The EVIL Imposter In Fortnite Among Us!

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one of us is not like the other we have to find out who the Imposter is amongst us like And subscribe so you're not sus get out [Music] I'm keeping my eye on all of you huh pooey your sauce is funny I'm an agent this sucks all right it's true I can hear the sauce in Bunny's voice every time she's like I'm gonna keep an eye on you sus monkey Bobo says bye everyone Tata monkey Bobo looks creepy but I'll go do my test oh no someone turned it on I bet you was Draco oh not fixing it that's already suspicious draco's acting like he doesn't know how the map works okay let's interact with that hey you what are you doing I was disabling the thingy and now I'm gonna do this task hey you two what are you doing gold did you see that he was very confused about stocking up the ammo box okay only played this two times okay I still don't know the map yeah yeah I'll just do my task just gotta shoot all of these down whoa look at that Mech in the back that's cool and that was simple I guess Draco was restocking ammo the only person I don't really see around the map yet is lunar whoa and hello hi do you like this costume of ketchup oh I do like ketchup I totally am not gonna you know pour it on somebody and light them on fire I'm gonna go do my task in this room what we call the meeting lunar oh lunar Luna what what did you just say what I can't hear you you cut off I said Draco was following me I was not following you lunar I was going to report the weapons and then I hovered knew the report button it was circling around like he was about to kill me I'm literally lost but he saw me circling earlier speak okay defend yourself yeah defend yourself I am talking thank you so much innocent vote him off I do honestly think that it's too early yeah literally it's our second time playing I'm still okay well if I die it is Draco got it how does that make sense okay now the Imposter is gonna kill you so they can vote we've noted this yes rainbow saw me do a past it's not me I saw Jackie's desk I did see her do a task um wow you guys you're being too crazy of course we're all sauce your sauce rainbow what I'm not sus I didn't Oh I thought I got voted [Laughter] okay can we just not go away I'm just listening to some Bops you know that's good see ya yeah whatever bye uh I have a feeling that it's a rainbow or lunar I did see Draco doing tasks but I don't know Draco might just be bad at directions so he didn't know how to do that check quality of Chess let's see how the chests are looking loot or setting this chest off there you go easy hmm I wonder if I can say hello somebody behind me whoa whoa whoa hello Bobo okay Bobo why are you following me next time what the okay let's fix this kind of sucks I think she triggered it let me take a look oh she's not doing anything oh wait she is I don't know let me take a look hmm hello everyone rainbows running hey hey you hello there again yes did you see Rainbow run away I thought she was helping me do the task what are you guys talking about nothing I'm just nothing I'm just gonna go do my she's speculated I'm just I'm a Speculator okay get that tablet what are you doing get the tablet away from me what are you I'm doing my tasks hold up all of us no watch this watch this okay this is a task look see come on the food's gonna get cold okay so we all know that gold I think it's gold is caught in 4k everyone finish your tasks and play dumb oh okay yeah let's go talk to Google I bet you it's gold okay let's go I'm so dumb I don't know who the Killer is it must be gold perhaps so footsteps behind me what the that's me this place is okay okay all right grab an advice I got my sledgehammer I'm just gonna go wreck that camera what are you doing with the tablet anyway let me just go smack this give it a little good smack there you go it's all better now it's weird I don't see gold around oh oh are you kidding me he kills me I hate him Draco why'd you call a discussion I was it's been too it's been too long without seeing anymore [Applause] gold no no God it was not me guys why are you whoa who voted me that was fast wait okay explain yourself Draco and gold because I suss you guys because I saw lunar doing a task what do you mean you saw me doing a task huh I'd like to say my ketchup bottle around the whole map and someone kept spoiling it with their stupid little assignment thingy that sounds well I was playing with my Nintendo switch I saw you guys holding the iPad or whatever it was can we just I think it's that one because he's too happy uh-huh can we give a round of applause everyone both acting is amazing yeah gold you get the Oscar for your attitude [Applause] I have bad acting skills I'm actually not to be impossible [Applause] it's rainbow she sucks [Applause] rainbow shut up and confession I know it's you yeah you are really blaming everyone aren't you you guys are gonna lose idiots oh no more rainbows you were right the first time Luna wow oh my goodness I finally got my revenge on GG I'm the best Luna you suck you tried to suss me out and you were right is that why you were walking around the map with the tablet the entire time yes I hate you guys kept picking up the tablet and putting it back down Bobo how do you feel about that why don't we just vote out the two people with the evil fortnite skins those two I'm mad at all of you that's not way that's not how you play this game and just a robot how do you assume that I'm a murderer okay fine fine you're the murderer I'm not the murderer I like to see this every round ah pooey I'm an agent okay I'm also an agent everybody hear that loud and clear ah repair tool hey that banana wait why is that banana running rainbow oh geez well it's a rainbow I'm calling it I'm calling it it's a rainbow no the portal I know who it is I know who it is emergency question who is with golden rainbow a me I wasn't anywhere near gold I was with funny you know what just don't even let her talk don't let rainbow talk don't let people talk calm down calm down okay she's stalling when everyone was a banana I saw a banana run out from where gold was killed but I don't know who it was because everyone was a banana it was rainbow she I saw her turn into a banana she ran down the stairs she turned she kept turning around and looking at me and then boom chased after gold and gold is dead just vote her do you know how Rainbow's not lying don't vote me what she's not talking in her love voice it's you I don't do that anymore voice right now she's sassy get her jacket on this one are you kidding me you think it's me Tata I hope you don't break all the banana stabs you how do you feel about this I'm not gonna vote for anyone because I honestly don't know which banana was To Kill these shoes you are rainbow it's okay but she's gonna stab you all whatever you deserve it it's not me you just lost an agent I hope you're happy I hope we didn't lose an agent it's rainbow see you never oh no oh shut up rainbow again Are you seriously you know we should have died we should have voted off Draco right away oh my God the same two people again [Laughter] automatically vote off Draco look at his face his smug face I don't care what I'm an agent this time [Music] I can do multiple tasks shut up everyone can do a task get out yeah I'm losing brain cells watching you guys play literally what is up with this gameplay gold why do you keep dying first that's your fault I don't know why I keep dying maybe it's because the Imposter is a fan that's why um it's not working call it is doing this because we're Petty sisters okay we're Petty get out we're Petty hey you're not explain yourself you look pretty over there there's nothing I am voting for your Draco I'm making my prediction right now it's gold because she's sitting oh no I'm sitting because I'm excited to see Draco die because oh really now please continue to say that whatever I get pizza now and you aren't getting anything oh enjoy your pizza as an imposter worth it it was worth it okay see you guys I'm actually on Facebook Egypt by the way I'm an agent again that sounded really fake did you just hear how she said poohie I'm an agent again that sounded super fake she's like turning around to tell us watch what are you guys talking about nothing no nothing okay bye we're having a friendly discussion I'm gonna let's follow her I bet you she's gonna kill gold let's go let's pretend and do test let's go sneaking on over we don't even we don't even need to do our task we just figure out who the killer is hello hey get away from me okay I don't know what are you guys doing get away with me wait what I just got refused wow what well I have the fuse I got teleported and I'm gonna go put the fuse into the what what is this the bridge you know what the science thing let's put the fuse in I don't see anyone around that task was pretty simple whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey oh hey so eager in here aren't you what you're cutting out I can't hear you you're so eager in here aren't ya dude I was literally just running in here chill okay yeah yeah yeah just don't follow me gold I can't die again I keep dying loot report I have my looks like a Nintendo switch or Draco says it's a little iPad walking around the map what okay we need to fix this interact great I just lost my mini iPad hmm I wonder who turned that off why isn't it why isn't anyone helping interact with these what the heck where is it unless someone's dead I think I should call a meeting you know what let's go call a meeting interact I bet someone is dead on the floor somewhere just what fragment oh my gosh I know who it is who gold came from the direction of Rainbow's dead body nah it's a self-report lunar please honestly I don't think it sounded so sass in the beginning look look at me look at me God hello no I was literally funny you saw me with you right funny yeah I did yeah and then I was teleported outside where my buddy was gone after cut the scene it's lunar funny it's great oh my gosh cut it out funny where a bad actor from the beginning I was never no no you know what Luna what time are you doing you guys so much you are the murderer what task what are you doing me yes I was carrying the security stuff carrying the security I was doing my burger task I was going ordering beef top what task are you doing the gas tank and then a sabotage happened where I had to de-hack the programs [Music] um please it's Luna I am not lying if if you vote out me you will lose the game you don't even speaking English probably you will lose the game well you guys Grandma's all broken ah I don't know who it is shooting lunar itself remember we were best friends buddy we are talking to each other [Music] before your eyes without teleported look at her does she look innocent to you she's making a story right now Luna I think this is fake I think your size oh you're dead sucker you're an agent are you all the games today we keep losing yeah that prediction was correcting oh yeah I forgot sorry they talk so much [Laughter] funny you fell for Gold's acting all right let's do Rainbow slogan ready rainbow where's rainbow are you the Imposter no I was just about to do this with rainbow rainbow hug ah no Philly uh agent again yeah me too remember what it's great off no you left me hanging I'm leaving No No hugs you don't get a hug no hug no no hot cow you think you just pull out that tablet and I believe that you're not an imposter well rainbow I'm going to the island control room whatever well I'm gonna follow you and be annoying well you can follow me all you want because I'm heading to the report office I'm gonna go do my task there wait why aren't you doing your task because I'm gonna be annoying I'm tired of doing tasks why I'm tired rainbow tasks you are scaring me can you go away oh it wasn't move you Draco it's you move your butt though can you hear that hurry hurry why go go go are you right so I'm lagging I'm lagging you guys are okay super slow jacket you stop defusing everything we're trying to defuse bro whatever hey hey what you guys like being weird at the spawn time I don't know what she's doing what somebody left me hanging I said I needed a high five [Music] my first time winning and I wanted a high five good job good job inside [Music] in high five oh my gosh she's literally trolling us today what okay fine hi everybody go away no no go away [Music] get away wait it is come on all right it was funny I saw funny right after killing her hey hey I doubled tapped I saw you killed me gold was scaring me so I know it was an adult I know it's gold let's just vocal inside you Luna wasn't beside you it's gold it's gold guys oh it's you funny okay not me okay it might be me okay it's me I'm a lion yeah Gameplay funny I'm sorry go agents go agents ah your first one you should be proud we're all looking pretty tasty huh yes um getting rid of the impossible who wants the Borgore what oh yeah Faking It Again well would you like ketchup and mustard with that yeah an agent I'm saying it's lunar okay that's what so go do your tests what dog would say yeah I bet you it's Draco wow to smash the crystals oh no I don't think anybody can do that Draco is innocent Draco it's not Jackal I don't think it's a jackal who is it it's not me it wasn't Draco I'm reporting it and I was nowhere near the body as you can see I had to run up to it whoever was beside the other banana I was beside Draco no no you can't I thought Draco report the body rainbow wait hey rainbow sprinkle ice cream you got anything to say for yourself no you're laughing you're laughing I hate goalie Sizzle and die what the heck don't vote me please I'll make burgers for you too throw her in the microwave oh I don't you're gonna turn into ice cream soup no I don't deserve this how dare you kill the chocolate bunny I love eating chocolate bunnies I don't deserve this I just want to make burgers for you all look delicious burgers now ice creams don't make burgers [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,747,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, fortnite, fortnite itsfunneh, fortnite funneh, fortnite funny, fortnite funny moments, fortnite krew, fortnite among us, among us, fortnite imposters, fortnite creative, fortnite gameplay, itsfunneh fortnite, funneh fortnite, krew fortnite, funny fortnite, among us fortnite
Id: rBt9KH2Puzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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