Firearms Expert Reacts To Hell Let Loose’s Guns PART 3

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this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode he's taking a look at some of the British Weaponry of the World War II era shooter hell that loose I don't think I'm making this up but I would have known that was a LS gun just from the sound effect what I'm less sure about is the pan magazine where the character has their entire thumb stuck in it there is in fact a hole in the top of the magazine on a Louis gun I think we knew that but if I stick my thumb in it it doesn't go very far in just the tip make sure to check out our previous two episodes on The Guns of hell that loose and if you like this kind of content make sure to subscribe as we've got an extensive back catalog of episodes with Jonathan right let's take a look at more weapons of Hell let loose right well always good to see a Le INF infield rifle in a video game of any kind especially if it's done well which this one is now something I do notice looking uh aiming down sight but in the real world that bolt handle doesn't look quite the right shape I don't know if I can show you that on camera might be it might might just show so the the angle looks a little off there sights look good to me it is it is correctly centered that's something I've picked up on before where when you're aiming down sights sometimes the front sight is in the wrong place and so your shot would go astray that's all good the only other thing I'm spotting here there is the we've got this very prominent Dome screw on the back of the cocking piece it's a sort of a a keeper screw for this feature here which you'll struggle to see now that is shown as recessed on the cocking piece and that keeper screw is is proud and I don't believe that's correct certainly not on the example we have here that that piece should be flush this is the level of sheer nitpicking nerdery that I'm having to resort to to critique this rifle hey the classic webble the load there felt a little bit artificial we're we're bringing the round up and we're poking it in with the index finger normally you'd push that you'd hold the round like this or like this and you'd push it in with the thumb I've not seen anyone try and push it down with the index finger reason being it's easier to lose control of the round as you as you offer it up to the cylinder that said you can load this thing however you like in theory you may be familiar with the speed loader system on a revolver and you may be you may be familiar with the prau speed loader big plunger type thing that was developed for the uh mark 6 webble in first world war that was not as far as I know a thing in the second world war the Mark 6 was not the primary sidearm unless you were in something like the RAF at the time nonetheless um I don't believe they had these speed loaders so it's correct to see single loading of rounds I'm just a bit unconvinced of the sort of biomechanics of pushing those rounds in with the index finger nice head stamps there which I think are accurate and certainly we have un primers there which is nice to see I don't believe the primers do get dented though yeah doesn't look like they do so we have bullets disappearing from cases as you as they should but I too have not seen any any struck primers so correct to see them on struck really we want to see that um decal or whatever change to it to a dented primer absolute extra bonus points if the firing pin impression matches that of a Mark 6 web hey we got a 1928 model Thompson without the vertical forgrip model looks good textures look good actually rate of fire also looks correct these things do do fire at least 900 rounds per minute um on my not very good speakers the sound effects are are lacking a bit of punch I mean honestly when playing I thought the sound effects of the Thompson felt a little flat but I've never shot Thompson but it did sound a bit like a wet squib I mean we we've shot Thompsons I've watched you shoot a Thompson and you know we don't expect video game sound effects to be quite like real life but there was like a tangible difference yeah now obviously indoors when when you and I hearing that thing go off it's it's more concussive and sort of subjectively louder even with a Defenders on indoors but still even outdoors and they probably have based this sound effect on the on the sound of one of these things being fired Outdoors sometimes you have to cheat the reality to meet the expectation I'm not saying my expectation is worth more than anyone else's but having heard a number of these and shot a number of these over the years it's lacking something I will say the re the reload is correct but it's maybe a little easy trying to reach I have relatively long thumbs and trying to reach that magazine release with that thumb while gain maintaining hold on that drum and pulling it out is doable but it's a little casual there I think that's probably because video game hands are not human hands okay we've got the ability to either choose different different models in game or to upgrade and add a vertical foregrip so we have the classic 1921 model 1928 model vertical forgrip there most of your 1928 a1s which is what this is saying it is are not going to have that classic vertical forgrip they had the straight for end like the later M1 did but it's not impossible possible that one wouldn't find its way back onto a gun perhaps so very nice to see the boys anti-tank rifle details wise I can't really Wrangle this soccer on camera so you'll just have to admire it from afar this is uh exactly the model that we have represented in the game it's got a sort of a Cary paint overall that's all worn on the edges which is one of the few times where a real Museum gun has looked more video gamey than the one I'm looking at on screen so we saw the use of the I was going to say bipod it's not really well it's sort of a sort of a bipod but it's it's like a monopod into a bipod obviously in games these things have to lock onto a a fixed point in space they can't kind of yet realistically interface with sloping damaged surfaces or whatever they would in in real life I'm just happy that we have bip posit function to be honest and it seems to handle quite realistically we I I haven't sadly ever fired one The Recoil would be significant uh the break helps quite a bit I think they probably got the amount of muzzle rise there correct what they can't replicate of course is any contusion to your shoulder question for you Dave cuz I'm not haven't so far really seen it how much damage does this thing seem to be doing to tanks and things to be honest I wasn't very good with it there there's a shot where I'm shooting at a tank trying to disable it and it the turet slowly turns looks at me and I'm like is that looking at me and then a shell just immediately destroys the position I'm in but I I believe it's more suited for like disabling tracks and and systems of of um a tank rather than fully destroying it it was nice to see that there was tangible difference between how um a rifle like this versus like more explosive munition like appear that's all what I would want to hear so by the time this thing's in in serious use there are still some German tanks around that it can knock out you know Mission kill or whatever Panza three onwards probably um you're going to struggle so you are going to be trying to to crack a track link um shoot a vision block or use it for killing people behind cover which is increasingly what it found itself being used for as it became less useful against armored vehicles or of course other vehicles like a Kat and crra or any kind of M you know not tank is going to to take serious damage from a 55 boys round oh dear we have a problem with the bran so that great big ring shaped object in front of the magazine as we see it here is the magazine catch just like it is on the boys which was being used earlier here it's not here we're ripping the mag out of the Bren without the magazine catch at all uh which is not possible the gun itself is looking pretty good though there's that freakish long thumb again wrapping its way around to be fair it's not that freakish my my I can replicate that but of course what I can't do is rip the mag out of the gun the way to reload the Bren was he hand and ideally you keep hold of the magazine and place it on the ground in an emergency you could in theory semi AK reload it off the gun and then you or the assistant Gunner rocks in the fresh one but you've got to operate this catch here now I believe this is purporting to be a mark 2 Bren from what I've seen notably has the flip up uh site here rather than the great big dial ramp site of the mark one has this more conventional integrated site of course with the offset aperture but yeah so in terms of barrel length the body or receiver General look of the thing I believe they're going for um the mark 2 Brand This is a mark 2 Bren which I'm cheating with because it's a sectioned one which makes it a lot lighter for my puny curatorial frame cuz the Bren is a light machine gun but it's not a light machine ma gun now if anyone's thinking there are no cartridge cases ejecting from this thing well there are in theory but they're happening out the bottom you see that big open bit at the bottom well some of that's been cut away but there's always enough for the cartridge case to drop out as it's extracted um off the face of the bolt so they they end up in a neat pile underneath you have to be careful not to burn yourself on them but they don't go flying out off the side so we wouldn't expect to see them we might be I don't know if the model is ejecting cases and we just can't see them from the angle or if it's a bit fudged by it never ejecting cases I haven't quite figured that out from the footage I don't think I'm making this up but I would have known that was a LS gun just from the sound effect there's something about the noise of a Lewis gun it's a sort of a flatter tone than a Bren even though it's firing the same cartridge of a similar rate it just sounds different I'm not sure what it is maybe it's that Barrel jacket but I think they've either done some live audio or this has been Faithfully recreated that that sounds really good what I'm less sure about is the pan magazine where the character has their entire thumb stuck in it there is in fact a hole in the top of the magazine on a Louis gun I think we knew that but if I stick my thumb in it it doesn't go very far in just the tip and that what that is in case you're wondering what the hell's going on is that that's the magazine catch so the smacking of the magazine to seat it can't remember if it's in the pamphlet but uh realistically you probably would want to do that it does need some encouragement sometimes I wouldn't be doing it off to the side like that though that's just going to lever on the apply leverage and make it even less likely to latch in place I think what you need to do is hit it directly above where it's mounting I was very kind about the Bren and it's um controlability even firing burst and shoulder if you're very skilled I really wouldn't suggest it with the gun it's just so heavy and front heavy as well you know this girder like um bipod hanging off this heavy barrel shroud with a heavy barrel underneath it I'd be very impressed if anyone's able to fire this thing other than on the BB also with the rotating magazine firing it from the hip which would theoretically be possible especially with this handy handle here it's going to be more problematic um I I don't think there was any Doctrine regarding firing this from anywhere other than the bipod unless it's attached to an aircraft or or something so I think we have a problem here in that firing a Pat from the hip or the shoulder is a really bad idea that thing needs to be fired in the prone position with its bipod or monopod firmly planted with a good old tight grip behind it yes it will you know firing stuff in the prone is feels like you're getting more recoil at least you're supported by the ground firing it standing up it's going to rock you it's going to shove you back uh it's such a heavy weapon as well you're not going to be able to keep it in the aim very accurately I'm not saying nobody tried it I'm saying it's not a a good idea and if you're thinking well it's just like an underbarrel grenade launcher or you know rocket launcher what's the problem it's a same sort of size and weight of projectile well yeah but it's a literal morott bomb and it's fired with a leral morott bomb charge in the bomb so it has enough recoil to send that on its way just as though it were a mortar which it is and it was used in indirect fire mode as a mortar even would you fire a 51 mm 2in mortar from the shoulder if you would then feel free to try it with a p and very happily we have the other the endfield now the theater that we're in here if we're late enough in the war to be seeing number fours we probably ought to be seeing just number fours and not SML but can't rule that out the smle was used throughout the war especially in the Middle East North Africa it's nice to Happ both it's a game let's have both do you feel like there's any real gameplay difference between the two Dave not especially do you think part of it is a is a flavor and variety thing and especially in a game like hell that loose where one round is 99% of the time I'm going to send you respawning or waiting for a medic yeah there's there's tangible very little difference so in theory one of the the major changes with the number four was to space the front and rear sights back out again to sort of Target distance from each other and make it a an adjustable aperture so in theory it's slower to bring into the aim so did you ever feel like if there's someone running across your field review this was slower to score a hit with than the smla no they felt largely the same I think you know to someone who's played a lot more than I have there probably is differences but I I would consider myself a hell that loose Layman to me yeah there was a huge amount of difference a it's probably not it's not that significant in the scheme of things you you you train to use the weapon you've got and any difference in SN what they call Snap shooting where you're bringing something up very Qui acquiring the sights quickly any difference there between a sort of modern rifle iron sight aperture like this has when it's folded down and open Notch site of uh of the smle which is more like a modern pistol site any difference there is going to be pretty slim you've got a bigger field review without looking through a hole now of course what we know from from games and I haven't seen in detail here is that aperture is usually opened up so that you have a better field of view to acquire a Target that might Factor here as well it's a classic everyone loves to hate it's the Sten Mark 2 rate of fire seems to go up and down a little bit I if that's just my brain but it seems to to vary that's not impossible but it would require a dodgy batch of ammo cuz this thing is powered by its ammunition so you might get a slight Rising falling tone if your ammunition has not been consistently loaded you'll notice the cocking handle is different that's fine in principle there multiple different models of cocking handle five or six on the St that is I think period correct but it's very stubby that pattern of cocking handle ought to be significantly longer than that I think the recoil is actually a bit excessive this thing basically doesn't move partly because you've got the the mass going forward is counteracting subjectively blast of the shot it's all the recoil generated by the shot so it doesn't really move if you've got a decent grip on thing whereas this feels like it's I mean I know you have to simulate recoil to make it in any way challenge to use if it was just a point and shoot bullet hose it wouldn't be very fun to use uh and everyone would just use this instead of anything else up close but then if you're up close you probably should be using this and not anything else on the British side at least super we weird Okay so we've moved to the mark 5 St I have't grab to show you it basically looks fine except the cocking handle that was too short on the Sten so it was about as short as this one when it should have been a bit taller with that hourglass shape to it this has that pattern of cocking handle but it's about twice as long as it should be we have the full grip on there now that was used but very early on it was discontinued cuz it kept breaking coming loose and then when tightened It crack so they eliminated it in fact the official drawing doesn't even have it on there so it must have been eliminated quite early on not to say that some wouldn't have made it out into the field we still have a couple here that have them I also think and I'm less sure of this because of the angle but it looked to me like the cooling holes on this handguard there we are might well be too big on the game gun on the uh on both guns I think on the Mark I and the mark five they may have scaled those up because with for shortening and field of view they look far too small so there might be a good reason for that the game features the Sten Mark 2 and the mark 5 but interestingly it's based on the theater that you're fighting so the British forces in North Africa the eighth Army has the mark 2 whereas the Western Front in Europe has the mark 5 is there any like historical precedence for that yeah so the the Denmark 5 being the latest thing let's let's say this is like mid 1944 and some have made it out to to the front line typically they made it to the Western Front first Middle East North Africa Pacific but it was also I guess logistically difficult to get the latest stuff out there or and maybe it was preferential as well something worth researching actually as to as to how that happens but you do end up with SML and Mark 2 STS in the desert and the Very the first mark five STS are in Europe you know as the Allies come back into Europe so that does sort of fit all right guys thank you for watching as always do pop over to our royal armory's YouTube channel because if you liked my ramblings here you should enjoy what we do over there if you can visit our our three real world museums here in the UK please do um we also have various social media outlets and all of that that you can check out but we will see you here on the Gamespot Channel as always next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 162,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hell let loose, hell let loose weapons, hell let loose weapons breakdown, hell let loose guns breakdown, hell let loose expert reacts, hell let loose firearms expert, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: U3mBXOS7a1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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