ABANDONED Ford F250 First Start in 24 years - Vice Grip Garage EP39

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SupremoZanne 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
I cannot tell you how many messages and emails I've gotten that basically say somewhere along lines winds a guy gonna snip up a Ford truck well that date has finally come that's right down this driveway since the 1967 Ford f250 that's been sitting on this farm for 24 years in hell or high water I'm getting her on and I'm I'm gonna drive her out of here today bad news is I know nothing about towards good news is I got a key so we're gonna dig in and get started let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know the best way to buy these little trucks is don't look at him first just agree to buy um and then that way when a guy shows up it's kind of more of a surprise just right up here how about Bradley with today so he's gonna basically do all the work and I'll work on the cold snacks there it is that looks pretty straight actually well that's all factory in there and but that's really rotted underneath all those needles shoot well grass is soaking wet well there's no gate this is down I don't look so bad breath all the stores then you know this looks like that looks like a cow rub and they sniff the old mirror off too so I bought at one point there was cattle around here or she came out of the pasture and all that moss over the windshield Oh 1995 just hanging off the mirror we got an air freshener thermometer whoo we do got happy trees floor shift manual tanks still in it so far I'm pretty happy with this actually it doesn't look that bad at all saw a couple pictures but they were at night so you can't really see much I'm gonna get some boards and we're gonna crunch the grass down around the truck so you could see it a little better and then we'll snip the hood open and see how much is missing not what well the diagram achill engineering behind this is guys can make crop circles out of boards I can kind of swath pass through these things weird kind of working right there we go there and all we can see a little bit better a little Ross down there not too bad course the corner of the doors you're that mosquito that's a big one pretty solid down here yeah typical old truck bumper corners are gone this side I think is actually better as far as the box goes that's some sort of expert factory here it's clean touch a weight-reduction there that's not so bad overall I think that spot not quite sure if just I've heard of them off all right well let's crack the hood open hey it's got parts oh boy let's turn it around to about 36 percent chance gonna run him drive it out of here well here's what I'm working with heavily late reduce no battery now digital's are still on it that's good still pumps air it's gotta have a car [Music] trims over that test is done although that snapping noise doesn't sound very good use empty real clean second that's a 240 or a 300 and they're pretty identical from the outside so a guy can't really tell 240s are a four-inch for 3.18 stroke and a 300 saw a little bit longer stroke different chambers in the head they produced about 170 horse the two 40s were about 150 they both had the auto lighter Carter one barrels on him these little gems would get about twenty miles to the gallon which back in the day was really impressive and they even put them little girls and dump trucks and stuff so durable little guys they were basically built to run three to four thousand rpm all day this one does look fairly complete and I'm just realizing that I didn't bring an extra fuel pump or a lot of these parts so this is going to get interesting no gas in there definitely no water so that's good let's see what we got the car back ssin it's not fun when these are locked up how do you even work with linkage there we go that's moving it's opening but it's kind of sticking half throttle open which is just fine hoses aren't too terribly rotted missing three hose clamps mustn't needed a Mouser on the farm so I think the very first thing we're gonna do since we know she already spins over will hook a battery on her and see if we got any starter action it's already getting hot great this is a Super Start 4000 why did I pick this one good question she's got the go handle honor deals neutral ish nothing do that a light up there 0 crank egde great that's perfect alright really jumper 200 nothing see the juice here OOP got some juice down here yep no just there ok Bradley turn the key to start off start okay right out of the gate bad real a great closer those are gonna be really easy to find so guys been checking the old grounds out using Holmes and resistance and getting a little high on the body and that could be another reason for that really not to work and the body ground over here is is hanging and I might just run one from here directly to the mounting bracket this is all shot on a guy so I'm gonna try to clean the grounds up first because it's gonna take me hours to try to find a relay today and I'd rather not do that this out of there and gently just get in here if you want to get some fresh yeah okay that mati ground is on and I made quick ground cable over here that comes around right to the relay mount cleaned up the metal here I got some fresh metal showing and of course this clamp when I had snapped off so I threw a new one on there and clean that up so before I did all that I was getting point three resistance on the engine and basically nothing on them on the body so now if I do it I'm at point zero two there and point zero two on my starter relay as well so that's significantly improved then right off the alternator and at point zero two as well so that kind of shows all that ground digital stuff works Oh fingers crossed Bradley let er rip yeah good got it man good job all right so not a bad relay it's just the ground digital's we got that all squared away yes that's good news well I think before I get too carried away here just dump some old fire-maker down here and see what happens I guess that's way too much perfect all right Radley let's go a little more really make sure to flutter alright try again well guess Rhonda testing the old spark laters these spark duster to hundreds is sure nice go ahead Brad so no light bulb that means no spark great alright well take the lightning we're off here and see what we got going on cap looks pretty good rotors been replaced before but it's bad and I'll show you here if you get to get the engine rolled over just right where it's about to open the points you can turn your rotor and see your points opening and closing and it's your keys on you should be able to see a tiny little spark in there or at least hear it and I've got absolutely nothing I mean zilch great they might just be dirty so just hit her with that brake clean just a little bit and this might just enough well we were able to track down some points and a condenser here so I'm gonna snip these and real quick a lot of the feedback I get especially from the younger fellers they don't like these points and a lot of it is to setting them up and all I do which my dad taught me I just slide a matchbook in here and gets a guy close then you can dialer and from there but I'm curious if you're running points how do you adjust yours put it down in the comment box let me know what method you used to set these bad boys up okay I'm gonna try to show you now that I got the new points in here what I was talking about there you go that means you're dialed in and we got sparks so hopefully it fires now all right we'll try our again Oh way too much perfect all right do you think that bud sweet well that around quite a bit when you give her too much gas well now let's see fires I guess we ought to change the oil and I got some new Sparkle laters we could throw in there and tinker around a little bit but I'd really like to get it out of this deep grass so I think we'll pull her up on the road here how's that sound yeah well the plan if we ever had one is just kind of snag er up on the Scrabble pass here make a little bit easier together and ether and stuff no brakes of course just like everything else I own so Bradley knows the drill we get up in here he just goes ahead and hits me to stop [Music] [Music] well the old girl did not want to come out of there so we got her first good look at it here about all the grass up inside not too shabby look how far that will the sunk in the ground and I think it must have been stuck as you can see it's kidding here see there I was kidding so I think we're gonna have an issue at that right front you seem to roll out okay I'll have to remember that right front alright let's see if we can get this high enough to get some ramps under here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why'd you kick with your leg I don't want your head under there you guys think I should pressure wash this or leave it how gets kind of torn took 24 years to get this way that's moss I don't know let me know what you think I'll actually do smell out of gas and that well I could have tried to start it up Aegean Times surprised I didn't taste that earlier Wow she was full well the one thing I can say for did a really good job of is Bill Doyle filters right on the side here guy can just reach in here and snag that on this one looks fine that looks like more crash I'll be the factory and we'll take some of this really bad oil these are on the new o-ring here good enough well today's flavor of oil is hotel a 1540 d soil for a couple reasons one they don't make oil like to use two so this is all the periodic table of elements that a guy needs but mostly because it was the cheapest yeah know how to do a member on the fuel and I think what I'm gonna do is I've got a bowl tank of course a good stuff run some fuel line in and gab snipper up through here play it back here somewhere and that'll be our fuel feed and then we're just going to pray to you that that fuel pump works because I don't have another one and neither did the PERT store and of course I was in a hurry so I didn't bring an electric one did i Brad the old Evinrude gas I don't work just fine like that she's how fall even so good well guy just started running this fuel line and got to look at him I didn't really have a choice cuz here's where the actual tank is and that fitting is just she's you know it's she's down well what I'm wondering is I think the guy could just hook on to this and that goes to the pump still and then all I got to do is write to that and and then I don't got a zip-tie fuel line all the way up there not that I'm opposed to that but I'm lazy well what a guy did was took some brake clean and flushed her back and we are getting some juice down here so Bradley's gonna clamp her on right there and then we don't have to run some of that rubber line back to the old tank here just gotta find something to cut that one didn't go guy doesn't have to but I like to prime my fuel lines and you could do that relatively easy by drinking 42 gallons of gas definitely still break clean in that line as well she's tart we're gonna change these sparkle eaters out giving a wire about the outside she's in there if a guy could read a slugs just tell you an awful lot about your engine what I know about this plug hasn't been changed 319 years parking later see if this one tells us besides almost being seized black city that's a good sign my physical damage will roll up them yeah torch traveling on a scale of one to ten how much do you think this will power break that's pretty good get off there same story so far the plugs are really consistent that's actually a really good sign gapped these are probably the worst spark plugs a guy could buy which is right up my alley last wire well we'll give honor some more gas and then we'll see if they could fire it I'm gonna see if I can get it right down the vent tube here okay Bradley go ahead sounded pretty good so far we're going to try it again Bradley hold on more gas okay go ahead come on baby okay go again topic fuels polling yet more down the vent tube baby okay go ahead keep on trying [Music] got no squirter action see if I can see these squirters working negative let's try it again one more time Brad yeah I'm thinking she's not pulling fuel so I'm gonna unhook two fuel line from the old carburetor here and fire it off again see if we get fuel spray okay got the coil and looked get the fuel line out here we'll crank on her see if again if you'll go ahead Brad definitely not so we'll try to prime that line again thinking the pump might be bad well this is one of those many times if you just do it wrong in the first place you'll get an answer faster we went right to this Jerry can and sure enough she ain't pulling in fuel I got this alien looking thing right I don't even know I mean again forward stuff definitely not that pump this might be to a 300 and need fittings for it lucky enough I carry a bunch of field fittings in my ashtray just for cases like this so I guess we're going to try to rig this thing on as long as the lever here is correct and if not this we're gonna try to find it look somewhere go from there so nope we got a couple hours left of daylight just I'll start calling around try to find an electric pump go from there a couple hours later we did find an electronic pump and we went ahead and got that professionally installed zip ties and what-have-you snag that off that seems to work just threw that down there around a lawyer into the cab then of course we had to put up performance which honor that's over here and that works straight and it's still running off the boat tank so we're gonna give her the 79th try see if we can get her to fire an idle here okay go ahead crank on here subtitles right but I can't get the right feel pressure to leakage to overflow to idling go ahead and try it again then combine agon aniseed with my carburetor adjuster instead night alone now [Music] so pick up a throw some water at her and this vertical test honor plenty of smoke that just let me know she's running nice and smoky after that little run it's all about oil I spilt earlier so I put a little bit of coolant in it and I guess we're gonna try it around in a little bit longer and see if the thermostat stuck but my carburetor adjusting tool also works as a thermostat opener 400 so I got that covered but I think we're gonna try to run her a little bit longer and see if we can get some coolant circulating through it all right go ahead fire it up [Music] twenty-four years [Music] of course [Music] sound like it happen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that gauge alternator lights on I don't like that [Music] [Music] Bradley's working on getting this other ear off and we're putting these on and I actually found a factory SATA these came out for 68 I believe but Firestone - flies white ovals I've got a whole matching set besides already on and that's gonna go a long ways get this thing down the road that one's holding there we might later on at this one I was playing around - clutch just a minute ago this wheel is definitely locked again remember we'll only pulled it out and look there it's skidded quite away so not quite sure what's going on if you can rock it loose just that wheel bearing or hub is frozen that's gonna be a whole lot of fun I'm sure tough ones left yeah that little compressor not doing very hot well he's working on that last wheel we work on the master sub she's it's pretty grody I don't think that's gonna work and of course I just broke that right off this one came out though so all goes well and I could swap that out click that's 50% breaks and that's good enough for me so these hear you and it's supposed to be bench bled whatever that means I just mount him in the old pickup truck hold my fingers over them kiddo pumps the pedal and oil squirts out hook up the brake lines and boom she's ready to go lead her off at the wheel cylinders and that's good enough I got the fronts capped off here but I did put a little oil on there to lubricate the piston in there so I don't tear up the seal and might just give us enough breaks to drive her out of this property like I intended to today we're getting really close got the front wheels left to do and then we're we're driving her well they got all four wheels on and I am still worried about this one here so I'm gonna fire it up and see if it's broke free or not see what we get out of it so here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's definitely an issue and the bigger issue is she's got pretty much no clutch left which is probably the reason it was parked in the first place yeah won't even spin the tires in Reverse dragging it so might have to hook it on to my other pickup and drag it around a little bit see if I get creative but I got to try to get that side broke free cuz I'm like 200 yards from driving it out of here and we're losing sunlight pretty quick seatbelt on 20 degrees there's a lot of ladybugs in here smells like moldy bread and ketchup all right 24 years since this truck left this property see what happens [Music] hopefully we have enough much [Music] [Music] Oh buddy [Music] [Music] second huge yeah thank you shoot but that's it for parking lot guys a lot of fun 24 years and I feel surprisingly well these brakes and clutch Minetti there's a lot of fun thanks for helping strive like that you have stay tuned for part 2 always thanks for watching guys [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,963,785
Rating: 4.9157867 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, ford, f250, f150, f100, junkyard, first, start, in, years, 289, 352, 300, fe, forgotten, woods, revival, roadkill, road, kill, vice grip garage, classic, truck, 4 speed, rescue, barn, find, farm, first start in, f-150, antique, restoration, hot rod, rat, rod, cold, cold start, will it run, will it start, chevy, dodge, car, motor trend, cummins, f350, for truck, junk yard, diesel, racing, ram, dodge diesel, 4x4, 5.9, 6.7, trucks, lifted, lifted trucks, racecar, burnout, found, discovered, ancient, peterbilt, kenworth
Id: SKIU53r2uPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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