Busting More Myths in Baldur's Gate 3

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how many days does it take to lock down the  Grove can disarmed enemies actually re-equip   their weapons and do you really need featherfall  to survive a dive into the underdark in this   video we answer all these questions and more  first let's tackle the myth that players get   punished for resting too many days and then they  are locked out of the druid's Grove when trying   to search wikis YouTube and even Google for the  answer I came across probably 50 different results   including 2 5 10 15 or even 20 long rests so in  order to find out the answer I loaded up a new   game completed the tutorial and I got resting  20 long rest later I entered the Grove to find   out it didn't matter but maybe it only matters  after this point or when talking to specific   people inside so I became a social butterfly and  hibernated for three more weeks to find out that   once again nothing has changed the next idea I had  was that it might require you to visit a certain   area in the act or require a certain level so  I continued this method of testing completing   the quests and fights in an area and then resting  20 times first I started in the village then the   goblin Camp then the underdark and then grimforge  completing every Quest and encounter that I could   possibly find outside of killing the Goblin  leaders or the people in The Grove and after 200   days of long resting nothing happened as you can  see by the number of Auto saves I have so unless   I had some weird bug blocking my game I think it's  safe to say that long resting cannot complete The   Rite of thorns and close off the Grove so what  exactly can further research online led me to   find that killing helson or zevolor should be  the trigger which I did and once again nothing   happened the next advice that I read was to kill  every single tiefling in the Grove so a few war   crimes later and the quest popped up and it said  that the tieflings have decided to leave finally   triggering the Grove's closure with a bit of  repeated testing I found that killing zevolor   and about 10 other tieflings will be the trigger  to advance this Quest and close off the Grove so   that's one trigger found next I'd read that  killing korga would immediately trigger the   ritual so I used a new exploit that I recently  discovered where we stuffed Gale's corpse into   a box while in turn-based mode and move it  around until she dies from the necrotic Aura   which doesn't actually cause anyone to blame  me for her death or initiate combat and gives   us all the experience then to what should be no  one's surprise at this point the internet was   wrong Once More korga's Death does not trigger  a lockdown instead you need to actually attack   Druid touch the idle ignore them at the entrance  of the Grove or annoy them in some other way to   get this cutscene to trigger which shows that The  Druids are attacking the tieflings doing this will   cause the Grove to go into lockdown immediately  upon leaving the area but the final trigger and   probably the one that started this whole myth  is that by entering the mountain pass or act 2   a message will pop up on the screen with a dialog  box explaining that leaving the area will advance   your quests which many people ignore like it's  a text message from their Crazy Ex-Girlfriend   foreign s a forced long rest after this long rest  complete your quest will pop up to say that the   tieflings have decided to leave the Grove and if  you try to return you'll find that the entrance to   the Grove is now sealed off so unless somebody  else knows something that I don't I'm pretty   confident in saying that the amount of long rest  that you take does not affect the Grove's closure   and Larry and themselves even hinted at this in  an interview with IGN meaning this one is busted   the second myth being looked at today is that the  disguise self spell can stop guards from searching   for you when pickpocketing or stealing this is  a myth that I found posted on other people's   YouTube guides and I had several comments  on my own videos asking me to confirm if   it actually works that casting this guy itself  pickpocketing and then shifting back out makes   it impossible for you to be caught lucky for me  these are pretty easy to test so they shouldn't   be wrong right with just 20 seconds of testing  we can pickpocket this vendor drop our disguise   and wait to see what happens and of course we're  caught in the act but maybe the person who posted   this was just talking about stealing random items  in the area so with 10 more seconds of testing we   can find that that too does not work while the  myth is a cool idea on paper it just doesn't   seem to work part two of this myth comes from  a tip on a certain controversial Wiki site the   disguise self prevents you from being caught when  using friends in Baldur's Gate 3 just in case you   weren't aware when you're using friends on higher  difficulties there's a chance for it to fail and   then the guards will accuse you of casting a  forbidden spell but with just another 15 seconds   of testing we find that this 2 does not appear to  be accurate as once again we're caught in the act   my guess is whoever was testing this was not  playing on the tactician difficulty which may have   been why they were never caught there is actually  one crime that disguised self does prevent you   from being caught in and that's when you escape  from jail normally when you're escaping you get   the fugitive debuff on you and guards will rest  you on the spot but if you're disguised then they   don't care however I didn't see anybody mention  this one in any YouTube guides and as far as being   caught when pickpocketing stealing or using the  friends spell well in my testing in each of these   cases it appeared to be false meaning this one too  is busted the next myth being looked at today is   that you must have feather fall to survive jumping  into the underdark in case you're unaware in act 1   near the spider boss you can jump into this Chasm  here for a shortcut directly into the underdark   and basically every single online post I could  find mentioned that you require featherfall in   order to not die when doing this so I did a bit  of research into the DND 5e rules that Baldur's   Gate 3 is based on and I found that the maximum  possible fall damage is supposed to be capped at   120 so it should be impossible to die this way  as long as you have more than 120 Health which   is normally quite difficult to achieve in act  1 but they they recently bought the Explorer   difficulty to double your health so by changing  the difficulty we can set our level 5 barbarians   Health pool to 125 and moving our Mouse with the  jump ability selected into the chasm shows that   we should take 122 damage instead of death like  it normally shows but when I attempt to jump in   we get the regular cutscene and find that it kills  us instantly so even though it says we should be   taking just 122 damage I have determined that was  a lie larion your patch notes are a scam I tested   this a bit further by pushing one of my characters  from a height of 51 meters which dealt 351 damage   so it appears there is not any damage cap on  falling in Baldur's Gate 3 but anyways I got   sidetracked back to the original myth so with all  that information in mind what are some of the ways   that people can actually avoid fall damage in act  1 when changing elevations well clearly we have   feather full but there's also fly landing on wet  surfaces among slow fall owl Bears crushing flight   barbarians eagle dive and Misty step but those  are just the ones I knew at the top of my head   and there could be a few that I missed let's first  try Misty stepping surprisingly it actually lets   us cast it into the chasm but it instantly kills  The Barbarians Eagle leap sadly requires being in   combat and a Target making it much harder to test  however I didn't let that stop me I timed it on a   meteor Target which took many attempts to even do  but it still didn't work then I even managed to   get one of my characters into the fall cut scene  and attempted to cast on them but it still failed   next the Monk's slow fall was actually impossible  to trigger in this scenario so that one's also out   and although spider webs are not realistic at all  I tested them anyways but they too did not work   the owl Bear's crushing flight gives us an instant  death with not even showing a cutscene odoluk's   resilient sphere said that it should block all  damage however we still die okay maybe death Ward   I mean that should prevent the death afterwards  right no that too um okay blood of lathander wait   blood of the Thunder worked but death war doesn't  okay I don't get this one and technically this one   doesn't count because we didn't actually survive  the fall but that's kind of cool to know I guess   through all this testing it appears to be a  trigger requiring an exact scenario and it's   not actually fall damage which is pretty lame  larion so by that logic it seems to require   something very specific so next I changed into  a sorcerer picked up the fly spell and finally   found a spell outside of featherfall that lets  me survive but for some reason featherfall is the   only spell that triggers the exact cut scene  here and grants karlak a bonus 30 experience   for doing it but since the original myth was that  only featherfall works which is what almost every   website claimed when I was researching the topic  thanks to fly it's safe to say that this one too   is busted I'm pretty sure that I tested all the  existing ways to negate fall damage before level   8 but I couldn't actually find any list online of  spells that reduce fall damage if you know of any   other spell that may have reduced fall damage  here please let me know in the comments the   next myth being looked at today is that disarmed  enemies will re-equip their weapons in combat this   is one that I've seen mentioned in quite a few  YouTube guides the the guides normally mention   that you have to rush to get a weapon that you've  disarmed from your enemy so they do not re-equip   it in combat however in my hundreds of hours of  bulger's Gate 3 I can't recall ever seeing an NPC   even re-equip their disarmed weapons so is this  even possible so to start with i disarmed a few   NPCs that were standing around using the command  spell and shockingly they don't seem to get mad   at you for doing this which is kinda weird so then  I watched and waited for a few minutes as none of   them would re-equip their weapons then I engaged  in combat and they would still not re-equip the   weapons so next I tried disarming them in the  middle of the fight to see if that would make   any difference and for the full duration of the  fight they would still not re-equip their weapons   so next I let my character die in the battle and  observed as they actually walked over to their   weapon and re-equipped it after the battle  was over which I didn't really expect so now   that we know that they can re-equip it can they  actually re-equip it in combat then I moved to   a hard to reach area and destroyed this ladder  so that the enemies can't reach me followed by   engaging in combat and disarming this Goblin and  when the goblin started his turn he picked up the   sword and re-equipped it proving that enemies can  re-equip a disarmed weapon in combat so all the   YouTube guides that I'd seen were actually correct  when they'd said that they're able to do this but   it seems like they won't pick it up again unless  they have no other available actions meaning it's   probably not necessary to rush to grab it before  they can pick it up again and with that this myth   is confirmed to be true the final myth for today's  video is that Eve's tools and trap disarm toolkits   get consumed when you use them well luckily for  me since I had a save file with about 100 chests   in a line this one was pretty easy for me to test  so I cleared out my inventory so I only had one   of each then I went to the lock lock picked the  lock checked my inventory and I still had it then   I repeated the test with the trapped his arm kit  and we see that we get to keep those too so with   nearly 500 hours played in this game somehow  I didn't know that I guess the fact that it   pops up and says used made me think that it meant  consumed I'm actually kind of curious to know if   I'm the only one who didn't realize that anyways  that's all the mythbusting that I have for today   if you've learned anything new be sure to like  And subscribe for future content and if you have   any other myths that you'd like tested be sure to  submit those in the comments below also be sure   to check out some of my other videos if you're  new here as always thanks for watching proxy out
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 610,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate, Larian Studios, BG3, Guide, Tips, Tricks, Proxy, Prox, Gate, tactician, How to, Gameplay, 2023, Asmongold, Tips & Tricks, Mythbusting, Myths, Misconceptions, Baldurs gate, Bald, Baldur gate, Druid's Grove, Grove, Long Resting, Long Rest
Id: kGbLSKtMkLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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