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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications oh here we go let's do it let's fight the giant squid let's do it oh oh oh I think I murdered [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to feed and grow fish now you probably noticed some strange red text here on this title screen and as you can see this directs us to a youtube channel now this is a group of individuals I believe who have successfully modded feed and grow fish and they've created this mod that does a lot of really really cool stuff so I will have a link in the description down below to their YouTube channel but without further ado let's check out this really cool mod so I think we're gonna start out on the river level because I honestly very very rarely play the river level and we're gonna show you guys here what this mod can do it's actually really cool so if I go into the fish select menu you probably already noticed there's a whole bunch of weird text up in the upper right hand corner check this out basically we have access to every single fish that is in this game how crazy is that because you know typically you can't play as every single fish there's a lot of like non player fish I guess like a jellyfish can't be a jellyfish that's against the rules not in this mod look at a baby penguin there's a little baby baby baby penguin I don't know I'm talking like that's weird evil king crab I don't even know where you came from you freaked me out I don't like the way you're looking at me how crazy is this so let's just go through this uh trilobite what what even are you you don't belong here what I don't understand uber you call your uber and you get one of these that would be weird look at all these guys oh oh my gosh squid a squid for real where did this squid come from that is this seriously in the game I did not know that this guy even existed to be perfectly honest with you and that's kind of embarrassing but we can play as the squid now that's crazy let's continue exploring a zombie you look like a zombie you're adorable why you called a zombie look at you I don't know if I want to find out why they're called maybe that fish loves to eat brains vampire leech why I mean that's cool I just there's there's so much going on here oh look we got the bone vivos and the robot Bebo's are separated which is interesting why do you have people teeth this guy has straight like human teeth that's freaky I don't like that make that go away you're you're adorable you just look so happy there's dory so so wonderful a lot of these guys we can play as though the mantis shrimp barracuda norway redfish zebra fish that's that's kind of cool this salmon a lot of these guys you can play as the Megillah rap diss man this guy's scary he freaks me out well this guy how are you this is a swamp creature I don't know I don't even know there's so many remember a Galia soros that's one of the new reptile fish the Blizzard months I don't know is it a gal a galilea source i don't even know how to say that name but he looks real cool klej nice it's just ledge oh the seal what you blaze the seal and also I'm noticing that do I just have like unlimited coins is that what's going on so like these costs money but I can I can play as them regardless because I haven't played this at all so can I just have infinite money that that's pretty cool too that makes my life a lot easier I gotta say why are there oh there's baby whale shark interesting okay there's the old school great white shark oh my gosh he looks real grumpy Mosasaurus we can play as Mosasaurus what oh my gosh okay this is like really really cruel kronosaurus we could plays the sperm whale oh man Oh tell me mega mega load up yes we can play as as Megalodon on the on the swamp level that doesn't even make sense let's just let's just try let's see what's going on here this is gonna be weird what hello where am I oh my gosh it my time too big I'm inside the ground I what what is happening I can't slow down please meg Meg slow down you're getting out of control oh I I'm like inside of the megalodons face this is what the inside of a Megalodon face looks like I don't know if I like this okay I just if I just eating everything yeah okay everything's getting eaten that's it's so weird if you were the stomach of a Megalodon this is what you would see just everything in your way getting consumed in an instant okay you need to slow down buddy okay okay all right let's see can i zoom out here check you out okay all right okay zoom out a little bit a little bit more a little bit more okay there we go we got a nice shot a Meg right there look at him hanging out in the swamp or the river because why not so this is why I'm talking about this mod so cool this is really really cool you can do a lot of stuff with this mod but this is only the beginning check this out now I'm gonna go in to spectate mode and does that kill the mate that doesn't does it kill the Megalodon are you dead or you just you just flip the old my gosh that's a real dead Megalodon my bad sorry about that Meg so you probably noticed this little menu text up in the upper right hand corner this gives us the ability to spawn creatures on the fly we see so cool you can set the level that they start at so like for instance let's just go down to the the lowly Nautilus and we can spawn one level 20 Nautilus that's a that's a level 20 Nautilus now we can adjust that right so I can go down you can see the number going down so I can spawn a level one Nautilus look it up mommy and daddy mommy and daddy no that's mommy and baby oh my gosh that that Nautilus is eating the remains of the Megalodon oh oh yeah everything okay that's that's kind of scary yeah okay we've just created the world's most deadly Nautilus ever but yeah so like we can spawn these guys on the fly but check this out you can also change the power level so the power level is basically how fast the creature gets spawned into the world let me demonstrate watch I've set it to 20 boom so now I basically have a Nautilus cannon I can go up even more let's let's continue this chaos let's go up to like 50 okay low 50 look it's like a homing torpedo oh my gosh hey guy oh man okay and now you can also spawn multiple at the same time so all I have to do is press the number key so this spawns one but if I press two responds to at the same time at first three spots three at the same time if I hold zero it will spawn a billion and look at this what am I even doing anymore I am filling the river with Nautilus because why not you guys know how much I love to mess around with games and make them do things that they're not supposed to do so this is definitely is exactly what I love to do like we've just filled the river with what is even happening anymore oh my gosh yeah it as you could tell the game is really really upset with me and I could understand why yeah there's really big one over there too and so that's the even crazier thing so if I level up this guy if I change this to level 20 I can spawn giant Nautilus a billion times over like that's terrifying the kind of power that I now have I'm gonna spawn one I just spawned a level 50 I don't want the torpedo cannon anymore can we can we cool this down a little bit can we lower the power of our of our spawning power that made no sense but it sort of did kinda anyways look at this level 50 Nautilus yeah it's just a giant monstrosity and now I'm just gonna spawn like I don't know I I don't even know what's happening anymore there's probably a million of these things filling the ocean it's not even an ocean it's a river oh yeah okay I've made a serious mess of this and I love it look at these guys what are you guys doing there's no more space for you guys anymore here let's get out of the water please can we can we check this out all Oh what Oh doh oh I did that I shouldn't have done that this is there's not enough room for you guys here I'll fix it I'll fix it don't worry I'll just spawn more this will fix it I promise is it fixed oh it's not it's not fixed it's definitely not fixed not fixed oh okay that one is flying that's incredible now now we've discovered the first flying Nautilus the world has ever seen so that's that's pretty amazing I'm very excited about that Oh oh my gosh what a mess fun absolute mess a glorious mess that I created so there is just a small taste of the kind of power that we now have so let's get out of here we've turned this into just an absolute disaster let's go back into one of the other maps why don't we just go into the great map here I was thinking you know it might be kind of crazy to spawn a bunch of Megalodon I mean we can basically do anything that we want I actually want to try playing as the the squid because that seems kind of cool that's something that I've never experienced before life is a squid he's so big all right let's let's try it out what do you even do how do you how do you live your life Oh but okay I just I just murdered that Bebo's did I can I even eat stuff Oh oh my what Oh oh my gosh no this is not normal you can't do this normal what is why can I do this oh my gosh this is crazy zoom out forever okay that's super weird can I can I come back now hello thank you for the drone shot but I would like to return to the ocean to live my life as a weird weird squid okay so we are now a squid and oh my gosh that is nasty it really well I would not want to get eaten by a squid it's just just say it throwing it out there doesn't seem like a very pleasant experience 1xp thank you should we try and fight the Megalodon oh my gosh Megalodon versus the giant squid that sounds incredible oh this is so good now I don't know if there's a way to actually change the level of my of my creature I don't know if there's a way to hack that there probably is I mean it seems like you can do just about anything with this mod but I don't know how to do that I would love to make myself like level 50 to try and take down the Megalodon but regardless I want to see what this guy can do we could even go after the prog Nath and on but let's start let's start a little bit smaller here let's try this guy let's see what happens if we if we bite down on this guy you get a yo you're not getting away buddy oh oh oh this is not good okay that hurt that hurt ouch ow ah boy I don't know if the squid is exactly the strongest creature in the ocean here maybe maybe taking on the Megalodon isn't the best idea okay so we've learned a valuable lesson the giant squid he's not very strong but I was actually thinking you we can't change the level that we are but we can change the level that we spawn so if I go through this menu here and I find myself the squid let's see there it is squid right there now I can change this guy to level like 100 I guess I mean level 50 is probably gonna be enormous level one was already huge so if he's level 100 I don't even know what to expect here but at the very least we can spawn it spawn one okay okay we've created Oh oh my gosh it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful but I didn't want to spawn it over here I want to spawn Oh Megalodon oh oh there's gonna happen this is gonna happen come on squid squid no go yes he's turning they have they have they made eye contact you guys have to fight you have to fight are you really Megalodon like I don't even know you're not Megalodon you're just great white shark I I was looking at that was like wait a second you're you're too small you're not cool enough are you okay there squid dude hey I don't I don't know if he's okay he doesn't look okay you don't look okay have I mentioned that you don't seem okay okay I got this I got this I got to figure it out guys all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be the Megalodon I'll be the monster of the sea now I'm gonna fight this giant level 100 squid and see what happens I have a feeling that I'll be that I'll win that's that's my guess here at the baguette oh my gosh to megalodons it's beautiful let's go team Meg I love it alright I gotta find this giant squid he's kind of hard to miss to be honest but I don't know where I spawned him where where are you buddy let's just peruse the ocean for a little bit here look out keep an eye out for you know a squid that's approximately the size of the Titanic and any giant squids if you guys see any giant squids lately you guys down there no oh I think I found him there he is oh here we go let's do it let's fight the giant squid let's do it oh oh oh I think I murdered it like really really easily yeah that was that was almost embarrassing for the giant squid yeah I mean he tried at least he thought about it he definitely gave it some serious consideration but that's a super dead giant squid sorry about that buddy okay can we actually I hadn't even thought about this can we spawn creatures when we are not in spectating mode so actually I can probably set the level to like I don't know I guess 200 now we'll try 200 but honestly I don't think the giant squid was designed to to fight he's a survivor not a fighter so I don't think that he'll ever be able to take on the Megalodon I mean the giant squid was way way bigger than we were but we killed it in two bites it's not too good for the giant squid so I'm gonna spawn a giant squid but that totally works level 200 giant squid right there oh my gosh it's horrifying what in the world is happening I just I can't so I want to see if he'll even attack me like can you can you attack me here are you just confused and lost soul you don't know what's going on do you you are very very confused and you know honestly I understand I mean you came into this world as very large creature I'm gonna I'm gonna swim into your mouth okay you're not attacking me nothing's happening oh wait no no no nothing's happening what come on giant squid you gotta be cooler than that nothing just just a big old blob he's a big old friendly blob well now I feel bad then I'm about to murder him but only a little bit because I'm still doing it I'm yeah yeah oh man oh that's it that's dead squid that's a real dead squid this is gonna give us a ton of XP oh my goodness oh look at all that XP oh my gosh that is s too much that's too much XP the Megalodon he's too powerful he just he's too powerful too much winning you gotta slow down on the winning front all right Meg you're too good look at this guy oh man this is so cool being able to play as the Megalodon and fight giant squids I love it what else can we spawn let's see a swamp crab sure I'll spot a level 200 Swamp crab on top of my head why because he's just like how did I get here this is not my swamp this is not the swamp that I ruled yeah you're in the big pod now buddy he's freaking out he doesn't know how to handle this situation oh my gosh this is cool unbelievably awesome a baby Barracuda a level 200 baby Barracuda like why again I think the more correct answer is why not oh my gosh that just looks ridiculous and I love it he's cute and terrifying at the same time it's beautiful and this crab over here is just lost and confused he doesn't know how to handle the situation this is amazing I think I'm gonna go back in to spectate mode let's do some crazy spawning shenanigans a couple of dead megalodons just floating around that's morbid oh and they just turned into meat a lot lots of lots of meat all right what else should we spawn baby just I'm just gonna spawn a baby that okay you're a baby you're a very very big baby we're just throwing that out there Liz I can spawn like a hundred of in a second like oh my goodness it's the most conflicted fear I've ever had it's the cutest fear I've ever faced what is happening this mod is amazing let's spawn some zombies there you go you got a bunch of baby zombies look at all them they're everywhere I don't know what else to say it's just it's magical this is just magical oh my goodness buried in an army of giant baby fish it's horrifying and delightful at the same time pure magic gosh what a beautiful mess what a beautiful beautiful mess alright what else do we got vampire leech we can actually play as the vampire leech that seems kind of cool oh my gosh we can spawn a bunch of Bebo's a bunch of bone Bebo's what the heck we're gonna ruin the ecosystem here oh my gosh the giant bone fish army Oh Oh No what have I done like seriously I don't even think they know what to do they just are they just chomping they're just chomping why what are you guys doing I kind of want to spawn one of these guys next to like Megalodon see what happens let's go Robo mode see we got Robo be most we do so I can spawn one there's one giant Robo Bebo's he has no idea what to do they just stand there and chomp it's kind of weird yeah might be a little bit broken who's going out on a limb and saying that the game probably doesn't quite understand how to handle all this I can't imagine why seems like a perfectly normal occurrence everyday thing happens all the time here Meg here fight fight this guy do it do it you guys need to fight Robo Bebo's versus Megillah go go robo Bebo's you're gonna die o t kill him no fight fight Robo Evo's he's behind you you got turn around dude you've got to turn around you're not you're not gonna make it dude you're not gonna make it if you don't fight back he's not fighting back he's just accepting his fate and just letting Megalodon rip him to pieces that was my child you just murdered my robot son you hurt me you hurt me Megalodon all right well let's let's lower the level a little bit and before we end this episode I feel like we need to we need to try and break the game here so let's go to like level 100 and oh oh oh what what is what is even happening I don't I have no idea what just happened I mean look at this the sound stopped I can't hear it wait can we can we can we exit oh my well I was gonna say let's break the game it looks like we already did amazing truly amazing let's let's start over then maybe I'll go back to the menu Go Go single-player let's go - should we go the ocean map now let's go with a great man let's do the great map we're gonna fill this thing with I don't know what should we fill it with okay we're back everybody's happy things are things are moving again alright that's good to see I'm glad to see that let's go up here and let's just look upon our canvas before we destroy it so there's our there's our beautiful ocean let's go to level 200 I'm gonna take it back to level 200 I'm also gonna up the power of my my launching spawning ability you know what why don't we get real crazy should we go 300 let's go 300 is test the limits a feed and grow fish all right what are we gonna spawn what seems like we're gonna fill the ocean with level 300 Dory's it's happening this is it's gonna happen right now here we go three two one go go Dory oh oh gosh Oh what have I done Dory you know I recommend that you uh just keep swimming oh how did that happen did I did the door he's not make it maybe it's cuz I spawned them - too high up in the air they couldn't quite make it and they they turned into that my bad sorry about that dory it's okay everything's okay and spawn some more there's spawn some over there this is incredible I love it phonce of over here I was gonna spawn them on the go you know well I head over in this direction why not spawn some more dories oh what a mess what an absolute mess all right let's go under water let's see what this looks like oh gosh oh there's there's no there's no room there's no safety she's got that little mouth and there's a this Prague Macedon very very confused as to what is happening and well it's understandable this is definitely understandable buddy they're looking at each other they're just they're just looking just looking at each other trying to figure things out it's amazing just amazing nature and it's in its purest form right there oh well we've got a bit of a bit of space over here so you'd better fill it up get some more Dory's going there you go can never have enough dory that's what I've always said oh my poor computer oh it's beautiful hello the dories eyeball it's nice to meet you but guys I think that's gonna do it for this episode I can almost guarantee that we're gonna come back to feed and grow fish with this mod because this mod is amazing so let me know if you guys have any ideas for things that we can do shenanigans that we can get into with this mod but I have a few ideas bouncing around in that noggin of mine so I think we'll uh we'll come back to this in the future but that's gonna do it for this episode guys I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,798,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark, giant squid
Id: SZR6BgzJrlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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