I Became A Spider... (and it’s awesome)

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i've been a mouse i've been a squirrel i've been a cat i've been a dog i've been a bee but i've never been a spider until today let's see how that goes [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome to a new game for the channel it's called webbed and it's about being a spider or something i don't know i've never played it but it looks really cool i wanna try it out and as you can probably tell emmy's hanging out with me today it's gonna be a good time we got baby cam in full effect without further ado let's start playing some webbed new game go it's me i'm a spider okay i can move i can dance that's an actual button oh my gosh i love it spider dance i've seen spiders like legitimately doing this before and it freaks me out honestly you guys if you guys know my history with spiders it's very strange relationship i gotta be honest i love charlie the spider but spiders freak me out i gotta say though this spider over here kinda looks like charlie i kinda love it anyways um let's follow our spider friend r to aim your web then hold rb to grapple yo oh my gosh this this is really cool press r3 to toggle precise aim oh i i think i understand okay so you can get like a little bit more precise with your with your web slinging skills oh my gosh i'm spider-man but i'm not a man i'm a spider where did my spider friend go by the way i didn't even notice oh he crossed the chasm okay aim at a point and hold lb to start spinning webb oh i can make like a bridge now aim at a second okay i like that a lot i understand and now i can climb my little spiderweb bridge oh my gosh this is awesome it's adorable too i gotta say this little spider very cute very very cute little fella can i just climb walls like can i oh no you can't climb mud okay so so i need to build myself a bridge right no that didn't work yeah and then and then place it right there and then you got yourself a little spidey web oh i love it oh i love it okay okay okay okay all right we need to okay we need to make another uh spider bridge oh no i gotta hold it there we go there we go there we go okay he's done it oh my gosh this is so cool i'm gonna forget all of these buttons in like five seconds but it's it's very cool hello spider friend and your large spider web can i make a spider web can i make that this is where i want to live what's was he showing me how to make a spider web and then we got rudely interrupted very rude where are you going what are you looking at something shaking your web oh my gosh i never knew that crows could be so terrified uh shoot lasers what i'm a spider with laser eyes i was not expecting laser eyes that's okay i'm the coolest spider ever that's incredible yeah sure let's let's destroy everything with laser eyes who needs spider webs when you have laser eyes i was gonna shoot that moth okay hey buddy i'm so sorry i saw what happened to your boyfriend oh that was my boyfriend he just got eaten by a crow that big bean bird has been menacing the land below its sky bower for years it devoured many of my siblings but i think it has something else in mind for you bo bo is that my name why are you calling me bo the bird loves to collect blue gems you see and that love of yours is the shiniest blue i've ever seen it's true charlie the spider is very very beautiful blue come by my old nest little buddy i may have an idea i think this dude kind of has like a southern drawl that that was kind of what i was getting from the dialogue there okay so this big ball of silk may not look like much but it was my home for a time looks like a big ball of silk the ants below have approached me with reckless plans to turn it into a heated airship as part of their defense effort what the heck ants are going to space or what not let them try it so far but perhaps a little recklessness is what we need right now if you help them build this ship it could take you to the sky bower above to rescue your boyfriend i'm going to i'm going to space crow space you'll need some fuel too of course i'd look to the dung beetles on the hill for that of course everybody knows rockets are powered by dung science and naturally a guide is important for any adventure perhaps a bee nobody knows these guys better than them okay so i got missions this is a good plan go on little buddy there's no time to waste all right thanks moth guy get out there make some friends and save your love let's go let us let us climb the vines i i don't know where i'm going honestly i'm just kind of going wait so like do i have a choice of where i go it seems like i do kind of things to do get help from the ants find some food things to do get help from the ants find some fuel befriend a guide uh okay i i guess i'll just oh i can't i thought that i i could spider up the side of walls okay apparently not good to know i guess maybe we're going to go visit the ants all right let's you know what let's go let's go visit the ants sure let's go all the way down and uh shoot some some branches with our laser eyes i hope i never meet a spider that is capable of that in real life they're already creeping me out enough but if they had laser eyes oh gosh into the ant mines i suppose oh hello hi greetings comrade spider i hear you've got some problems i could use an ant solution we'd love to help out but we're still recovering from the latest fire ant raid the workers could really use some extra help down there if you've got time speak with comrade carl in the mech ant chamber what are these ants doing building robot ants she'll be able to give you some work okay um comrade comrade carl i'm going down i'm going in oh this is scary this is scary i don't feel like i belong here these ants are so advanced is this what an ant hill looks like inside if you were the size of a of an ant or spider okay so i don't know exactly what we we probably need to get like a gear or something to get this working so you know what let's just go find comrade carl comrade carl is that you carl hello carl are you carl you here to help with the elevator it's been broken down since the attack but i can't reach the part we need to fix it i don't know why carl sounds like that i guess that's just the way carl's gonna sound if you can get me the brass cog from the other side of this chamber we should be able to get it running without that elevator we're stuck up here okay so i need to find a brass cog oh this is very scary um i fear for my life but let's do it i didn't reach i couldn't reach it i can't maybe maybe i can build a bridge oh yeah yeah yeah that's that's the secret right there okay all right i was gonna try to swing across those spikes terrible idea just a truly awful awful idea dream right here go with the edge and then you just kind of whip the there okay we'll go over here no not into this wow try that again okay that i'm bad at video games that's the dream right there i'm kind of scared of this larva should i shoot it i picked it up and it made a cool sound okay i'm okay with that you know what let's climb this vine and then jump across oh there's the cog now oh no i have to push this thing will it go on my spider webs don't fall okay okay okay everything's fine every this is fine this everything is totally good i can actually ride on top of this thing no no no you gotta push it little spider buddy come on man can i pull it with my web maybe oh i like that i like that a lot actually okay wait wait wait do one of these do one of those no that okay okay try this one there you go that's the dream that's the ticket wait my own web is holding back the thing okay how do i disconnect webs no one explained to this no one explained this to me i i need my my web to disconnect maybe i can shoot it with my laser eyes there you go laser eyes no don't don't go that way there there okay gosh make it more trouble for myself hello carl i brought you something that you're gonna love i promise it's the greatest gift any spider has ever brought you there you go pal thanks comrade i'll deliver the cog back to the main shaft just pop it into the gearbox and we should be good is that the thing that was over here that's the thing that was over here right yeah yeah okay yeah yeah thank you carl it's a little weird that your antenna are like just sticking up out of the ground it's kind of freaking me out honestly but i'm just gonna drop that guy right there and there you go we fixed an elevator and now we're gonna go down it deeper into the ant mines i'm gonna get this larvae we made it to the bottom i don't know what we're doing here but uh here we are what does that mean i go up there i'm just gonna keep going to the left further down we go greetings comrade did comrade mark recruit you from the surface yes i didn't really catch his name honestly wait you're comrade carl okay sorry i got confused you kind of all look the same there's tons of work to do finish the mech ant let's see the mandibles need a final heat treatment up in the forge room but to turn that back on we need to patch up the pipe works we'll need that to supply the mech ant too oh and it still needs three more legs to be attached i think we're waiting on deliveries for two of them from engineering well what are you waiting for comrade get to it gosh ants they're always so busy just relax for a second take a break pipe works there's so many things i need to do let's go to pipeworks and see where we end up going or what we end up doing because honestly i have no idea what i'm doing i do love the mechanic here though of like swinging and stuff it feels really good it's so cool what what okay we have we have more directions the propellant pump water pump something to do with electricity pump power station good all right let's go to the electric area okay so we need another gear it looks like oh gosh i fell no don't squish me hello fellow aunt ouch this mudslide is getting dangerous i was trying to repair this power station to open up access to the pumps i slipped and fell could you lend me a mandible do spiders have mandibles i don't think spiders have mandibles they have fangs maybe they do have mandibles i don't know i'm not a spiderologist which is definitely what someone who studies spiders calls themselves i feel like i'm gonna get squished if i try to run through this i'm gonna try though cool okay that was a little scary let's uh pull this lever why because we can't the right thing to do wait what so i need to hit this lever to like pull but this is very confusing oh wait what if i oh spider guy you're so smart okay and then yeah yeah and then just wait a second there you go there you go we've got the lever on an automated system uh okay i almost did get squished right there that was that would have been bad just stick ourselves to this and then we'll do that again and then we'll just wait a second and then you get out of there okay that was pretty cool uh i think we need to do something similar again what do you suppose right get me up there get me up there come on little buddy get up there there you go all right maybe okay wait i'm gonna stick this to this thing okay okay something's happening is it enough though i don't know if it's enough can i do more than one web i haven't actually tested that i guess we're about to find out yes yes i can okay okay that's a little janky oh my gosh i understand what i need to do kind of i think maybe i need to put the the spiderweb on a different side of this this little moving part do that and then stick it there and then maybe that'll get the timing right i press the wrong button again okay get me out i know what i need to do i just need to be smart about it there you go life is a spider ain't easy all right give me this cog go cog go together we ride okay i just need to get this cog out of this mess get up there okay all right great great great excellent give me the cog there we go there we go now how do i get the cog up here can i maybe if i just attach it will it pull it up and i do this get up there get up there come on cog you can do it i believe in you this is not working i'm gonna try this again hopefully with slightly more success it's not working how do i do this okay hear me out what if i do something like that and then try to drag this guy okay okay all right you gotta relax though cog yeah okay can can we talk about this please what if i do something like this no that no not exactly i am kind of building a spider web i mean i'm like a nest or something i don't know it's kind of cool i just wish that this cog would go where it needs to go which is right here connect to this thing is it so much to ask am i missing something do you have any ideas ant guy think you could give me a lift out of this ditch oh you know what that's probably what i needed to do was save this guy and then he'll get the cog up there of course there you go bud oh my gosh you're so much heavier than i thought you would be why are you so heavy okay uh how am i gonna get this dude out of here i don't know fella you seem a little too heavy for me you're pulling me i can't pull you maybe i can like build him like a little little pathway wait wait wait that's not working let's laser eyes this and then i don't know get rid of this and also get rid of this try this again i'm trying to help you man i really am maybe i can grapple him and then pull him up like that can you climb maybe oh you know what maybe if i do multiple oh brilliant okay okay now we're cooking now we're cooking oh my gosh look at this dude he's like get me out of this nightmare this is awesome i can do the same thing with the cog oh my gosh okay i'm i'm starting to understand what needs to be done you're almost up you're almost up dude i got you man i got you i don't think i can stick any more stuff to you though i can't stick any more webs to him okay maybe i can stick more webs to like the things that pulling him up what a mess what an absolute mess i kind of love it though because it's my mess can i just pull nope that's not gonna work he's so close he's so close come on aunt buddy this is probably the least efficient way i could do this here i am still going at it you're free no you're don't you gotta come over here man please my spider my aunt my aunt friend not like this you're free you're free why are you running back come over here what are you afraid of you want me to get rid of all these spider webs is that what you want i saved you man this is how you thank me i want you to press this button i don't know why but i just i want you to stand on this button all right he went directly over the button okay i am going to do with the cog exactly what i just did with this ant and i hope it works thanks for helping me out you're a true friend now i just need to find a way to fix this gearbox working on that i feel like we're so close come on yeah just like bump it with your head just bump it just bump it into place it's so close yes yeah oh my gosh that took way longer than it should have alright now that we've successfully placed that cog into the machine emmy's getting upset i gotta say this game is super cool emmy's not gonna let me play anymore right now but that's okay because i feel like i've accomplished my life's work by placing that cog in that dumb machine finally what did it actually do can we just see what it did i think it's oh gosh okay well i can only use one hand to actually play the game while i'm holding emmy which is gonna make things kind of difficult but you can see it's it's turning that chain so something good's happening but let me know if you guys want to see more of this we're building a mech ant or something because you know that's a thing that spiders do being a spider is pretty cool thanks for watching i'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,237,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, webbed, webbed game, deadly spider, giant spider, spider, spider game, im a spider, game, steam game
Id: v-ZopOzHHTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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