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I will be nice only to rainbow I'm for real no games if I see someone cross it [Laughter] minecraft death run ultimate do you have what it takes to be the champion and win these ultimate minecraft earpods lightly used the ultimate battle is here guys we could finally test our skills to see who is the best death runner so we have death team and then runner team join your teams runners runner where I am the Death Bringer wait where's rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow why aren't you picking your team she's in cake are you you're not surprised if you think you can camouflage I'm not answering you I'm a piece of cake I don't need to answer to any rainbow you must play death run with us okay we only have one life why can I hit her what I am Cait you can't hit me because I'm cake cake no speaky that the games for the lightly used earpods begin you wanted lightly use your pods oh this map school I lunar hello unleash the runners boom easy oh oh well this is extreme okay go run I hope these don't spike any swim swim you all need to clean yourselves Cho I'm scared anyone want to go first we only have one life I don't even care about this game why aren't you hitting if she's in there oh she doesn't know to swim she's a trial this one do the whole holes again no like this up like that oh man I can't I can't no I ain't gonna die from normal causes round where are you going can't see why is just so much popper in here I hate these which door do you think we'll have - whoo holy carnage of I thought I was gonna pick the door we'll bring you middle middle middle middle Oh what the troll the left door was the death door oh okay good what look we just pretend to jump like this oh I can see you guys I am a haunting spirit that does not have to suffer ha ha Oh see you don't spell ha ha is this an easy map it feels kind of you nice plug there's Enda okay I will go first yeah this guy's poem is so slow by lunar say hi to death yeah it's now my turn to be the death person because that you failed at it and we're giving you pity points to play it again oh no why how about this we just let rainbow get a five seconds head start yes sounds good yeah okay go in love that idea for me go ahead rape I'm pretty sure it's the past five seconds [Music] rainbow press ctrl to smooth you're killing me yeah thank you go No you're torturing me Oh popper fish if I want the fish are my friends what is she doing what are we okay okay why did you die which doors lucky not move I saw him die through that door uh-huh yeah go ahead lunar still in the back I don't know if she's not I died from suffocating under water Wow guys easy man I didn't even need to do anything welcome to my desert Wow so bland just notice my desert here I don't know what this desert at that I know I said desert whoa you're pushing me away too early jump jump get through this you need to press anything I am now but the ghost hello I'm watching you guys but I don't see you don't worry I see you we can do this come on we can beat Drago you will never get past guys thank you deserve to be free yeah yeah after that performance whatever just kidding me I am dead let's bring death to him get the pun hit the button oh it's glitcher run run run lunar go-go trick hi anyone shame on ya are you he's pressing everything come on rainbow just died on the second level the buttons almost green okay jump jump jama equals this place safe why is there TNT there guys doing your job is pressing them early do you actually think we're just gonna run straight through rainbow we're gonna go put you on the death team because you deserve it thank you okay we're ready oh hey hello got this you know how to play death run oh of course are you excited for a desert go front run run run right yeah there's desert attack bye bye you know what I like I like games to be a little spicy hmm so I'm gonna move all the way to where you guys died before she's just okay making everything I like I shall died i I got tricked Drago was trying to make it to the end he's going through the tunnels of Dobie Victor but rainbow thinks she's being clever and she's just pre clicking everything out of troilus you over she thinks she's being smart but little does she know Drago is proud will regret this okay where's Luna Lunars in the back yeah I'll fall for a bed she wants you to die right here oh he's doing so good huh how you like them apples the king come on lunar oh hell no just humor traps we're cheering for you the green buns right there just go get it Reiner when your butt rip your heart off is called the disappearing blocks trap okay you just need to jump this hello why is there two deaths hello why not thanks like which in the system now there's two deaths hey Luna you get one don't get the other end okay we'll be batter whatever we play this map plenty of time then whoop look at that oh just go easy on us run and then we just pretend to jump whoop see oh she would do it but all she was kind of slow at the good one make the jump make the jump go rainbow yours does at this bars broken no that's definitely a lie hello I got - I got a hot one and a half hearts left that's right buddy got a team yeah he died gold he died enjoyed rock it was no job I'm very bold I'm rhyming everyone run whoa doing they'll be partners okay let's go let's go rainbow died in the back but that's fine like I lunar we're almost at the end welcome just let us go oh hi first let's swing but since I'm terrible terribly bad at parkour will you spare me and not Drago he's begging please sure yeah are you guys ready for the final round I'm gonna go real tough on you yeah I'm not gonna go easy okay right sure Riley no one was going easy right Walt ill test subjects run on the green glass don't you want some orange pop [Laughter] chuckle rope I got this yee-yee you oh no you Wow girls are really good there's one more uh-oh like I said I'm a desperate pro not really oh she go should we're gonna do is called weak floor trap I read it talk to her just run yeah what's this you like to go I love to slip I love swimming and then take a swim I don't know how to swim I'm a liar [Laughter] [Music] come on sway I don't like this I don't want to stumpy shy just swim come on [Applause] [Laughter] everyone put your hands in two together and we say rainbow oh how does it take for you to blow up creeper no any day now thank you tractor walk so we can ride go jack oh but oh no you don't drop Oh [Laughter] oh no it's track your you run okay what was this hey gold I'll give you two silver arrows I'm sorry rabbit Raider bunny keep running buddy keep running hey go back go back to where you were no well you know what can happen to you eats fancy clothes to honor I think if you stay in the water okay row can you walk rod the middle finger run blue nerd you gotta broaden your faster than dispensers you got this just the right sort Oh keep going right through the door hurry no no no no no I got I got it yeah left to right look at the walk of truth let's just go up step into it okay ready lunar you have chosen the right path keep running come on go go go quickly faster than you gotta go quick you gotta go quick lunar I am superior death master you know what gold has to join the runner team now don't go easy there was [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] it up those are arrows clap for me the comment section clap-clap-clap clap-clap-clap everybody please listen up I will be nice over there no just open it rainbow no rainbow will cross but if anyone else tries to cross I will flick it while rainbow I am NOT going to a no games no games you guys just just do this for me okay yeah sure I'm for real no games if I see someone you guys all are bad bad back didn't listen to my rules not take - are you gonna listen to me only latter across you okay hey don't go afk my game hey you outside just daydreaming because we're never gonna make it out anyway come on come on the walls evil whoa run yeah it was a pity point just go ain't goin that any point while you can go after unless you like barbecue I know what to do you guys should stand all of you walks like a dying to deaths Rocco is not supposed to be on that side yeah holy rainbow is we want to make it past that pirate so we can figure this family you can click the button Bubastis right no we gave the wind howl death winds is you click the button the fastest yes yeah totally how you play death ride yeah press all the buttons and if you don't press all the buttons yet instantly lose come on I was just bored of watching you guys dive in the same yellow Oh close hey funny coast what do you think that's what it does I don't know yeah I'll tell you look it if you go on the green block nothing will happen to you flying are you lying I know I'm not lying just stay on the game clock nothing whoa that would have hurt wait how'd Luna die that they fell this one is called the week just dip your toes on it funny Oh jackal why'd you press the button I don't like my sidekick you're my sidekick you guys are like two evil melons and you're bad at it arrows you know what since I will keep spreading the bun before me I'm gonna toxic you guys it's not a competition see you look I passed it off to the door what what's the door already press see it it's this like it's the right door Dyna the goats lunar you're the only survivor left died from the right door the right don't take your love it's always wrong just go go lunar cheering you on I can run faster than she can I'm nosy immortal oh really who wants to die by the TT back for more I hate Ian GE better stay far away stay super super far away why did you interrupt what what come on you guys see this that teens here there you gotta be right here to not die with us on that line this was a Depot no it regenerated the team regenerated rambling I want to see what a suffocating sand trap come on come on this is how far you must stand from TV block or you will live let me test see if it's true but still hit on but only one hurt the TNT is too cocky oh well can you even jump oh are you kidding me oh my god go just run my maze hurry while she's distracted hurry almost amaze [Music] I'm gonna die lava falls out of it get out you can you just pour laughs I want to see how beautiful it is no I want to do a wheelie well if someone's in it it's not beautiful I said get out get out get out what was Taco doing he's weaving in and out oh you better get out me I don't like that oh so close well that's the right side well we we've discovered that the right side is the way yeah it's like dying oh how would she have a second life I don't know I meant Oh glitched right side right side go go right go right that's right here right here hurry it's regenerating right it's always right I was right gold hurry what Leena you carried you get someone stole them for someone stole a white album we got the cake that we use again that's good enough for me dessert won't someone used it guys much like if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe if you're new we're crew thank you so much for watching and we'll see you all the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 16,093,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft itsfunneh survival, minecraft krew, minecraft krew survival, minecraft modded survival, minecraft mods, minecraft modded, funny minecraft, minecraft deathrun, deathrun, minecraft death run, death run in minecraft, itsfunneh deathrun, itsfunneh deathrun minecraft, krew minecraft, krew minecraft deathrun
Id: soq1_UDHJ8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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