Busting Myths In Baldur's Gate 3

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are you destroying your loot when you break  open chests can your attacks hit an invisible   Target will you get more experience from  passing a dialogue check only to kill them   immediately afterwards in this video we  answer all these questions and more let's   get started with a highly contested Topic  in the community that destroying a chest   means you also destroy some of the items  that were inside of it however I've never   seen anyone actually test this so I started  a new game and gathered 100 chests from all   over act 1. next I placed each chest in  a line and started lockpicking so I could   verify their loot then I opened up Excel and  created a spreadsheet of every item that was   originally in the chests all 100 of them and  with the setup done it was time to get smashing and after all was said and done there were 100  piles of Loot on the floor exactly where the chest   used to be making it very easy for me to confirm  the findings for my Excel spreadsheets and after   comparing to the sheets there was not a single  item missing out of 100 chest destroyed zero items   were gone just in case I then Reloaded The save  to make sure that they were all locked and did the   test again to see if there were any differences  when destroying locked chests and after destroying   all of the chests again and comparing once more  there were zero differences so then where is   the community getting this idea that destroying  chess means that you lose items I'm guessing it's   because if there's a trap chest it can explode  and sometimes trigger nearby explosives which   then can destroy items on the ground afterwards  also there are some bug containers like this one   I found underneath the Buddha Village that deletes  every single item inside of it when you destroy   it however that container is not a chest meaning  the original myth that breaking chess means you've   destroyed the loot inside of it remains busted but  as for other containers there's no guarantees our   next myth being looked at today is that magehands  can't pick up items when using the magehand if   you attempt to click on items in the game then  nothing really happens sure you can move items   around or you can throw them but you can't really  pick stuff up even if you check the proficiency   screen of your Mage hands it shows that they can't  use any weapons or armor types and when you click   on weapons there's not any equip icon and nothing  really happens but for reasons I can't explain if   you Mouse over some some of the specially named  items in the game it'll show a gear icon instead   of the hand when that icon shows it means that you  can equip the item with the Mage hand and get the   full damage benefits from it if it's a weapon they  can even throw an equipped weapon when they're   done with it however if your magehand dies or its  turned ration expires while the item is equipped   then it will be lost forever oddly enough I've  also found a crossbow that this works with and a   few different armor pieces but those items will  sadly be 100 lost as the Mage hand cannot throw   those or drop them once equipped making it much  less viable for actually using it as it's not   really possible to determine if this is intended  or a bug I'll leave this myth as plausible for   now because they still can't pick up the other 99  of items in the game now if you've ever browsed   YouTube at all for Ballers 83 then you've probably  seen the next myth and that's that the everburn   blade gets you a massive head start and is even  overpowered just in case you're not aware the   everburn blade is a two-handed sword that drops  from the tutorial boss on the ship at the start   of Baldur's Gate 3. and if you've ever searched  YouTube on the topic then you might believe that   this sword is the most overpowered and necessary  item to start the game with but is that really the   case well well let's first look at when the weapon  could even be replaced and if you don't mind a bit   of saves coming then you can actually replace the  weapon by level 2 with a legendary Greatsword that   will easily last you until act 3. however if you  really wanted to get this sword you'd have to be   pretty lucky because it's a nine percent chance  for it to drop and you only get one shot at it   then you'd also have to follow it up by using  Mage hands or invisibility pots to get the weapon   back to your character and then probably revive  your Dead characters so it's a bit of a pain but   man is it ever worth it this weapon actually is  overpowered and you can use it for a very long   time okay so now we know it's very easily replaced  if you use a kind of cheesy method but what if you   didn't really want to do that well the everburn  blade is basically just a normal Greatsword that   has been dipped in fire permanently so if you  don't mind using dip you can get comparable   weapons very easily such as the great Ax from the  basement of the toll house which has extra attack   on it and can be obtained without fighting  anything if you didn't do that though you'd   probably replace the sword by about level 5 after  fighting the githyanki patrol so about halfway   through act 1 realistically I think no matter how  you spin it the everburn blade is neither broken   nor overpowered and there's an easily obtained  alternative which actually is so I'm gonna say   this myth is also busted now for the myth that I  was most interested in testing personally passing   dialogue checks which allows you to skip  a fight and then killing them immediately   afterwards grants more experience than if you just  [ __ ] them that explanation might be a little   bit confusing but once I show you it's going to be  pretty clear so to start out with testing this one   I went to the goblin Camp as a drow which unlocks  unique dialogues that allow you to skip the fight   and grants you 140 experience just for talking to  them then immediately after the conversation ended   I killed the Goblins which granted me an extra  zero experience next I reloaded the save file to   before I talked to the goblins and I did the fight  without talking to them and I still earned a total   of 140 experience meaning this was the exact same  amount there was no extra experience earned next I   repeated this test in five other locations in act  1 where I knew that this mechanic is possible and   in four of the locations there was no difference  at all an experience earned between a dialogue   check and killing the mobs afterwards one location  however was different at the goblin windmill you   can pass the dialogue check there and you earn  just 70 experience which is much less than a   few kills on the mobs but if you follow up the  conversation by attacking them immediately after   before they run away you actually end up earning  an extra 50 experience compared if you never talk   to them and you just fought them meaning this myth  actually is confirmed to work but not really that   often however I was curious why so many people  believe this one to be true so I decided to do   a little bit further testing I tried long resting  between attempts I tried coming back hours later   I even tried switching my party members but it  made no difference until I decided to save and   reload the game and that's when I discovered the  answer if you do a dialogue check save the game   reload the game and then kill the mobs you then  get full experience once again from killing them   all effectively doubling the experience for the  encounter but even worse this can be exploited   further by knocking out all of the enemies with  non-lethal damage first then you can save and   reload again to kill them after that by doing  this you get the experience from the dialogue   The Knockout and killing the mobs meaning you  can basically double or triple your experience   from nearly anything in the game in my opinion  this is clearly a bug however it does in fact   prove the myth to be confirmed true passing  dialogues and then killing the mobs afterwards   does sometimes yield more experience and if you  decide to use exploits it dramatically increases   the experience earned and the final myth that  I wanted to test in this video is that you can   hit an invisible Target with your non-aoe attacks  while this one really isn't much of a myth it's   more of myself just wanting to know the answer so  I saved the game knowing exactly where the heck   went invisible then proceeded to test all of my  attacks and to my surprise arrows actually can hit   an invisible Target as can spells water bottles  improved melee swings Throne items Scrolls and   cleave attacks however a melee swing directly at  where she is will never hit her making it the only   attack that fails to hit an invisible Target and  as an added bonus I found out that magic missiles   can actually hit the wrong target if there's an  invisible Target in the way which I believe is the   only way in the game that magic missiles will not  hit its intended target so anyways this myth is   confirmed true you can hit invisible targets with  most attacks except for melee swings but honestly   arrows really surprised me and with that I will be  wrapping up the first of possibly a series that I   wanted to do on this channel if you did enjoy the  video and want to see more of this style make sure   to leave a like And subscribe for future content  did any of these myths surprise you do you have   anything that you want me to test let me know  in the comments below until next time proxy out
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 878,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate, Larian Studios, BG3, Guide, Tips, Tricks, Proxy, Prox, Gate, tactician, How to, Gameplay, 2023, Asmongold, Tips & Tricks, Mythbusting, Myths, Misconceptions, Baldurs gate, Bald, Baldur gate
Id: oPTzx-M-_mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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