Among Us but we're babies!

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rainbow oh [Music] we are tiny baby crewmates in among us but there's a twist everyone one baby is an impasta fun and every 10 seconds they can kill no but i haven't had breakfast yet so everyone just do your task and make sure to go back to the cafeteria alright so i'm not the imposter there's only one so it should be pretty easy to find out who it is i'm gonna go take a look-see everywhere oh where'd rainbow go she go down here by herself maybe if i read admin i will figure out who did it let me read oh my gosh write my card finally i can do that properly let's put in the code wait someone completed that really quick hi gold are you the killer you want to kill me nope head into storage so far it doesn't look like no bodies are reported everyone's pretty chill okay rainbow's right there unless rainbow just came from somewhere sus i'm gonna follow rainbow where you going rainbow okay so i'm with brown black pink we're all in the clear black is following me they probably think i'm suspicious which i'm not i'm just a basic crewmate baby doing my task that took me a while oh oh my gosh who was that there is a murderer amongst us where and why would you kill sadly they're already sad enough where where where yeah uh right like before lower engine rainbow where did you come from by the way i was in admin with draco and someone else i forgot who skip oh my god oh rainbow oh i was pretending to be afk i need so i was afking right i was afking afking and i saw someone go through the vent guys sticking with it spinky it's rainbow gosh it wasn't me the wrong colors again no i saw a rainbow bed there's no other it's rainbow it wasn't me though i swear to you it wasn't rainbow i felt rainbow imagine afking going back and then you see someone jump right out of the event like a crazy baby okay all right okay okay where was the event it was in the the media room i was down in mid i was down in med bay then why were you near black's body rainbow i don't even know why you invented why would you vent in front of my face it was funny she was too excited why why did you vent rainbow can you tell me why you vented in front of my face i was confused because i was like there's two i don't know where to vent and i didn't see it oh so you decide to vent in front of my face okay i didn't even see you y'all have different names this time my name bob i'm licorice yeah you say that licorice so i can figure out if you're the imposter so i can get rid of you okay bye i knew to myself once again just a basic human cremate yeah yeah yeah someone's flicking that off eight one eight seven only before scanning malmo is good everyone i repeat melmo is good that's right pink while you're looking at dude them looks like they want to kill them looking pretty tasty huh pink wait is pink gonna prove oh pink's good too okay so we have orange we have melamo's good pink's good pink is rainbow if i remember correctly they are showing off that they can scan let me look at the door log malmo passed you know what i can't read this who am i kidding i'm head out i can stay near these two because they're good no it's not good just stop following me i'm head to the reactor and do my task who called emergency meeting what what happened to people red vented ah what wow people they're lying happy in this game guys why are you venting so much just because you're tiny doesn't mean you're invincible jack what do you mean red vented into green house pop creeper why [Laughter] [Music] they're accusing me if it's not red then it's purple yo um okay i saw you pop out you ain't slick i think it's purple i think it's purple because i want the game to last longer vote them out now draco right one hundred percent god you got chill out if it's not hot pepper then it's purple goodbye too much hot peppers i couldn't see y'all really need to stop venting you noobs [Music] big knob energy with two killers on the loose hey two tiny baby murderers okay everyone meet me in the cafeteria i'll be nice here just kidding i'm gonna go do my tasks there's a lot of tasks to do hopefully the game in bed hey sun sun looking real chilling what someone already died are you kidding me someone already died why where were they i heard lunar scream from the other wait luna's not all right wait lunar is like right where was the box um izzy was by the body found it at the entrance to admin it was by admin [Music] that was really suss knew it okay so i left black there alive i feel like it was a self-report what's happening um so only brown and teal were there yeah you were all suss [Music] i just came to there there's two remember there's two okay i think it's brown sure was brown there first are we voting to skip who are we voting they're scatter brains really i feel like we should vote no we should skip we should skip and pick you skip we should skip yeah yeah my brain is still too small i have don't have information yeah they're not big brained enough they clearly killed the two noisiest people hmm crew keep your eyes peeled four fifths of crew no one was ejected so the murderer has no chill and the lights are out i have so much task in electrical this ain't good i mean i could always like look at how admin works who's in here but there's two people in admin but i'm an admin someone here hi mom oh hi mom is just trying to sweat the card there you go i feel like they're good yo what are you doing here yeah you gonna go swipe your card weapons okay there's two people in weapons and weapons has a vent i'm gonna go check weapons real quick who wants the doors just gonna go take a peek-a-boo at weapons oh someone killed yellow guys yellow is dead yellow's dead oh i know who it is wait why didn't i read it uh oh what you mean you didn't read it oh yeah i keep forgetting our names aren't crew um top right of map oh no we have to vote out the right person or we lose we need to vote someone off draco what everyone is dead gold rainbow and lunar are dead meaning you don't even sound worried i'm needing you why don't eat me red pepper i think it's brown i'm gonna say red pepper is careless a vote red i think it's izzy see this is what happens when you don't vote everyone's dead i vote red i mean brown no don't throw i'm voting brown it's izzy i hope it's not easy there's two more it's too late anyway we're done for i voted three votes for brown hi mom more like bye mom oh my gosh look at them they're like a hot pepper combo dropping yourself sabotage you i took out all of funny's trusted allies first finally dracul and i are imposters whoever follows me shall get shived right in the tummy i will shiv them so a lot of people are following me that's not good hopefully draco can do all the killing for me i can pretend to do this task yada yada yada let's sabotage something or i can lock doors okay we can't do anything yet or i always pretend to be afk this is my tactic i will be afk for life no one shall suspect anything from me i'm just gonna wait for them to leave see while these two over here are cheering me on because i'm blue draco can do all the killings oh hi rainbow bye rainbow [Laughter] it's weird no one's actually going to me they actually think i'm afk that's so epic what's happening down here jacqueline oh hello hello hello hello hello hello hello who hit the button whoa what's happening tonight yet though funny vented into admin that's the lie i didn't i didn't i'm camping i said all right for this one time lies on cams though funny no that's a lie where have you been this one time i believe be believe funny lies bro thank you luna that's right thank you for spelling believe wrong apparently i'm skipping i'm just saying draco also was chasing no i wasn't i swear he was going to kill me but then i ran into a room with people so i'm going to keep an eye on you skipping yeah let's just skip i saw gold do trash girls all of these people are lying they were just admiring my beauty and they're all liars they're not lying i didn't do anything yeah i believe you're funny i believe all right so i got and you know what you know what i'm gonna go all ham i'm gonna just stab i'm i'm after blood here someone follow me follow me down candy land who wants to go to admin for free candy no one here yo this ain't good how did they see me event i shouldn't have been okay it's gold nope i'm just to take a peekaboo 15 second kill i need draco to get my back we need to kill the two blabbermouths in this someone locked doors on me i did not i did not okay you know what everyone go here let's uh let's just lock all these doors oh draco that's slick can you get these doors opened let's close them oh man they're so spaced together look at them no i'm not gonna kill luna i'm gonna go ahead and kill the people who are riding me out oh what's happening here is no one gonna go to electrical great there's more dead people huh what's up who is this killer why people keep voting i'm literally doing nothing guys she was following me who not sure guys i was seriously fixing elect i'm like you guys not fixing a luck were you in elec yeah i was like they keep calling me a bad bean i think we should share the boy or girl who cry who creed wolf is afraid to kill clearly yeah it's not me i would definitely kill people definitely funny usually kills fast though yes get chocolate i don't think she's just not feeling murders in there i didn't i actually didn't kill no guys i think we should vote no i think white was nothing funny a lot though i'm still skipping yeah this killer slow we can just literally finish everything and win that's right everyone skip everyone because skipping is good skipping is good it's okay all right they already know it's me i better do i did the crime now i pay the time hopefully they run all out of see look i'm going to med scan scan and prove your worth gold oh gold you have a bodyguard in this game okay that's cool see you can trust me look at me i'm good see gold's double scanning what can i do here i can lock the engine see i'm not killing see i'm a good crewmate baby i don't kill who did this who locked the door guys we should freak out we should freak out someone locked the door okay good job you unlocked it you unlock the door oh draco has a lot on his tail that ain't good die [Laughter] oh my gosh guys no more people i saw white not report that's a problem i saw white not reporting oh my gosh no way why why sauce lies [Music] um money why are you giggling explain white didn't report what i saw i saw it you have a wife i saw i saw her chasing gold and brown and now brown is dead again you guys are keep just keep blaming each other guys was chasing me i saw white pop out of the vent and eat brown for chocolate yeah dead gold what do you mean blue is chasing you oh don't worry i know your girlfriend once again crap i feel like luna here is not on the crewmate side but she's third imposter they're just saying wait is there two or there's there one there's two more i think it's gold she said blue was chasing it's white for not reporting you guys should trust us white didn't report yeah i think i think it's like i don't think it's white i i actually i i'm voting white because i'm holding something i'm voting white white too i don't think it's wrong i suspect white don't suss me no no yeah i mean oh no wait what do you mean the results didn't appear yet she just gave herself away i mean oh no i mean shut up daddy i know who it is why is no one reporting that blue body seriously is no good report i'm gonna slice you bella bella okay remember's gonna hit the button i'm gonna slice you i'ma slice you i'm gonna slice you and yeah no no no no no no please don't hit the button please don't hit the button please don't hit the button all right no more games funny things we're clowns i'm just going to listen to you guys talk i'm just going to vent oh what honey you think [Laughter] um you know what i don't care i think it's gold i think it's gold yeah i also think it's gold are you guys draco are you a third i don't know of lunar or draco i know you changed them you chases them around these people yeah i think it's funny and lunar i'm pretty sure it's funny okay actually i think it's draco and funny and luna's just trolling because she just she's like over it she just wants to slap her fortress you guys voted no the fourth among the fourth imposter is amongst us no where it's rainbow it's rainbow wait you guys are stupid wait it's like the dumbest game i told baby i'm sorry to all the people we wrongfully eat it off the ship i'm not i'm sorry guys i'm the third imposter let's kick the player speed up to two now we're fast three imposters and this is gonna turn out so well everywhere i murder don't worry i i can't get in pasta like six times this is yeah see i'm creaming i just want to say that yeah sure all right crewmate funny gonna go do stuff and task oh i love being fast this is amazing look at everyone there is no way the imposter is gonna get any of us look at this all right let's go come on dude there's so much people around us okay someone turned off the lights it's okay we're fast we could go fix it oh wait i want to do my test though when did these wires get symbols i think that's part oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh [Music] guys i saw someone kill in front of me but i have very very bad memory i think it was orange orange orange killed in front of me guys orange killed in front are you sure funny are you sure yes because last i seen those two were with me doing i think it was destroying thingy yeah or was it gonna follow them out some okay some color killed and disappeared out of my sight very fast it was either orange or black i think it was orange i don't know orange one and if rainbow defends orange rainbow is an imposter there's three impossible there's no time i saw you following red and black out they were there with me doing the comment stuff i'm skipping now and now they're dead i reported it near electrical screams no don't skip where we lose no skipping guys no skipping there's there's three guys no there's three imposters i skipped who are we always skips and he's always the monster i'm voting him back you know what i'm voting whatever i'm voting draco what is that i'm just alive see okay so how did i don't know i literally didn't see that that was draco i saw like orange or something it was way too quick someone reported them oh wait i reported it i can't you know what i don't care let's go shield if we complete the task fast enough we could win the game without the impostor winning maybe i could look in admin barry what you doing in here wait what happened did you see a report okay no i didn't i'm like kind of being crazy but that's okay yo barry is looking at me all sucks stop it barry when people look at me i can't swipe the car okay perfect oh someone's dead who's dead everywhere small and just zipping around what now great two impostors left y'all where it's not funny i saw a run up into admin see you believe me but but you guys could just be vouching for her it can't be black i think it's lunar because lunar was walking towards the hallway in benbay during the dark but i don't know i think it's orange because funny is inno yeah berries on my teeth thinking it's orange so funny did you actually see orange kill in front of i told you someone did it i think it's lunar and orange i literally wasn't the lights first round rainbow i don't know if i could trust you because you're like a pathological liar now when you play among us so you guys always know me out when i'm imposter i don't even get to be like really a really good murderer before you exactly exactly i'm not imposter why are they saying bye lunar lunar adidas luna doesn't even care i think luna's just trolling i don't know she's just feeling trolling today i feel like orange is saying funny could easily be wrong i'm still voting for orange i still think it's orange i told you i saw a color i saw orange and wraps i'm crazy and i'm guessing the body isn't old lunar literally doesn't care someone voted me great it's a tie tiebreaker we're all gonna die oh yeah rainbow that's exactly what you want everyone to die yeah if i was a murderer see two imposters and we're gonna die i swear i saw orange i saw do you know what stabbed me i'm sick of being tormented of being imposter when i oh wait wait hey hey hey you you you come here you come here follow me yo follow me you now why is no one following me i have proof guys i have proof look okay everyone's gonna go fix stuff i'll do this really quick rainbow hmm rainbow didn't really get there quickly dude who hit the button what what now what why i know it's orange i know orange is one of the bad eggs we are going to lose if they get a double kill okay uh true um let's vote orange so i'm voting lunar [Music] me and rainbow and someone else just did the reactor lunar and orange are just like coolio what luna you're trolling luna and you're muted you know you forgot to unmute yourself you shady girl oh oops i said coolio she doesn't even care i think it's orange but it could thank you just rainbow you guys why should i believe you funny i can med scan for proof okay that means yeah now you can scan everyone no i could mess again before i could do the dance you know what i'm voting orange i'm still going for orange i think it's luna because luna's always imposter so now she's kind of like dead inside so she doesn't want to be imposter anymore right luna oh my gosh there's no we have to come back please oh my gosh can you just follow me to medscan oh my god follow me to med sched okay follow follow follow yo follow i don't know why rainbow doesn't believe me unless rainbow stars thank you barry watch this see only a true person who can do this is clearly [Music] you see that epic stuff yeah i'm epic now i'm gonna go hit the button dude they're not even everyone's being too quiet i don't like this no one's killing now they're just lunar why are you so mean [Laughter] i told you she got imposter way too many times took you long and not good i can't spell lunar always gets imposter so she doesn't care i am glad i spammed the button or we would lose um guys luna stopped tormenting us you're getting uterus off you take forever everyone's like it's lunar lunar it's time for you to suffer wait luna rat out your friend is it orange luna what oh no it's a twist man you brought your friend out luna it's green i know black is good no black is good you're bad you're getting beaten i'll never i'll never ride you're saying it's green you would never rat out your own teammate that's a lie i just did you think i'm gonna do it for the past rounds you think i would you think i'm always on everyone's side he's dumb no you wouldn't rat out your own teammate you're such a liar get out of here luna wait one person voted for green that's you right yeah luna are you toxic waste man you have no help to impost it so there's one more imposter all of crew is dead we got one two okay four more people four more people i got one more task i can help everyone as long as the ghosts are doing their task it's all good oh man it's this task this test is so slow they're gonna stab me in the back come on oh oh see i'm rushing i'm rushing because i know the killer is literally going to stab me in the back so let's hope they don't kill me come on let's get this this i did it wrong i took longer barry still got my back thank you barry all orange why are you so fast we saw orange run straight across that um barry i think we should just go a report i think both of us are good and whoever's not left okay this can't be called okay barry come on we got this come on let's go strong crew babies i mean crew mate babies let's go oh no wow you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,374,392
Rating: 4.9022245 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, among us retexture, among us baby, baby among us, tiny crewmate among us, among us babies, among us smallest, babies in among us
Id: 64N9GqptKHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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