Drag Makeup Tutorial: Farrah Moan's Hurried Hotness | RuPaul's Drag Race Season 9 | Now on VH1

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I wish they'd stop using the filter on these videos. Farrah doesn't even need it, girl is smoooooth

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Ah! My favorite broadcity line: "my eyebrows are sister's, not twins!"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Massive-Gas 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2020 đź—«︎ replies
hi everyone I'm pheromone I'm on a little TV show called RuPaul's Drag Race Season 9 today we're going to do a quintessential pheromone makeup tutorial this makeup is basically what I do if I'm in a hurry here I have a time restraint so you guys get to watch me go from the [Music] so first I looked at going with this aftershave just because your face gets so raw when you're shaving it to hell and back at got a lot of glycerin in it which really helps the makeup just fuse to your skin a little bit because Mel's like a daddy mmm my favourite smell okay now I'm gonna go begin with one more primal urges to fill in the pores now coming to really just slather that's a neat force especially could be for like right my problem areas so the next step I usually do is I color correct it usually looks really crazy when my friends watch me do my makeup they'll be like what on earth what in tarnation are you doing let me foundation I'm actually kind of extra you know fifty shades of extra so I'm going to do my dark circles too and also kind of do the little shaved psiphon I know this looks really dark you guys um but plumpest it literally covers up with foundation I use a darker shade of a kind of like a clay color because the skin on my face is kind of a fair complexion and my five o'clock shadow comes in really blue for the red just kind of counteracts I just blather a lot of it on I mean if you ever you can see I have a pretty dark five o'clock shadow I mean if it's no Joe so now I'm going into foundation I usually apply this with a brush um but today I'm going to just it's actually exhaust if you just kind of like slather it on with your hand and then just point it in in a minute I use a medium coverage on everything but this area my lower five o'clock shadow area then I'll go in with the full coverage foundation but you know if you don't have anything to cover it's silly to you the full coverage because full coverages can add a lot of texture to your makeup application and kind of give you that real cakey look now we're going to go in with the full coverage I mean the no joke I just kind of dotted on there and then I'll brush it around at the Taylor brush in a minute this one's so intense and high coverage that if I try to blend this in with my hands I have makeup on my hands all day now we're blending it all in with a Beauty Blender before I go on concealer I'm actually going to apply um a thin layer of powder right now I can't remember I was watching some YouTube or some makeup artist that mentioned this technique and I was like what putting powder and then concealer that doesn't make any sense up scary but I tried it one day I had a day to be like you know explore my makeup a little bit in honestly I have not gone back so where I'm going to put the concealer is going to be under my eyes I'm actually not going to go in heavily with this powder it's just going to be a light light light amount so I'm actually just going to go in with my concealer with my finger I usually use a concealer brush but actually the other day I did it with my hand because I couldn't find my concealer brush I was in a hurry and I noticed that this actually was a lot faster to look like that usually I'm all about using the makeup brushes but the foop just a dot oh my god look no dark circles like magic I'm actually going to put a little bit more on my 5 o'clock shadow area it seems like the makeup trend right now is to draw your eyebrows on when your foundation still wet and then clean it up with concealer I like to do my eyebrows at the end because I like them to look really fresh so now we're just going to blend this out with my sponge I was actually getting ready with one of my friends the other day and she was like oh my god what are you doing like she was like that's so weird it is kind of weird I mean I do my makeup way different than everyone else but I mean literally every time someone meets me they tell me I look just as good if not better than I do online so I guess what I'm doing is working fine hopefully the rest just impacts the more powder on there this little brush right here actually has like a it's like a egg dome shape it's really good for getting right in there you do not want to over powder on this step if you over powder on this stuff it's literally going to crack your makeup the more powder you use the more texture you're going to have and if you want to go for that flawless little pheromone moment then you really don't want us over oh it's contour time so I don't know why I do this but I always feel like I've got a hold lane I always have to do this like I don't know why it's just it's kind of like the mascara a I really just like to be snatched for the gods and you know what if your face isn't perfectly symmetrical it's fine no one's face really is I have like a crazy double chin I don't know why let's just get rid of that right now I sometimes don't contour my forehead I'm going to do it today some spray tanned and I feel like it works but when I'm not spray-tanned sometimes I feel like it just looks a little like too much you can change the world with a nose contour some girls really go in with their nose contour which is fine I don't like to spend too much time on it the highlights what really can make it look better so I'm going with a light colored powder just do the classics explanation point I don't know if y'all can see this little brush but it's like a tiny little oval and honestly I've used a lot of brushes to highlight my nose and this one has just always been my tried-and-true so for my clash I like to use this it's actually technically a contour brush but as you can see with this one this is like more like tighten it and better for contouring this one's kind of like fluffier when it comes to blushes I'm a huge fan of like really girly baby pink blushing we're going to actually do my shimmery highlight I've noticed that if I do it now it gives it it really just marinates into your cheek and honestly makes it that blinding into another dimension like portal to another galaxy brightness this is the famous pheromone shimmering highlight so I'm actually going to go in with two different colors so don't be afraid to mix and match or highlight unlike art just makes my spine single every time now we're going us a white highlight just going to pack that on top of that one now we're going to go in with our under eye bag so I'm going to go back to the same powder that I did my nose contour with and we're just going to set it loosely under my eyes I like to just highlight right there this is like obviously a matte powder highlight it's not shimmery at all I like to concentrate my shimmer where I want to be shimmery I'm actually going to clean up my contour by doing some of the under eye highlight actually right underneath my contour this really just kind of like snatches you up Rodi oh my god so I guess it's time for eyes I'm going to start with this transition shade it's like a little kind of taupey brown shade I'm using like a little brush that's like kind of flimsy and you know just really good for blending and you don't want something too stiff or intense because you just want that like little airbrushed she's kind of soft little blend some queens are really particular with them I make up and they like make sure it's really like cut I kind of actually just plop it on I know the eyes are the windows whistle but sometimes just ain't nobody got time I actually broke my favorite white eyeshadow so I have to buy a new one so I'm actually using this color it's not really a white white I feel like the white on the lid is like very Christina Aguilera which is like basically my favorite drag queen in the world we're going to go in again with our transition shade I'm kind of messy with this part just because I like to just kind of get it on there and then blend it later it's called cut crease guys gonna go in there just soften it up a little bit now that we have that base down let's go in with a darker color to really define it so I'm trying to kind of give you like this like little winged effect moment okay guys so now if you have that down we can actually go back and with that flat little brush and then just kind of soften it all up so that isn't there's any harsh lines in them at all I like to kind of highlight my brow bone um with a lighter eyeshadow I'm going to go on with the same one I did my eyelid this kind of just traces out where I'm going to draw my eyebrows I'm going to take that first transition shade our tried and true little contour to sort of kind of color and I'm just going to drag it underneath the eye starting out with the light color and working your way the darker is just going to really make sure that everything looks seamless blended now we can go in with a little bit of a darker shade I like to start the outer corner and work my way in because it just looks better more going to that way if you start the inner corner you're gonna have like a dark block so it's right there okay guys now it's time for the hard part our liquid liner this never gets easier honestly I don't really know what to tell you it's always going to be hard and just tough through it if it's okay we'll work together we can make it through it it'll be okay guys let's like say a little prayer to the makeup gods real quick and then we prepare come on let's just buy our work because I'm 50 shades of that strong I'm going to have like a really long wing I would love to watch a meltdown from house at home watching someone do makeup swirls like yes ruin the point if you're like me and it's not perfect this is my favorite trick I'm going to go into the black eyeshadow and I'm actually just going to blend it out literally you're just going to go you'll see what I was doing there and you know what we're going to go back with that brush that we keep going back to I swear this little brush is everything and then just blend that out a little bit on that line so it's not so harsh I should have dusted this earlier I'm going to dust off my bake which is that powder that we put under my eyes I like to do it kind of at the end because it kind of helps catch any eyeshadow fallout that you might have like it just keeps a barrier from that eyeshadow ruining your entire makeup I'm going to take a little flat headed brush like this I'm going to dip it into the cream white get it in there don't be scared doing a little white really just opens your eyes it makes you look awake and makes you look refreshed it makes you look well-rested makes your eyes look big I always think the bronze for last just because I feel like they just really pop and look fresh if you wait when you're doing a realistic brow nobody's realistic brows are perfectly symmetrical and if you can get out of that idea that they are you'll have so much less stress and anxiety at the end of your iris is where your art should be like that I do what my natural hair color is even though I always blonde hair or pink hair I just like obviously like I said earlier our natural brow went right into the makeup store literally put it up to my roots and figure it out also it helps if you use a little angled brush like this just pinch it so that it's nice and sharp so you get a real precise line now that we have the base down I'm going to go in and add some definition to it with a darker color if you literally just I feel like a natural brow kind of is more dense and darker towards the end of it and then a good kind of lighter as you get to the center you're going to need to lick your brush sorry is the only way you can really get that lot that little so tight and so flat and then yours go carefully to growth in your hair we're going to go in with mascara now I feel like mascara that one product in your makeup kit that you can really just use it a cheap one if you want you don't need like a designer mascara they all do the same thing I just grab whatever I can find do not ever pump your mascara like that it actually blows air into it and makes your mascara and dry out faster put it in and swirl it like that and then pull it out I'm actually going to go in and add some extra highlighter because why not we're going to do the tip of my nose the bridge of my nose that basically just gives you that little girlies christina applegate nicole kidman moment I kind of like to bring my highlight until my brow a little bit just right there to the edge so when you look to the right it just has that definition to your face okay guys we're actually going to go into lips now we're actually going to go in and do like a nude pink which is very quintessential fair Ashley and I start at the top I pick create that little lately I started actually pushing my lips out like this and then drawing over it because then when I like to blow kisses and sometimes if your lips aren't calibrated with the way that you're blowing it looks weird so do a little that moment I'm actually using this liner right now to overdraw my lips I can't afford lip injection I'm going to do a liquid lip that dries matte I like to UM do like a maybe a shade or two darker than the lipstick shade just so that it kind of creates that dimension and that death alrighty guys now it's time for lashes these are actually just your average number 40 lashes a lot of girls were three oh ones and stuff I don't feel like they look right on me that you have either too big I like to get a little lash glue just dip my lashes into a and then after it's on I actually like to take the tweezers and just squeeze it joined natural lash and the little finishing touch I'd like to do is I like to just actually put a little mascara on with it just to really blend this is a little trick that I do and every time I show someone less they are obsessed me do it all the time I'm actually need to go with my shimmery highlight and put it on my lips like that putting this shimmer on your lips before your gloss is just going to add a little bit of dimension and make them look really you know like big and pouty and pump with whatever I love a glossy lip honestly truly come on guys come on that's great there we go so I guess now I'm going to put my hair and my outfit on and I will see you guys in a second all right guys this is the finished look thank you guys so much for watching my drag transformation you can follow me on instagram and twitter at fara rise thank you so much again and I hope that like this hey squirrel-friends when one video ends just open up another one it's called binge-viewing go ahead I support you [Music]
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 3,870,048
Rating: 4.9342017 out of 5
Keywords: logo, logotv, lgbt, lgbtq, queer, gay, homosexual, lesbian, trans, transgender, gay culture, pop culture, pop, culture, entertainment, same-sex, equality, pride, season 9, premiere, aja, alexis michelle, charlie hides, eureka o'hara, farrah moan, jaymes mansfield, kimora blac, nina bonina brown, peppermint, sasha velour, shea coulee, trinity taylor, valentina, RPDR, makeup, make-up, tutorial, step by step, tips, advice, how to, DIY, Cynthia Lee Fontaine, hurried, rush, hurry, quick, go-to
Id: K2DCxI6qTfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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