body lying there but if it was smooth and shiny and then orange peel it just looked funny and then I had a moment of weakness and I kind of just I just kept going because this part was really bad so I wanted all this to kind of hook in looks like I had a bout with Papa Smurf hoods done and I did the same here I brought her down over the edges a little bit now this is where a guy needs to take this outside and really wash it down get all this stuff off before I gets into polishing so I'm gonna do the right thing and just towel it off with some spray lay here and that'll work and I get just buff light and the rest of this the door and the fenders gonna go really quick it's just this hood that's a lot of real estate [Music] well just like that Rai Hana lady says shine bright like a diamond it came around pretty decent little disappointed in the hood but I'll let the next guy keep working some elbow grease endure after I see if I get it run and I'll get it outside and I'll wash on it again get all this residue and stuff out then I could tell her off real nice yeah I wish this hood just had a little more sparkle in it but much better of course not a lot I could do with the nose cone she's just she's tired I suppose it's time for a guy to go on ahead and dig into the engine here and of course you guys know that all my projects start with getting the battery right Century musta got tired of watching me struggle with these things as they sent over this nice little battery charger and that's exactly what a guy wants you want one of these spark sprayer 500s otherwise you're just you're not getting anything done those ones that are Auto digital if you've got a real dead battery they're not gonna shoot any lightning out and with these guys here you can also test your starters and stuff like that it's necessary well I'm really confident this thing's gonna fire up again and has been sitting for months but then again it's out for 21 years and fired off so I think what happened last time is the spark charger went down and the Lightning worlder stopped shooting sparks out and I mean it was pinging and stuff but that's just a skosh a timing adjustment and I had a really bad fuel in it so I'm gonna put less bad fuel in it will slightly adjust the timing I got some new lightning hoses on sale over here I got one points wire on here and a bunch of miscellaneous you stuff I think I took a couple players off that guys and Paul ER if I remember right and after we get all that done I got some vacuum hoses I want to plug off we'll do some vac the lead on here then we'll fire it up just the timing just the carburetor and then you know we got a test on this thing again I only got one test on it what did I just say it was doing oh I guess we could start with lightning hoses yeah that's right okay yep I don't know this doesn't even look like it's hooked onto nothing I could really tell it took my time at this last time you know everything is just dialed in here pretty good yep let's see I need a more longer one there's that the longest no the next longest well this one's not even hooked on to nothing that was convenient yep ease it back Oh something cut forearm didn't like that too much well I just you're in my way I can't see nothing with this thing here oh this ice cube pump is just it's right in the way and it's so heavy just slide my bending any things probably it's just slide over here I got a wire Duncan what does this thing oh that's vacuum something there's a vacuum leak yeah mm-hmm whatever happened to Clint Black is just he's such a nice guy smell of mice it's just thick yeah I just well he's a little devil I need you that get out of here this is this way too long for this application isn't it there that's all done since the guy was in you're chewing on the valve covers anyway I went ahead and snipped in the AC pump got all the bracketry bolted down and whatnot and we don't use AC up here but I just don't know where she's going so I wanted to get this in here for the next guy she spins and it's got all the electronics and I tracked on the wiring over there as well so there might be a shot that that even works I don't know I got one of these in stock I think over here I got a shelf of the you know the good use the new stuff I'll grab one of them and pop it in think I'm remembering on this from last time but someone's really been into this already and I mean more than me at Golden Corral I got stripped bolts I got a missing bolt on the bracket tree up here and this has already been replaced on because of the junkyard writing on the side so we might have a digital wiring problem or it could just be something as easy as a voltage relay and they just kept replacing lightening Chargers here great I'm gonna pop one in anyway because that seems like the wrong thing to do Wow I just never seen such a stubborn bolt in my life what do you want from me what do you need here goodness Oh more missing bolts that seems fine missing bolt there then this bracket is another bolt that goes on the bottom and this supports long bolt that goes into the head but if she's flopping like this well I just doesn't make sense I gotta fix this too I just well I got I got the vacuum situation figured out plugged a bunch of stuff off to canister and then I started chasing the vacuum advanced it comes off manifold vacuum down here and it was plugged into this mess which was clearly leaking severely so the vacuum advanced was not working so that'll give us a little hesitation when he just jabbed your foot into it so I removed it off of here and just plugged it straight in with some better line there and then I went to this guy that was this devil here this one was just flapping in the breeze so that was a leak so I just capped it off up there put a clamp on that one and then I tightened down the carburetor bolts those thick gaskets on the bottom there and they sit over time they'll shrink up a little bit so I got about a half turn or more how-to each of the bolts on the carburetor so we could have been sucking some juice in on the there so I think that's all buttoned up now so let's see if we get her fired up and then we'll get the timing set because I just did that by ear last time and then we'll get into the carburetor and see if we can tune her down a little bit now that we got the vacuum is she's fixed guy just cleaned the PCV valve up as well I just shot some carbs oak in there spray it in backwards and blow it out backwards shake it up and that'll work I'll give it a snort of this and we'll crank on it see what happens bring the Thunder oh that's easy she's smoking a little bit of course what a good little engine so much better than last time I remember it running the gen light came off the - so she's chargin she was a little smoky at first probably the valve seals on her but sounds pretty good better open the door up here so I don't choke down I'm gonna let it warm up and then I'll get the light on it Oh we'll see if she fires right off again there we go if I slightly close the show it runs a little better so I know we can do some good with the idle mixture screws I'm gonna let a chew on some of this old gas for a while and then we'll - and a late on it I think the guys got the timing where she likes it and then I adjust it on the air/fuel a little bit if you play with dual jets and Quadrajet slot you need one of these flex or light through driver thingies and she's got all the bits and everything in there you get them at your local store but they're handy to reach all the way down into the bottom there and wrench on these she's got a little bit of surging left at idle but I'm not gonna tune on it more till I get fresh gas in her you know so I'm doing the right thing and I'm draining the bad gas into it that I drained out of the tank that came out of independence so that's coming into here right now and I got that set to auto digital flow with a quick release handle as soon as that fills up then we'll see if she runs a little better I got the air purifier an induction system I looked up and last night I sandblasted that and painted it so she'd be dry today and I used this camel flag color and it turned out ok I just wanted to do the skosh more gooder I'm gonna roll her outside now and give her just a super quick hand wash so I can get all the residue from polishing off of it and then I got a wrestle around some different tires and wheels what is this creature yeah yeah I think I've officially washed this vehicle more than anything I own now which that makes no sense it's time to do a wheel swap or on the old gal but I'm not going to show you them yet until I'm done so you're gonna have to wait in suspense for three seconds one West Virginia to West Virginia three of us Virginia [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well a guy thinks she turns out pretty dang good actually someone could pick this up cheap and just be prouder than a peacock and there's plenty of little things to fix on it you know that are easy like the tail light and the grill and the door handle and stuff like that radio don't work but probably just fuse these wheels I actually got from a subscriber drove a total of seven hours for those bad boys but man I'm liking it there are actually a 79 period correct and a factory color and I think they just they're doing it good I'm liking it so now I think the guy is gonna go you know just gently test on this we got to make sure that alternators still working you know SiC drives nice this transmission ships right now bring back bring back this way [Music] this thing reminds me of Barney you know she just hugs the roll I mean you just do this point and it's gonna go it's all there is to it [Applause] what's he got it going over here now always fertilizing pretty sure I'm not going to make it and my shoes they're just not made for walking it's barbecue [Music] I got a preserve on this gas I don't want to eat it all up you know I guess I should have put more than four gallons of rotten gas in here I gotta get us back to the shop or I'm just you know we're gonna have to hoof it back that's actually only the second time I've driven this old girl with that new transmission she actually runs really nice goes down the highway awesome and even go straight believe it or not I wish I had time to keep it and restore it but I just I got too much going on and I got a focus on independent Chevelle so I'm gonna let someone else take over and it's a good foundation to start from her maybe just drive it as is I don't know it's up to them I guess thank you guys for watching this episode if you're not subscribed go ahead and click on that and then hit that Bell thing down there as well if you're interested in your merchandise like the shirt or your capita later or different back regs go over to vice-grip garage comm don't forget to follow me on instagram and the face space as well see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 883,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roadkill, camaro, first start, first start in, barn find, turning rust, chevy, chevy camaro, camaro first start, barn find camaro, forgotten, abandoned car, 350, 305, vice grip garage, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1976, chevrolet camaro, barn finds, 1970 camaro, barnfinds, carfind, 1969 camaro, 1320 video, cletus, motor trend, z28, z/28, ss, 327, 396ss, 427, 454, burnouts, 69 camaro, motortrend, road, kill, revival, rescue, barn, farm, find, will it start, will it run, sitting for long time, junkyard, classic, muscle
Id: ut3lMJht98w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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