Minecraft but we're stuck on ONE LUCKY BLOCK!

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we are stuck on one minecraft lucky block dun dun dun i can't see over your head will we survive or will we die like and subscribe to give us some luck who's gonna do the honors and break the first block i don't know why i want it locked your foreheads are touching you're kidding you guys i'm sorry boys panicking i am the sole survivor clearly lunars are walking unlucky no i want to hit the block she just died hey this is good didn't you didn't protect you okay fine sweet hey i'm lucky too oh my turn my turn i'm sure okay gold go give me luck oh oh oh my god me no lunar not you okay oh okay good luna's just right lucky block lucky block wow rainbow that was really cool oh we just have to speed hit it sandblock fireworks go go go more come on give me something more more and more and more more wow wait do you guys see that over there there's a red block we should build well you have to get the wood draco give me some tools come on come on guys i have no tools please give me something good what'd you get give us more supplies come on oh we're just changing the platform don't mind if i do harvest those supplies oh okay funny let's double hit this let's just keep it oh wait we got parrot we're getting more and more lucky i think you're going crazy no we're not i don't think rainbow's okay she's just spawning parents it's okay it's okay we got this we're losing all the parrots oh oh wait oh no you are unlucky funny you killed us all right draco golda oh wait a minute people are dying gold safety oh no go hurry so what's that save me before you go you guys suck [Music] oh good job okay keep that we'll go what do i do with it oh you're saved oh i'm alive i'm safe thank you for saving me just save those blocks for now gold why did you spawn this spider stuff on me i'm going to die here i'll protect you from the craft i'm gonna i'm gonna cut these these are quite quite annoying to the block over there i need to make a crafting table don't worry i won't leave without everyone okay rainbow guys we should start building out wow we should start building supplies so we could actually live because it's like raining and this isn't good thank you i need a sword i'll get rid of all these annoying spiderwebs ow gold gold you have to stop it's actually stuck here thank you thank you free me excellent skeleton what size skelly tint yeah resources hey can you give us a second to stop hitting it it's dangerous spider webs please can we go to the island we're so close we just need a few more blocks who has all the blocks just destroy this let's go to the next island why is there nothing bunny lunar look i'm lucky look what i got whoa i try to kill us magical winter islands okay thank you but i'm really hungry and can we make sure that lucky block gives us food please i'm starving like actually starving any food now just a few more blocks okay gold okay i'm hitting it your winter block down then i'll put my forest block down all right open this oh we got stones well i just got a lucky sword okay i have the winter island let's see oh whoa nice there's a chest up there which is a skeleton let me use my bad sword wait guys there's iron over here oh skeleton almost killed me okay let's harvest that oh there's a chest fat gold's head i'm gonna get that chest not bad give us more stuff i would like some more iron a puppy a wolf do we have bones we don't have bones okay now let's start our life out building stuff i'm gonna build the forest island right here oh no no no whoa where'd you build that you just collided the islands it's okay dangerous you live in a magical place now there's a creeper staring at me please stop eating luna you should push that creeper off i'm gonna do that give it a little chickens though come on poke little bestie thank you yup oh there's chicken we need food yeah we i love chicken breed them don't kill them all though be smart oops funny this is quite dangerous for our little lucky block but i think we should start our life on not a red block island but we should find the rarest block oh this is a purple block over there what oh i should have built luna we're going to purple island we must build i'm i'm hoarding it do you see that purple island's right there and then oh wait what is grey island wait or green island is there blue purple purple i can't see anything from before i don't think you guys really need to stick together let's split up do not split up gold bestie you want to work well do you see that you can literally die why is that frozen i got a lucky bow okay but look gold above your head wow that was very lucky of me to not get hit by lava honestly i love a lucky hmm we should see whose island's better gold this is your island it's trash i'm bi i buy this is not trash this is a tropical multiple tropical eye no it it's snowing on this side and then it's full of grass on this side this island is a mess i will find a better eye my land whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i got something amazing what i keep getting good stuff i keep getting bad stuff okay funny here you go are you a pro are you a pro no have it under pearl dude for real oh there's no way i think i could pull this one island of your choosing path give me a second okay oh my gosh oh i really want that great island did you just push the one off no that's a skeleton off that's fine in order to pull this off without dying i'm gonna put a chest on the original yellow block island wait truck why are you better at this when you die you don't lose anything oh oh okay i'm being dramatic yeah all right little gray block over there meet me funny the pro and i missed i'm gonna die aren't i i didn't even land on anything nothing will stop me from reaching green island now that i have this end island egg bam oh would you go to the lake okay that's pretty cool we can jacob you go to the end jack will you go to the end is there a pink block hey stop building to that point but i really want to see what that green block has turtle helmet oh thank you wait give it back oh gold you looked at the ender why did you look at the end sorry i'm gonna die no no no rules you know the rules of minecraft i will continue and you're staring at you i'm sorry look at the enderman now move okay gold the ender's gone just turn around okay look at it no eye contact rainbow good job let's get it done flock you what are you doing i'm trying to you stay away from itself this is my this is my land now you want a pvp stay away from it after building three two one going to purple oh just fight your um i don't think this green block is as good as you guys think it is yeah it's just getting cursed off there was a horse oh i have no blocks draco how about we make a truce [Music] what truth a truce got this block has nothing good and i'm just taking you from it okay i just need this box if that block has nothing good this green block is cursed the green block is not cursed don't be mean to the green block it is a kind green block while you guys are talking about the green block look at luna over there she's not here in the world she's just going to stop me from getting to the purple block fine i'll make it my goal to go to the gray block okay we have to fix this area if we're gonna actually live on this island i have a grass block which is good i should start cleaning up this island this island looks like a mess it just looks like we're griefers guys come on yeah this whole area looks like forest everywhere it was me oopsies we wasted all of our wood on building staircases now we wasted everything i need to make a chest maybe i should go wreck one of the islands from the lucky black oh lunar lunar you should bring it in the center fix this island this island's trash i'll go over there and help you it's actually so hard to fix it without it and i slipped off good job where am i spawning the island right here use lunar fix the island yes oh wait no no this is not a clue look it's nether this is volcano island this is awkward you just griefed the island even more it it said it wasn't finally oh my gosh i didn't read it so sorry we have officially ruined this one block island um i have bad news i ruined look over there look at that who's doing leave me alone hi i have to continue rainbow also ruined the adjacent block island too it's drowned in lava guys why i have good news i have good news what you guys the green block has given me another green block oh okay i decided to place this green block in the middle between these islands no no dracula why we gotta oh oh it's one time used that was a waste destroyed my bridge [Music] luna can you tell jacob to be cursed quiet i'm dying from the main island which is supposed to be a safe haven i am so sorry but that is out of my head now girl i'm just trying to make some peaceful weapons oh i got an where's my crafting table it's everything is gone everything is gone lunar's destroyed the yellow block island there's nothing left here she's a habitable inhabitable you guys purple island is so far away it is purple island must be actually the rare one gray islands probably has i thought it was your idea to go to great island it's right there i am going to gray island but i bet you because it is i can restore the volcano island i can make it better no i don't i can restore it to its former glory with this new island that i have found where show me feast your eyes look at me what feast your eyes upon slime island i love them now they're just a slime island okay this is actually an aesthetic slime look yellow beautiful okay actually there's too much slime now there's too much yellow there's too much jello no the slime's great i'm building to that island give us more stuff lucky block wait draco you should have let me harvest all of the blocks but you didn't well slime island's still technical and i tried to go fast i'm almost at the gray block just a couple of more blocks until i get to until we build our dream island i know we need to build our dream island so far the dream island isn't looking um how do you put it very pretty looking like disaster island yeah it just looks like we're throwing trash everywhere rainbow i built to the gray block grade lock yes and she fell out let's build our dream island not near any of these disaster islands we have to make our own island oh i just thought i have a really this great vlog just gave me a map of our world it's a magical block yeah everything's chaotic bad yeah it looks bad i'm not gonna i can't lie here you know what i'll just throw these sticks away jackal i got an idea build nature island above above all of these islands are you sure that's a good idea i'm just going to keep destroying this block i thought we were going to build it on great island [Music] i don't know why there's tnt above gold's head that doesn't seem very safe this island might blow up any second now what was that anything good break no break you're dying okay die i'm on grade block i think that great lux is actually the most cursed block of lucky blocks like most of this oh help what where are you over here i don't see you but i'm in the center oh i thought you were luna what are you doing are you ready to witness the birth of a new island above every other higher draco draco higher it has higher it has to be beautiful it has to be beautiful i can't get any higher oh okay this this island is i think we should go back to lava island gold is now returning back because she does not like grey island gray island was too dangerous for her and now we are witnessing draco building are you ready civilization oh you're killing me who killed held he suffocated me nature island is so beautiful wait where did the lucky block go is it gone i think you ate it the island ate the oh wait it's right here it's right here that the lucky block is the new core of the island it's not of course it's literally on like a leaf piece [Music] oh yeah it's not looking so good down here okay guys everything's so funny longest way to purple and we're here okay she's here uh yeah i'm in a really bad spot i am proud i will do the honors of breaking this block because i got to this island ferris boob yes yes we all know what i get what happened what did they give oh what happened we're healthy again we got help again i think this is the first lucky box um i don't think this is good how about we make our own lucky block this place is good it can't be mine is fatigue so i'm gonna come up with a good idea we should just stop oh and there goes rainbow this purple island it's good you should never ever use it again because yeah yeah no it's black it is no luna i like a super curse and i keep falling off i work too hard it has a beautiful egg yeah hmm i'm looking at every island right now let's see left yeah that island looks pretty terrible contenders lunars not eating i will not give up until i have something good and draco's it's quite messy so this leaves us to go rainbow what stop what are you doing how are you jumping out no you dark there's tnt look to your left there's tnt there you know what this is the island actually no we have to prove to everyone that you could start with nothing so we're working on the gray block island that is the island we shall turn into a masterpiece got it everyone bring all your supplies here yes every other island is super cursed so we're going to start off with a grass block so we can at least get some green on this island please great block please don't be pressed just give us some good stuff i am in pain i have an idea we just steal all the dirt from this island first and then we bring it to our island great idea gold your job is to take the sheep over so we can make farm island it doesn't matter if we ruin all these other islands just because they already looked wrecked come on crew get your supplies bring sheep one by one oh i want this baby cow yes take the baby cow and let me take all this dirt does anyone have a shovel or can make a shower at least no we're really struggling with supplies here rainbow what you doing over there oh no rainbow rainbow do not touch the grey block i'm hitting the block bunny okay that's that's going to be a you thing no die no hey back up no no don't look at me your rainbow did it i said rainbow did it just okay gonna continue building come on guys i know we can at least make a decent looking island i'm back oh just a gold butterfly oh i'm bringing some civilization to your mind i named him moody milk because he knows such a mood and full of milk true watch this she fell off again we're gonna grow some grass on this island you make a place for this island's looking promising look at this so much work cool moody milk's leaving i think rainbow's gonna kill me get out of here we must protect moody okay lucky block just give me i just need some um wood oh you will just push the enderman off no i said we will push goodness oh can't see hello it's okay i'm watching you funny it's okay around all right i'm leaving with moody milk we're gonna go get some more dirty somebody help moody um is gold's yelling [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh i thought you said you like that island what wait is it is moody okay no she killed the cow guy gold the cow wasn't this is your fault funny there's no such thing as civilization on that first block no it's not cursed we're gonna make it into something it's just first you shouldn't have blocked cows my rope my rope is gone our island is already looking pretty good that's a big house on a tiny island's luna oh sorry i'll shrink it down a bit thank you mansion yes listen to gold so instead of wood i'm just gonna take this tree that is made entirely out of spruce and do you guys think i could harvest this beehive without wrecking it i don't want to wreck the beef oh i have a filco yes silk draco does silicone work silk holes do work if they can destroy the block lunar get your butt here oh their birds are squeaking this is the beehive that we made look at this wait look at this so much honey what the guys i said stop harvesting lucky blocks who's doing that um don't come down right here don't come down here all right behold oh who did it wait funny it's not a pun i'm so proud of you let me go up there and give you a smack behold rainbow i did do a pun i'm hiding from rainbow i can't let her where are you i can't let her i must give you a congratulatory smack oh that's lunar sorry oh my gosh you won't find me rainbow i'm harvesting stuff you just oh you just hit luna out of the world that was okay that was not an accident rainbow i'll be across the bridge why are you guarding the bridge okay i bring safety please but the nuts hits me oh my gosh raymond what are you doing hey i'm coming [Music] [Laughter] why is there glass covering this listen up everybody i'm holding the carrot okay nobody smashed that glass because that's all the pieces i had nobody is allowed to touch this lucky block okay or else it'll ruin our entire island living situation okay you should just place your glass in front of my house which is yeah it's true it's very obnoxious no you placed your look at it look at it i am looking oh funny i'm sorry you gotta be you have to have a obsidian under here so then i could just hold my pickaxe down okay it's also getting smashed i don't have obsidian why not yeah i have obsidian on on no i threw okay go on what did one minecraft goose say to the other minecraft goose see you later oh i mean oops wrong bird what did one minecraft turkey say to the other minecraft turkey [Music] cobble cobble cobble cobble cobble that joke was so bad it made me slip off the cliff before i even slipped and now i am dead that was horrible rainbow wrong bird wrong bird how he's supposed to build with his giant plus shaped glass okay it's easier if we no no no no no rainbow look there fine it's just a lot easier gold your job is to go get us one animal so this place could be livable are you gonna what do you mean hey you're the one that pushed the cow off the cliff i'm just a builder look what i have what [Music] what is that what island yeah give it to me i'll do it i have two forest islands and i can make this place beautiful rainbow rainbow you can't make this rainbow rainbow shake give it to me please wait let's try don't throw it off the cliff if you haven't broke up i'd be so i'm not giving you my other one i'm not that toxic destroy everything we've built no we can make both sides really cool four five [Laughter] [Music] oh least we have food uh yeah a draco it's okay we don't need cobble we have cobbles we'll just connect the island we'll connect the island well i don't have any more magma so we can't build it we'll connect the islands it's a look it's literally like play-doh we just mashed the islands together yes look at that you never know the difference look like do you know that these are two different islands because i don't uh-uh there's no way rainbow's filling the rest in we've officially destroyed one of the parts of the island it's beautiful it does look a lot better luna's working on the house do you need more wood luna i am good here i could give some style but only a little bit of style because i don't have a lot of these blocks like that you know what that looks good there you go why slime carpet luna what is this oops oh it's just you know it's just an accent you know i've accidentally destroyed it to my bed continuing on to make this island even better we're gonna get a bee's nest right here but we need bees flowers around here oh i put on a fake tree i heard a beast oh b is it working yes if we could have honey we'll never have to leave this island we could survive here forever guys where's gold is she trying to harvest lucky blocks no i'm just getting animals no that's me i'm trying to harvest lucky blocks i'm trying to get more islands draco you can't be selfish just keep triggering his cobblestone generator so he's just gonna make more islands rainbow said we already apologize okay rainbow i'm ready to spawn the egg again or actually you spot it yeah okay this time further yeah we have to go farther we have to go like okay a little if we destroy lunar's home okay right there right here so mad no i'm scared you do it you better go like 20 blocks away no this is fine go rainbow go no no rainbow i will give you this cake ooh where did you get the cake from yeah again can i see it again it's right here i don't think that's cake i think you're tricking me no it's right there it's cake that's not the shape of cake it looks like look no it's new it's the new minecraft add-on it's breadcrumbs okay yeah sure whatever i'm brave i'm not scared i'm not scared of a lunar i'm not scared of her spawn that is too far buy blocks you want that's too far there we have to make sure it looks natural because when i walk far away from the island i had to turn around and be like wow i can't notice the difference once if i just go light flint on that lunar is building the most blockiest modern-esque home it looks like a lucky black well what else can you build on this small island well luna we can put a roof on this and now it looks like we should live in a lucky block that'll be fun i don't even know i'm going to do the materials there's a glowstone here um oh you're making it so cursed you can make it glow not bad not bad lanterns i don't like i don't know destroy okay funny are you ready to see this you drag no oh funny use the silk touch hole no dude i don't have the hole who has this i don't have the hoe bam that's not far enough come on ready it worked cool lower lower it's fine it's like a mountain stairs yeah i'm gonna go get more i will use the grass block ah funny yeah broccoli island no dude that's literally your fault draco no you literally you literally could have said i'm breaking the block and you didn't you wanted me to die you did you wanted me to die draco we appreciate your um cobblestone generator yes just because right now we kind of need it because look while you are oh you're building up because you've already destroyed it and i don't have a make my bucket i see what fun he's doing she's making a cool like plaza right yeah no i'm just trying to connect it using slabs and as less material as possible because we have to value stuff here oh wait oh that's cool we could put flowers between that yes okay you know what let's dip it again it's gonna look cool the cobble stairs are done and we need to fill in this part so for now we're just going to use rabbit this is good no i was gonna get more dirt oh whatever well we couldn't get more dirt from rainbow oh my station this took forever to bring over parrots are you sure they're not gonna fly away wait drag why didn't you just tell her she could just feed seeds they should be our new pets in our new lucky block yes they are the um well welcome in to our lucky blocks complex lunar built it lunar how much is the rent here wow um it is uh five wool because i need bed oh she needs a wall okay well we can make some shoes if someone finds some iron but that's not a bad price there we'll get some flowers up here well lunar it's your lucky day can you give me the penthouse suite because look what i got oh where did you get that um that is that is not lit well i asked her for well that is she doesn't want to do the work she wants you to do the work so late fine i don't think hey hey no loitering what's uh why no all it also drops down onto the people below anyways i don't know what's down no loitering on the island that's just not cool you can't drop it it'll hit earth the other minecrafters and it will get smacked in the head it's going nowhere it's going to the nether so we have our beds check food check check we just need a little farm and then i think this island is fully livable it's really i just threw my seeds away no that's it's okay there's plants there's crops over here i know where we can get seeds everyone everyone i haven't seen no don't do it don't press the button wait wait wait that's cool oh that's cool okay lunar here you go penthouse sweet please six wool okay thank you thanks let me just go build a bed she wanted five times jacob why is it so tempting to stop touch just touch jackal just to touch i just want to give it a little focus stop jiggling okay rainbow i think you should go help gold harvest the slime moment gold just killed that she gold we saw that you saw nothing you got a sea lantern keep going keep going oh keep going it's okay it's still lucky it's still lucky hey hey hey no no no no no i know what you guys are doing okay you know what no i'm stuck now our island is finally complete times the little tiny house you get to go toward it all right wow so beautiful welcome to rainbow's crib with the trade-off of five will she was able to obtain herself i will sleep in this bedford a lovely window jacuzzi what this is actually set hey this is a really small jacuzzi jacuzzi the view it's not even your house so i don't even know why it's beautiful it's my crib i can't afford this crib i will sleep with the chickens right in here oh this the pen you know i will sleep in the wheat fields we this is the wheat fields our fish farm where we get fishes oh there's so much fish now yes okay this is all like okay but over here this is where i live follow me draco what do you mean okay rainbow get out of your trap i live right under the cobblestone generator in this what oh that seems dangerous is that isn't that dangerous draco you could have literally just cut this like build a cave and put a bed but you were lazy okay you know what i'll just share okay i'll share the the lucky blox condo with everyone okay that sounds like a good deal i didn't tell anyone but i have all these extra island eggs in my inventory and i'm gonna massively expand this island i don't think how about no ready for the massive okay maybe go over there yeah don't worry just go a little further so far yeah that's okay you're good you're good let's go with the first expansion expansion spider island oh choco it's scary in here somewhere you're just covering that entire island okay just do another one i'll change it i'll change wait i need to see what the spider island looks like oh oh no oh yeah it's bad no wait what's the change it please dracco just change it don't ah there's a spider in front of me this kid mine island draco we just slashed our island oh oh my god okay you know what okay nothing no you're making a mess oh my gosh you're just making a mess at this point draco that island looks so bad this is cursed um you better not kill our baby cows okay yeah this is so cursed it's literally in front of us do a different one please i mean if you think about it it's not that bad it's like mountains before you get to the real resort you know sure you have to get through the tough stuff to get to the good stuff you know where did you go okay just spot it right there over here okay good i can see you all right zombie island oh that's kind of fun park i like this one i'm dying i'm dying i died xp farm oh it is an xp farm and there's a little like tombstone area yeah you can go a mausoleum yeah that's what they call it draco next we have how many eggs do you have just keep spotting the eggs eleven all right uh okay desert desert island whoa winter island what whoa it's changing in front of our rocks slime island i think someone should take the eggs away another island last but not least volcano islands since the islands are already ruined this has been killing me the entire video i couldn't i know i couldn't like this on fire goodbye no the grief it's all gone [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,005,492
Rating: 4.9045019 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft adventures, minecraft marketplace, minecraft lucky block, lucky block, minecraft one block, one block, minecraft one block survival, lucky blocks
Id: TuHsqo3J_uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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