Firearms Expert Reacts To MORE Escape From Tarkov Guns

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Would actually be fucking cool if BSG licensed the gun assets to another studio to make a gun smithing simulator game (akin to pc building simulator).

:D some extra money for BSG and an awesome sim for us.

good video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/inFamousMax 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 đź—«︎ replies

It’s really cool of him to break down these guns. I had wondered if Tarkov’s gun customizability was more fiction than fact but it sounds like it’s pretty accurate.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BlackGuysYeah 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Awesome. I loved the first 1. Also recommend marines/spec ops exact to Tarkov

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jaz1140 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 đź—«︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal army's museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today because you guys undeniably wanted to see more of it he's going to be breaking down even more of the guns in escape from tarkov it's safe to say that he remains impressed by the game maybe a bold statement but it's got to be the best gun game that i've ever seen and i haven't even played it if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comments section below make sure to subscribe for more videos exactly like this and if you want to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan okay i think i think someone's messing with me my first thought when i saw the the ak with no top cover no rear sight no butt stock was what's happened to that poor thing seeing the inventory screen clearly those parts have been taken off to demonstrate what happens if you do that i mean without having hands on can't be i can't be sure but it looked a little bit too easy to be able to squeeze off vaguely accurate shots with no rear sight and no butt stop with practice i'm sure you could pull that off but um i'd expect to be a bit more all over the place with that but there was a clear improvement when the site went on when the when the bus stop went back on of course in real life you'd have to get a screwdriver out and then screw the butt stock on because we're not talking about a later more modular weapon whether parts just come off without tools i love the fact that the gun the guns are modeled in the virtual world essentially as they are in the real world and that's what enables you to break them down in that way and have them configured in different ways maybe a bold statement but it's got to be the best gun game that i've ever seen at this point and i haven't even played it okay i gather people have been keen for me to see the gunsmith section of of tarkov and i can see why that's really really impressive the sheer variety that we see in here cosmetic as well as what looks like some pretty practical changes that you can make um i think i'd probably spend my most of my time in that section of the game and not actually shooting anybody because the ability to virtually customize guns like that is that's practically a game in itself that's really good i really like that i'm gonna have to get a second mortgage and get a gaming pc the mosin rifle 1891 is when this thing was first introduced so it's uh seriously long in the tooth now but so many were made and it had such a long service and manufacturing life and history that there are an awful lot of them around any bolt action rifle is going to put you at a disadvantage unless you're at some distance away so i'd imagine most players are using this as a sniper rifle with the scope otherwise people with assault rifles that have optics will be counter sniping you left right and center but it certainly has the power when the mosin first appears in the clip there threw me off because the the player characters aiming it like there's nothing wrong but if you look really closely the front sight is actually missing so i'm used to seeing the ability to take parts off modern modular weapons and obviously in this game you can go mad and take all sorts of parts away and swap them with others this vintage bolt action rifle with no front sight head scratcher at first but then you realize the depth of the game and that's what you're dealing with so you've got to find yourself a new front sight if you find a good one it's going to be an accurate rifle get the right scope on it and it would still hold its own as an inaccurate rifle today without without slighting the mosin it's not the fastest bolt to operate in the world the bolt is always gonna slow you down uh and you can see that in the way it's animated but again if you're in cover far enough away that 762 round is going to do some serious damage and allow you to do that from a feral distance as well wow well i'm glad i don't own that firing range that's um that's pretty cool gun named um mjolnir for obvious reasons i think it is pretty thor's hammer in its uh impact sound and uh they've captured that beautifully there i've not i've not fired or seen that rifle fired in real life but um my 538 lapra magnum sounds uh pretty every spot on it's a very powerful cartridge it's the very sort of top end of a anti-personnel rifle cartridge we we're familiar with 50 bmg things like the barrett it can be used successfully as long-range sniper rifles because of the sheer power of the cartridge but they're not ideal for it what's ideal for it is 338 lapa magnum so the one on the bottom is 762 nato and a 338 magnum round so you can see that's the propellant capacity is greater the bullet is longer thicker heavier it's going to do more damage so yeah an interesting choice for the game um means you've got a real spread of everything from pre-world war ii military surplus to the very latest precision rifles from from the west are you gonna pause there i think this is the ds arms version of the fm fal or the foul as people tend to call it a little bit old-fashioned these days the tilting bolt is does not lend itself to great accuracy the top cover isn't great for mounting optics but it's good i think it's good to have some more legacy weapons in a game like this for variety as in all other aspects they've really nailed the fal here you have those slightly awkward old-fashioned iron sights that don't give you the best sight picture so that's that's realistic you've got the way the way the the sights are moving between shots because of the recall the simulated recoil is excellent depending on how it's held the angle and how how frequently the trigger is being pressed the sight picture is changing which again sort of reflects real use of a real weapon then when we go automatic which most fal variants do permit the more you hold down the trigger the more movement there is and it looks it's a sort of realistic impression that's given so yeah really good hey falls in there there we have a chris vector submachine gun being used surprisingly effectively as a um sort of pocket sniper rifle obviously it's not designed for that role it's meant to be a um a close range weapon submachine gun very interesting design that emerged not that many years ago it's rare that something uh genuinely new comes along in the firearms world it's sufficiently new that we don't have one it's uh an attempt to i think we see this um represented pretty faithfully in the in the way that the gay the um gun is modeled and depicted is to try to redirect the recoil impulse downwards but yeah it's good to see it in the game for some some visual and mechanical variety really again it's come a little bit late in the story of the submachine gun to get any real widespread adoption in the real world i'm just going to pause there we've got the the saga 12 shotgun here which comes in various shapes sizes configurations the first thing we see in that in the clip is that the the shotgun's jumping around all over the place which although this is a semi-automatic shotgun if you um if you spam that trigger whether it's the real thing or in the game you're going to need some serious skill to keep the muzzle on target because the the cumulative recoil of a 12 ball 12 gauge cartridge five shots in a row is significant it does it fits the the cqb uh requirement in the game quite nicely uh we've got a similar example here from the collection this is a kalashnikov derived design scaled up for whacking great 12-gauge cartridges because it's a box magazine and the cartridges are so huge single stack so if you want more capacity you've got to get an ever bigger longer magazine at the bottom or you do see drum magazines as well drums induce their own potential for stoppages though so um in this fictional setup probably box magazines makes sense pausing there shotguns are extremely versatile weapons the interesting thing of course is the change of ammunition so we see a switch to slugs you can pretty much you can custom load ammunition to do whatever it is you want to do buckshot is is a good sort of all-purpose load because it gives you that increased chance of hitting and definitely increased chance of stopping somebody in their tracks not quite as we see in a lot of more unrealistic games where the spread is just insane it's a trade-off made for gameplay purposes so you can't shoot anyone beyond five meters or something like that that's not what we see in tarkov we see buckshot being probably about as effective as it would be and then switching to solid slug so the modern day musket ball and that will carry effectively and relatively accurately for more than 100 meters potentially the the flexibility with ammunition is in all the weapons in tarkov is really cool shotgun is perhaps the oldest flexible weapon that exists now if we think of a shotgun in terms of flintlock's percussion all the way to the present day the the dragon of svd this being the svd-s shorter barrel and folding stock the original svd is an 800 meter rifle in the sense that you can hit a person at 800 meters not perhaps as precise as some other designs in that you can't necessarily put a group of shots in close proximity at 800 meters what i'm really taking with here is the depiction of the scope when you see the pso scope get clamped onto the rifle the way the the reticle is copied from the from the real thing illuminated switch that on and off which is amazing i don't know without experience of the game what the sort of bullet drop is like uh typically sniper rifles and games go for a mega bullet drop for gameplay reasons especially if their draw distance isn't that far so battlefield has hugely exaggerated drop of bullets this this seems to be a lot more realistic on that score the way the um what's called the eye box is simulated so that the black around the edges until your eye is in the right place if you have this and vr and that worked in that way that would be extra immersive so yeah really good the ump is an odd one the way it's depicted in the game is it's almost getting boring saying this but really good the it's quite a short weapon and a short barrel weapon and in 45 there's still a bit of punch from that uh cartridge and it's not a locked or delayed breach so that sort of rocking effect that we see in the clip is pretty much how it's gonna get how it's gonna look when you shoot it it'll tend to rock back and forth in your shoulder very much as we see there okay causing that sig sauer um has seen quite a lot of success in in real life with the mcx series of rifles and in common with many modern firearms it's actually marked sig mcx multi-caliber this one has a 5x6 barrel on it and the magazine is marked 556. typically uh clever conversion requires changing the bolts some of the other aspects as well with this it's just the barrel because 300 blackout is a larger bullet than 5.56 well in theory you'd only need to change the magazine um but it's a good idea to have separate magazines for 300 and 556 because you can blow your gun up i'd be very interested to know if you can blow your mcx up if you can change canvas so uh answers answered in the comments perhaps so yeah i got a good depiction there i like the the very the meaty sound effects of those big relatively big chunky 300 blackout cases bouncing off the inside of that shipping container it's a really good sound design in this game thanks everyone um those were some more guns from escape from tarkov which i'm increasingly interested in it's a real step forward in the depiction of firearms and video games if you feel that you'd like to we do have a donation facility on the website it's linked in the description above and you might want to look at our membership program but no pressure thanks very much guys you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,262,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, tarkov, escape from tarkov beta, expert reacts, escape from tarkov weapons, escape from tarkov guns, tarkov weapons, tarkov guns, tarkov guns breakdown, tarkov weapons breakdown, weapons breakdown, kriss vector, mosin rifle, sig mcx, mjolnir dmr, fn fal, dragunov sniper rifle, tarkov new weapons, new weapons breakdown, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries
Id: G1-YJD8tWX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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