Our FUNNY Death Run in Minecraft!

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you want to see a pro run just go once you cross that place stupid i know i'm stupid who is ready for some minecraft death run me me i am the deathbringer but do you think you are pro enough the winner gets always yeah nothing we always give we always give nothing it's nothing i will win on my first try the satisfaction of winning i choose to be the death bringer all right i guess we're all runners then guys lunar please be nice on rainbow the saddest one no no no don't be nice for me this is called death run this is for serious people only wow rainbow gets medals how honorable i will win on my first draco you're not gonna win on your first cry never stop me you'll never stop me wait drunk is actually running fast okay he died see ya suckers how is rainbow here [Music] he's dying why are you so stupid no don't don't don't whoa rainbow what was that rainbow i don't know she literally killed herself uh draco was trying to get oh no [Laughter] gold gold wait up wait up for us chuckle move your big i can't see anything no i'm running rainbow we go you got this three two one no luna's looking at me i don't know nice try hi how's it going how are you one two one you got this use the power of your wings this cool down is unruly hey guys you got this got it you made it good job rainbow track away for us we must go as a team oh yeah wiggles green light wait green light let's go real quick this is bouncy we got checkpoints where's choco wait is that the finish line oh my gosh you aren't that scary whoa whoa huh what happened to her that's why i thought i wov man no gold follow me you just run across this bridge just run just run easy [Laughter] my you want to see a pro run just go once you cross that place i don't like it i can't go i will not let you pass this bridge luna you don't understand it feels very nauseating you gotta spare us the vision my eyes it's a big world what will you give me uh i'll give you nothing okay death she loves death ben is for you i think i'm gonna barf oink come on no just step on it you got this keep going funny little does luna know i got the effect worn off me i'm staying in so long we can't luna stop just let us pass time to the next one come on hurry up hurry up this this this easy this is did you think you finally made it wait do you feel nauseous yeah i'm just gonna run drunk come on rainbow it was pretty dramatic huh you gotta keep running and you don't stop i don't even need to click the death button for them because they're that bad hey that goes insulting huh [Music] subscribe and like because why so gold and rainbow are going to take forever we're leaving let's go jack [Applause] oh wait you got so fast you don't even need to jump really well across it oh i did it luna do you think i'm stupid i play too much death run this is easy oh really checkpoint let's go go ahead go ahead whoosh whoosh [Music] [Laughter] where's golden rainbow come on rainbow we're still here well you guys have to hurry up because we're fast yeah i am the winner who won now i get to kill luna right i don't think so no that's that's fine draco you gotta be death runner since we know this map a little bit more it's to be quite easy that's one point for draco even though i deserve it because i beat it technically faster than him but whatever we're gonna ignore that no i beat it i wouldn't i wouldn't say that while he's dead we got this guys team yes sisters team sisters four fifths of crew i flew i can fly i believe i can die oh whoa where do you no go no no copyright stop i got poisons for copyright i will survive all of this are you can you stop guys watch i'm just gonna speed run this i'm a speed runner now oh draco you better stop camping here and go up to funny no you're like i'm trying to speed for this rainbow come on no i hate you i hate you with all my my thoughts dracco your minecraft square heart two this is easy this is easy easy so fast rainbow forever i've never seen no no ouch so fast three [Laughter] [Music] the falling well three two one eat rainbow come on oh rainbow's in the middle it's the bridge it's the eagles no rainbow ooh rainbow bridge rainbow we're beating him he's trying to race he's trying to race us stupid stupid boys stupid [Laughter] rainbow of speed the bridge i don't like this bridge oh why would you even go you knew you was said rainbow stupid stickers for all of you do you understand our issue now with this bridge you're just running back and forth okay come on this is gonna be impossible this bridge oh cool wait gold's making it go do you got this make it to the end shhh don't tell him don't tell him make it to the end for us did you get that on camera i did whoa rainbow you never did take that draco you suck i'm gonna beat this toxic rainbow run what do you mean there's water fighting run rainbow run rainbow's not waterproof no it's just waiting for me he no he's not evil he doesn't want me to win this huh what are you looking at hey draco i'm all the way up here aren't you gonna stop running [Laughter] he knows that i can't beat that bridge area again he's double capping he's double checking i just missed that gold's run we got this oh [Music] what it brought me back to start oh i can't play this glitch no please please please are you telling me i am the only last hope and me and cool golden eye we are the ultimate to death right now just gold just no i'm pretty sure it's just gold i saw gold get to the end okay fine now it's my turn to be death oh i am now death and you guys shall fear me nice try all right well um here have some poison for yourself bunny reaper no don't you guys love poison just a tad bit nope some poison do you like poison i prefer not do you like poison look look at you want to press that button don't funny you want to hear a joke yeah just just go ahead okay what does death say at their wedding um see you later no it's till death do us part rainbow i don't have time for you to keep trolling not care about you she's dealing with me [Music] [Laughter] what are you doing whoo this is too easy for dracula now clearly are you kidding me why is draco the only one here no no draco draco draco's scary what draco's annoying just walk best runner look funny we made it yeah i don't care about you i'm just here to destroy draco move your big butt how did she get you all right do your special thing where you eat across it go ahead all right watching me okay i need to start streaming to who he has who he what who no no no no no by the way guys the trick is you don't even need to jump you just run you just run right across no it's not that's not the trick yeah it is if you're as long as there's no gap as long as there's no gap oh yeah this is right yeah there's gonna be no gap 100 no gap at all just go just run yeah go run no go drive no not shift gold you have to just run you can't listen to draco he is clearly the death road master gold so death run is not about fear what it works is let you press the button try again yeah try again you have to be faster hurry gold first button oh i give up what are you her assistant or something her death assistant god you got this you got this i believe in you do you believe in me do you believe in me okay i'll let you run no i don't believe in you rainbow i'll i'll let you all right you just have to all right if you all run she can't make it whatever just right now all you do is all you need to do don't be shy go to the water trap come on come on okay i hate you i hate you you're so simple press the button don't be shy keep going you're not even stepping on the glass wait i challenge you again jacko no do it again no everyone has to do it it'll show how pro everyone is luna come back ready um okay uh-huh so how pro do you think you are at jumprope in minecraft sure no you have to keep jumping come on no then you'll get the rhythm that's rigged i made it lunar that's a poison trap that's very dangerous to people oh i'm walking backwards with purple outfits because it's green well since i'm wearing purple i believe i am immune to such things okay i'm just saying i'm not distracted with lunar over here leave it come on there's too much places to stock where do i stop wait lunar what luna luna no luna why hello there friend she already made it you know i can just i can just feel that emerald blocks what those emerald blocks you know i could just everyone let's see is this it wait is this it is this game over do i lose yeah yep you've lost okay but miserably a rainbow's not here so you know i win nope bye [Music] for that okay who wants to say it and one runner which is me and i'm pro count them on my minecraft fingers funny four four whole deaths i will take every fourth button hi this um okay the smarty pads did not click okay it's fine rainbow i'll carry oh rainbow are you gonna help kerry or not watch i got this okay what so stupid gold i am not surprised whoa i was just giving you a head start because rainbow come on guys boys no water water water they're so annoying you guys like pokemon or something you're like water water no no no no [Laughter] okay this is actually impossible these annoying poison boys and poison [Laughter] can you say something else instead of poison let's trap her with water water rainbow rainbow just go go without me distract them go are you ready for yes water water water okay why do they sound like pokemon i know you're saying one three two one up rainbow come on come on checkpoint checkpoint let's go let's go first okay i'm just kidding [Laughter] so which pokemon are you luna are you all wow wait luna can i take something i want to see if i could die death okay death wow luna it actually killed me what oh god you cannot oppose the power of the wall wait so which is the strongest clearly poison so are you guys ever gonna talk normally again or water enough they are they're extremely annoying rainbow draco hole rainbow i don't like this team i don't like this team i don't like this either this is really hard there's nothing all right confidence confidence just go run competitions confidence get away from the bridge dracula just let me go across oh [Music] wait a minute do you see this i hate you guys this bridge isn't scary oh oh oh thank you i'm pro look down the bridge i'm down here would you like some water why no watch skip water skip water what are you jerks skip water rainbow i'm gonna make it yeah make it i'm stopping the bridge i'm gonna i'm keep distracting them funny i'm almost there oh half body half body on track you're bad at water let me do water you go to gold is clearly the greatest at water water and you lost your water [Laughter] why do you have to say it like that though yeah let's arrow let's go let's talk yes wait what yeah what you're going backwards funny what are you doing raymond just go rainbow just just end the game just end it poison poison that was so easy okay so who out of all of us actually thinks they got it in the bag track i do i do all right draco draco and rainbow it took us probably around like 300 seconds to beat the map if you could beat it under 120 seconds you are the true speed runner you got it yes 20 seconds i'll be the bystander so i'll just uh i won't be death let's go okay all right 120 seconds you have 100 the timer's on the right draco go brace yourself oh wait that's cheap that's cheap water how did you get there so fast no no luna i am sonic 120 second beat me uh 40 seconds right i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it okay everyone's chasing jackals run across the bridge and hello how do you do this part this part what you guys beat it in 85 seconds i don't believe that no no we beat it in like 300 seconds yeah i don't know what you're talking about no but the record yeah the record is 120 i'm saying like you know 120 is fast whose record no one i just said beat the record news record it'll be my records you dummy okay we're reading three seconds hey hey you water hey water kid water water water water that's too much no i can't play this again lunar please i don't want to suffer what i learned from this lunar loves water yes do you love water gold luna you can't stand there all day we have a speed run to be water water wow both of them are water types now okay let's go easy way let's go well it was nice uh beating you guys this was too simple for me now because you guys are so bad arrow and 173 seconds bye wow clap clap close class i truly deserve the award right i deserve it you do what is water oh i i do want a glass of water thank [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,500,595
Rating: 4.8911452 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft krewcraft, krewcraft, minecraft deathrun, minecraft death run, minecraft death run funny, minecraft death run itsfunneh
Id: w5aeH29_KnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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