Among Us but we're FOOD!

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my creation it's finally complete [Music] rainbow teddy is alive calm time to show everyone my creation [Music] if we hit 50 000 likes the next teddy will be revealed tomorrow among us but we're food look at me i'm scrumptious this game is a little different because we are slow i know the imposters oh no it is obvious who's the m pizza oster i tried doing a pun in pizza bad pun alert bye-bye excuse me excuse me before we start this game i have an announcement to make yes do not be mean to me because i retextured these hats to make them look delicious okay okay everyone i will be the last to live it is a truce we will not stab luna right that is right unless she is the killer of course so this game mode couldn't be any worse because we are extra extra slow and i'm slowly making my way to the admin room and i hope the killer does not pop out of the vent and stab me okay everyone is still in the cafeteria we got three someone locked the doors oh oh my gosh who did this are you kidding me liar who who broke okay you broke the truce who did that that's so you guys oh um can you stop talking killer what yeah i'm on the how am i the killer where where are you on the other side where were you i was in that room doing the you know the that task with the pad where you do the patterns and you copy it uh-huh so guys this is the thing i was in admin room and i was checking all the admin stuff and then i saw all the doors locked okay both of the doors just locked but i saw yellow i possibly saw yellow walk across the admin room and now lunar's dead ah she's lying she self-reported okay when i went to the right side to do my task gold and luna were close to each other and i'm just saying we walk pretty slow yeah we don't we don't fall off all right i think we should all just watch together draco why are you still eating chips i say it's funny i don't know what's your defense i'm saying funny self-reported that's all you were right next to i think we should all just walk together guys no that's a horrible idea luna and rainbow together what's that's a lot gold is lying i was all the way on the right side i know god's lying i know she killed lunar yiddis gold the pizza what oh sorry oh my god i thought you were gonna get us killed dracco what is wrong with you you puff boy draco you ate too much cheesy see now we're gonna slow it's locked look she's gone she's not even making her way to oxygen we're gonna die rainbow no rainbow i'll go make it with jacko okay i'll fake it i'll fake it rainbow rave oh oh she's still oh gold i see how i'll follow golf so it looks like gold man we're still gonna die this speed is killing us where are you going gold oh oh was me cheesy boy oh my gosh how you killed all right so i didn't realize how overpowered oxygen is so i think we should put a rule to not do that thanks cheesy puff draco literally giving him iq every time he eats he broke the truce three short tasks because we're so slow that will work and i have the luck of mini cheese how are you eating chips still [Music] this is dreadful here it goes again okay so i can't believe i messed up i actually thought it was gold but maybe i saw draco maybe he shouldn't be orange and yellow don't stab me don't stab me it i never seen people move so slow in my entire life does anyone want to go to med bay with me oh hi luna hi dracco what you doing in med bay you want some candy gold's the only one who had a task up at left i mean it should be pretty easy to find imposter just because there's five of us hi lunar where you going you going down i see we're all sticking together doesn't this vent look tasty look i'm gonna pretend to bed jaco literally thinks i'm gonna event he's dumb draco don't be dumb okay i'm gonna go do my task i'm not even going to the right place it's great okay i'm being dumb i'm being dumb i'm making my way to admin room yep looks like admin room's pretty empty here i can check the rooms someone's in decontamination that's probably draco rainbow someone just vented but someone's still in the launch someone vented oh someone's venting all around the map it either has to be rainbow who hit the button what happened cheese puff hello hello why were you inspecting the vent funny what why were you just standing on the vent for no reason because i was trolling i was trolling you wow i think rainbow who killed gold i think it's rainbow why why do you think it's me i was on because while all of us were walking in the trio you were gone and gold is hanging at the spawn i was in admin room if you can say where you were rainbow i will not vote you off i was in the room with the tree where are you you gotta say what it is i was in the room with the tree doing the leaves no she isn't i'm in there she's lying she's lying i'm in there i don't see him lunar that's an automatic vote for me i was there before you the ramen bowl knows all and i guarantee you that i am right because i am the master yeah i'm gonna keep seeing me i feel like it's rainbow rainbow the thing is i saw someone venting between the mid of the map they were going back how did we not know it was you you were like on top of them no i was on top of the event to troll draco why are you trying to troll me ah very defensive very different chop chop rainbow i think vote yeets rainbow into the darkness when you thought among us couldn't get more delicious am i right people scrumptious okay i can't talk to you i'm gonna go walk to the not killing area hey guys i'm gonna go to the vents rainbows okay i just had to unmute myself but rainbow you should take this cup on my head because you're not who did that rainbow is too sick too took sick okay no i think she deserves this so this is a lot we're just moving at such a slow pace oh wait someone fix the lights okay nice i'll just go to greenhouse someone already died it was a stack kill that kid there's a stack an electrical i didn't i didn't see that there it was red and a whole bunch of other people um green was there i was there wait there you do you think green self-reported their own style no no green didn't self report they they were um everyone else was running away and didn't report and green was like way behind and they were like oh my gosh i thought why would you run away you're so slow no i because i saw like the the report speaker i'm like wait a minute did someone die and then i turned around and i saw it it was dracula you turned around luna what i invoke whoa whoa whoa whoa jordan's lying they're saying it was black finding dark green and purple but i wasn't there yeah okay no no no no no i'm not gonna vote yet but why aren't you lying i wasn't there i was lit oh oh these they're literally saying oh and everyone's like oop i think it's black ah white sauce uh-uh i don't like that well i saw you walking up to electrical as the lights went out is that true i have no i i was walking to a lot no i don't think i would okay i might have been walking to electrical that's true my gosh oh my gosh i'm skipping fine true skip it's too late though i voted it's too late i voted white though so [Laughter] fine you got your back rainbow but whoever stack kills genius keep your eyes peeled i don't know who did it you guys crew keep your eyes peeled we don't know who's a trader who's a bad food who's who's expired in this group those two blueberry juices hmm dracco is just admiring the vending machine how odd okay i have a task in greenhouse i'll head up there but i'm super scared that one of the blueberry juices are gonna kill me stop following me blueberry juice even though your name is corn draco's splitting off white's in there the lights in here are not helping at all because our distance we cannot see that far let me just throw all this away seriously reactor meltdown okay we have to go stop that because we walk so slow okay let's go let's go okay corn is with me i don't think corn is bad rainbow ring rainbow uh-uh attack's green up there rainbow ring rainbow rainbow that's right why is no one yo those two golden rainbow aren't helping the reactor meltdown and i have to get my slow little legs over there and go turn it off dude we're gonna lose seriously no no no oh there's a dead body oh we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done no one's gonna stop that wait can i report maybe if i report i can stop this yo why didn't anyone turn that off oh me and draco were trying to hi i was at the reactor white was standing there and they didn't press the hand thing you should tell them you should confront them oh yeah draco's right i was wondering i was like two people are standing over there why didn't you help me with reactor no no i was there i saw i s why is nobody helping me press it okay liar it wasn't so okay you guys are so lucky i pressed report so this is the thing golden rainbow are you guys lost oh i saw gold gold is doing a task up in the tree place and i was going to add my room because i had a task there and i was like we're too slow i'm not going to walk all the way down there to walk back up that's the same thought as me okay i think we should just eat white jordan but black no you guys think of i saw i saw black go together in the same areas you guys if i walked to you you would have killed me um i don't know okay so i trust dracco and luna dracul and lunar i trust you guys i don't trust you i can't vouch for draco or rainbow golden rainbow and gold you don't trust me i'm the one that report i saved us i never saved us so that's why okay what do you mean you just see me i was i was literally following you whatever i'm what guys three people are gone we need to kill i'm voting for you yeah we have to vote wow [Music] they're leaving because they wanted to corn out wait whoa black suspicious white was sitting there dude i saw lunar and draco going up there but i never saw white i went there first that's why white was already in the room i want to change vote white was sitting there doing nothing or maybe i forgot oh yes i was i'm just slow no you're tired right there we'll see we'll see if we don't vote then we vote black gold and rainbow black gold and rainbow are all sucks okay thank you you should have believed me i told you no one believes toxic juice on my head i'm out you're milk what did you say to me i'm not milk i'm toxic juice look you're blueberry milk you're a blueberry okay get out of here trader being slow is horrible i have super suspicion that rainbow is like how could she lie and say she not see me oh rainbow you're gonna stab me you stab me rainbow you're stabbing no she's not stabbed look at me rainbow and i are making our ways to ox all we're done oh yeah we both know we goofed okay she's gonna go fix that i'm gonna head to the laboratory if she follows me that will be scary i'm gonna go to the lab look how chill this is you just like feel the footsteps and there's nobody inside really someone died it's black it's a thousand percent black i made sure to keep an eye who was following lunar and black went up the same way funny remember we were walking down yeah i where was the body black you suss i found her in the greenhouse i'm also going to say nothing to say black fixed electrical black wasn't actually fixing i was in the cafe the cafeteria i'm guessing black you were walking with lunar hand in hand you're gonna get caught red-handed sus black knife and knife i don't know you got to explain for yourself black no please you wanted her noodles yeah they wanted luna's noodles that's what luna's dead you just eat bye-bye okay i killed luna wow he even voted for them true true i sport blueberry milk yeah we did it yeah good job that's right yeah i am scared because there's too many cheesy puffs this ain't good yeah there's too many cheese puffs the cheesy puff of lions i'm scared i'm the only pizza in this lobby meaning the cheesy puffs will gang up on me and they will eat me everyone's gonna go fix this is a perfect time for stack killing oh oh oh oh what happened oh i'm freaking out for no reason i got scared hmm weird very weird okay that was definitely a situation where one of us could have got killed but no one did purple green yellow red i'm gonna go do my task here everyone should look because i'm good that's right look at me look at me i'm doing a task see finished my task you can believe me because i'm good oh there's two j's in the lobby they're probably friends jimmy and jordan they're gonna kill us flicking this on easy another one in the specimen room there's way too many cheesy puffs oh luna's good everyone look at that okay that confirms that lunar can actually complete a scan she's just showing off like three times she's like everybody look at me i'm good i'm too slow to go fix the lights so i feel like someone else will do that because i'm way too lazy to go crawl my butt up there that is way too much work okay come on let's get decontaminated i just need to finish this one there's a meeting whoa what's happening brown brown someone killed dracula the cheesy puff king wait also luna is clear she's scanned lunar is clear guys lunar is good i am clear the robin bowl is no evil draco killed me last time this is big karma lol whoa red red chill you huh um red you got to chill you have vengeance or something did you see it did anyone see red skin dude red's scaring me i'm scared of red no i was at vitals oh okay brown knows what they're talking about reddish sauce but why is they call an emergency meeting uh i don't remember skip did we just skip what why what was the point of this i don't understand greece just like i ran away from red brown just like why did you call an emergency meeting let's see if they answer all right next round let's see them scan what okay red's just calling i'm skipping for now stay close and if they sabotage remember don't split up i'm not talking because i don't understand what's happening yeah they just they just called it it's because okay so brown reported because they were looking at vitals and draco died rainbow talks a lot that's red has a vengeance yeah yeah i'm talking a lot okay red why are you being so like i'm a gonna scan i'm here okay whatever skip you know what i'm just going to tell you this go scan to prove yourself worthy okay answer me imposter this chat's going crazy this is happening we have to skip gold gold did you vote someone i didn't see that i don't know no i didn't vote anybody what happened nobody's understanding okay everyone to the scanners okay let's go let's go take a look-see i literally was so close to the specific room i was gonna do my job and then they called it and i have to get my slow butt all the way back there okay everyone's gonna go scan look how magnificent this looks who shot the door on us stop toying with us thank you it looks like draco's cheesy army is down where are you going mice oh yeah that's right let's all go scan people let's go whoever is missing is oh oh stack kill stack kill oh my gosh oh how so savage that was savage what the heck what the heck i saw that they said it's rainbow um it wasn't me rainbow it wasn't me who who was the person next to me i don't know i was just too excited it was red i didn't like no no no no it wasn't red right rainbow's lying red was up ahead of us there's no way i know i literally don't remember the color yeah thank you there's so many colors there you slick rainbow huh it's not me rainbow i thought we was good vibers rainbow failed the vibe check rainbow anything to say rainbow defend yourself i'll skip i'll skip because rainbow's never imposter and i'll give her the better thing i know it's wondering i'm telling you that's such a lie rainbow but who is right next to me there was too many colors no someone was beside someone was beside rainbow two i i can't remember the color funny are you suss too why i'm not sucked because i saw three it was you guys don't understand it was like five people merged walking yeah all i know is that i was tailing red and red didn't do anything don't worry i saw the animation dude white why is white saying that brown said oh guys now she got you did follow and fifa scan we're not no wait why isn't rainbow voting no more following for scott trying to read the chat to see who's guessing we keep dying oh my gosh i accidentally voted myself because what's wrong with you rainbow washington great now i look sus because i didn't vote rainbow well i'm just saying a good thing um i guess we're all walking to scan again uh yeah just are we gonna fix that guys guys okay let's go fix that so green yellow brown white we're all here and red okay we're all here to fix fix the thing oh come on i was going to fix it are you kidding me this killer is a stacker so slow what this is torture oh my god someone just stacked kill they tried framing funny okay so funny was by the stack wait wait really wait someone died on the stack yeah what it was lunar she died on the stack they killed her okay what i didn't see i was doing the task people are saying they saw brown do it trust me it's i think it's brown brown dude brown was always a little like crazy i think it's brown it's brown okay oval brown i know it wasn't funny she was fixing the comms okay so i was doing comms and i saw report button so i report brown tried to make it look like it was her mice vote please okay it was me me admit it rainbow eyed you're reading okay yeah brown is just freaking out okay bye brown and then brown fell into the lava you are right all these imposters are just admitting they're impossible they're not gonna lie they always go for the ramen goal maybe oh i'm out of cheap maybe we should all be ramen balls yeah wow this is a good looking bunch of ramens and crew stickers am i right people bunch of good looking crewmates yeah i finished my cheetos now i am ramen boy dracula you bet you don't have ramen with you right tracko yes so i should go make some ramen bowls can we just please please please stick together please fine and then mute my okay i'll mute now i'm supposed to mute so i need to go to the cafeteria download stuff why i can't i can't even do tasks around you what extra wait why is there two people dead what extreme murder okay what do you have to say for yourself i saw someone vent [Music] rainbow talk rainbow talk hurry don't let go but you i saw when you said okay everyone let's stay together i turned around so i was like okay i'm going to go follow the group and then you're outstanding you're standing on both dead bodies did not report ran away because she was too slow to run back and then i ran and recorded it i saw someone vent where else go don't talk lies gold do you have anything to say self reported she was standing on top of the two bodies like a cold blood and murderer she did not wait why is liz like what wait why is black saying i saw funny yeah oh that's sauce oh yo let's leave both let's let's get rid of both of them first first gold and then liz too early i'm skipping yeah sure gold two oh gold okay who are we voting so we voted how did it feel to kill draco i didn't kill dracco are we voting gold it's because you only want it's telling you rainbow self-reported and then she vented no way okay somebody vented her partner vented your partner's invented [Laughter] you'll never find no wait are you serious she's going to stab us she's going to stab us no oh my god oh my gosh stick together talk talk talk talk oh my gosh are you kidding me guys guys okay stab me stab me right here i know you want my ramen noodles on my head gold we have to hit it we have to hit it yo we're gonna hit it right right rainbow rainbow oh okay we have to vote gold rainbow stop being so sass vote gold she's a killer we have to vote her or she'll kill us bunny and rainbow working together i'm skipping guys it's a for real okay seriously now she's blaming both of us okay i'm skipping yeah she's just blaming everyone which she's just ha if gold she's blaming everyone if gold gets away with this gold you know what kill me beside the button okay just kill me liz thinks gold's innocent nah i think ghosts and she's just blaming everyone and then she says i'm scared see i told you black's bad black siding with her i bet you blacks your accomplice gold oh they tried voting rainbow wait green and black voted rainbow keep an eye on that gold okay see don't just scream my ears okay rainbow gold i forgot the colors okay i have to mute sorry um i forgot the colors it was black oh it's black and black and green black and green rainbow so we know rainbow's good because she ratted out okay why does no one do the task around here i know we're insanely slow but come on guys don't be that lazy see i'm so down here i have to do this by myself no one's at the reactor you're all so lazy yo green green okay why didn't you follow funny to the reaction i was going to the reality rio no doc was saying rainbow y'all are so lazy that's why we lost look at this you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,699,929
Rating: 4.946733 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among uis, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, food among us, among us retexture, among us but food, among us food
Id: zLqiqXTSXEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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