Forgotten Barn Find Camaro First Start In 21 Years - Vice Grip Garage EP29

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I think the battery is dead.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/GoToSleepRightNow 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Also, check out all the things in the garage. Snowmobiles, cars, tractors.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/CactusJ 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’ve seen a few of his videos now, and he seems to put out some pretty good content. Check out his budget engine builds if you ever have some free time

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jpw33831 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
the guy's driveways Falls I gots no room in the garage yards fall shop is beaming I don't even that room in the tree Rose so I did the right thing and just went ahead and bought another car on the interwebs without even seeing it once again I'm Way up here by Canada and I ain't kidding you I mean it's it's right there I'll throw a rock at I get hit on a truck anywho and how well we've got the barn is 1979 Camaro she's just the factory model not even berlinetta or disease and guys really nice but you know his pilot ran 1015 probably 20 his 20 plus years ago she did Ram so I'm gonna go ahead and just drive at home today there's a twenty six point five percent chance I'm driving at home today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 53 Chevy not another jabby you got a 68 Merrill that's got some shine on her that's real clean I think that's mine I guess more importantly there's a 79 Ford looks pretty nice look at this look at it see we've got license plates on it where's this GT 0 goodness goodness that's nice real nice we got another Chevy back here we got everything in here cluding a drill press well since it's starting to rain figures like a guy's gonna go get another guy and we're gonna take this and get that out of the way I don't like shiny stuff that scares me and then I guess I'll take a look at the car I've never really seen it looks up it's good enough for now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] per usual I don't have a plan but I think the first thing a guy is gonna do is just kind of drag her out so you can hook his peepers on to it and see what we even got here and I know we'll put the only shopping list together there's just so much plastic garbage on these things guy can't even see what he's doing [Music] we'll grab something maybe you just keep on going until yourself and ER she starred on teats nailed it oh sure didn't the guy went ahead and hooked me up with that emboss the stitches err maker and I think I'll use that on the old rear tires here [Music] between that we should be able to oh yeah these are shot how much air pressure in the dry rotted tires all of it for the leaders go up I'll be dipped we're in business I just want to take a moment this tire is named Tiger paws might have to keep it Oh bumper in the neutral here to roll them I just can't believe it she's got it whatever still got a dreaded Gator feel right great well the ignition was stuck on a guy so I did the right thing and just you know until the key started bending in half she popped out of it so I got her in neutral now so like that now I can probably get that boss the stitches in the other corner and then we go [Music] I've seen these two cycling's forward [Applause] that's definitely the wrong hey cool this way piece of junk seventy eight and a half years later guys got her up here he is back he out of me let's start off with the trunk I was like to get back here first it'll tell a guy a story usually this one even had oh she comes right up on a guy well I don't see any concrete and you guys probably can't see it there's a distributor in there and that's that's maybe not good sweet baby Jesus please be a distributor in this thing engine yes yeah what have you got oh that's great news 305 yes actual good news got air conditioning isn't it and I don't see the old smog later pump plus he looks fairly complete so that's good news factory 305 got the old magical brake system on ER let's see what we got in the old interior oh we got light up blue in here kind of a nice color actually be honest and got all the seats this is a going Talon rig it's got a dome light in there still and 78,000 miles I don't know about that I can always tell from the pedal that you can't see how the wire is honor you can get a feel for the miles most of the armrest in the old direction selector these aren't that worn so maybe it is a 78,000 mile car doubt it that's what Craigslist will say yeah let's see what else we got on that's definitely been painted that's a much nicer color than what do you call that royal blue maybe I don't know well step 47 we got a CSU fires off so I'm just gonna drink it in a little bit and see the kind of story she can tell me and then we'll just pour some fire maker down yeah see what happens let's see definitely been played with belts missing off the AC alternator wiring this junk I brought the wrong battery there's more vacuum hoses on here than the New York interstate system all that's gotta go away oh the steal a few liners kinked in a couple different places that tells you a guy has been monkeying with the philtrum carburetor which probably means to fill tanks just plug solid yes oh look at that nailed it digital unplugged this time together transmission that smells like burnt french fries and hair so that's probably shot oil [Music] boxes yeah she'll run should be really clear to you sellers right now but you got to get the battery on the Chargers and schuster makers if you're watching I'm down both clamps now all right any other Chargers company help me out a little bit legit Germany no I saw in the parts store the other day they make kits now you can go from baby posts to the big guy post so I'm gonna do the right thing and just cut it off well you just gotta get get out of there what's going on using the right tool that's definitely too short well the issue of guys got right now is this is all corroded back in here and by the time a guy gets it you know he can reach normal my victory so I'm just gonna make one okay make your own ground cables 201 first thing you need is just a bunch of wire that's completely wrong not for that application this happens to be tiny little 18 gauge wire and you're gonna find a steady cable making device like this hood hinge I'm just gonna tie a little like that get my next color OOP Brown that's nice get that in there got some black why not and get this in here as well I mean of course gotta have Yeller give me the other up on the old table making tools there we go they're all tight in right now guys gonna bring these out twice the links that you want to be able to be I'll show you I in about three minutes and 48 seconds get them out here bring it out get it out here - about the same this is for a - project coming up pretty soon actually now that I got my lair here twice the length so longer I'm just gonna fold it in the middle and bring it all right back around to the hinge here tie all these on - same time all I have to do is twist these just like that keep twisting get her tight you want to miss this take your snipper offer boom now put your tape there get some tape oil this tape doesn't hurt anything boom that tree cable is it gonna work probably not well this is gonna work alright it's going to start fire that's factory I'm getting so lazy anymore I'm just gonna crank on it instead of seeing if it's free buzzer any blower motor turns over yes Oh tape player well take a look at the gasket in here till they got going on definitely is a quadric junk yeah she's a two-barrel Quadrajet of it 2:10 most of stuff hooked up Barner still yeah it's up that we're gonna figure that out just never understand that stuff nope templayer isn't hooked up we should probably go ahead and get that on guy just want to get him over 600 there we go Sam clutches good oh I miss you a power steering Enzo kind of looks like this is just half-ass swapped really which is just my style the old go left go right pump is got an issue here so the old loose and I should probably get that figured out before try to fire on her there's another pivot bolt right down there and she's gone so I think I'll just take that one or that one or that one or that one once I'm wearing jammer in there quick get that fixed sure that pump on that's probably shot nothing's really in here for say everything is this kind of sprinkled it's kind of throw up some hardware at it and hope it sticks this is the wrong size bolt and really bad both sizes which is really ironic that's not even close yeah I took a minute to find one but I did the right thing and just took her out of the alternator bracket now I gotta get my dumb it down here try to feed it through this here thing do them a Jigar Singh Rana bracketry on this is like their space shuttle well how does the guy even work on this ooh I got an idea yeah I brought this for a reason sometimes you just gotta get some no I can't get my hand down here understand any of this I don't know I guess the guy just moves the whole AC pump to take the power steering belt that seems to make perfect sense yes you're probably seeing a guy use these a couple times you get them at that one store 7 by 8 inches and uh guys I caught these old gun flips these are 8 by 12 that's a that's I'm not a paper salesman that's that's a sheet of paper what I really like is he says engines or your hands I'm gonna give these a shot it happens and I got a very gritty texture makes it feel like it's gonna get something gone oh yeah you know oh nothing see what it does on suppose this there because why not oh yeah sure that it's probably my new favorite thing brings you right off oh yeah well I think it's time we just fire on it I guess it's got eight plugs and wires and a carburetor that's all the Chevy needs so we'll dump some fire maker down it and twist on it and then if it fires we'll figure out what steps he is got my Johnson engine mix here try to get a little down to them - oh that's way too much which is perfect yeah that ought to keep it flooded for 20 minutes all right 20 years first start attempt fingers and toes crossed come on baby what you know her but I got zero battery you got my digital leader with me a voltage drop or the switches just messed up but that ain't good by the way where we got here I got twelve six oh six twelve six six grounded often so the ignition switch must be screwy these are like Corvettes they're just so hard in a mountain if it's the neutral safety switch well template got the generator light blower motors oh great master is definitely junk that's another car with no brakes radio works what's steering wheel is sticky it's like 97 marshmallows anyway mission switch not broken could be a neutral safety switch power to the starter I don't know I'm gonna hook up to I'm alone with 6000 trigger and go from there just under there put my trigger on teller happen to notice that this still has the old Cadillac converter on her yeah I Drive you to my mouth about 14 times I got to get dad out of there and I'm kind of curious I know California is really tossin I've heard maybe New York but what state or country do you live in and how do they feel about Cadillac converters can you just snip them off or you got a pass the old smog thing there well you've got going on kind of curious how all the different states work maybe that'll work see we got boom never lets me down okay this is attempt I think 114 I know I know what she's going to turn over I think we're in good shape basically I just want to hear it run for a few seconds and make sure we don't hear anything knocking on heaven's door and the old undercarriage and then we'll figure out what to do from there okay turn the key on not gonna go very far as though 12 volts too busy all right here we go that's not it great not a single tick out of the thing unbelievable eight about 14 pounds of hay and whatever kind of feather that is I'm gonna do that again I can't believe that sounded that good yeah too much [Applause] I can hear arcing something with the ignition system here is not happy keep that mind every time the cap goes around I can hear a snap to check the dance this picture was Indian Wow I think oh I had to have just been : filled from the tank oh I might actually be able to drive addressing it does smell like burnt taco shells though well I think I'm gonna gamble since you fired op time put Gil in the tank but I'll put a filter in here here's the fuel pump and this one comes from the tank and this one goes to the carburetor so I'm just gonna pull this off put a filter in here and that way it's filtered before the pump because we don't want the pump to fill full of junk because of course I don't have one and then we'll pour some fuel enter and I don't see what happens well I guess we'll call that done that's it's definitely there but it's not right in about 14 different plastic transformers 3 gallons I gotta have enough to have a backup just in case [Applause] yeah well go again and see if we can get it to pull from the tank trying to get some in the den too but guys just getting too shaky whoa that's way too much right okay what was I doing oh yeah sturdy [Applause] it's not really pulling feel very good I got just a tiny little spurt there my guys a little worried about that but I think before we go any further should probably go ahead and change on the oil cuz I'm sure this doesn't have that viscosity and apparently that's important so let's do some basic mantan dance no we'll figure out to feel issue yeah I got a six hour drive I gotta get going what's that mean senex oh that's worse guess the guy probably took some air down here or something blew off all these webs I do need a nap well I haven't even looked at the brake lines oh well this time I got in his own auto zone and their oil section really confused a guy I ended up going for this sit and the reason I chose that says it's got science ed so it's gotta be good it was also the cheapest oils finished changed arm transmission was low after running it plus she smelt funky so I got my bottle holder 700 holding the Lucas up and hopefully that automagically rejuvenates the transmission seals and I'm popping off the half hub caps and the other hub caps yeah and you're gonna change on these tires and wheels here and just I gotta be hopeful here being optimistic these are just two shot so we'll swap them out because yeah I live seven hours that way six hours quickly I'm gonna say seven with this and of course it's raining so gotta get moving I guess and this is all too lazy to go flashlight out so just gonna keep pouring stuff in it hopes that the thermostat isn't stuck this one's got a bunch of vacuum hoses and garbage hanging off it so we'd really rather not take that uh-oh look at that she had junk in her Oh beep depth well when I was looking over the ignition system I got a little lazy I just counted wires off the cap and then I counted on both sides and I've got four on each side of the engine and eight on the cap but if you look closer whoops that not good and 184 so if I come down here before yeah she is uh no worky well they're definitely no part stores luckily Tommy the guy that owns this joint is really awesome and he's gonna let me rob one off of this really nice and paula just kind of a shame is it fun to drive but got to do what you got to do look at that so I'll snip one off in here let's make it out of that and then we have all eight again there we go plaints fire on hei good enough let's fire on it let's hear that sounds like running out Pete [Music] okay diesel if you've been following the 70 Chevelle bell diesel look familiar like the wheels just not really feeling I'm on 70 yeah all I got right now so I'm gonna put them on here for now it'll look good enough it looks a lot better back spacing in these very players which is the reason I didn't like him on the 70 Chevelle they're really funky because they came off old Simas I think it was and he had to tuck them in the fenders they're really tight here too on the inside of them we evolved it I think it's time to fire it up again and then see if she does the old forward-backward thing and lastly we'll work on the brakes it's like starting an old Massey Ferguson in 48 step all players turn so they could probably use a quarter 17 so I'm gonna dig around a little bit see that fine well the bet trees dead they'll bolt leader isn't charging so good the right thing and just jam the wires into the lace grips there seems to be charging got around boost and give her another goal I've put three more courts up strands island we're gonna fire it again Irish UI God is like in pull the key out and it doesn't really go forward or forward dirt so it's kind of just in there you know I got to be a tree charger on it sure like a test drive is but I think we'd have eighty feet before the viet tree goes dead it's not looking very good driving her home boys I'm a lot of charge on it for a few minutes we'll take the first band anyway definitely this is weird bottom add noise Celtic brakes book like to start once you got it started forgot my timing light right here well I think I'm just gonna slam the hood shut down the road first dry them while the stairway was masked 2017 I can't see a thing 20-some years here we go drive here nothing oh there she comes she's dismal ated oh there is zero suspension left wheels rubbing I can't see I think a minute bushes [Music] oh the idols I enough for even gotta hit the gas pedal you just kind of ease back and let it do its thing I gotta fix this so I can't see good enough got about a three by four window here first gear first year I'll get a little break first year perfect [Music] there's no Drive [Music] yeah that's transmission I got Park first that's really all the guy needs you gonna do it bring her on down to 30 here go around hey info hurry phil's Tarkio as you drive around first gear [Music] she's a banshee oh they got first gear just past the hell out of [Music] Oh God at least had a second here makes it grippy yeah I gotta turn around but I got dark perverts here's my only ability to turn around you just gotta pray on it bring it section bring her back now does like bouncy once again rates are coming in it's not a car I can't even see oh wow [Music] 16 second gear go ahead and start aiming for the old varmint and she stopped now our guy turn 11 where else since I've driven the car point two miles might as well see if it power brakes [Music] oh I think that's it from the old mole at Merrill [Music] [Applause] well I think that concludes this test she's a quitter she gave up on me she's done 20-some years though fired right up drove her out of that barn we got 1.7 miles out of earn one pretty decent power break and I got to figure out where that where that farm is somewhere around here but anyway what should we do with this thing you guys let me know it's pretty straightened but engines junk transmissions junk gotta do something I don't know what drop her in the comments let me know what you guys think thank you guys so much for watching hit the subscribe button and a quick thank you to Tommy and Chris you guys were awesome thank you for the hospitality crackers and dampers that was nice see you guys next time
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,935,589
Rating: 4.870079 out of 5
Keywords: roadkill, camaro, first start, first start in, barn find, turning rust, chevy, chevy camaro, camaro first start, barn find camaro, forgotten, abandoned car, 350, 305, vice grip garage, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1976, chevrolet camaro, barn finds, 1970 camaro, barnfinds, carfind, 1969 camaro, 1320 video, cletus, motor trend, z28, z/28, ss, 327, 396ss, 427, 454, burnouts, 69 camaro, motortrend, road, kill, revival, rescue, barn, farm, find, will it start, will it run, sitting for long time, junkyard, classic, muscle
Id: IQ15sfUGKbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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