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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications you're not gonna see that on the Discovery Channel uh uh this is the only place you're gonna see giant skeleton fish eating prehistoric shark steak [Music] hello everybody I am kindly keen and welcome back to fish feed and grow it's been a while since we played this game but there was an update that they added to the game adding some very very cool fish so I wanted to check it out here we can only play as these fish as I understand it on the ocean survive no not Survival deathmatch mode so it's been a while since we've actually played deathmatch mode because most of the updates up to this point have all been for survival mode so this is actually pretty exciting I've unlocked the fish here the new fish so you can see we have our Bebo's here regular regular old Bebo's nothing nothing too special but I got these arrows on the side of him check this out boom mecha Bebo's what is a robot fish that's insane and awesome and amazing hit it again and bam you got a skeleton be buffs there's some cool stuff going on there's one more fish that we're not gonna be able to play us today but if you guys want to see it you'll have to let me know in the comments section this guy right here I forget what they call this thing it's like the alpha shark I don't know it looks like a Megalodon sort of you know and it actually looks like is the the shark from that mobile game it's that shark game on mobile where you eat people and stuff I forget the name of it but that's what that fish looks like or that shark looks like but anyways I was thinking today since it's already available here we're not gonna play as the robot Bebo's maybe maybe if you guys really want me to play as the robot be boss we'll do it in a different episode I wanna play as the skeleton beat boss I just love the idea of having a giant skeleton fish on the map just eating everything so we are going to try to get this skeleton fish to the biggest size possible so let's go ahead and jump in here now it has been a while since I've actually played this game so I'm getting a little warmed up you might have to bear with me as I as I you know get back into the groove of things here this is so stinkin cool though look at this guy he looks you can see right through him I love it alright so remember we're playing deathmatch so it's very different than survival mode we don't care about like mating and and and laying eggs and having more baby fish around us all we care about is basically eating as much as we possibly can and then of course becoming as big as we possibly can because in survival mode your size doesn't really matter like you're not trying to get to some massive size you're basically trying to start a family and then of course just survive in this mode we are trying to dominate we want to destroy everything that is in the ocean against us right now so that is our goal we're gonna try our best one of the best methods is actually like looking for pieces of meat that just kind of float to the surface so I'm just gonna see if we can find anything here oh wait yeah I think I saw something okay wait is that a tuna yeah yeah I think that's a tuna he's kind of he's kind of chomping down on that meat so he can have that that's fine that's totally fine with me I mean gosh if if I was another fish and I saw a skeleton fish swimming at me like this I don't care what size it is I would be absolutely terrified I would go in the other direction so these are some brave fish if they come after us oh wow that's a very large shark eh yeah okay you can move along and then you're just gonna leave these bits of meat oh my gosh I cannot believe that he just left these giant chunks of meat this is gonna be such good XP as long as we don't get ourselves killed okay I'm literally like hiding inside this giant chunk of meat this is this is not a great decision uh-uh I don't like that I don't like this I can't I can't resist though the food is just so good it's so good the XP is so delicious okay can I eat that okay I could eat that get-get these down into manageable sizes of meat come on get break it down there we go there we go oh look at that XP that is so good that is such good XP that's what I'm talking about right there nope still need to get these pieces a little bit smaller there we go level four level five no not quite level five yet but we're getting there we're getting there see that's the secret just get the scraps of sharks just whatever they leave behind just eat it that's that's the secret to skeleton life I guess sort of I don't know alright we cleaned up that mess and I can't help but notice that there is a dead shark I think that's a dead shark yeah that's a super dead shark so this is just free meat basically this this mode is actually a lot easier than survival mode because I don't know what it is but for whatever reason the Predators they they kill things but they don't always eat what they kill which kind of defeats the purpose of killing it unless they're just doing it for the sport of it which is kind of messed up but yeah so we can get all the table scraps here of the bigger fish and basically just kill it oh oh gosh that's a Megalodon I don't want to mess around with him but I would love to get the opportunity to take him down if if it's possible we'll see there is like a glitch somewhere I believe on this map I don't remember exactly where I figured it out a long time ago I don't know if they fixed it since then there's another dead swordfish over here but basically you can just spawn feed on all of the the hammerhead sharks they'll just there's a particular spot somewhere on the map where they spawn and if you stand there and you're big enough to eat them in one bite you'll just keep eating you'll endlessly and they'll just keep spawning and I don't know if we can do that right here or if they fixed it or whatever it may be but I would I would kind of like to try that if we could get ourselves to just some ridiculous size you can see we got our presence over here this is basically where you go to get these these unlocks to unlock these these new fish you open up those presents and they're inside and then you have them unlocked so that's what I did before starting this video and then we're jumping in now all right we got more just floating meat here this is an eel I believe so we're gonna eat him up we got to level 10 pretty fast so we're not doing too shabby there are still obviously hey hey get off of me oh gosh okay okay I don't like this I don't like this please let go of me learn good new no no bad fish why was that fish attacking me if I was bigger than it oh my gosh that was that was actually terrifying I thought we were gonna die right there but we were able to turn it around we got our mouth around and literally chomped down on that stupid fish that attacked us and we got we got our health back the weird thing about getting attacked we're a skeleton and we've taken damage but it looks like our bones are made of meat that I don't know that that doesn't entirely make sense and I don't know why fish would want to eat fish made entirely of bones probably not very tasty or very nutritious but you know that's that's their business I'm not gonna judge them for that although I will eat them back if they try to eat me that's my goal here alright let's head down further into the deeper ocean here I think this is where the shipwreck is and actually that area now I'm kind of getting my bearings straight again because like I said it's been a while since I've actually played this level I think that the hammerhead sharks spawn like right around here now we're not big enough yet we need to get a lot bigger in order to actually exploit the spawn of the hammerhead sharks but once we do get to a fairly big size we should be able to start chomping down on the hammerhead sharks in one bite and they like I said they'll just keep on spawning so we'll try that out here once we get to a big enough size I'm a little bit nervous though the Megalodon yeah he's right over there so he's just he's just cruising around kind of upwards towards the surface so I don't know if he's eating most of the scraps that are left behind we had some good instances of finding just dead fish laying rope there's another one right there yeah we got a little a black tip shark but but yeah we haven't ran into too many other opportunities to just eat fish that have already been killed other than this one that we're eating right now which is fantastic all these little be boasts they don't know what's coming to them they got they got a giant skeleton Bebo's coming after him that's awful yeah look guys I'm gonna just eat you up there you go you were delicious thank you for thank you for joining the banquet it's been fantastic having you now get digested in my belly oh look at these little guys all they're so cute and they're so delicious as well skeleton fish is going to eat you all what are you doing where are you going you can't escape my jaws of death no where are you going come back here you dumb little blue fish all right fine you know what you get to live you get to live today oh I don't like those guys those guys can swallow you in one bite I don't like that I don't want to just die instantly let's go after this thing let's see these guys seemed like really aggressive even though I'm bigger than them they try to attack me so I'm gonna get some revenge here and it's hopefully gonna work out is that a shark right next to me yeah that's a shark I I don't know if I'm ready to fight with the shark please don't eat me please please just please all right we escaped the shark we got a whole bunch of crab over here can we swallow these guys whole yes we can and they are delicious although they they jumped out of the water I can't chase them up there all right that's fine let's grab this little guy grab some starfish while we're at it there's another crab over there come here come here you're not no don't stop stop what why can't I eat him I I thought that I could swallow the crabs whole maybe this crab is a little bit bigger than the other ones that we attacked earlier all right we chomped that crab down into slightly more manageable pieces of meat so we can eat him up that we got sea urchin over here they're there any more crab there's these little like Dory type creatures these aren't actually what dory looked like I don't know what these are these aren't in are these in survival mode I don't think so oh these fish actually look new I could be mistaken though like I said it's been a long while since we've actually played deathmatch mode so there could be things that are indeed new there could be things that I just haven't seen in a while and I think they're new oh we have a really sad little yellow fish right here just waiting to be eaten I I feel bad sometimes eating the fish that are just just waiting to be eaten but you know what else are we gonna do with them they're just they're just taking up space now they can be XP delicious delicious XP we got another little guy over here I don't like these guys like I said these guys like to eat me even though I'm bigger than them so I'm just gonna eat them before they try to eat me that's it's a dog-eat-dog world although we're fish and we're not dogs so it's a fishy fish world sorta what oh look at this little smorgasbord of meat death [Music] what am I talking about here we go let's take on this shrimp shrimp kind of scare me sometimes because I've been deceived by the shrimp's in the past I thought that I was like way bigger and way stronger than them at one point and they just decimated me I think one of the things about the shrimp is that they can kind of gang up on you oh that's that's a no don't eat me don't eat me I made a bones you don't want to eat this it's disgusting doesn't there's no meat here you don't want this we got another floater right there easy easy XP very very nice we're level 16 not too bad we're getting pretty big I don't know if we're quite big enough to swallow a great white shark hole probably not this is a terrible decision why am i attacking a pufferfish that can hurt me while I attack it I mean the XP was great but you shouldn't do that don't do that let's see if we could take on a swordfish this guy seems to be scared of us so that's a good sign that we might actually be able to get him let's see if we can come on get a little bit closer just a little bit closer come here wait don't you run away from me don't you run away from me yeah we have becomes mighty enough to take on the swordfish that's pretty good cuz the swordfish are there you know they're pretty formidable this stupid fish why are you doing this to yourself you are going to die but yeah anyways the swordfish they're they're pretty decent predators out here in the ocean and we made that one into mincemeat in an instant so that was that was pretty awesome we also got barracudas we're gonna start taking on these guys oh wait wait wait wait careful careful they do attack oh no oh I'm losing health I'm losing health fast oh my gosh okay that was a risky move there we had a lot of fish trying to take a bite out of our our bony body which is disgusting but yeah we survived and we got our health back but it was a little dicey that was probably not the best play that I could have made right there I should avoid fish that that gather on top of each other the Barracuda like if you attack one the other ones will start attacking you which is not cool I'm gonna get this guy again I don't like these guys I don't know if they're tuna or I think they might be tuna but I don't like them because they attack me even though I'm bigger than them and I know I've said that a million times and I'm gonna keep saying it I like them can we swallow a shrimp hole oh we totally can hahaha that's great XP and these guys like to gather together so once you find one you should find several of them we got some crab there we go that's what I'm talking about we got any more little land crawlers around here is that is that a shrimp down there that sure is get them there we go and oh gosh there's there's some big fish I think right above us well I don't want to get caught up in that battle I want to lose the progress that we've made up to this point Oh be careful and careful that I think they're bold Ward's I think is what they're called those guys will swallow you whole I don't like that they got big old mouths it's gross all right let's see if we can take on a shark here this could be a very very poor decision okay we killed him we definitely killed him I don't know if they're gonna keep spawning here but basically as I explained my goal here is to be able to spawn kill these sharks and I believe that this is the spot where they spawn but we're not quite big enough to swallow them whole and I don't see any spawning which is a little bit disappointing see if we can get maybe we can eat this eel see if we can get him no we can't swallow him hold yet either but we can kill sharks so sharks are excellent excellent XP so we should probably try to take these guys out I don't think we're quite ready for the Megalodon yet though that's that's asking for too much but if we can manage to get big enough to swallow the Sharks whole and just eat them on their spawn point we could get a lot of XP why is this guy upset did you see that his eyes were open it was is he just playing dead or is he actually dead well he's super dead now oh we got hammerhead over here these are the guys that gave me all that XP in the past on that spawn point now like I said I don't know if they've changed the game they probably I'm willing to bet that they probably updated it so that you can't cheat the system like that anymore which is kind of a bummer but at the same time I mean it was a huge exploit and you could use it to get to enormous sizes very very quickly so we may not be able to do that we just might have to do it the old-fashioned way which is totally fine because I do really enjoy playing this game and it's always fun to make the fish that you are into a massive giant that can just basically wipe out anything on the map and so that's the goal here make a giant skeleton fish that it's everything it's awesome alright guys so check this out we hit level 29 which basically means that we're the biggest fish in the ocean right now aside from the Megalodon the Megalodon is probably still a bit too much for us to bite down on but look at this we figured out the spawn technique that I was talking about before look the great or not the great white sharks but the hammerhead sharks will continually spawn right in this spot as we kill them so we can't just keep chomping down on them now right now we still have to bite them in order to break them down into like smaller bits of meat but once we get big enough we can just swallow them whole and get all the XP that they have so we want to get to that point but in the meantime we're just gonna keep doing it through this method here hopefully wait where do you go oh this one's trying to sneak away no you don't come here come here where you going where are you going no you cannot escape these skeleton jaws of death nah not today eat up that meat so we've managed to get what like five levels in the past like 60 seconds I think that's pretty stinkin good so we want to try to get ourselves to the point where we can just swallow these guys holes so let me try and do that let me grind on these stupid fish no you they can't get away though it's really annoying when they get away so I'm gonna grind on these guys for a little while and I'll probably get back with you guys once I hit like level 50 or at least to the point where I can swallow these guys hold alright so check this out guys we can now eat the hammerhead sharks hold we don't have to bite them at all all I have to do is basically float around here and just hold right click and we swallow them whole it is a beautiful beautiful thing we've made it to level 45 I'm gonna see how big we are at like Sade level 50 and we'll kind of look at the Megalodon and see if maybe we can take him on but I think what I'm probably just gonna end up doing is just sitting here and grinding away at eating as many of these hammerhead sharks as possible and I may actually I think that two or three will spawn here but I have to kill the other ones that are already spawned in order to get all of them to keep spawning here so I might have to go out on the hunt to get the other guys spawning over here so that we can get even more XP in this spot it's gonna be glorious look at how fast we are leveling up I mean we're almost level 50 and I've been talking about it for like 45 seconds it's incredible I love it oh man this is awesome look at the XP it is just rolling in so fast I can barely even keep up but yeah so now we have to hammerhead sharks spawning in this one spot each time we eat one oh no one got away no sneaky little bugger he's getting away no stop stop you're ruining my exploit you're ruining everything I was getting so much xp alright they the problem is is that they're so scared of me which I can't really blame them I am a giant skeleton fish but the problem is is that as soon as they kind of skip away it kind of messes up the whole the whole rhythm that I've got going on here but yeah this is awesome so I think what I'm gonna do is just keep doing this until we hit like level 100 let's go to level 100 and then let's see if we can take on the Megalodon and become the ultimate predator of the ocean the giant skeleton fish not you're not gonna see that on the Discovery Channel uh-uh this is the only place you're gonna see giant skeleton fish eating prehistoric shark fish boom level 100 skeleton fish look at that that is absolutely terrifying it's so stinkin cool I love it oh my gosh the Megalodon you are so dead where are you I am going to eat you dead here we go let's do this ha oh okay he's hurting he's hurting us but he's dead he's dead we just killed the Megalodon we have destroyed the ultimate wait wait was there more than one oh no every time you kill him he just responds I didn't know that okay all right that's fine that's fine but we have become the ultimate predator of the ocean the Megalodon does not stand a chance against us look at that but you just keep killing him we kill him over and over again that's how we do nothing stands a chance anymore love it oh man look at the shadow here let me see if I can get like a slightly better shot of the oh my gosh that shadow is so creepy looking let me see if we can kind of adjust the camera angle look at that that is so creepy all the bones just kind of floating they're casting that creepy creepy shadow on the ground man this is one of the coolest fish that they've added to the game but of course they have more cool fish they have the robot fish which is awesome and then they have that alpha whatever giant shark which would be a ton of fun to turn into a giant level 100 that would be pretty stinkin cool so guys I think that's gonna do it I think we pretty much accomplished our mission here of becoming the greatest predator the ocean has ever seen the ultimate skeleton fish Megalodon does not stand a chance I wonder I don't think we're quite at the point where we can swallow him whole but we're getting pretty stinking close I would say it's pretty close to being able to just swallow this giant shark in one bite that is incredible all right guys that's gonna do it for this episode of fish feed and grow let me know if you guys want to see the other fish that they've added just leave a comment in the comment section below if there's enough support I'll be definitely doing those other fish which seem super awesome but if you enjoyed this episode be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo on it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen that is gonna do it thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,646,508
Rating: 4.8774137 out of 5
Keywords: ichthyosaurus, feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, giant fish, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, hello neighbor, kindly keyin hello neighbor, survival, kindly, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, megalodon, feed and grow survival, shark, sharks, skeleton fish, giant skeleton fish
Id: csTFJOjvwqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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