My DOCTOR is Evil in Among Us!

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good luck everyone okay i always say that okay sus everyone is leaving this place hello hello are you okay bye no i'm just gonna stay around giant groups i don't trust you what are you two talking about up there someone med scan someone medscan you are going the wrong way okay gold gold you are going to stab me look me in the eyes look me in the eyes are you good i'm deoxidized shut up are you good yeah i'm good there i gave you a shield you dummy god stop talking i thought you're gonna stab me no you're good okay so now you're my she can hear you all the way in the other room by the way yeah you're quite loud right okay gold oh my gosh you you've ruined the whole plan okay okay you you just like stick around okay the impostor can't kill you so you just follow me so we could go do our task let's go to reactor okay right how do they hear us are we that loud yeah i think i don't think so just follow me and everything will be just fine okay you go in there and i'll stay out here as bait okay yeah you stand there as bait gold i have to go to the right side of the bat let's go i have to head to the caf do you have any tasks in wait where's your task what where's your task gold my task is right here okay help me go tell me go gold i'm rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow run run run run run i i i do something bad i do something bad what did you do dude i think i think gold's the imp and i gave her a shield she wasn't helping me what funny don't run away i was trying to protect you uh i'm gonna go hit the button i'm going i'm going i'm gonna go hit the button i'm gonna go hit the button i'll get it for you okay where's drop oh great uh oh oh seriously great i'm not gonna kill you i'm because i'm not the murderer gold's gonna kill me gold's gonna kill me i use the shield on the imposter and that is not good when you're the doctor and you use the shield on an impasta relatable right where is everyone i feel like everyone why is draco dead rainbow wah what seriously why is everyone dead oh my gosh this is gonna be so bad um i don't know why gold's blaming me because i came from the bottom and then i saw no she came from the top and she didn't report lunar's dead bought draco's dead body and then she did that before i did she was like this she's like okay so everyone the problem is voting ends in 45 seconds so i was with gold half of the time and then i ditched both of you i don't think two body kills could come from gold i feel like it's rainbow rainbow i don't believe you okay and you're you're laughing you can't even hold a straight face you you stinky doctor but i left you alive yeah and you didn't even save any of them well i saved gold and gold was acting real such the lucky one that got saved rainbow you get a snoopy sticker doctor doctor i need a doctor who's the doctor please i need a doctor i have two children i mean he does need a doctor he does doctor please we will get out of the way get out please i want immunity doctor please who's the doctor the doctor should be at the med bay let's go let's go to the medicine that's true doctor go to med bay wait someone's you the communication is breaking what are you doing someone broke yo are you the doctor yeah can someone be the doctor someone scan hey look everyone i'm scanning i'm proving my innocence rainbow is innocence okay that's good wait where's draco where's the patient with two children that's what we're complaining about sauce what i like to go turn on the lights do you see that okay okay we all know that rainbow is innocent so that's good all right are you innocent draco i don't have um i don't have them i can't prove my innocence either okay whatever let's just go do our task see you okay hey you where'd you go earlier today dude fix the lights all right gold gold what i have a suspicion hey get out of here i have a suspicionness draco all right come on open up where did you come from funny yeah what are you doing just saw me wait did you jump out of event rainbow seriously are you joking right now decontamination and the door closed behind us and then no no no you guys you guys are overreacting i saw funny i was doing the crafts out there and she went through the door to go thank you gosh there's something up there you guys we literally right here we're they're aren't my gosh they're so stupid luna's not even here rocco you must protect your babies stop being dumb really loves stop doing this zero seven someone protect me please i'm scared please please doctor please what yo doc are you the doc you should protect me i wish i'm not gonna say anything what what did luna say she said i'm not going to say anything why are you talking so slow what happened people died right at the entrance where the the electric doors were it's in front of the decontamination room yeah you know that lunar i can see you standing right beside me that was behind gold i thought i'd run randomly out of nowhere and she just gasps she's like like yeah wow luna that's pretty fake yeah luna that's a pretty weird draco are you kidding me i put a um did you see it though dracco because if she did you would be able to see it unless she's lying yes she's i have a shield but i don't know how she would know that all right i think draco's the imposter what do you mean draco he wasted my powers and ron fully is now trying to get the doctor out no you can't vote me off i have to okay wait just big break big brain right just big no where's four it's funny it's funny funny is the imposter there's four points why didn't you say that before huh no it's not uh no it's funny you guys are don't be don't be stupid man it's obviously funny oh wait he wasn't i have okay clearly whoever did that is jumped wait he luna it's not me i swear to you it's not me it's not me i'm gonna put a shield on me i ran out of shields gold wait wait come in here wait gold where are you going that's not how you fix it it's up here it's up here oh no no leader over here where are you going it's the wrong way no no get away get away from me luna it's the wrong way here i'll open the door hurry hurry hurry hurry you know oxygen's gonna break um this is what you get just go fix it just go fix it are you guys being dumped [Music] now don't step foot out of this place you can't hold us hostage in here don't step foot out you can't hold this hard any last words before you lose the game i can do this one last task luna luna luna have an idea just play ring around the rosie and then run out right three uh my patience is low today three two one a stab i seek peace that's all i'm saying please are you the doctor can you save me she was saying she's literally saying what wait what did you say did you sing i seek revenge [Music] okay doing that i'm going whoa why'd that just shut well i have a boring task you can watch me if you want my task bar is going to go up okay i will i'm what i have my hey hey get back what the taxpayer did go up oh no no do it again rainbow if you're mad at can you heal me please give me the shield do it again i just no you must prove your worthiness okay fine go to the laboratory with me and give me the shield follow follow fast step i'm just guessing but you better be the doctor because i'm proving my innocence follow me to the lab i can show you did you just hear that wait wait i just heard someone gasp what oh someone in the event luna always makes vote noises in the event i think someone's in the vent rainbow but just watch my back someone's definitely in the vent you see that i just did that great oh no travis rocco died in the family security room i was in the o2 taking out leaves and then i heard draco go and then i went in the room and then he's dead shame you didn't protect draco's family and then you saw gold you saw gold didn't you i feel like it might be gold actually okay she's my side i was on the left side of the gold i'm gonna give you a hint on how to be an imposter the more defensive you act the more you get yiddish off the ship rainbow don't let her talk einstein i'm being defensive all the time 24 yeah you suck so easy i need a doctor and yeah thank you well i'm not a doctor goodbye i never get doctor and i keep dying okay i have a family here stop dude stop pulling your little crew mates in it for it i could be a nurse okay i could put like i got like a needle i'm gonna go do crewmate things hello hello i mean you go fix that i don't want to do that i'm sick of fixing the o2 or whatever i just want to do this seriously this cruise ship is lazy serious okay i'm entering the code chill i was entering the code i literally ran past you i could prove it to you blah blah defensive look one leave two are you are you pretending to count look ta-dah that was me gold you know what's gonna happen right no i didn't i literally did the two oxygens all by myself i'm pretty sure draco was the doctor too because when you killed him the shield ran off of me oh no yeah but i didn't kill him when i went there i literally was going to save you from dying from oxygen and then so any cane no no when i was in o2 i literally was complaining i was like where are the crew mates fixing o2 and then i go no i walk to o2 gold is standing over draco's fresh crewmate body and she's just standing there and then she's making up lies you're a dumb crewmate because you don't have observation because i ran right stop stop playing or talk stop letting her talk we have to vote um whatever you're gonna regret it do we all vote you should news you what is sneaky gold gold you're doing very bad as the imposter just someone just sit back and relax and watch you die you're not going to vote whoa i think it's this one okay she's being so toxic today it is probably gold is it it's called oh no no no no no no no no no no no no this is so oh this is so bad this is whoever the imposters please leave me alone oh snap i actually thought it was gold wait why would gold stand over draco's dead body then i don't i don't get it why gold why would you do that it's lunary wait luna luna can we stop reacting can you stop let's just stop reacting for us just give us a second lunar can you just luna can you just tell me why gold tell me luna tell me why hi i have a complaint to talk to lunar lunar and gold gold why were you standing over dracula's dead body and you didn't report it said i was literally fixing the oxygen okay lunar that was like killing me 500 games okay whoever doctor is just dying protect dracco at all costs okay he's being salty who's the doctor no one's going to say it protect me i keep dying it's true it's so sad okay there you go but let's not go to the doctor liar you're not the doctor is she wait is she yes she is no she is oh that means three of us are innocent we could do a full iq gameplay i find the dead body early we can find out who the killer is right away yeah that's so easy okay wait wait let's go stalk them i bet you it's those two let's go let's go doing tasks like crew made things crew mate come on over here over here crewmate things crew mate thanks wait who's wait do you hear someone singing do you hear someone singing oh hi girl i think i have a feeling rainbow is singing in the vents this is bad isn't it she's going to pop out of the vent and stuff hi are you okay oh are you okay i'm like i'm like bored i thought you were like singing in the vents that was scary okay you're good what no i'm fixing the lights look at me i'm a pro at these tasks well i have to go to communication so see you later when people think you're going to communications but i'm just going to go sit on camera why is she following me why they're ruining my plan get away can i sing you my egg song no i don't really want to listen fine you can sing it i'll sing it when what this is so boring go do something guys someone should go fix that go fix that don't fix it don't worry i'm a fixer that's what you do rainbow you sing egg songs and you fix communications someone just shut the door i mean yolkers ah okay i'm gonna go through the last time okay i'm gonna go back i can prove my innocence really doctor why are you standing on the event funny no reason okay go prove your body scan follow me i am not imposter i am only breaking egg hey she's innocent egg cool see ya watch this i bet you it's tracko i knew it how did i open this stupid thing open sesame yo huh hey dracco so typical i knew it draco draco you know what i'm gonna mess around with him let's let's pretend this didn't happen all right gonna go on cams doing camps whoa did you see a dead body in cams rainbow is dead where was she dead surprised the corpse was too old but i feel like i think i think draco might be the murderer dracula you mean i walked with you to the court so he was following me to the corpse and he came from down the cafeteria and i don't know where he was out of the right side of the cafeteria there's only one way from the right side we should just skip we should see who's the doctor i was the doctor okay who's it the shield draco the murderer i'm not the murderer he's the mirror um we'll skip for now luna's luna's too cuckoo right gold yeah all right shield funny gold you don't know how doctor works can we just all do our task yay go this way this way lead the white jacket go fix it come on are you gonna go fix the jacko um yeah i'm gonna go fix it all right go fix it okay maybe you should stand here and dance i'll look on cams okay this plan is boring i'm out what uh oh what luna and luna can you follow me for a second sure luna i'm just messing with draco but i know it's draco okay okay let's mess with him let's go okay draco you're truly there report that body [Laughter] draco i was just messing with you but i already knew when you killed rainbow so off you go it's luna bye-bye you had no family you can't do this i don't want to be rude but you already lost at the beginning i have a family yeah i use my shield on you and that is another stupid sticker who's going to gold's birthday party that yes i have a present for gold you get um a ring pop a ring puff ew the gift of shields for your birthday you know how draco keeps saying he has a family does he even know his kids birthdays dude we should ask him that's a smart question okay let's go wait which this way this way this way this one grab me grab me sorry sometimes i get confused gold can you chill oh gold i have a birthday gift for you i know it's you what no it's not remember why you guys always blame me it's annoying i don't know i don't know it's not so like extra sassy today she's like are you cross the door what like someone lock the door someone open it open it where's draco it means party time now stop i am immunity goals are you okay wait are you the doctor did you use doctor roll on yourself what no i got it for a birthday gift oh someone gave you as a birthday gift that's epic are you gonna go fix that oh task no rainbow go fix it no please i'm already here okay rainbow's lazy i'm gonna go with you i have a birthday present for you okay hurry it's my hat oh no thanks i don't really like it it's kind of ugly okay cool wow that was rude i'm gonna watch cams what are you what what are you what do you mean i'm crewmate come here i can prove my innocence oh are you going to do a body style yes yes okay rainbow is that is rainbow dead or something oh so interesting so interesting who's locking these doors incredible isn't it great you think it's rainbow i think it's rainbow draco lock the door i think it's funny yo we should go vote rainbow wait should we wait why would you hit it no one's dead because i'm seeing if anybody died oh all right it's rainbow are you kidding me um wait i actually don't think it's rainbow because rainbow actually was doing her task exactly no no i i'm gonna no i'm not gonna rainbow hey you know how you keep talking about your family do you even know their birthdays yeah was fast to vote wait do you actually think she was never with us she was never with us she was never with us the reason why no one's dead is because someone's with you guys imposter oh that is that's true that's true i think it's i think it's rainbow rainbow rainbow oh we can't hear each other yo yo yo yo one of us is gonna die one of us is gonna die wait can someone do this someone fixed it i did okay hey follow me i'm gonna go take out the trash oh yeah that could prove rainbow's innocence even though i think rainbow's good already i'm just saying hey this is so good it's not letting me out it's not glitch i think okay let's watch rainbow here look hey imposter feast your eyes on this this is gonna be you oh oh see i told you rainbow's good where's luna rainbow gold gold has um shield where is everyone gold where which i see rainbow's not with us see whoa whoa whoa where'd you come from where did you i swear i'm here i swear i didn't see you gold did you see luna i came nope not in sight oh should we and who keeps locking these doors i don't know it's so annoying i don't know i and i just proved my innocence remember oh sorry i keep forgetting i'm scared oh my gosh well girl you can't just pop out of nowhere whatever can anybody hear me is anyone dead hello no no one's dead yet body searched oh my gosh nobody died okay someone is being a very bad and pasta clue rainbow rainbow i think i know who it is rainbow huh it's me okay i'ma hide that was easy subscribe and like because that was too easy for me i will never ever you hear me never listen to you again [Laughter] please you know trust me i'm always good look at my horns no no i'm i have eggs and i will not listen to anybody i don't trust i am a very nice person by the way gold in the last game letting me die i have a family okay gold in the last game when i was imp um i tried to stab you but it didn't work that was really funny oh so you did stab me yeah i was trying to i was like and it didn't work tell me what are you i'm grooming we should go fix that are you lying to me yeah first what do you mean who are you the dog gold i never get in twice yeah oh just use it use it on me use it on me you saw me ryan thank you nice okay no not me you'll regret it wait why do people get crazy in here oh draco's playing with the lights i'm not playing with the lights it's my children wait okay well obviously it can't be me because i was playing with the lights i was like what do you mean it can't be the owner playing with the lights no i was like rainbow um one of them killed gold it was a stack everyone was on lights but apparently you were all playing with lights so no i was playing with lights first okay yeah he was trying to solve this rainbow who'd you vote i think it's rainbow it's a miss rainbow i'm voting it's funny you can vote for me you're gonna lose are you serious what happened wait i didn't vote for myself i voted funny you guys are being stupid i think it's funny by the way i think it's lunar but whatever it's not i'm gonna go back to playing with lights oh yeah all you do is play with lights you sit there all day you wanna play with the lights can you stop playing with the stupid lights oh my gosh draco stop draco the kids they just they won't stop i think luna i think we should vote him off just for that i don't think it's him though yeah i was literally playing with life on gold ride whatever unless you're the imposter i think i'm not i think it's wait a minute you just open that door no what crew mates can't open doors and scaled her door open by itself draco are you stupid but like that closed fast when it opens whatever i'm looking on admin wait someone's in oh someone's in weapons it's just blinked in weapons okay rainbows and weapons i saw her run there are you sure who keeps locking the doors funny she's literally funny i can shut up you're so annoying rainbow funny killed draco she locked him in the door and i waited on the other side to check if dracula was still alive and he's dead why are you both giggling because funny killed draco and his stupid no lunar's a liar but whatever lunar you can lie all you want but you're gonna throw the game and rainbow if you vote lunar you're gonna throw the game wait that sounds so scary you did you really trapped draco in the room with closed doors and then killed him i did it it was right outside of admin river you should have saw she shut the front door where the capital okay luna then she shot the rainbow luna's literally self-reporting she can say whatever she wants or you could throw that one oh i'm not you're going to lose the crew mix i wouldn't say that i believe thank you and i believe it is funny whatever i got away with so many murders murder everywhere murder yes mother one last heal i will say it now i am the medic nobody killed me if i die because i have a family i have a kid i have two kids no i have one kid give it to my one yo isn't it sass that rainbow just ran off she didn't even stay for my speech i agree right we should vote her out it's obviously rainbow i agree okay let me go ask her shield for luna let's oh thank you funny yes follow me i will protect you i will protect you yes only because you have a little child a little crewmate baby draco's gonna be so salty you should go flaunt this in draco's face we should show off i'm going to no wait we gotta go find oh what i don't think you can't accuse people early and suss them funny it's true no what it's not me also lunar i think your crew link is broken i could hear you throughout the whole map [Music] okay luna we definitely have to vote dracula now what are you it's not me yeah we're only four people we should skip no i don't know what oh looter it was by accident i shed blood for you i have children [Laughter] nice good job good job everyone
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,081,649
Rating: 4.910326 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, new mod among us, among us doctor mod, among us doctor
Id: O3WcDik97l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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