DEADLY ALIEN SHARKS EVERYWHERE! | Subnautica Below Zero Gameplay

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications oh gosh no no no no no no no no no no bad creepy monster fish you you get away that's right [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Qian and welcome to subnautica below zero this is the follow-up add-on to the original subcommittee cuts basically a survival game based on an alien planet that typically mostly takes place underwater it is a super cool game that I have played in my spare time I haven't actually finished the original subnautica I probably have about 20 hours in I'm probably pretty close to the end but now they got this out and I figured we gotta try it even if I haven't beaten the original subnautica so let's play subnautica below zero which has like alien penguin people they kind of freaked me out their mouths open that way anyways let's play the game what Emperor dream sequence okay we're different but we'll go together that sounds ominous let's press any button unknown worlds entertainment presents a black screen no we got we got action going on what's happening I'm waking up it's time to jump out into the cold off snooze I actually want to go back to sleep can can we go back to sleep please no okay I guess I have to get up so let's get up crack those knuckles alright our adventure begins WASD to move around we know that there is a PDA let's pick it up it is from Robin Goodall Altera application interview are we robbing Goodall I actually don't know but Robin is a xeno linguist so great keep it keep it up can we just like swim with scary penguin aliens I would like that so is that me and my that must be me what is that thing dude you got a hole in your body that's crazy I love the alien designs in this game I also hate them because they're horrifying like legitimately prepare yourselves if you haven't seen some of the alien life forms that end up in these subnautica games it is horrifying seems kind of lonely around here we got cargo room let's actually see what we're supposed to do we got a voice log oh that's the weird monster talking to us yeah I don't know okay that's yeah sure looks like we got a greenhouse whoa very nice there are bugs in this room because you can hear them I don't know if I feel comfortable with bugs living inside of my my home this is my home sounds like a rain forest in here that's kind of freaking me out can we can we grab some of these vegetables no we cannot grab the vegetables and never underestimate an alien vegetable you think you're gonna eat it it might actually eat you what we got over here open where are you taking me oh I'm outside in the cold got like a giant antenna over here there's a big old mountain there's some kind of alien obelisk over there scary all all we got big old robot suits hello vesper would it kill your career to act like we met before I've been here two weeks be hardly spoken because he went straight to the planet okay so that clearly shows us that we're robbing and apparently Sam is our sister and it seems like she might also be our boss or something along those lines so I don't know we got to go find Jeffery up in the research lab or something like that I don't know still exploring the base can I get my bearings straight is that a vending machine it absolutely is mmm my favorite snack from the makers of potato that's good that's that's some good branding and is this the room that we started in whoa there's a big old astronaut cady that's adorable this is not our room we did not have a giant Astro Kitty in our room that was definitely someone else's room I'm so sorry invasion of privacy what about over here oh this is where we started yes yes this is definitely where we started okay um well let's go find Jeffrey I guess where do you suppose the research side is I don't actually know can I get on one of these giant robots like forever can I just be in a giant robot forever please giant robot no no giant robots yet but the day will come how about a forklift who wants to drive a forklift the real question is who doesn't want to drive a forklift apparently me apparently I don't want to drive a forklift because I can't very upsetting oh we've got a scuba-dive snowman though Scoob just killed scuba-dive snowman I'm so sorry okay well are we going down into the water that seems like a bad idea I don't feel like I'm prepared for this like get on the ladder I'm onto the ladder no not onto the ladder okay the ladder is insta teleport that's kind of magical keep in mind that this game is early access so still bugs and weird things that'll happen that's okay I don't know where the research side is can someone tell me can someone point me in the right direction snowman Scoob a snowman can you tell me where to go no no he cannot because he's dead wait we got something going on over here there's there's weird stuff over here there's ice broccoli growing out of the ground you know like a normal a lien planet wood what about this thing it looks like a flower with an eyeball oh don't look at me stop stop looking at me it's so creepy oh you're looking at me too and then you're gonna look at me what is wrong with these flowers I don't like it here can I go home oh gosh and there the nice aliens wait until we find not-so-nice aliens oh man research site Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey are you here oh good a cave this seems safe Jeffrey Jeffrey where are you I'm scared of the flower I plants I don't like the way they were looking at me oh this yeah yeah that's an alien monument that's a big old alien door I am scared alright well there's only one way to go can I pick up any of this stuff no I can't all right I will just carry on oh I come in peace Sam the building just powered out it spoke to me I'm fine no sign of Jefferies I've got an electrical storm I think it's already here oh that's nice Sam Sam Sam oh I don't like this insert tablet what tablet that tablet pick up no that's not the tablet that's not the tablet we're looking for where's the tablet that we're looking for wiser why is there a number pad in here nope that's definitely not the password okay tablet tablet you got tablet any tablets over here any ancient alien tablets hanging out over here we got coffee it's pretty much the same thing right same thing we can go this way I see like oh my gosh I see electrical flashes that's so freaky Oh things are gonna get intense real fast I can sense it any alien tablets over here there's no alien tablets over here okay I think I'm just gonna leave think I'm gonna follow Sam's advice and head out of this cave and nothing bad will happen guaranteed yep yep that's not bad it's that's not bad sure it's a giant mountainous cave-in but it's not that bad right it's fine everything's fine look there's there's a nice little eyeball flower plant looking at me uh-oh we have a pathway now okay yeah sure just a normal day on an alien Iceland it's perfectly fine everything's great just going out for a walk I wonder where Jeffrey is Jeffrey hey oh that is that pushing me no it's not pushing me I just wasn't supposed to go over there I thought I was supposed to go up there I'm supposed to go this way all right let's follow the frozen river sure why not seems like a perfectly sensible decision there is lightning in the sky lots of it okay yeah yeah those are very very bright flashes of death okay just carry on just carry on hey hey it's home home sweet home like I said nothing bad is gonna happen here guaranteed oh okay that was my house that just got buried in snow okay okay it's fine everything's fine it's totally going according to plan this is yep absolutely fine you know what snowman the snowman he's got he's got like snorkeling gear oh the ladder fell down okay yeah this is good this is very good okay um what would we got ladder can I can I pick up the ladder oh this seems bad oh good this this is just a wonderful dis wonderful day Geoffrey's fault I need to breathe so basically the game has begun now now we are in survival mode you can see the gauges in the lower left-hand corner of the screen we have to keep an eye on our health our food and our water and then our oxygen of course emergency mode has been engaged let's start where it tells us to start step 1 retreat to a safe environment I don't feel like we've done step 1 let's do it I think that we're gonna have to swim yeah we're gonna have to swim to a new area okay um well let's take a deep breath cuz we're gonna have to go into that cave I guarantee it let's do it oh man I really really liked subnautica but it's it's scary in harsh game so I imagine that this one's not gonna be too much different but I'm excited to see this new environment oh my gosh that thing is just weird-looking and kind of cool oh nice I can get oxygen from the bubble plant Thank You bubble plant you've saved me okay we've got we've got an opening please tell me that this is safety this is not safety this is this is not good alright alright we'll continue swimming that's all we can do oh it's opening up now okay this is the like the bladder fish yeah these things you can use for water eventually right now not so much cuz like we have access to nothing okay okay what do we got around here what oh that is so cool oh my gosh that is awesome hey look it's the weird penguin people whose mouths open on the top of their heads Hey penguin people do you think they'll be nice to me you think they'd want to be my friend can I be leader of the penguin people hey let me up let me up here hey guys hey what's up hey please no no you're not okay where where's my temporary habitat that thing is it wait oh I see it I see it man this is crazy so that's the Space Station I'm guessing that's where Sam is and this is now my new home I missed my old one already and I was only there for like five minutes hello penguin people yes I am your new leader I hope that we can all get along you all are very strange you're kind of freaking me out I'm just gonna go over to my my habitat all right you guys just just hang out here I'll I'll talk to you guys later okay bye what are those those log glowing fish okay let's go to our habitat home sweet home man this is cool oh my gosh there's so many glowing fish this is really cool oh man all right please let me inside the pod oh do I enter from the top no no I enter from the side okay all right here we are our our new home it's a little little cozier than the last one Jeffrey I need to know why no no I just think that we should just let's just go home let's just go home when alien buildings talk to you by name that's just a good sign to be like I'm out I'm good I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna go home I'm gonna go drink a 7up that's my plan okay but that's not Robins plan she wants to find out more so that's what we're gonna do all right so now we have access to our fabricator thingamabob er so this will allow us to make food and whatnot that we need so desperately so let's actually see what we got there's there's nothing in here okay good to know what do we need to make we need to make a lot of things but probably at the top of our list would be this thing our Oh two tank fins are actually super handy to help you swim better all that good stuff a flashlight yeah we got a lot of work to do but let's start out with just keeping ourselves alive that sounds good let's get into the water and we need to we need to grab some fish so that we can start cooking these bad boys up hey you're you look delicious Hoopa fish all right I'm gonna I'm gonna eat this guy too come here there you go well it's daytime now everything's nice and fruity still very very cold but a little bit less scary hey where did my penguin people go Penguins oh well all right so let's just quickly cook up what we got here and fill ourselves up cook some boomerangs anybody you just want eat a boomerang that sounds delicious all right so we got some food let's eat it up there we go all right we're nice and full let's drink the water get our water full okay now obviously we want to keep an eye on those gauges but at least we're in a better spot now so what we really want to do is start exploring for things that we can use to craft into materials that we actually a need so let's look for stuff gasps I mean there's really nothing else we can do that's like the name of the game is just finding stuff oh that thing looks real nice are you a deadly alien fish more more deadly alien fishes okay why am I going towards the deadly alien fishes this is probably not the best idea I should not be doing that also I should be breathing cuz you know breathing's good let's see what our survival guide says that we should do next where is that thing there you are administer first aid if required we're good odd cast distress signal I think we're okay on that end retrieve emergency supplies if available I don't think there were any emergency supplies in our little habitat survey the environment for threats and resources that is where we're at so let's do some surveying what's this looks good is the salt oh no it's quartz okay and then of course we have the outcrops titanium that's important stuff right there what else can I collect we got more outcrops no nothing there okay this thing what are you you are copper we need that to make batteries so actually let's head back to our little habitat here and let's see what is it gonna take to make our tank we need fiber mesh now in subnautica you got the fiber mesh I think from seaweed and they were like big like plants I don't know if we have those same resources here on this Arctic planet so we might have to do some improvising on that end and then the rubber I kind of forget where you get that from but eventually we'll figure it out like we'll get there it's just a matter of exploring okay so the robber comes from creepvine seed cluster so that's creepvine that's what we need to find and then the fiber mesh comes from just the creep vines themself but I think you need a knife in order to harvest the creepvine so then you go to tools so we need rubber okay we need to find creepvine that's at the top of our list let's go find creepvine I am so scared it's like giant glowing tentacles I don't even know that's that's freaky like these things are freaking me out is this a giant like octopus creature or is this just the way the planet is I really don't know and I don't know if I want to find out refine I don't see any creepvine I just see a lot of glowing fish that are honestly freaking me out creep fight are you creep fight I think we found it we found the creep vine forest alright sweet also what is that what are what are you are you something that I need to collect that looks suspicious it looks like a like a snail almost I don't know can we you know can I get up there come on come on come on let me up please let me up okay how did I get on these glaciers before I don't understand okay maybe I can dolphin up there you know we'll do the full on like dolphin move do one of these out of the water there you go actually worked I can't believe it I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get up there no I can't get up there all right we won't worry about that right now let's grab the creepvine thingamabob errs that we need you you are yes okay so we got the seed clusters this will help us make rubber sweet all right let's make rubber we can also make lubricant I don't know specifically what we need that for but I'm gonna make it anyways because I'm sure we're gonna need it at some point okay so now we can make the fins yeah let's do that and then we can also make the survival knife awesome all right so we are much better off than we were just a few seconds ago now we have flippers so we can swim faster and we have a knife so we can start collecting creepvine I don't remember where the creepvine was oh my gosh I do not remember which direction it was in now I feel real dumb I think it might be in this direction I hope I should have really paid attention to the direction that I was moving in but I didn't and that's okay creepvine see I totally knew it was there Oh what is that are you a are you a thing what is this no talking I can go through it okay that's a little strange now gonna worry about that right now let's cut the creepvine boom alright let's just collect a whole bunch alright there we go let's collect this quartz cuz it's here and we're gonna need it let's also get this whatever it is okay we got more titanium whoa okay don't try to catch those things that was that was not a nice fish that was a deadly fish the thing looked like a dragon why did I pick it up that's very dumb very very dumb what are you man this thing is cool-looking all these things are cool-looking hey boomerang come here okay come here try to catch the boomerang thank you alright I think we've got enough creepvine I think we've spent enough time with that weird dragon fish maybe I'll try to kill it later let's grab some resources along the way what is this grab trap fragment we need the scanner in order to scan that and get whatever it has normally these give you blueprints which is a good thing because we need to make cooler stuff okay what are you your titanium awesome more titanium down here we also got quartz alright back to the base and let's make the fibermesh you can also make glass but I don't really feel like making that right now alright now we can make the standard Oh to tank so this is gonna increase our oxygen capacity which is obviously incredibly important so now you can see we have 75 oxygen so we can spend more time underwater let's cook this guy up although you know I honestly didn't really need to cook him and one thing you need to keep in mind is that if you cook a fish and then you let it sit in your inventory for too long it'll get rotten which is gross but also makes sense [Music] okay okay send me the cords before we head to that supply cache let's get some water I need to catch these weird-looking bladder fish that's really what they're called you yes I need to turn you into a water bottle which makes zero sense but it's the way things work alright yeah come here okay that one grab that one okay cool let's head back it's also nighttime I'm scared hey there's another one on the way sure grab him all right let's make some water all right we got water we're full on food we are good to go let's head to this emergency cash let's see what this is all about get out my knife I'm gonna stab whatever attacks me scary alien fish everywhere what is that thing it's like a swimming I ball hello I I pretty weird looking yeah I wonder how he got that name though it's weird name oh we got a see glide fragment so once we get a scanner we'll be able to scan that to get the blueprint for the sea Glide and the seagull ID is basically like a propeller like a personal propeller like you hold on to it and it if you've seen them before oh okay this is a little spooky because we're like under a glacier yeah I don't I don't know if I like that like can we get two fresh air he's kind of scary what can we what can we get here I mean I made it but where's the can I open this oh here we go data box okay yes high-capacity o2 tank this is awesome I need air please just walk breathe just you know asking for a friend thank you oxygen that's pretty great thank you okay so we got the high-capacity o2 tank will the blueprint for it so that's good start is there anything else here that we need to get because it still seems to want us to like be here so I don't know maybe I mean I see the quartz but that's not I don't see anything else there's something I missed up here no I think we've got what we came for so let's head back to the base and see what we need in order to make that high-capacity o2 tank all right we are home so let's see what it takes to make this guy silver ore we have not found silver or we can make glass so it's probably I mean we might as well we should probably make Pathfinder tool I don't think I've ever used that before I feel like a flashlight is probably something that we should make and a scanner oh my goodness I should definitely make a scanner which means I need to make a battery which means I need to find a ribbon plant excuse me I don't know what a ribbon plant is all right so we need to find ribbon plant and silver ore which means we got to do more exploring it's gonna be totally fine let's go a little bit deeper I guess I don't know like our you know your red wart that's not what I'm looking for violet blue definitely not what I'm looking for about this this oh yes this here we go this will help us make batteries nice okay that was a good find and that was actually super easy well we got a whole bunch of ore down here let's grab it while we can all right let's head back to the base let's make a battery we probably actually want to make two batteries because we want to make the flashlight and we also want to make the scanner so let's see if we can find more of those ribbon plants hello you yes you're what I'm looking for Oh scary sounds what is that oh my gosh Oh what is happening I need to breathe I need to breathe I am too far from home this is I don't like this that dead thing had sharp teeth I saw something down there that had really sharp teeth but I'm looking for silver ore I'm this I'm gonna save it real quick now let's head back down and hopefully we can find some silver ore before that really really scary looking fish attacks us oh it's one of those oxygen bubble things oh gosh no no no no no no no nope no no bad creepy monster fish you you get away that's right I will poke you okay yeah that was like our first encounter with a really dangerous creature and and probably the first of many oh we do not want to be this deep down okay let's let's leave let's no don't look at me don't you dare look at me I don't like you wait there's something over here silver or please please please nope that's titanium okay all right we need to breathe please hurry air could really use some of that right now okay that's nice that's some good air that's some great air all right I'll tell you what we did not find any more of that ribbon plant so let's just make what we can and go from there battery yes okay so I can only make one battery which means I have a choice to make either make a flashlight or a scanner I think the scanner is way more important so I'm gonna make the scanner also I'm going to cook this I I man this sounds disgusting it's high in fluids and hard to keep down gosh that sounds awful also this is a decomposing cook boomerang do not eat this we should get rid of it all right we have our scanner now and well now we kind of have to go find silver ore but now we can do stuff like this we can scan this bad boy and that will give us a piece of the blueprint so we just need to find another one and then we'll be able to make a graph trap which I probably will not use so there you go now we have a graph trap but we also saw pieces of the see glide laying around different areas is this it yes it is now this is something that we really want to have well another piece nice so we should only need one more man I'm really having a hard time finding that last fragment of the sea glide well well there you go that was not planned but there it is the last piece so now we can make a sea glide let's head back to our base to see what it takes to actually make one that's actually not too bad a battery lubricant copper wire and titanium we can make copper wire I'm pretty sure that I have copper in here yep and then we already have lubricant so all I really need is more ribbon plant we got to go find more ribbon plant that shouldn't be too hard ribbon plant yes I don't know why these things are so hard to find but I'm gonna grab whatever I can't find when I find it oh I need to breathe it's not paying attention to my oxygen bad idea pay attention to your oxygen breathing is good that's a that's a kindly Keon tip for everybody out there also light thing is scary can someone make it stop oh my gosh that is horrifying there's so much lightening see glide boom this thing is so awesome this makes travel it like so much better so check it out look at this look at how fast we move now and we have like a built-in flashlight and like a weird map thing that I don't quite understand but this thing is awesome but guys I think that that is a good spot to end our first adventure into subnautica below zero this game is awesome so far it's super cool let me know if you guys enjoyed this if you want to see more be sure to let me know in the comment section below and maybe we'll come back into the game now keep in mind that this is early access and right now there isn't a full suite of content here there's probably only about an hour or 2 hours of content and we've already played for an hour so there's probably not a ton more to see right now but there will be more to see absolutely in the future also I need to get inside my base because I am suffocating but be sure to let me know if you want to see more that is gonna do it for this episode if you did joyeux be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 919,181
Rating: 4.8712549 out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, below zero, subnautica below zero gameplay, subnautica expansion, subnautica below zero ep 1, below zero subnautica, family friendly, subnautica: below zero, subnautica below zero lets play, below zero gameplay, kid games, subnautica arctic, subnautica below zero early access, subnautica below zero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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