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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications before the Arowana eats it all he's beating us to it we oh my goodness no why are they attacking me those were all verse [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to feed and grow fish so we played this game quite a few times in the past but something that I noticed is that we always tend to play on the great map which is you know I mean it's a cool map it's huge and there's a lot of different fish that you can play as but I haven't played any of the other maps I think I've played the ocean map because that was like the best map before the great map came out but I never really played the river or the swamp map so I thought that let's go back and play these levels because there are different fish available on these levels so I think I want to start with the swamp because I was checking out this level earlier and there's a particular fish that looks really really cool and I want to try to make him into like you know the the mightiest predator the world has ever seen but we're gonna try out several of the different fish here available on the swamp map where's my mouse hello Mouse so of course you have the piranha which you know I mean piranhas yeah it's a piranha we have some different options though so we can change the color of the standard piranha and then we have like this piranha which I think was like an early version of what the piranha looked like I'm not actually positive about that but he looks different than the other piranha version but now this is the guy that I'm really really interested in he looks so awesome like do you think that there's a fish out there that actually looks like this thing because this straight-up looks like a dinosaur and his name's Raptor this is a dinosaur fish this thing oh whoa whoa I did not realize that there was that like that is crazy-looking hold up dude that's pretty cool so I think we're definitely gonna have to give this guy a try but there's more there's more there's the uber they'll come pick you up you know there's an app you just you just this bad uber joke it's not even how eber is spelt it doesn't work stop this guy's pretty cool looking he's got some sharp looking teeth and as you can tell these first three are all free so we can play as any one of these right off the bat that's like really cool and we got the Arowana what whoa that one doesn't look so healthy you might want to see it a fish doctor or something cuz that would be a vet right Arowana looks interesting not to like scary looking just just you know very fish looking we got the pike he looks fast oh my gosh what is up with these creepy half dead fish Oh terrifying this was really neat looking though look how colorful he is I like it and klej hello klej he looks like it his name would be klej like hey klej what's going on no much well what are you doing today you doing okay all right uh well huh just carry on I guess okay that's what klej sounds like in my head I don't know why it's just that's his name we got catfish I think we have two different designs on the catfish yeah I don't know why this one's so much bigger actually the stats change between the different versions interesting snakehead I mean I wonder how he got that date oh it's cuz his head looks like a snake glad I figured that out that that would have been embarrassing no I mean obviously he looks like a snake and the swamp lurker is just a terrifying looking turtle those are the Turtles with the the bite that like can break like a log in half it's basically a snapping turtle right but it might am I crazy I don't know swamp lurker sounds scary is it is scary so I think we're gonna just start out as the piranhas now that we've checked out all the different options that we have let's just try out the piranhas should we go with the original piranhas does he play any differently than the others no it doesn't look like it all their stats are exactly the same so this play is this guy I don't know why his teeth are blue that's weird but let's just try it out all right let's begin our life as a piranha and again like this map this is all new to me cuz I don't think I've ever played this map or if I have it was a long time ago so you'll have to bear with me as I try to remember what exactly it is that you're supposed to do here what are we supposed to eat like there's no starfish in the swamp right that's kind of annoying I would like to have some some stuff to eat that that maybe won't attack me I do see that there's there's little babies here okay that's a catfish probably don't want to start a fight with catfish oh there's an uber scoopers oh my gosh the ubers are attacking me so right now I'm just kind of exploring my surroundings not making much progress to be honest with you what is that is that something I can eat you know that is a rock definitely not something that you would typically want to eat about like can I can I eat this kelp here no okay I can't can't eat plants all right so what are you supposed to eat there's a little piranha this place is scary man I don't know if I like you here maybe oh I can eat this guy it's like a big old goldfish yeah over watch out for the uber drivers they're very dangerous so I'm just kind of hanging out here kind of assessing my surroundings I don't know like there's goldfish the goldfish are probably the best option but man that's a big catfish so I guess that's the big boss of the river like our goal is to beat the catfish I think we can make that happen maybe I don't know I it would help if I could actually eat some stuff like I would love to actually gain some levels you know that that's kind of the name of the game right you're suppose it's the folks attack other fish and eat them and turn them into XP but it kind of having a hard time with that very basic premise of this game I think the fact that you don't have access to like sea urchins and starfish really makes this whole process a lot harder no no get away from and that is why you use lift and not uber okay so our life as a piranha didn't didn't go too well let's go to the fish select here let's um let's try the uber um I want save the Raptor for last that's the one that I really want to like give a solid go but I at least want to try the other fish so let's try Ober since that's what killed us let's let's become what we hate most or something like that I don't know whoa we're in a cave is very dark down here on a spooky I don't know if I like it are there actual things that we can eat down here though I don't see anything that you can actually eat down here okay I think we have to leave the cave of uber drivers it's like a garage full of uber drivers so let's get out of here okay we've made it out or should we go what what should we eat we want goldfish the goldfish seemed like the right way to go there's also crabs but they scare me oh you you're gonna get eaten okay all right just there we go okay we got one bite great it's a great great start not really come here you little bugger come here where are you going Oh oh my oh dear okay that piranha is getting getting attacked by the crab I'm gonna take his XP I just took this piranhas XP now I'm gonna fight it because maybe I'll stand a chance okay this is all I lived but only barely okay sure no don't take my food that was rude very rude okay we've made a little bit of progress here I would love to level up though let's see if I can oh here we go here we go that's what I'm talking about attack the goldfish eat the goldfish no you are a terrible monster why would you do that I worked so hard on turning that goldfish into delicious morsel stop no look girl what oh my gosh you pulled me out of the water stop please tonight oh I thought maybe I killed it for a second I didn't in case you were wondering kit in case there was a little confusion there I am dead and he is not Wow the swamp has no wonder Shrek's the only person who wants to live here cuz this place is it's not a great place to live alright I think the time has come let's try the Raptor he looks really really cool should we play as the weird like zombie rapture I don't even understand this thing but it looks real cool I think I'm just gonna play as the red one I think the red one looks the best alright so we're gonna really give this one a go he's kind of slow he's a little tanky but maybe that means that his his bite really pays off okay I'm scared of that that fish that fish definitely scares me okay whoa my boys are attacking this fish okay we just got murdered completely obliterated let's try again so this guy has the same ability as the Bebo's where he can gang up we may have to use that like almost certainly have to use that because pretty much everything around here is way bigger than us and that scares me okay okay maybe we can pull we got crab here we can take this crab let's take it no bad arrow wanna get out oh don't you attack me okay all right you know what you can have that consider that a peace offering why are all my friends dead oh you're blinking you're faking it oh my gosh all of my family are just dead in front of my eyes okay maybe what will happen here is once they float to the surface they actually will turn into meat that I can eat I know that's kind of messed up I feel like it's gonna be one of the best ways to get some XP right now yeah there you go okay yep thank you there we go very nice let's do that again with the other one that was my brother he was he was actually delicious what are you I'm gonna eat you come here you're weird-looking goldfish you look delicious nope stop running these fish are so hard to catch that's the hardest part about this oh my gosh I just noticed that there is a dinosaur head skull in the middle of our swamp that's terrifying ooh goldfish I love fishes cuz they're so delicious you know the goldfish theme song goldfishes yeah I know it's pretty bad okay we've managed to grab on to one of these goldfish now you just need to accept your fate accept it accept it please oh my goodness Han life in the swamp is brutal I thought this would be easy it's not it's not easy at all what that what is that above me you see that shadow that shadow scares me that was a very scary shadow I didn't like it ok we finally turned that into nineteen XP that's depressing it took way too long to do that but I guess that's life ok let's try to get this guy alright ok something else is around here that is bigger than us ok that's scary please don't hurt me please so I think the raptor has that ability where the faster you're moving the more damage you do it's a hard thing to do on purpose because these fish move so quickly they're very hard to capture so I'm just happy when I get a bite in like that's good enough for me I can't worry about how much damage I'm doing by going super fast or whatever it may be ok so we've managed to make it almost to level 2 but not level 2 we got another one of these weird-looking goldfish gah she's so fast nope can't can't get him he's too fast he's too sneaky your oh my goodness okay alright you know what I'm not gonna waste my time chasing that guy anymore cuz it's too hard piranha you think we can take on a prop no that's not a piranha that's a bigger fish okay don't fight the piranha bad idea oh oh I just nabbed that goldfish I got him good but he's too he's too fast oh man that is really hard okay maybe we should stick to these smaller goldfish alright that's why I'm gonna do I'm just gonna stick to these guys for now and hopefully I can get at least to level 2 as long as I get this guy I think that that I'll take us the level 2 okay he is dead so the hardest part is done now it's just a matter of staying alive until I can turn him into delicious XP okay [ __ ] Billy levelled up oh my gosh level 2 this is brutal there's got to be a better way there's got to be a better way if I could take on the the arrow Juana's that would be awesome but they are too big right now they're much too big but who No maybe I can collect some of my friends here are you my friends no your uber you are not my friends we are a lyft driver family are you my friend nope you're not my friend you are definitely not my friend family oh I found my family okay so we're gonna we're gonna gang up on this thing yes attack together together we are strong oh no there's another one now the oh my gosh that was a snake head that was scary that was very scary okay please don't die please don't die it was so hard to get to level 2 you don't understand we must take down this creature okay I all my friends are dying get out here get out it get out go run run life in the swamp is hard okay alright are there any other bigger fish that we can play as at this point no the next one is the Arowana and it is 20 coins we don't have enough it's okay let's play as the Raptor for such a cool-looking fish you kind of stink alright I hate to say it you're not all that great yeah so you can see his passive ability is that ambushed once so the faster we're going when we attack definitely the more XP that we get but like I said that's really hard to like plan for if I can get to the point where I can take on arrow Juana's then I feel like we're in a much better spot because we can just eat those things for days there's loads of them so as long as we can beat them we can XP on those and then maybe just maybe we can take down a big old giant catfish one day possibly so let's just do our best here to try and get back to level 2 I guess I need you guys to work with me here so let's let's gang up on somebody I don't know like maybe we can maybe we can gang up on the on the catfish and just attack it from behind kind of like we do with the bigger fish on the ocean map I worry that he can he can turn around really fast okay he did and he just swallowed my family entirely all so yeah he can he can definitely turn around really fast which is very scary so yeah I don't think that's gonna work out that's not the best plan don't do that well what's going on over here guys ooh we're attacking a crab sweet let's do it give me this XP oh okay thanks for thanks for sharing guys I was really nice of you really really really nice does that meet oh my gosh this is like giant slabs of meat holy moley okay if we can turn this into something a little bit more you know consumable this could be no no we got to get back there we got to get back respawn get back to the giant slabs of meat watch out for the snake head though okay where where was that it was it was like in the middle it was in the middle of the map we got to get back there that's too good to let go please leave me alone I'm on a mission please let go of me me no let me go man the swamp is terrible where did that giant meat go it probably got eaten oh wait wait a second there's still some morsels left maybe we can get in on this we just gotta be careful keep an eye out for any enemies that oh look at all that XP okay come on just come faster eat it eat it faster we got to eat faster level two all right okay keep it going keep it going good let's get that no morsels delicious XP give it to me okay okay that's good more hello gotta fight this down and get this down into more manageable sizes okay there we go eat it up keep it going level three this is the most we've ever leveled and it's all just because this meat was sitting around oh my gosh don't get eaten not like this just let me continue this feast let me continue nobody bother me this is mine no you're bothering me let me go let me go you awful creature you're terrible monster you don't understand I'm level four now this is the greatest day of my life as a raptor fish go away thank you okay get more of this oh my gosh these guys are scaring me though they're getting real close okay what's going on over here oh my goodness this is a feeding frenzy we gotta get it all before the arowana eats it all he's beating us to it come on we oh my goodness No why are they attacking me those were averse oh my gosh I thought they were my family they were ubers oh man I really messed that up we were level six oh man that hurts all right all right I understand I understand my place in this world oh my gosh look at all these dead fish there are so many dead fish here this is my family they're all gone they've all been turned into XP by the era Juana's absolute monsters are just destroying my family left and right so new strategy wait four giant slabs of meat to appear near the surface and eat as quickly as you possibly can it might work but it probably won't but you're saying there's a chance is that garbage those are tin cans man that's just depressing people throw in their tin cans in this beautiful swamp that isn't so beautiful actually now that I'm looking at it that yeah there's tires there's big old bins oh my gosh please please let me go there's there's no hope this is just there's no hope there's a piece of meat okay watch out I just I swam into his mouth probably not the best strategy should have thought that through okay so my strategy of waiting for much larger creatures to kill themselves and then turn into delicious morsels of XP is not really working out in case you haven't noticed is really not working out I'm just looking around trying to see if there's maybe some better places to to level up but so far not even close I mean it's not a huge map so there's there's not a ton of places that you can really hide oh this is not good this is I should not be here that's just a feeding frenzy for klej hey I'm just eating over here alright klej you do you I'm gonna I'm gonna stay over here maybe watch these guys fight oh my gosh they Arowana one that's crazy why are you so strong why why is why is that fish so strong he's got so much power he doesn't look all that scary well those piranhas killed that one I don't know what's going on the balance of power is all out of whack nothing makes sense I mean look at the fish that I am this guy there's a scary-looking monster he looks like a dinosaur he can't do anything he just gets eaten by everything it's not fair life is Raptor fish is hard that's what it boils down to it's hard I'm gonna fight this guy this is a terrible decision I'm gonna try I'll fight him maybe he can't bite me if I bite his side just keep biting him on the side nope where are you going come back here you can't attack me I'm too sneaky I am too sneaky for you I am the sneakiest fish you'll ever face I'm your mightiest foe just don't don't run into his mouth don't that's probably not a great idea by the way if this actually works is gonna take forever just just so you guys know probably gonna be here a while doing point six damage for every bite whoa we just threw me out of the water that's crazy man relax I'm just gonna eat you okay there's no big deal I don't know about this I don't know about this if we pull this off it's gonna be amazing Oh the uber there's an uber attacking me no leave me alone I just want to attack this very big fish by myself why can't you guys just respect my life respect what I want to accomplish here all right oh no oh no he's got a protector now oh oh that would be me if I got in this guy's face like that just like that that see I was just demonstrating that's all giving you guys a little demonstration of what happens when your very small fish and you go up against a very large fish and swim into their mouths all right well since we have some money let's go into the fish select here we can play as a pike y'all's plays klej else plays catfish no we can't play as a catfish we don't have enough money let's play as clenched clench has to be good what what's his passive ability here hold can remain bitten into prey for much longer okay let's give it a shot hopefully our life as klej is much better than our life as not klej okay I like that that worked out pretty good destroyed that uber absolutely decimated the uber who's next I do want to kill some era Juana's but I'm a little bit worried that they can kill me back so I would like to level up first maybe just a little bit this guy does the whole shark thing he bites down and then shakes for a while it's pretty sweet Oh snake heads getting attacked what is going on here oh my gosh did these guys win did they kill they killed snakehead that's crazy okay but I'm a little scared because they will attack me and I don't want that to happen I would like to kill them and then take all this meat for myself look at all this meat we're gonna I hope no one notices hopefully nobody notices this cuz this is a lot of meat here oh yes Oh XP it's so good it's so good give me all the ex piece thank you thank you don't mind if I do yes I will help myself okay we've made it to level 2 that's beautiful level 3 even better don't mind if I do glad you're a good guy thanks alright clutch it's you and me against the world buddy let's make this happen we got another snakehead battling with the ubers the ubers of this world the uber is kind of scare me cuz they gang up they're strong when they work together that is that's a little scary I want them to gang up on me that's the problem alright let's fight one I can fight one at a time it's when you have to fight like five of them that's when things get a little sketchy should we fight this Arowana I think we should go for it I think I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna bite this guy until he's good and dead okay he's still he's still fighting he's still fighting we're gonna keep on biting them that's three full bites and these guys are strong okay okay I don't I don't like the way that you're living I don't like that you need to not be living and you not live anymore please I just keep biting oh he's dead we won we got revenge finally we've defeated the arrow that's the scariest fish in this pond just absolutely ruining my days as a raptor finally klej gets us the revenge that we've asked for that takes forever to eat though can we get this guy down into some easier to digest morsels please there we go eat that up come on yes yes level four we've done it oh there's another one it just died yeah I'll take that XP don't mind if I do see if we can take out this guy Oh another klej pledges joined the battle together pledge attack please clutch I would like to share this XP if we okay alright you can that's fine I hope you enjoy that it's fine totally fine I didn't want it anyways you think we can fight a pike uh that Pike is coming after me I don't like that I think that's the name of that fish I think it's a pike I could be wrong though he scares me klej no like ok let's fight this guy I think we can take on the era Juana's pretty easily now we can do pretty decent amount of damage and it looks like they can't do enough damage to us and that is the goal yeah Erewhon azar great XP actually so I don't know if it's actually better to bite and do the whole shakin thingamabob er or if we should just bite down and just continually bite the first bite does the most damage but it seems I don't know it's hard to tell honestly this Arowana is dead so let's bring it to the surface and then just eat the whole thing oh that is fantastic let's keep doing that I like this I think it's definitely better to bite and just do the shake coz think about it we do three damage with each bite but each time we shake we do point 9 damage so that's almost 1 damage for each shake three of those is equal to one bite so it's definitely well it's probably a lot faster to just do the whole shake thing also that arowana almost just killed us which scares me like a lot so maybe it wasn't the best idea to fight those guys we're gonna do this we're gonna do this we're doing this hopefully this fight goes better we did level up we got that going for us at least maybe I don't know it's hurtin it's definitely getting some bites in I don't really like it please stop stop biting me this is dead I think nope it's still not dead now it's dead okay oh no klej no don't take my XP I worked very hard on that XP it's very rude level 6 not too shabby klej not too shabby another arrow wanna come here where are you going where are you going you can't escape the clutches of klej pledges cool but like he's still not as strong as I thought he would be to be honest let's take this guy to the surface turning him into quick meat that's a nice little strategy there let's do it again boom take him to the surface come on there you go eat him up love it should we try taking on the catfish this is probably a very stupid idea but I got a I got a try oh we got a teammate we got a teammate here no oh he just bit my face oh my gosh I was not expecting the catfish to be that strong to have like that strong of a bite I thought that he was more like a vacuum like the whale shark apparently not apparently not so that was our experience in the swamp swamp life is hard like straight up it's hard I was really hoping to play as the Raptor and become like a super big Raptor did not happen just not even close but at least we got to try out klej pledges a cool dude seems to be you know pretty relaxed kick back dude there's a there's a catfish right behind us which which scares me probably gonna eat us here in a second but that's fine we get to check out klej give him a little spotlight all right but hopefully you guys enjoyed that episode of feed and grow fish if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,374,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, whale shark, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark
Id: HiXVuXxAJ04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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