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there's an imposter among us we're gonna find them and we're gonna boot them off the ship i know who it is hit the emergency meeting button emergency meetings crewmates i don't think you're ready to play among us in minecraft i'm ready of course we are i'm not ready rainbow that's not the attitude we need on this spaceship we need everyone to be ready because we're going to start this thing all square hands on deck you mean q pants and you know what the deal is mute so my first time being imposter interesting look at gold she's just nerfing around i want to kill someone so let's take a look at this room first this room is the weapon room it looks like they're doing their tasks just like they should gold is chilling near the button though that's not cool i better go fake a task before they figure it out but i'm going to kill luna first because she's a blabber mouth just pretending to do my task in the mid bay just gonna head to midnight why is she walking so much i gotta kill her i killed her goodbye luna you are dead all right i have to go fake a task i'm running i'm running i gotta walk did someone see that i think someone saw that no no one saw it okay time to go fake a task in electrical so i'm just doing some fake task and electrical no one will know unless they report i mean i can't fake a task see i'm faking it right now that's so cool test faked i wonder if anyone's gonna discover the body though because i kind of killed her in an obvious spot how would i head to the lower engine oh you know what i'm gonna self report so i was in electrical and then i walked all the way down the hall oh my gosh and someone's dead right here someone is dead someone's dead okay so i was walking um i was in the electrical room doing my task and then i walked down to the engine room and i saw a dead body it was luna's blusher are you sure you didn't self-report no gold why would i self-report i just saw it when i was doing electrical it was anyone near electrical i was just heading there i didn't see nobody i was in navigation i was in electrical and then she was in the hallway of the engine where i wasn't even close to electrical that's why i saw it i don't think it's too early i think i don't know who it is we can't vote we have no proof what the proof is in the pudding okay what happens if someone rap i think rainbow's being kind of accusatory thank you it's too early i don't know what's happening you never vote watch you're all gonna die next guys keep an eye out for rainbow she's weird sing me out keep an eye out for it's funny now we gotta go back to our task i feel like i have a target on my back because they figured out i was faking tasks but no worries i shall go fake more tasks in the admin room all right here jacob's following me i gotta fake this task just faking a task faking a task all right i need to be smarter this time so i have to head over to the storage room and fake a task it doesn't look like the taskbar is gonna get completed soon just because they're moving so slow what was that noise that was water faking more task and time to head over to electrical i feel like rainbow's gonna rat me out and they have a suspicion that rainbow is evil so that is good on my end there's literally no one here i have to go find rainbow maybe i shouldn't run i look too fishy if i run just walk making myself down the hallway to the engine this is where luna died last time i don't want to be there i don't see anyone though maybe i could pin it on rainbow somehow i don't know how i'm gonna pin it oh there's gold i better head in here i better fake it like draco he's in the med bay hello dracco i see draco is inno because he just charged himself and gold's peak again they have a suspicion they're following me yeah they're following me being the imposter is very challenging i feel a lot of pressure but i have to go fake this task now hopefully he doesn't know that i'm faking a task in minecraft he left i have to go find rainbow he knows he keeps turning around i hear someone here but i don't see anyone i'ma head over to the electrical oh that's where rainbow is like like what they're doing i have to go fake a task why are they together this is impossible how am i supposed to kill anyone she definitely knows it's me i can't kill rainbow though i'll just go ahead and kill dracco rainbow is walking right there i don't think she knows i'm behind her um but i don't know what she's really doing oh i can vent oh my gosh i'm an event okay this is way easier i don't see anyone in this place it's okay i vented out come on they're about to complete all the tasks and i can't find nobody where are they hiding they're actually good you know what if i see rainbow i'm just going to stab her it's draco everyone distracted i'm going to kill him all right i have to vent out i have to vent out look at that i'm venting i have to vent over here i'm gonna vent out and then pretend that rainbow killed him i have to find gold though wherever gold is i do not want to be beside that dead body when they discover it i don't know maybe they're going to complete all their tasks before um i even catch them see rainbow's right there i can kill her i saw rainbow walking down this hill this hallway bye rainbow i knew it she well rainbow that's what you get i self-report it and i did it how would it feel to get stabbed lunar it felt terrible terrible leave like and don't forget to subscribe or else you're gonna get booted off this ship first day on the spaceship and let me locate my task it is in weapons okay weapons is only right here okay so it's left of us let me do the weapons what is this i just need to destroy all the cobblestone or clear the asteroids that's pretty cool let me destroy all these and hopefully not get stabbed in the back while i finish my task break easy all right now my next one is in storage room i'm in storage oh there's a little cute crew mate there let me do my task in storage i just gotta fill the engine up easy grab water oh hi pink what you doing here rainbow you you're ready to stab me kill me look she's following me you know i'm gonna stalk rainbow i bet you she's faking her task look at her is she actually faking tasks oh she says oh she's randomly clicking buttons oh let me double check she's gone there's no way you could do a task that fast why is she that's messed up she's just pretending to touch buttons uh-uh i'm gonna go hit the button just for a meeting emergency meeting whoa what happened what emergency meeting we're all dead oh why is dead where is she okay so the thing is i saw rainbow faking task rainbow i think it's rainbow too i'm suspicious of rainbow okay i'm not faking tasks funny i don't understand rainbow thing i saw rainbow walk out of the med bay thingy but i didn't see it actually working yeah right i was like i told you i keep looking at that map or like whatever that that task thingy is and then afterwards it keeps on saying med bay and then it skips to guys don't let her talk don't let her talk it's her just vote just do it but the thing is why is gold dead and no one reported the body anyway did anyone even find gold's body yeah i saw draco and gold together earlier uh okay rainbow's definitely lying now she's definitely lying definitely oh okay so i saw rainbow faking tasks so i'm just gonna have to eat you rainbow i'm sorry i wasn't faking tasks you were faking tasks you were pretending to click buttons we all thought no i wasn't i was trying to get the task to work i don't know we all had a test run to learn how to play this and now you don't know how to do it i trust the rainbow crystal you just tried to like excuse me rainbow well i saw you with gold i'm just saying i'm just okay luna we have to make a truce if it's not rainbow we have to eat draco off the shelf hey i have a medbay task you can come watch me it was me she asked for my coffee and i said no yes wow rainbow why would you kill gold first you're evil she went near my coffee good job i knew you were faking tas you look so fake yeah i will not die this time let's start this thing okay yellow person we definitely know that rainbow can't re-roll as imposter two times so it's definitely not her but i have to i have a task in storage stop she's trying to hit me she probably thinks i'm bad storage admin electrical navigation shields what are you doing rainbow there's nothing in here see rainbow stop i'm not evil i am good therefore oh oh we gotta have cameras in this map wait what's draco doing okay he actually knows how to do a task or he faked a task that was too fast oh that sucks always gonna stab me he's gonna he's gonna stop me he's gonna stop him no no no no no no no he faked a task i have to run after he's gonna stab me you're gonna stab me don't stab me dracco don't do it don't do it i'm gonna hit the button oh no i knew oh my gosh lunar luna did you see that please lunar what happened where where oh wait rainbow died too what what this person killed dropped dracula you don't sound very surprised it's not me wow what it's not me it's it's your gold no it's drago no i don't believe gold's busting me no it's draco i don't believe you draco okay well we have to vote or else we're gonna die so let's pick luna are you lying to me if you lied to me next time i'm not lying i already go to draco i was in the cafeteria okay where were you yeah it's close to electrical i wasn't shielded oh how would you know that because i have a map but you can't open your map right now yes you can really no you can't yeah you can you press number nine don't be silly nah i still think it's draco though okay let's vote dracco let's do let's just get it over with it yeah amazing too easy how did you like dracula kill the both of you where are you he was running at me he was up he's i was like he's gonna stab me and then i was like oh god she did stab me i'm fleeting you saw me kill rainbow no i did it wow so it can't be draco this time i have a task in admin where is admin it's down here and it's on the left oh admins right here fix the wiring once again i can't believe i let draco stab me last round i should have i was about to hit the button he knew i was gonna hit the button and then bang he killed me there's my other task navigation confirm o2 pin hmm that took draco quite a quick time to do that why are you pretending to hit people what this is gold yeah it's fishy i don't know should we hit the butt um you know what emergency meeting hello what happened why are you calling an emergency meeting so i saw draco um be really weird over there in the hallway i'm not being weird i'm trying to get you to follow me so i can prove my innocence the thing is guys the thing is i saw like so someone was walking and then i saw draco like try to hit them as they went across you didn't hit them i was trying to punch and say come to medbay so i can scan white all go to med bay then and scan yeah even halftime i have a scanning test you can see that i am okay fine okay i'll skip how do we get i'll skip those click funny that was fast yeah i was scared i was gonna die okay good thing no one got ejected whatever come watch me all right [Music] okay draco's leading us to med bay whoever doesn't follow is suspicious lunar lune oh lunar we literally just made a truce and you're you're pretending oh yes right lunar i think i know who it is okay draco is showing everyone that he's not evil because he has a med bay task i think rainbow just died guys guys guys follow me follow me gold gold gold come on draco follow follow i think we're rainbow go uh this way you might have a task here rainbow oh this is suspicious i think rainbow died how did they disappear so fast that's scary oh oh rainbow is being extremely black i didn't rainbow or lunar follow me to med bay to watch me scan that's right i think rainbow is trying to kill me rainbow why are you laughing we're going to be extremely suspicious okay no she scared me i almost died and i have to try and hold your giggles rainbow i'm laughing okay that's uh i'm doing instantly voted anything luna is the killer because i'm laughing because funny didn't you notice she never came with anyone to mention and then wait wait that's true no no no no no no no no and then afterwards no no no no no and then afterwards she she walked and i saw her walked with us and then she ditched again so then i was following no no no do you know why because i was trying to find my task to find the shield's room and that was wrong or whatever but we all and then ready to go and she tried to kill me and then i hit oh my gosh what's up hi everyone okay so you were freaking out and i think rainbow you were freaking out and i was laughing it's rainbow rainbow and then lunar because we know luna is me if it's not vote me if it's not rainbow i don't care but it wasn't me rainbow you you're so sussed you keep laughing kill me man you i was so scared guys you don't have to share your vote me out i'm a bad killer anyways see she was the killer it was like playing hide and seek i couldn't find her wow rainbow you disgust us oh my god the electrical walls because i was scared [Music] you're such a bad imposter rainbow you're crazy i guess you're not good at lying she laughed it all the way clearly not let's just start this okay once again impasta i mean uh crewmate crewmate okay opera engine communication storage electrical we got four around four tasks let's go to storage first i gotta do my task download data how do i do that oh i just pressed the button oh just downloads that's easy come on data get downloaded so i could go figure out who the murderer is on the ship who's faking their task it's actually pretty simple to see who's faking their task in this game oh hi dracco looking quite murderous today that's exactly how you walk down a hallway all right we got one in weapons if i see anyone vent out though i'm gonna scream i'm gonna scream and cry oh i know i should oh i know what i should do i should actually head on over to the security camera room so i can check up on everybody hi i was just doing my task why is there a meeting yeah why is there rainbow rainbow why are you why are you like so confused and you're like preying on lunar and draco oh my gosh it's rainbow are you kidding me rainbow booted her i booted why are you laughing can you guys you know what i'm kicking three times she prayed on luna look and she turned around and then she went to the rock and then she turned around and came back okay minecraft is so confusing and i cannot read this map and then every time i click the task link it says no no no guys stop letting yourself i'm done i'm done with your life just don't just eat her guys just kick her rainbow was ejected is she fostering nothing [Laughter] i will now hit start and let's hope rainbow doesn't get imposter again [Music] rainbow's not imposter she is i will laugh maybe the thing is to camp near the button i'm gonna head over to navigation look at rainbow she's so triggered hello luna look at her she's she's totally gonna be a jerk okay i have to go find what oh my gosh what what's happening oh my gosh now what what is happening emergency meeting what rainbow i'm gonna vote myself off salty and i'm a crewmate this time and you're gonna lose a person wrong [Laughter] stop you're going crazy on this ship help me off rainbow has lost her mind completely what are you doing there draco taking time to figure out where you're going look he's freaking out he's like oh oh he's gonna go stop rainbow ooh i'm gonna follow them i'm gonna follow them what's happening where'd he go hmm gold's right there i feel like if i follow draco i'm gonna die but i really want to find that security camera room where's draco doing wait is he gonna hit the button did he see something what is he doing he looks confused what are you doing what the emergency meeting for um did someone die oh no yeah yeah gold's dead and someone was about to stab me as soon as i pressed the button it was a dracco that was taco stabbing her i was going no weapons she's just like jumbo sitting in cafeteria doing nothing by the way lunar rainbow let me explain this hey hey let me explain this so i saw draco down that hallway if gold's dead down that hallway where's gold's body and he just walked from it he walked from it and he looked at me and i looked at him how do you know let me finish let me finish my story let me finish my story how would you know that oh funny i voted and then i saw him look at me and he was walking closer and closer to the table and then i was like oh he's gonna stab me and then he walked right around this curve right here and then i pressed the button wait how did it all right hold that body's down there though yeah rainbow i don't i'm just guessing because golden wasn't on the left side of the map so she's probably dead down that way i'm voting draco i don't care i know it's him wow is it yes i told you no way you killed the murdered girls in cold blood gold are you okay here go take a seat you probably feel sick you feel sick from being murdered like 20 times yes i need a drink or something i'm exhausted from getting killed
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,329,661
Rating: 4.9057212 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft among us, minecraft among us itsfunneh, minecraft among us funneh, among us, among us in minecraft, among us minecraft
Id: xprtaIlemCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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