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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that bell to turn on notifications what kind of eggs are those they're moving around what are they guess we're about to find out oh they're adorable little cuttlefish that I'm gonna murder Oh No [Music] hello everybody I am kindly kid and welcome back to feed and grow fish so I was going through all the different modes and whatnot just trying to look for for new and exciting things that we haven't done in the game yet and I noticed something about survival mode in particular now I'm gonna load it up here real quick real quick just super quick so I was looking through all the different fish that you can play eyes and keep in mind in survival mode it's a little bit different because you actually you know you spawn a family and then you take that family or along with you and you feed them and all that fun stuff we did the the vacuum fish what's it called the whale shark right but I don't think we played as many of these creatures before and I noticed that in survival mode for whatever reason it actually saves the coins that you've collected in the other modes that doesn't happen you always have to start from scratch I don't know why that is with survival mode that you get to keep the currency that you've earned but that's kind of awesome because it means that we don't have to start over from scratch we can just play as these creatures right off the bat pretty sweet so with that said I think that we should we should just just play I think we played as the Orca we've definitely played as the whale shark but we have not played as the Dunkel is stea stunk Dunkley oh i don't even know how to say his name that's how much I haven't played as this guy what does a baby version of this look like even I don't know let's find out I am ready okay I'm going to hatch and we are going to see what what this thing could look like could it even be cute like that okay I mean I'm feeling like it's it's gonna be kind of cute let's look I don't know how to feel about this thing it kind of looks like an alien it's not cute I'm sorry you're not you're just you're not you are scary you look like the thing that bursts out of the guy's chest in Alien straight-up I don't know I don't know about this little guy but at least he's got big sharp teeth so you know that'll keep him nice and safe so we need to eat and not get eaten so let's let's try to start a dunk Leo I don't even know how to say it family will call but a dunk Leo family the the but first things first we got fine food to eat Oh new little baby aliens hungry little baby aliens not finding any food come on hook me up with some starfish some sea urchin that's all I ask for it's not a lot right it's not too much to ask for is it what is that thing is that one of my brothers it is hello fellow family member are you also starving to death because things aren't looking so good for me I do see a starfish get to the starfish faster please please we must eat Musti okay okay Wow Wow just destroyed that starfish so fast okay I like this guy he's got a he's got a strong bite not the cutest face but with a strong bite a strong bite indeed all right get that sea urchin mmm-hmm that's good oh yeah level two don't mind if I do what else you got over here a bounty of starfish and sea urchin please oh oh starfish don't mind if I do please I will help myself and I will eat all these delicious bits of XP still ugly by the way level up we are now level three so I guess we have to hit level seven in order to be an adult Dunc which is what I've always wanted to be just a fully-grown dunk what happened to all my starfish and sea urchin though this is this is making me sad dunk sad shark oh I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna go for this sea urchin here but this could be a really bad decision all right let's hurry up and eat this thing eat it faster eat it faster good are we good we're safe I think I see a starfish no I didn't see a starfish okay let's let's move along wait there's another I hope there's no shark on the other side of this this rock that would be very very bad for business the sea urchins are so good though eight exp for each one and they don't bite me that's the best part you okay okay this is this is risky play here this is probably foolish and could get me in a lot of trouble okay we should leave we should leave right yeah let's leave please don't look at me please don't I'm a helpless baby scary looking alien monster I think we got away we're safe what oh no don't look at me don't you dare look at me you just stay over there okay we're good we're good never never a doubt in my mind that we would be fun oh I saw the shadow look at that shadow oh my yeah don't come towards me stay away from me forever Megalodon I'm a baby you don't want to eat me I'm worth nothing to you all you'd be doing is just ruining my day that's all that would happen from you eating me do you just want to ruin a baby's day is that all you want to do is that all you're set out to do in life you could accomplish so much more so please just mind your own business I don't like how close meg is though I don't like it we have made it to level six we are approaching full grown dunk it's gonna be wonderful it's gonna be glorious and then we start a dunk family it's gonna be the best the best dunk family the world has ever seen just know megalodons please no megalodons alright this seems to be a Megalodon free zone which is the way I prefer my zones to be Oh that's average shark that's average I see a shadow it's right there hey buddy okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna go now I'm gonna go ahead and head over here hope you don't mind don't make hammerhead sharks angry either got dancing starfish let's eat the dancing starfish dancing starfish are always better than regular not dancing starfish okay we are so close to full-grown we just need to eat this starfish and then we got it yes fully grown dunk still very very ugly but you've kind of grown into that face of yours so that's you know a slight improvement it's like he has the same size eyes that we had as a baby dunk it's weird can I eat this thing hole no I can't I can bite it you know sea urchins are still actually a really good source of food believe it or not even though I'm a full-grown dunk now okay so now I need to find another dunk and then we can start a family I don't know where dunks like to hang out I'm not hip and with-it with the other dunks kind of a bit of a loner I got to figure out where I started I think that's kind of the key wait there's eggs over there what kind of eggs are those they're moving around what are they guess we're about to find out oh they're adorable little cuttlefish that I'm gonna murder oh no they were just born though you know what I'm gonna let them live there's no reason for me to eat them I don't have to eat them you guys enjoy your lives enjoy your weird cuttlefish lives I'm not gonna bother you I might come back when when I have babies but for now you can live on or I definitely don't want to get in a fight with those guys definitely don't want to get in a fight with those guys the problem is is that this guy the the dunk he's very slow he's not quick so if I do end up getting targeted by something like the xiphactinus that thing over there they're gonna be able to tear me up and I won't be able to get away also another thing about this guy he's so slow it takes for effort to get anywhere Slaven found another dunk where are all the dunks at that Meg that's Megalodon he's in front of us you can barely see him but he's he's over there okay now I know where not to go there's a baby whale shark and it's a baby whale shark I'm not gonna eat it cuz it's really cute and I also don't need to eat right now I need to start a family that's what I need this is too much to ask I'm going directly where Megalodon is why why have I made this decision what is he doing even oh no no don't look at me don't look at me you keep going about your business is he yeah yeah he's gonna he's gonna continue about his business I'm gonna continue about mine okay good I'm glad that we have this agreement I feel like this is where I started so if there's no other dunx around here then I think we might switch to a different fish hello fellow dunks has my species gone extinct what has happened to all my friends my family no dunks I'm very sad I'm a very lonely sad dunk yeah yeah it's a shame alright well let's try a different fish well actually by the way you can switch to I guess this would be like the older version of the the dunk dunk Leo stay us tried my best maybe that's the way you pronounce it maybe not I like the newer version I definitely like the newer version better so you know what actually this is something that I really wanted to do in a previous episode we kind of dabbled in it let's play around with this idea again of creating a robot Bebo's army we've got other fish that we can try out but we can save those for a different episode so let me know what fish specifically you want to see me play as with survival mode but for now we are going to create a robot Bebo's army which seems ridiculous and seems fun I'm sorry dunk sorry you didn't quite make the cut you're just you're the only dunk and now they're extinct so sad but now we get to be a robot fish I mean what's cooler than that and I have to say starting out as a baby robot fish very cute very cute baby robot fish but let's become a not so cute baby robot wait what oh my goodness this is gonna be awesome so many deadly robot fish in this ocean we're gonna take over the whole ocean mark my words the day when robot Bebo's take over the ocean is today it has finally come are we full grown oh my gosh that was way too fast I did not realize that it was gonna go that fast I mean we are now a fully grown robot Bevo's which of course means that we can start a robot Bebo's family all right let's start a family what do you say robot Bebo's we've got seven robot Bebo's eggs oh this is gonna be awesome five more seconds imma lay them right here cuz as you can see there's already food waiting for us so let's do it alright seven adorable little baby robos so good alright boys they've hatched let's get to feeding oh man they are so angry we already made one fully grown that was so fast okay uh let's go find some more stuff to eat wait there's something right here here eat this eat this eat it yes oh man this is so good okay more we need more everybody follow me I see a starfish let's go come along my robot family let us feed here we are hey you guys go where you at no you get out of here you're not you're you're a normal Bebo's I only allow robot Bebo's to eat there you are my adorable little Robo be Bose eat this starfish and become a big fully grown yes yes you become glorious I love it oh more more yes good Robo Bebo's good Robo Bebo's finding the prey hunting the prey you will be an excellent Robo predator or something hey you you need to get full grown eat this right here eat to eat these bits yes there's one more there's one more to feed yeah he's done he's done it more robobee bows let us replicate oh this is beautiful the robobee bows are me so good oh this is gonna be so great we got seven more eggs let's do it lay the Robo babies and wait for them to hatch and the cool thing about the bee buzz is that you can use the gain up mode so they all just follow you around so I don't know if there's a limit to how many you can have following you but I love the idea of having like a full-on Robo army just following me everywhere oh they're so cute look at them one day one day all of you adorable little Robo fish are gonna be very scary robot predators all right little ones let us feed where is our next prey oh there we go this is perfect so easy here we go where are you guys there you go get in on that oh yeah eat it up eat it up okay none of grown up yet that's okay we'll get you there we'll get you there little guys don't you worry I see another sea urchin just for my little pretties here you go guys here you go get in on this yes yes there we go we got two all right I see more these ones are pretty close to the surface here so don't don't you know don't jump out of the water just stay in the water but you guys can eat that up there you go yes that was two more and there's another set I'm worried that they're gonna beach themselves if they if they go after that that last sea urchin I don't know if we should go after that one guys let's find something a little bit safer a little bit easier going yeah how about this little starfish over here this is perfect little guys come on come here where you guys at where you guys at work where my little ones not the grown ones I don't want the grown-ups I want little ones to feed first there you are yeah get in on that oh that's a best fully grown boy more eat these you little bits they're running away from us please any takers no they didn't they couldn't find the little bits of the starfish that's okay there's more starfish to be eaten wait another one another one just grew up and I didn't even see it okay cool they're becoming smarter too which is kind of scary look at this look at my lip ball it's so wonderful take a picture of that that's great all right where's the last little one there you are eat that up you're gonna become big and strong just like the rest of your brothers come on wait why didn't you eat come here eat this there's so much why do you do it what are you doing little guy where's my little one you eat this right here right here it's easy I chopped it up into little bits that are nice and digestible for your little robot body now eat them where are you why aren't you eating this where is he there eat this he's not eating it I don't understand he's very confused okay maybe he's not the brightest robofish yet but one day one day he'll prove them all wrong let's go find a starfish for this little guy how about a sea urchin even better where you at little dude I'm gonna bite this up all right you just join the party here as soon as you you're ready where is it various areas there's the little guy let's wait for him get yeah get in on that yes chew it up chew it up take it yes another fully complete Robo fish family look at them oh this is crazy let's do one more batch I think we can pull off one more batch and then we've got the the fully mechanized army that we've always dreamed of I got seven more Robo baby eggs there they are let's just wait for them to hatch they're rolling away please stop stop stop just hatch stop rolling away where are you guys going you got minds of their own these Robo fish are getting kind of out of control I don't know about this there they all are oh so cute so cute so let's get this last little batch nice and fed we got a sea urchin right here for them I think we take it to the oceans let's see how our Robo army fares against some of the bigger fish around town they're probably gonna die cuz they're not that big but there's lots of them so we got to give it a shot only three more they're almost all grown they grow up so fast don't they I mean literally they do they grow up very fast which is probably the scariest thing about the Robo fish army it did not take long to get to this point where we are surrounded by Robo fish it's it's actually amazing I love it just three more we just need to find food for three more little baby Robo fish a starfish a beautiful lone star fish right there that's what we're looking for eat up boys eat up where where are the little ones they're a little bit behind the rest of the group there they go yes two more what boom there you go oh my gosh this is like terrifying alright boys let's take it to the high seas I don't actually know what that means but let's go somewhere where things are a little bit scarier what do you say let's see if we can take on some bigger fish with our gosh that is a sight that is so cool I love this alright boys who's gonna be our first victim I don't think that shrimp is a good choice shrimp always scare me Oh Megalodon uh well that's actually not Megalodon that's the great white shark but there's probably no better predator although my little ones are going after this shrimp should we do it I guess we're doing it I guess we're I guess we're battling the shrimp no things are dying though I don't know if I like this I don't know oh it's just a feeding frenzy okay that shrimp is dead I think is that is that one of my own oh no one of my Robo fish didn't make it so sad that's okay that's a risk that we knew going into it we knew that it wouldn't go on forever I don't know what happened to the great oh there's the great white shark I mean this is a very stupid idea but let's just do it go out with a bang I don't think any of us are gonna survive this but let's just go for it let's go for it we're gonna attack the great white shark because we don't know what's good for us just kidding get in there I mean this guy will swallow all of us hope that's the thing that is kind of dumb about this is that he can just eat us entirely whole so even if we get a good angle on him most of our children aren't going to get eaten so I accept my fate although this is actually kind of working I don't know how to explain it but it's sort of kind of working I don't know how much healthy has though like a me it's honestly gonna take forever to do enough damage to take this guy down well we're gonna try oh there's not a lot left all right I think our family has been kind of decimated honestly lasting longer than I expected though we'll see we'll just keep chomping away keep going boys keep attacking just watch out for that big mouth he's got very very big mouth is he dead no he's not dead not dead still a very very very alive great white shark and actually most of my is my family dead I got one too and they're not even Robbo my Robo army destroyed by a great white shark all of my little Robo babies are in the belly of that beast so sad we tried but at least we got a pretty decent Robo family army going they were scary for a little bit but not scary enough that's what it boils down to they just weren't quite scary enough but hopefully you guys enjoyed that episode of feed and grow fish once again let me know if there's any particular fish that you want to see me try out we got plenty of coins to go around but that is gonna do it for this episode if you did enjoy it be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window can also watch more my videos by clicking on the sides the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,166,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, whale shark, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark
Id: gdP05Yl8H7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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