Finding the IMPOSTER in Minecraft Among Us!

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86 i've almost finished my task she never learned her lesson did you see that gets the imposter every time easy win subscribe because we're tall brain [Music] crewmates we are making our way to polis right now you know what the deal is there's gonna be an imposter amongst us and it's gonna be me it'll oh that's gonna be me that was so rude gold yeah how dare you assume that i'm gonna go do my task sure goodbye see you okay you guys rainbow's the only nice one see ya suckers never mind she is toxic everyone's muting we gotta go do our tasks let's locate some run then the laboratory this map is pretty big laboratory looks like it's on the right side of the map dude i can literally just fall through the floor where am i go who's following me someone's stalking me oh hey goals what you doing oh do you think they see me okay they probably oh hi rainbow yeah i'm out here because yeah i'm definitely in the wrong spot let me go in there reading this map is very different it's the laboratory this ain't the laboratory whatever i'm just gonna go find a button that's glowing uh-huh it looks like rainbow and gold are doing their task let me do mine all right fix the wiring easy stuff just gotta do this and done there's a tv in here it's so quiet any bodies what was that was that no one's gonna sabotage what is that noise is someone doing a task dude it's so empty around here i'm scared i still need to make it to the laboratory someone had to die like right now hello i know you guys can't hear me but literally where is the rest of crew hey there's a telescope no task here though it is so creepy and quiet oh look so we got some decontamination doors whoa that looks cool it looks like a laboratory lunar why are you running from me lunar chill okay luna hi lunar oh yo luna what are you doing hey oh my gosh these doors are so slow come back here luna i saw that our taskbar doesn't look that well completed um bunny was creeping behind me like a murderer are you serious luna yes you like i saw you she was i was following because it looked creepy i was in the lavatory and i was decontamination rainbow i turned around wait a minute we're not gonna talk about how gold and draco are dead okay can we talk about why lunar is laughing like her butt off like seriously i don't know why he's here okay this is the thing i saw rainbow and gold near each other so rainbow might be the killer but then lunar's like chuckling her butt off and by the way rainbow when she looked at me lunar started running like she was giving me shifty eyes and then she shut the door on me she only has one eye i don't know how she yeah i i ran because i don't know she gave me 50 vibes and you killed everyone it's either number one into the emergency button no either you funny or lunar so i don't know who it is but lunar i don't know why you voted luna i don't know why you voted but it's clearly rainbow rainbow no i promise you i promise you rainbow it is funny but why you can't just tell me that okay i actually did my time you funny i didn't see gold the whole time and she was hiding behind me and as soon as the door shut she was too late so then i was trying to run to the emergency button rainbow you should believe me if you're not the imposter you should totally vote lunar because i actually did my task i had a redstone repeater test see i actually know my test no she's lying i i just didn't attack all lunar all lunar says is she's lying so i'm gonna vote lunar rainbow if you really care to win you'll vote lunar unless rainbow's imposter then i'm dead lunar was eject what she keeps what are you serious dude it's not my life she literally sucked herself she literally said i see gold the whole round right yeah wow funny and luna you guys just sussed each other and then lunar through the game luna you have to listen to me you throw her i knew it was rainbow why would you creep behind me i wasn't creepy rainbow literally said i didn't see anyone oh my gosh it doesn't matter luna already voted lunar you're throwing i will stab you next for real luna i will stop because you're throwing you're not helping me tata yeah tata people go do your task lunar always throws she is done okay gold stop looking at me before i stab you in the little glasses of your lens thing look she's smacking me okay time to go fake some tasks i really want to kill luna because she threw the game but i'm gonna go fake these tasks yo gold's staring at me okay who do i kill first i'm gonna kill you luna because you oh they see me they know i'm gonna kill luna i'm gonna fake some task because i want a murder luna double check i saw luna run down oh luna's running luna's running her butt off we gonna take the knife and stab luna cause she's a jerk [Laughter] oh my gosh i'm running i'm running my butt off because i don't know if like that puts a huge target on my back just because uh lunar i killed luna out of revenge hello yes what happened oh there's a dead dead who's dead yeah luna's dead and also i didn't know what this button did wow liar you know what this button does funny you know i know you okay we are way too close to each other what gold yeah stop breathing on me and don't you back up suspicious breath down my neck because you definitely know what that button no you always hit the emergency button every single i thought it was a task i'm new at this map whatever um well i'm gonna skip because we have four people and we can't afford to randomly that would be nice nobody found the body i bet you it's funny girls can you get your breath away from me you're way too close and you shouldn't say that but i have a feeling it's rainbow again are you kidding me i don't know you kidding me rainbow i don't know i'm sick of you being imposter every game and no one believing me and you're always like oh what test could i do so you're annoying yeah what time did you do funny i did the redstone task like always keep saying because it is the task i did i still care i know it's you rainbow i'm keeping my eyes on you not me oh i'm gonna stop gold i'm kidding i'm not stabbing gold yet i definitely know i'm gonna get draco hey look it's a decontaminator rainbow why is rainbow keep hitting me yeah let's go get decontaminated together so i wonder if i can pin this on goals like because if rainbow's with me if i'm with rainbow the whole time see like this i show proof we could go do our task come on come on rainbow let's go let's go do our task together um i don't have a task in this room rainbow yeah you can pretend clicking all the buttons look rainbow rainbow oh she's doing a task is it perfect time to kill her no i'm not gonna kill her it's too easy if i kill rainbow rainbow's kind of big brained so i feel like i should kill her but if i kill draco right now it's not gonna be in my favor because she knows i was going in the same direction as him oh i see draco what's up draco look i'm gonna fake a task he knows i'm after him i'm gonna shift i'm gonna shift dude i wonder if shifting makes me look shady where did that boy go he is faster than lightning can you vent in this game oh my gosh they saw me going near the vent i hear someone i hear someone i'm a shift kill cold i just killed gold i just killed gold i'm too close to the body did someone see me someone saw me oh i'm having paranoia someone someone's here someone's here oh my gosh oh my gosh i need to kill one more person who my heart is racing i can't believe no one found that body yet which is amazing i know rainbow's on the right side of the map so if i find her and kill her i win the entire game dude where is everyone after shift i need to look for everyone dude how did no one find anyone okay gold's dead oh someone's coming someone's coming someone's coming oh someone came in from here they see gold's body wait someone a ghost dude are the ghosts rolling i think i think lunar and gold are trolling as ghosts come on where is every oh this ain't good this ain't good where was the body that body was in the office wait what's that oh gold this office like right out there out those doors wait like this meeting room oh yeah right outside those doors i think it's funny because i'm just gonna say i went into the laboratory and i saw her chasing me and i was scared and i kept running and she kept chasing me and then i ran into gold and then she stopped chasing me and now gold is dead and i'm gonna vouch for draco because i saw him working on the task for really long rainbow i was working on a test too [Music] i'm voting you i think i was almost dead meat and deacon tam but maybe you didn't no i wasn't rainbow i didn't kill you in deacon time okay clearly draco saw gold and he killed it i wasn't i wasn't going to no i i did rainbow if you don't vote dracula you're going to lose you poops you need okay so this is the thing my mic wasn't muted i was just laughing too much so i didn't i didn't know what to say i can't see it i told you funny she's the expert plus plus of emergency buttons so this i get bad liar i'm under too much pressure when i lie okay i'm ready to be good i'm ready to be good calm down luna seeks revenge on me okay i'm gonna stalk lunar come on lunar come stab me you secretly hey luna oh my gosh is she doing a task or faking your task wait wait i hear stuff okay that means it's true rainbow stop faking task oh oh okay i have a task i gotta empty the garbage easy peasy hey you don't stab me so it looks like everyone's in the cafeteria except for draco whatever stop following me you creep look three two [Laughter] dude all right i'm just gonna go on a big hunch and say it's luna because luna is acting careless and she's just hitting people randomly i think she's just a troll no that's her trick it's her trick to pretend to kill people but she's actually the imposter please i don't want this to be an emergency meeting episode she's still right where she want this as a fast round i think dracula i i also think jack is the imposter we should totally just vote draco wow he's not with us we vote he distracted no mean i'm literally looking for a task can you guys stop [Music] [Laughter] 12 000 iq what i just wanted revenge okay that was actually like 500 iq plays okay dude how did i get him faster again i got imposter again i got imposter again i got imposter again and off i go to my meeting thing dude i'm so bad at being imposter it like stresses me out and then i'm i i also can't lie this proves that i can't lie oh hey draco i'ma stab you in the face um i'm faking my task i'm gonna pretend to do a task right here okay i think they knew they he knows i'm faking a task once we pretend we kill each other hey draco come follow me yo look how triggered he is um this ain't good let me head to the laboratory and pretend to know what i'm so i could act like i know what i'm doing why is draco keep following me i'm gonna go hit the button oh there's a task i have to go get a button here dracco come to decontamination and just stab draco get stabbed no i'm kidding dude why does he keep following me oh i'm gonna stop him for real you're so stupid you're so stupid oh wait wait i'm gonna self report this report what happened so i saw a draco um outside of the decontamination thing rainbow was about to hit it but i hit it before her so aha i saw you i saw you staring for quite a while i saw you no rainbow time and i saw you like literally smelling the dead body before you clearly did rainbow because i was pressing t no i uh my thing was actually glitching like i was trying to press you guys she was just standing there i think she was telling draco a story about how much like revenge she wants or something before she clicks okay all i have to say is i saw lunard taking ages doing a task and then i saw funny and rainbow chasing draco yeah thank you it's true you guys don't believe it but i was reporting it before rainbow rainbow was just standing there looking at his dead fleshy body she was like oh yeah that's a delicious you're using my story i don't know who to believe i came out of decontamination looking at her it's smelling she didn't she's literally lying why do you always believe rainbow doubt i will skip and i will see who that's true it's totally funny she was just there she was probably like teasing the rules are you vote on three okay but except there's only four of us gold listen to rainbow she was laughing last round and she's showing she's going to show you she's showing she's going to know the left yeah rainbow yeah now she's trying to a better life all right because she didn't vote yet should we just voted i'm voting rainbow i don't care fine whatever follow me i'll go do my task yeah everyone just gonna let rainbow stab you to death all right i don't know how many get out of this situation look milk and cookies see look there's food okay time to go do my task in a very unsuspicious way i have to know like i have to look like i know what i'm doing so let me go find a button that is glowing everyone is following me this isn't good uh let's pretend to go in here nope see i'm just a noob i just don't know what i'm doing where are my tasks this doesn't look very good where the task oh there it is see i'm faking it yo they're just looking at me is that too fast i'm just gonna afk here it's really it's looking not too good for me [Laughter] oh gosh i'm scared does this look too fake this looks too fake in my opinion i told you gold okay i could frame it on rainbow okay rainbow's a stinky follower she's trying to follow and get me how about i just let them like complete some of their tasks and then i go for the next kill because i feel like someone's watching what's the problem i see no one has died yet yeah because no one gets to do their task why didn't you click why'd you call an emergency because funny wasn't doing anything i thought that was suspicious so i was taking quite a long time to find where the office was because i was lost rainbow literally gold is whispering i have to admit something funny how come the task you were doing it kept resetting and you couldn't finish it and i had to finish it [Laughter] standing too long over that dead body yeah she tried it three times and nothing happened and i was like it's either she's dumb or not an imposter i ate i hate being a pasta it's too hot whatever let's vote rainbow bye bye rainbow yeah right who voted for me [Applause] [Music] don't follow people into small rooms you get stabbed wow i didn't know you were the murderer okay please i don't want to be impostor no more thank you i'm good see you guys i'm proving myself i'm crewmate i'm good that proves nothing you know what i changed my mind guys i usually complain not getting imposter but when i am imposter the stress levels are way too high it is too stressful being imposter i knew gold would like figure out i was faking i was like okay this looks actually bad because does it look like i'm looping to them so let's go find our task who's there i'm scared i wonder how random this is oh it's automatic okay we got some automatic doors do i hear someone mind if i shift what happens if i oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no don't sneak behind me uh uh uh uh let's go report that yo that's so shady why is she shifting she's shifting so no oh no no no no no no we're gonna go find okay gold gold gold gold gold i saw someone down there good i saw someone down there yeah gold you gotta be careful yeah i bet you oh there she is the killer herself luna how does it feel oh yeah pretend to stab me i am dead oh jacko's here hmm okay shady stuff shady stuff i'm gonna do my test though hopefully no one hits that button and just calls everything just gonna do this yada yada i feel like i'm gonna hit the button for safety you're probably wondering why i called an emergency meeting i wanted to see if someone's dead and it looks like luna is dead okay that's a problem okay well the only people i saw with luna recently were me bunny and rainbow i only saw draco well i saw rainbow in this place too leaving but i don't know where the body is yeah i just finished the task what he told me i know you're not laughing too much and you were mumbling so i'm just going to vote you vote this is such a fail i cannot do this a crewmate out but out of the office that i murdered her i thought funny was gonna vote me out because i looked suspicious you i was about to lunar but you because you're following me rainbow bad me and rainbow are very bad imposters we should stop oh bad costume another round begins and are you serious i impossible once again statue it's rainbow draco's talking but we're supposed to be muted draco get your stuff together boy i'm gonna stab him okay why am i imposter again please please please please someone do not follow me or i'll stab you in shins who's following me someone come on peek-a-boo and peek-a-boo around the corner is anyone in this room dude where is everybody oh i hear someone oh it's seen luna i think she's following me white what's happening nobody i want to make sure no one is dead see at least you guys can check vitals wait what you don't have to call it wait what's vitals i don't know actually under vitals in this game well i just wanted to make sure that no one died sorry for caring for people unlike you people who just let people die all right just saying i don't know if i should pull a 6 000 iq but i just think it's lunar no of gold she was following me for a while and i got scared and then draco came behind i was scared of both of them because luna was kind of standing near a vent ooh luna wait can you vent in this way yes here's a lesson the imposter is more scared of you than they are of them but i ever just skipped there's still five we can't risk it rainbow okay let me just proof check rainbow rainbow are even imposter no rainbow's doing that task for a while i don't think it's her i'm obsessed yeah thank you i was doing a dumb so your sets of gold and golden draco are success of you so do not go near me luna or i'll go hit the button again all right stop hitting the button why okay vote skip so we can get out of here then yeah stop hitting the button you're wasting time rainbow sorry i'm just making sure that no one dies who's toxic so jaco looks like he's trying to peek out of the corner i'm not getting caught again yes come in people oh yes this way totally know what i'm doing chill chill chill gotta go do a task gotta go fake it i hate faking task in front of gold she's like she's so annoying all right i did it hopefully that proves it right dude she's like totally creeping on me her and draco okay her and jack are gonna stick together so i'm just gonna get myself out of here oh she saw me she saw me okay that's not a good thing oh what's up luna nope nope not gonna kill in front of her i'm just gonna fake it against rainbow because rainbow looks like she was following me maybe we could take a loop around dude it's so hard it's so hard to kill people what's happening over here who's playing with the doors where are you at rainbow dude can i invent i can't vent the struggle is real all right time to take some action someone is dying today okay gold and draco are still following each other i wonder if they can hear me i don't want to shift though okay they probably pass through the room my turn to pass through [Music] okay what's happening can you stop just watch that check if anyone died but i guess no one died so the common denominator here is okay so rainbow i would just like to know why you were walking into the specimen room when you didn't have any tasks oh you know why because i heard a lot of noise going on and i thought someone was gonna get murdered in decontamination so i wanted to see what and there's a common denominator in all of these this like detective work okay so okay gold draco lunar and i we are constantly together none of us have died i wouldn't say you rainbow i would say rainbow there is no common denominator because first of all this map is new and i'm lost and where did you have redstone again no i wasn't you could you could literally ask gold and dracco announced that funny went to three different like tasks and she didn't finish any of them again [Laughter] when i finished my task i didn't see funny who was doing it i don't want to get off the ship buddy huh you know what i'll just plan it i don't i it may be funny guys it's not it's funny please it's not it's not a devoted skit but i think it might be funny it's not me oh you guys i'm just gonna stab everyone you all die today that's right [Laughter] why dude faking tasks is so hard in here it's really hard i hate it it's so easy for you to figure out i was like oh watch gold the stupid little just gonna figure whatever i'm voting myself out down the only time she gets to be imposter and she can't even play it correctly [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,605,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft among us, minecraft among us itsfunneh, minecraft among us funneh, among us, among us in minecraft, among us minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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