FIXING & using the RAKE!! JUST the tips. With T4!! Enshrouded Tips – RPG Survival Game

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hello and welcome to just the tips with T4 I of course am the fugly and L T4 today we are talking The Rake in and shouted let's get into it now if you're anything like me your game didn't want you to make the rake in fact I didn't even know it was an option in the game until I unlocked the scrappy rake now from what I understand by looking at the community Discord this is kind of a widespread problem you're supposed to be able to make the break here at this bench at the workbench if we scroll down it's not even showing up for me and I am holding the scrappy rate so what I did was I hit J go to workshops go to workbench and it showed up in here for me and then once it showed up in here I was able to then go to the workbench and build it but as you can see it's not here so what we're going to do is we're going to exit we're going to return to the main menu go back in and now before I do anything else we're going back into the workshops and we're going to the workbench and we're going to see is it here and there it is right there shows up click on it to acknowledge it and then we go back to the workbench W which for me in my little village setup is a bit of a hike I'm sorry and then we go into our workbench and boom we can make it now what I did was as soon as I built the rig I came over here to the forger Oswald and I said hey dude before I lose the ability to make a rake again can we go ahead and make a scrappy rake that way I know I'm good so now I have two Scrappy RS and that's okay I'll just come over here to my storehouse and I'll put the extra rake away in case a buddy or somebody comes to join my game I promise I have friends that I play with I just do a lot of my YouTube stuff alone now T4 now that we have the rake what are we going to do with it well the main thing you're going to do with it is you're going to find a spot that you like the elevation of you're going to look at the ground and you're going to hold the mouse button and just walk around and flatten everything out and you see it both raises it lowers and it moves the ground in a way that you can keep walking oh oh am I wrong I'm wrong so it doesn't take anything from your inventory and it does a pretty good job now T4 I I want to build a farm and I see that you have 19 Farmland in your inventory here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my build hammer I'm going to say hey I want to build a farm right here and the way we do that is we open our menu by hitting alt we scroll down to terrain and then we hit control and we pick the Farm soil okay and then with no hand on the keyboard we pick the smallest size we can although it's all one Farmland except for that one so that's not a big deal but what you do is you place some farmland I'll do it somewhere other than here because I've already done here let's build another we we'll build a strip right here just for the sake of the video right so boom now this is farmland and then I'm going to Tab out I'm going to go back to my rake and same as I did over there but here I'm going to stand on the Farmland first hold the mouse button down and then just walk and it's spreading the Farmland with without touching my inventory so you can see I just did this whole ring and I still have 18 Farm soil in my inventory now the only other thing the rake is rake does that I have seen so far is if you hold the R button and then move your scroll wheel it changes the angle which I mean that's a pretty good way to dig if you want to dig down really quick but you're not going to get any resources doing that and I haven't really played with this just yet but to me this seems like a good way to make your paths if you want to if you want to make slanted paths or if you want to get really detailed on your ground control um but for me it's it's it's not going to do anything special for me so I'm just going to cover this up there we go flatten this back out and there bada boom bada bing and that's just the tips with T4 I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit the like share and subscribe buttons I'm going to be covering more in shrouded I'll see you [Music] later [Music] n
Channel: T4G4ming
Views: 3,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Enshrouded, Enshrouded gameplay, Enshrouded playthrough, Enshrouded lets play, Enshrouded lp, Enshrouded footage, lets play part, lets play episode, 1080p, 60 fps, Action game, Early Access, Adventure, base building game, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded early access, Survival games, new rpg games 2024, coop games, rpg, gameplay, 2024, enshrouded game, enshrouded base building, tips, Enshrouded guide
Id: sjKERAjaqm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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