We Played Minecraft BABY MODE!

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we are crew and today we are playing minecraft baby i'm a baby yes easy breezy so that means we can't die right i'm just going to start off by trying to possibly die okay i see you're trying to swim here's a boat instead god wait god just talk to us oh my gosh thank you what this is amazing what about collecting wood that's true what should be easier to collect right does it give us like 20 stacks no it's the same wait nothing different i'm a baby let's get a splinter from the wood what if we jump from a high place well first off you gotta go to it's called baby it is easy it just destroyed multiple blocks for me never mind i'm being crazy or destroyed no it's the thing oh you know instead of jumping high i found another way bunny bury me under here i can't bear you i have nothing you have to go in sand put dirt on me okay fine let me go get sand all right gold you stay there not going anywhere we're gonna grab some sand and let's see if we can kill gold if this is actually baby mode gold will not die buy gold i hear damage she's dying killing me is nobody going to save me hello wait did she seriously not die baby get yourself out wait this stops baby emo she just died well that's just us being done yeah we're trying to supposed to survive like we're actually playing why would you ever find up on gold come back we're going into the water we're getting some boats and we're traveling north i'll just try drowning again there perfect you have to build that let's go oh and i guess we never get hungry that's pretty cool let's go crew we must make a house fit for babies tracker what do you see over there i see the ocean okay common sense no we're in the ocean i see nothing does anyone see anything i see something another island you don't see it why so many islands i don't want islands i don't want a tiny island i want a big island dude i want a giant mountain so we could jump off it but also i want us to build the cutest little home because this is baby mode meaning we will never die fit for babies unless we kill each other that's true what do you think will happen if we find lava we should jump into it we should try eating the lava to test if it's wait is it a temple is that a temple wait where yeah dude how lucky are we to find a temple there's probably tons of loot in it too all right so you know what to do if we don't beat this it's going to be sad yeah if we die we leave me alone guardian all right let's go let's go the guardians just disappear if they attack you wait for real let's see no way hey hey hey you are you scared wait you're right they do disappear what i liked it i could live in the we're getting the treasure now we can finally find treasure yeah this is our regular mine i got hungry do the guardians just being like nope okay so we are hungry that ain't good let's go find the center what if you can't even starve to death though it's a trap oh oh that wasn't that wasn't very baby mode golden i just saw something scary i know me too i think it was a ghost um i landed somewhere where you're not supposed to go guys i think you should meet up with me i'm still i'm still kind of dying bunny's up here dude i don't need baby mode i need like extreme baby mode i think you're just making pickaxes and see find the treasure you know yeah that's a good idea i could literally hit them once and they disappear that's insane can i destroy brick underwater no i'm not that powerful yet goodbye i found this is the secret room funny it is yeah we have to break this cube i think okay let's go get a pickaxe wait so okay i can make it underneath watch this this is amazing i already made one and faster well now we have two all right we have two of these crew i'm gonna i'm gonna try making everyone enough pickaxes as i can i only got two and we have what no way i cracked into efficiency five unbreaking oh my god i love baby mode okay let's break this brick now pickaxes are still really slow underwater fine it still works see no choice dude just help me break the center line wait i think we're too weak we need a stone pickaxe we don't have to work this break isn't the strength it's breaking slowly it's breaking it's great it's going it's been here for like 30 seconds it's not even working oh rainbow you can't fast forward you know you're killing draco is it actually crashing no it's not right i see it cracking a little i see one crack i got bored oh no it went down wait is it because all of us are hitting it no no it's just really slow these blocks are uh slow to break anything dude you can't handle our baby strength you guys is there cobble anywhere there's no cobble stop hitting me go back out i think i can make a sign so we could get rid of that water so then it will be easier for us to actually pickaxe okay let's see if this works does it still work we're on the updated version this doesn't work anymore no oh dude what do we do okay guys you know where to go right we have to go dehydrate sponges we have to empty out the spirits through that hole where are your sponges wait gold what did you i saw a sponge room then get it but the sponges are hydrated and we don't have a furnace okay you know what someone's gonna have to go out and get us cobble i mean stone and iron guys we should stop talking and sit here and mine forever all right back in here we've collected ourselves a stone pickaxe please do something everyone thank you for getting enough cobbles we can make this now let's mine this block how long rainbows is really close look at it it's flickering yeah nobody walk in front of me i've been here for 15 minutes oh oh draco seriously it's almost gonna break it's looking close rainbow you keep working at it draco you better not be lying there better be stuff behind here because i'm pretty sure there's stuff behind you we've been down here for like 10 minutes gold looks like she's losing her mind what are you even doing gold out i'm trying to get it from the top okay i'm gonna hit this guardian yo thanos snap let's go get out of here come on hey we almost got it we have to protect rainbow we can't let anything wreck rainbow no no no no no guardian don't leave me alone this is baby mode wait did it restart it's good oh my gosh it didn't restart yeah dude it's going to break yes where wait what's behind that we don't have a pickaxe strong enough to get that either what are we gonna do with that we're babies sadly we must leave the gold oh goodbye gold you mean gold stay there gold bye you mean but do we have to mine for a million years because i don't think it's worth it i don't want to show that again please i can't mine anymore underwater yeah over here up i can't even imagine what not baby mode mining would feel like guardians i'm so scared wait is that the boss the boss is right under here no dude no please oh get your pickaxes out are you high again okay guys we have to hit all the monsters first the guardians it's nighttime don't worry i'll get rid of all the guardians with the power someone be here i'll be the guardian for your guardians i am the security guard of this guardian stop you mean stop hurting us wait that's a boss guardian i see it what i see it's his tail sticking through yeah can we just hit his tail i've gathered myself some fish so i can eat it because i'm very hungry keep mining people how does it feel to be the only ones that ever mine wait i'm the only one mining i don't see i have a stone pickaxe here take this me too someone no don't push us no do not touch me i have made a crack in my block no wow it restarted okay again right here okay mine i'll get swords for everyone i'm gonna make the strongest swords let's go five beautiful oh wait i only have one enchanted sword that's fine oh my gosh okay they're attacking us no oh the rage rainbow david come back down he's going in first oh honey you going first okay i'll go down i have a weapon wait why did i party and say no wish me luck i'm going down right in the hole but i'm faster under the sea oh whoa it's what no look at it it dies easy yeah oh i didn't even get to see it we have conquered our sea temple yes first time ever thanks to baby mode what an amazing minecraft achievement so easy 10 out of 10 would do again what a great accomplishment we slayed guardians with your yes with one touch oh wait i just threw my sword out i don't care i can make another swords who needs them yeah who needs you know what yeah who needs swords who needs food in this game too we don't need food food's full of babies baby mo would really be empty out here like look over here is like a tiny little island with mobs on it oh and there's a creeper let's go touch it hello creeper hi creeper i'll be oh are you guys like how scary are you they don't even hold the boys you killed people with your eyes all you did was stare at what wow truly the glare are you medusa seriously is that another temple no we're going in there that's way too many temples we have to go find a beautiful place of mine so we could go to the end and we have to get already on it this minecraft is so peaceful all you can hear is the beautiful ocean waves that's true it's pretty relaxing but i'm bored i need something to fight stop going left and right just go straight move over this is baby mode you know how to drive a bubble hey baby minecrafters look at this beautiful sunrise go and follow her it's okay leave her alone she can't die by herself it's baby mode let's see i see the end wait is it the island we started on are you kidding me do we go around this giant map is just an entire ocean and we can't even drown there's no baby mallet what is that is that a fast dolphin i just saw it i think we're waiting guys land ho lanto what is that yay why do people say land hoe there's also an abandoned pirate ship over there treasure free treasure baby treasure that's true all the is ours wow that sunrise is really nice okay pirate ship what do you got for us and i go let me go check down here oh we're in the captain's quarters any tools yup a lot of iron and we got some emeralds finally three diamonds let's get to the nether wait what else stay down there gold you're in jail oh armor oh carrots anything else nope that's it we're actually at a pretty good start this is better than when we play regular minecraft of course it is hey everyone let's race to the top let's race to the top and jump off yep hey chicken wait wait wait do chickens and stuff die in one hit please hey look at me ready wait is that multiple chickens oh that means do we just everything just drop away and you can eat chicken meat raw without dying yes wow this is nice okay you never want to leave minecraft baby mouth yes raymond are you guys thinking what i'm thinking what hey guys welcome to the survival series with crew baby mode wait wait wait i'm so confused can you guys break down am i just really weak at punching gold that would be way too easy there's no way we're doing a series on this what are some kind of survival breakdowns why weird but we're strong we're babies i fist our week up sheep why can't we okay so does that mean we could break it with a sword no oh this whole time we're weak i'm gonna get to the mountain first to jump off see you suckers why no no no luna i want to jump too how are we going to get all the way up there yeah we can't even break anything this is going to be true oh wait we have mining fatigue from the sea temple that's why oh we're just being dumb because i was like what this mode supposed to be simple for us babies lunar you are the test subject be gone go do the tip you know i take no damage it's not enough what here i'll do it nothing wow we don't take phone calls no what oh that's amazing okay back to the task which is building our beautiful baby house we're basically doing a bunch of science research right now that's true so let's build our house on top of this mountain and then let's go get some mining stuff so we can go to the nether and then find the end of dragon so we can stare at the ender dragon with our deathly eyes and make it disappear oh yeah lunar they're not alpacas there's one right here though it is a family can we get milk this mining is gonna kill it still they still spit this mighty fatigue is gonna kill me i wanna die like this is 27 minutes it's horrible what do you still spit [Laughter] but it doesn't hurt now all right we see a cow we want to make a milk bucket but i wasted my eye i took damage from jumping off what no i did it jacqueline it's a heart so you clearly didn't jump enough please cow please give us your milk is there any way does anyone have one iron for us who doesn't have mine i thought you did some yeah and i turned it into this axe and now we're out oh i have two of them you know you can use your fist it's faster no i wanted to chop down trees and now i want milk from this cow please give us your milk look a village a sand village we can loot it for milk or trade draco i'm getting weaker by the size right here get it what true baby mode draco where are you going fine what no let's get it our fatigue we need milk we have mining fatigue we need to go steal milk but there's iron right here fine we gotta go get that milk guys i'll stay here if you guys find milk okay who knew our quest would take such turns there's more iron down here do you guys think the villagers will trade for something cheap no way one emerald for 22 carats no it's a ripoff man still sucks we're looking for like great trades what are you going to trade us do you have iron don't need that anybody sir sir come here no luna's just hitting the bell but these traits are pretty bad there's bread and cactus in here is that useful it's okay any iron nope come on there's a blast furnace i don't need that come on we have to get something rainbow you're still standing your ground over there oh a sand oh yeah it's gonna take a million bunny look at me i'm immortal i can stand on cactus does this hurt us wow no pain guys oh if we kill the iron golem we can get iron die go down the iron it's still buff wait how's it killing us how's this baby boat it's hurting me well it's really dying fast never mind yeah these are pickaxe oh wait pickaxe i got it come on just give us your iron and end my suffering come on guys why isn't the iron golem dying give us we're still really weak destroyed come on come here we need help they're trying to kill it come on gold any day now luna and draco oh rainbow hold up we're just gonna drag the iron down how come we can stare at mobs but we can't stare at him and let him die just making their way all the way back to the iron why is it not dying come on please hello oh yeah three irons yes yes there's cows over there hurry let's go okay bucket let's make our one milk bucket hurry everyone return to this point our fatigue is still pretty high and there's a milk and there's a cow right here yum come on cheers everyone drink drink your meal [Music] yeah share the cow around does anyone have a lead drink lunar drink all the milk come on gold let's bring the last bucket to a rainbow here here take one thank you cow thank you for healing us we were in trouble times wow the couch is not good we are indebted to your milk yes yummy rainbow where are you yes give it to rainbow let's go here rainbow i think we lost where you're at i'm in this hole guys come on hurry up bring the milk bring the milk oh i see you made me look and i lost my iron spot rainbow it's fine it doesn't matter we have milk now luck yeah it means see no i wanted to kill that iron i was minding it wait 20 minutes we just stupid we need stone who is the stone no [Music] i'm so powerful look one hit gold you guys use the stone okay into the netherlands they don't care demolition team let's let's mine out here the demolition crew people say don't mind down but i see i agree i want to mine straight down buy gold wait when we mine stone we get random luta wait oh i want to like my best friend get out of here i don't want to be beside you whoa lava does anyone wanna i dare you to sit in the lava lava i love the lava lava oh my gosh it's so painful it doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything no okay it's pretty good oh hey just having a nice lava bath i see you oh i'm stopping these random flops give us stuff we never have to do anything hi where are my friends i don't see my friends um we're dancing in love everyone please hand me your diamonds throw them into lava throw them into lava i know that's what i was thinking i was like do you think they did no oh no is it gone they do yeah dumb dumb okay okay that was done um okay you're lucky left there give me those diamonds i only have one thank you and we're gonna make our first ever diamond pickaxe what's that noise anyone it's not probably not i heard that let's run towards it okay let me make i fell down a hole i'm coming back up hello who's here who's you i don't see anything oh guys i see love and water down there we can make our first nether portal to the netherlands yes okay let's go oh wait do we have linton steel no someone has to make it here no oh my gosh i just made so little i have to go get the watch source someone can lose our resources funny yeah i won't i just have to come up i have to go over here easy and grab some water please make a lot we need a giant source that's not that ain't it guys go get us some more obsidian yeah here let me try building up here so we can get to that lava i need water i need lots of water because i just messed up and i made one obsidian block which was really stupid so let's go find a giant puddle of water let's dump the lava right here come on just go over straight into obsidian right what no it's not obsidian please tell me it's not one block to make obsidian the water has to go on top of the lava yeah wow opposite i don't know so you need to grab water and bring it down wait we can make another bucket we have tons of iron but i don't have enough like lava in order to do that here that's why you got to bring the water to the downstairs okay let's see will you make four oh my god that was lava we should play sky block you guys know what to do we're on the hunter we go for tons of lava hey did you fill up your water bucket yes the water bucket is full okay we should all go down at the same time okay in baby mode we're just careless we don't care if we mine down because if we mine down we just land in lava and if we land in lava we happy that is true happening happens this is so fun i like this game mode it is we gotta do nothing there's no worries indeed we're not scared of mobs we're not scared of anything all right have we hit rock bottom i hit the bedrock how do we hit bedrock that fast okay i'll start looking for lava guys any luck yet guys no no no wait i hear some popping and bubbling you said that like two minutes ago yeah draco you said that like help me over here i hear it it's getting louder oh wait do we finally discover lava wait wait i'm here too okay everyone's not mine first i need to listen okay listen foreign it's left it's this way okay let's mine this way everyone all in i hear bubbles thank you gold for providing light in these dark times she's the only one that made torches i never thought i'd say where are you lava do we have enough oh we don't have enough gunpowder we could have made tnt and just start blowing stuff up true nope i should have looked at more creepers yeah we should have stared at more creepers before going down here okay everyone quiet we must listen it's gone okay we definitely went the wrong way we sound like crazy people right now we went two left it's wait right here over here right here it better not be like one block of lava oh my gosh where is it this is like getting closer oh wait wait quiet quiet let's listen yeah it's definitely behind me how do you know that he's the lava doctor or the lava scientist lava lava please come here we need your lava to make obsidian oh dear wow that was great cheer thank you i'm just i'm just trying to make the minds a less less boring place buy it dude we're so bad it's it's not here i'm gonna go up oh my goodness there's a lava detector now you're pretty bad lava is it below or above i don't know i think we should just split up by one found it seriously we must open the whole pool wait why is it turning to obsidian are you touching it wait it turns into obsidian for us you just touched it you're struggling that time oh my that's amazing okay everyone destroy everything start touching it ow it hurts it hurts that's breaking the baby rules mode die that's fine i'll stay here my inventory is way too full luna you're ruining it luna okay rainbow i said you could get out you could chill you don't have to be in there the problem is you guys made everything into obsidian and i can't leave this hole oh thank you okay all right i think this is a knife can someone make a flint and steel with a flint and steel i don't have to go to the nether no one got any from mining nope not a single nope maybe we should build our nether portal down here and hope the magma lights it up no that's a horrible idea yeah that's horrible dracula and i present you the portal to a very magical place aka heather where do you guys remember how many blocks of course we do we're minecraft oh geez you're pro minecraft let's no let's make a really long one like this that doesn't work no it does uh we're on the newest version right no there's something like it's this version that does that no i need to see please i want to make the longest another portal there no you don't know okay now light it up with your flashlight yeah i told you okay time to go in by suckers hey why are you throwing stuff in how would you go i want to see if it went through a tall portal welcome to the nether i love destroying blocks in another it's so nice okay gas where are you all right oh yo let's go hit the pigs let's go hit the zombie pigs yeah it's like it's like we're playing minecraft on creative nothing can kill us i know hello zombie pigs i'm going to smack you now that is amazing dude look we could just look die hey you look at my eyes oddly satisfying i'm gonna go find a gas because they always glare me it's time for them to die okay luna has some vengeance up in here gold you don't need the armor swords oh yeah i know but i feel more you know special when i wear it because you guys we can walk on lava blocks oh nice where are you wait i think i heard a guy i'm gonna walk right here wait where i hear it i will go find you gassed where is it i hear it but it's up there oh we must build where i don't know all of our coffee see something okay time to use all of our cobble we're getting sidetracked we will fulfill lunar's dreams again dude draco's building is faster than mine i'm just gonna do this just gonna i heard it's faster if you unshift funny but go push me finally it's my chance to glare at the enderman back hey you look at me yeah that's right i see it i see it the ghast what hello guest look at me i said look at me that's right now wait don't work i don't think it's working luna it's not done i'm actually taking damage so you have to get a closer look come on get really close up kill me you're revenge tracker just jump just make it jump forward what wait you can't kill it it's not working oh there it is it did standing before us is the end portal the game it will be the end of baby mode but the twist here is we will only hurt the ender dragon with bread let's go that's it it's the end oh fell off yeah that's rainbow's fault she fell off build what rainbow what's the dragon saying i will destroy you so you can die rainbow this is baby mode how are you dying pretty sad hey build you lazy wait why do you guys keep falling off what are you because we're getting pushed because this bridge is too skinny whatever wow you're just drinking i see the ender dragon oh yeah get it don't look at it i want to see check out your bread hey come here let me smack you with the bread come down don't be shy yeah oh i know what you gotta do you gotta look at the enderman take their ender pearls and teleport up and then look at the end of dragon straight in the face oh yeah that's a good idea look at it wait it's looking at lunar no look at me in the eyes oh hello wait it's so strong guys it's powerful what are you talking about no what you want some coal okay we gotta go destroy the crystals first oh i'm gonna die fine we could all destroy the crystals but that might take forever time to go get some crystals no come on come on oh man well we could just ender pearl up there crew let's do this how good is our ender pearl throwing skills oh yeah he's good done oh pretty bad uh i'm not gonna say where i am but i am a very one step away from falling off because someone goes yeah i can see you look down yeah i know go this is how you throw it i'm scared what do i do oh if you hold shift you can like climb oh oh i see funny um funny don't let go oh my gosh what do you mean you could climb come on you need another ender pearl though you need multiple dude this is going to be really hard here i'll do you a favor i've collected this no i don't want to build gold okay it's actually smarter like gold no lazy way [Music] that's yeah i did make foul play come on please i'm bed wars let's go finally some bad boys pulling off no karma i saw that um funny bad news what i already destroyed that one that was built i took 24 hours to build up here euger die you know what i'm gonna get the last crystal okay we should be ready to kill let's go all the crystals are broken and now the ender dragon is angry come down here fight us we have bread meets your match crew we are so good at minecraft oh it's coming right down oh come on hit it it's coming down face my torch uh guys the bread isn't really doing anything it is it is are you sure ow don't worry don't be scared okay they could be big brain and do that oh my gosh okay see what wait this is when i come in handy watch i will save everyone from being dumb guys just come here there diamond sword diamond sword see why why are we suffering take this i don't know thank you oh funny no [Music] [Music] yeah are you at this rate yeah okay guys this is it and the dragon will finally die i will just shoot arrows at it this is totally how you beat the ender dragon boy rainbow don't die come on don't fly we're slamming yo kill kill kill it's almost dead let's go yeah this was so easy to kill yeah yeah yeah yay for baby mode we're sorry we didn't hurt you with a piece of bread it was too hard wow wow xp we don't need this we're on baby mode i will take this and it's gone oh i was supposed to hit it with pickaxe but goodbye bye everyone i'm gonna go live my life in minecraft baby mode dracula you have to leave hi creeper want to be friends with your friends wanna be friends skeleton [Music] i guess turtles are my friends you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,317,961
Rating: 4.8778529 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft baby mode, minecraft baby, minecraft babies, baby mode minecraft
Id: aRTst2ANWDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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