Morphing Into ANY MOB in Minecraft!

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behold as i transform into the most fearsome creature in all of minecraft [Music] the chicken [Music] hello everybody i am kylie kian and welcome back to minecraft we are trying out a mod today that is called the morph mod and based on the title of this video and thumbnail you probably already have a good idea of what we're going to be doing but essentially with the power of this mod you can become basically any mob in this game but in order to become a creature in the game you first must absorb their essence and the only way to do that is by mercilessly killing them i'm so sorry chicken it's for the greater good but now that we've killed a chicken check this out oh gosh okay the crunchy bones and stuff it's yeah we're a chicken now behold chicken in all of its glory and each mob has like a unique ability so for instance with the chicken uh he floats so like you don't take fall damage if you jump off of something that's you know particularly high but you can also see our health has changed as well but we only have two hearts and now i am living my life as a chicken but i thought it would be cool to kind of go on a bit of a hunt here for mob essence and become different types of mobs within minecraft let's transform back into a human and you can see my heart's coming back oh my gosh it's so cool so i did cheat in some gear so that we can make this hunt a little bit easier i've got diamond armor and a diamond sword and that's it and we're just gonna search for all kinds of different enemies and absorb their essences and i would really love to become a squid oh my gosh there's there's a whole lot of squids over here okay let's see if we can take this guy out oh oh oh okay i think we've absorbed him so yep there he is squid with the power to swim i mean yeah of course look at how fast we are though i i love too that i'm still holding a diamond sword i think if i change view here though yeah we're not we're not actually carrying a diamond sword and as you can see we have no concern of drowning because you know we're a squid breathe underwater now what happens if you get a squid out of water though do you think i can jump out of the water let's see if i can pull this off i'm gonna do like a dolphin move here okay i am now a squid on land and yeah look at that i'm losing air because i breathe in water not on land oh my gosh the attention to detail in this mod is so insanely cool ow ow ow jump in the water get in the water you maniac it's not where you belong all right let's transform back into a human i love doing this in third person it's very upsetting to watch but also very cool and it is now night time so you guys know what that means we're gonna be finding some slightly more aggressive mobs now which is okay with me how about a skeleton i want to be an archer i've always wanted to be an archer made of bones oh my health no don't no don't kill me don't kill me it's very rude i should probably give myself some food i didn't think that far ahead can i become a skeleton now yes yes i can now keep in mind along with cool new abilities you also gain the disadvantages of certain mobs so like the skeleton not so friendly with the sun so if it was daytime i'd be on fire oh my gosh i was not expecting to still have my diamond armor on okay that would be terrifying i would like to be a human again oh but first pig i want to become a pig ow there's a skeleton he's shooting at me oh my gosh okay please please leave me alone i just want to be a pig it's all i ever wanted oh there are so many oh gosh okay hey i'm going to become you as well so yeah there you go i love the little animation too of you absorbing their essence oh creeper yes let's collect okay never mind i i have to actually kill the creeper you can't just blow up oh hello there's we got a second chance okay just hit him nope nope he's gonna blow up he's gonna blow up he's okay oh there are too many mobs please don't hurt me oh oh there's a spider okay i'm gonna become a spider that's cool too but first i need to not die hello hi i i want to transform into you don't hurt me i know i know this is for the greater good did i kill it i killed it oh my gosh okay so yeah i have the essence of a lot of different creatures now uh but also i'm being chased by a lot of different creatures and i don't love that hello what are you i don't even know what this thing is he's an archer okay okay ah stray okay well there goes my armor all right new plan i'm gonna give myself a new set of armor okay we're back in survival mode i would like it to no longer be nighttime so let's make it daytime okay so now that it's daytime i can safely transform into my new friends spider time let's go transform me oh gosh it's just very upsetting but very cool so apparently as a spider i should be able to like climb stuff yeah okay there you go i can just i can just climb anything i love that i've got my one little arm too i can actually break blocks with my little spider arm do spiders swim or does does water hurt spiders i guess we're about to find out no they can totally swim that makes sense i've definitely been chased by spiders through water before but you won't make easy work of climbing a mountain just become a spider it's all the rage there you go that it's so awesome i'm quite literally spider-man and we made it to the top of the mountain it was too easy incredible ah yes the classic uh although if i transform into this dude um i'm gonna catch on fire aren't i no i'm good maybe maybe the diamond armor is protecting me i i don't know should i try taking it off let's see ah yep yep okay it was definitely the diamond armor okay i should probably not be this guy anymore you know what let's uh let's go ahead and transform into an enderman oh oh ow everything hurts it's totally worth it i'm an enderman now i mean what more can i say we should definitely not swim do you think endermen take fall damage let's find out yep they sure do i don't think i can teleport can i can i pick up blocks and walk around with them like friender men's love to do am i holding this block oh i would have really liked it if it showed the block that you're holding and the enderman's just walking around with it it's okay though let's go for a swim shall we now yep okay uh uh uh transform trailer pink i didn't transform fast enough oh good i respawned as a pig and also my game appears to be very upset about this situation it's like getting real chunky i don't like that let's transform okay so we did successfully collect the essence of quite a few mobs but i think it's time to get the essence of some more obscure mobs and probably the best way to do that is to just cheat so i am in creative mode and i think i'm just gonna use some some spawn eggs here let's give ourselves a bat ablaze sure uh oh a cow we haven't found a cow yet oh we haven't killed a creeper yet either how about a donkey you want to become a donkey sure of course elder guardian aren't those those crazy fish that live in underwater temples let's try to become one and an endermite all right mr bat hello here come back come back wait no mr bat ran away okay i just just just normally these things are in case so they're much easier to get oh come here come here you stinky bat come back fight me coward got him oh my gosh so now that we have bat essence uh we can just fly right please tell me i can just fly i can totally just fly that that's awesome now i want to become an ender dragon how do we do that okay first things first i gotta focus here but i really do want to become an ender dragon shall we try the blaze yes yes let's become a blaze okay i wonder what the blaze does let's transform it's very upsetting i guess technically blazes can fly right what does it say next to his icon okay they get hurt by water they do fly they get hurt by lava i guess as well or no they don't get hurt by lava that's cool i guess i double tap jump just like in creative mode i mean i am in creative mode so am i flying because i'm in creative mode or am i flying because i'm ablaze i don't know it doesn't really matter i'm flying that's what matters also i'm ablaze okay i do really want to become a creeper i i want to be able to blow up on demand that would be so ridiculous okay okay yes we have absorbed creeper powers let's do this i am creeper hear me roar so what do i do just is that all i do is this is this what my life is now i can't i don't blow up i can fly but that's because of creative mode let's not get confused creepers do not fly can i eat this chicken i oh i i can attack that's kind of cool but i can't blow up which makes me kind of sad a creeper that can't blow up is he really still a creeper the world may never know but let's move on to our next mob elder guardian i need to spawn you in the water right okay well that works i guess don't these guys make you mine like really really slow i don't like these guys oh you're up on the land now what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're probably gonna die i mean that that's what i expect yeah okay you're dead and you gave me a sponge thank you thank you elder guardian let's become an elder guardian oh he's so big he doesn't even fit in the little box we need to watch the transformation oh i didn't even realize i'm still an enderman that that's a little weird but that's also very cool and there you go he is very large almost takes up the entire screen i can't even see what his abilities are because he's so big he covers them up but i imagine his ability is to swim okay but i think the time has come we have to try to become the ender dragon first things first i'm just gonna sleep real quick so that we can make it daytime and we can actually see what's happening and then i need to figure out how to spawn an ender dragon i will consult with google and figure it out okay i found the command and apparently you can also spawn the ender dragon in different phases and this particular one spawns him as tame which i figured is probably the smartest thing to do is that way he won't hurt me wait what hello ender dragon where'd you go man uh that did not work let's try phase zero which is him prepping to attack which kind of scares me what are you doing what hey hey okay come back please where are you going oh my gosh i've lost an ender dragon oh he's underwater okay sure you do you ender dragon where are you going dude come back oh hi just gonna hang out under water now what okay that that looks really cool a swimming ender dragon but also what are you doing now are you pretending that this is like your fortress area i think that he thinks this is his his little domain and oh my gosh it's so dark here okay you know what we're leaving this area ender dragon can hang out underwater let's go somewhere else where there's less water and more land okay this seems pretty good let's spawn an ender dragon on top of a village i'm so sorry village but it is pretty funny here we go okay i hit him i actually did damage to him okay don't go to the ocean please how do you lose a giant dragon somehow i've managed to do that not once but twice oh my gosh what about this one summon an ender dragon that is about to die and drop xp where have you been all my life i hope this works because i'm not like technically killing it so uh did i absorb your essence it didn't do the animation so i'm skeptical it did not work there's no ender dragon in my list i'm very sad let's try phase seven which is supposed to be right before he performs his breath attack oh oh just don't move stay right there keep doing what you're doing ender dragon this is working out beautifully this is fantastic no no don't leave me don't leave please don't go underwater please ender dragon that's all i ask i think i may have figured it out i think the ender dragon pretty much always goes to the same spot and that spot happens to be underwater and right here so i'm gonna create a new world and hopefully it'll fix this problem we have finally done it we've managed to spawn an ender dragon that doesn't want to spend the rest of his life underwater that is fantastic news i think that he thinks that this area right here in the middle of this jungle is home sweet home so let's see where he lands okay yep there you go and now we just need to hit him like a billion times so bear with me as i do that [Music] oh he's done it and it totally did the crazy absorbing animation oh my gosh now for the record there's probably a much better way to do whatever it is i just did but because i don't have the experience with this kind of stuff that's the best way i could think of and it worked and that's what matters so now the time has finally come please be there enderman yes ender dragon he's there let's become him it's everything i've ever wanted we've gone from chicken to ender dragon what well okay the camera is kind of a little wonky um but oh my gosh okay yes we've done it we have absolutely done it can i blow fire i can't blow fire that's a little disappointing but i can't eat chickens please let me let me eat you chicken oh he's so sneaky i can't eat the chicken come here chicken chicken chicken let's talk about this chicken no you're not gonna let me eat you i can't get close enough all right that's fine enjoy your life chicken and i'll enjoy mine as an ender dragon they can't blow cool purple fire but that's okay it was all worth it in the end oh my gosh this is this is really cool look at that wingspan truly majestic if i go into third person though uh this is this is what we see just wings and a tail safe to say becoming mobs in minecraft is really cool [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 7,362,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, family friendly, lets play, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft videos, minecraft funny, minecraft map, minecraft scary, minecraft horror map, cursed minecraft seed, minecraft mods, best minecraft mods, minecraft baby, minecraft with son, bees, bees in minecraft, minecraft bees, fathr son, father son, father and son, father son minecraft, minecraft morph mod, morph mod
Id: n_UIxsEr48A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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