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nope nope bad cuttlefish get away from my babies you stop eating my babies [Music] everybody I am Kylie Keane and welcome back to fish feed and grow now I have to correct myself from the previous episode first of all this thing I was calling the eto Soros which i think is actually a pretty cool name I was saying it wrong however it's actually Akhil Soros thank you for those of you who kindly corrected me I was I was saying it wrong but now we're back in the game today because we did not play with the sea turtle and I want to be a sea turtle so that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna jump into survival mode as the majestic sea turtle alright so let's do this this is cool okay so we actually hatched on land that's great I love it all right little sea turtle it's time to begin your adorable life all my goodness this is fantastic have you ever seen those like planet Earth documentaries where the little sea turtles they hatch out of the sand and then they have to walk their way to the beach it's like the most dangerous point in a sea turtles life so we're living one of the most dangerous points in our lives right now and then we will be swept into the ocean and be able to live out our lives as a beautiful little sea turtle alright this is fantastic let's grow this little guy up start a family and see what kind of damage we can cause with the sea turtle I really like this area in particular of the map though it's just like a nice relaxing area there's not a lot of predators around here so I'm glad that as the sea turtle we get to live our existence out here for a little bit it's a safe place to be a baby sea turtle until you run into a crab hopefully that crab just Minds his own business he was in a hurry he was late for something I don't know but we're just gonna chop down on all these sea urchins that are sitting around for us Oh keep in mind sea turtles also need to breathe air I almost forgot about that so we do need to keep an eye on our lung capacity so that we don't suffocate underwater cuz I gotta say that's probably not a great way to go either is getting eaten by giant shark which we've experienced several times in this game but suffocating underwater I really don't want to try it out so let's avoid that at all costs and just continue our simple existence here where are all the other sea turtles I don't see any other sea turtles around here I don't know oh well it just means more food for me ah this is good stuff here look at this little guy he's so adorable my gosh oh there's a big boy hello they do such a fantastic job in making these babies as adorable as possible oh my goodness how could you not call that one of the cutest things you've ever seen look at those eyes oh that is a cute little bugger isn't it okay oh we better no we better get out of the the water here holy moly we were stretching our poor little baby lungs too much there all right let's eat this starfish enough gazing at our just unlimited cuteness as a baby sea turtle cuteness is not going to save our lives when giant sharks come knocking so we need to grow up into a full-grown and majestic sea turtle that's our goal right now and that will start a sea turtle family oh man it's gonna be so good maybe we'll even take down some of the new creatures that are in the game oh that's another correction that I got a lot of so the thing that I was calling a squid which I wasn't sure if it was actually a squid or not I was pretty sure that it wasn't a squid but was part of the squid family that was actually a cuttlefish so yeah they can shoot ink and they kind of have squid faces but they're not necessarily squids they're very cool-looking though so maybe we'll take down a couple of those guys once we grow up I think I think we killed some with the egg the asuras but I don't actually remember a lot of stuff happened in that episode I died I got swallowed whole by a shark and then I lost all my coins so I had to go back and get my coins back it was it was a terrible terrible sad sad story alright so we need three more levels in order to get full-grown so we're getting there we're making progress slowly but surely Oh hope wow that was extremely rude I know you weren't gonna eat me but to bump into me like that was was not very nice I'm gonna take part of the sea urchin that you just broke up because you were rude to me all right chomp down on this thing and then we should probably get some air as soon as we're done with that because we are starting to suffocate ah that is good all right we got some starfish there's plenty of food around here that's why I'm talking about this area is just so nice and I think this is a new area to the map I don't think that this area was here before this update they've been adding a lot to the survival mode and at a pretty fast pace so it's been pretty cool checking out these new animals and these new areas I'm excited to see what comes next Hey hi that see this guy he's just a bully that is just not nice mr. big sea turtle sure you're bigger than me but you gotta take care of me protect me don't eat my food alright now I'm having a hard time finding food maybe I spoke too soon maybe this area isn't as great as I thought it was these big turtles are eatin up all my food aren't they they eat it too fast it's not fair my little sea turtle mouth can't eat as fast as they can oh there we go we got a starfish over here let's grab this guy hey hey back off this is my starfish go get your own starfish big bullies sea turtles are not very considerate are they they're just in it for themselves I don't like that we all got to help each other we're family this ain't cool got another starfish over here hiding in the bushes oh no you're not escaping me little starfish that guy back off man I'm telling you just no regard for their younger little sea turtles it's all about me it's me me me but what about the babies babies have to eat too oh my gosh you need to back off man just get out of here oh and now your babies are coming over here to take my food as well I know I was saying how how babies need to eat too but this is my i foo these guys need to leave me alone because when I'm a big big old sea turtle oh oh they better watch their backs I'm gonna eat up all the food and they'll be Hey oh my you you again I'll even wanna be a sea turtle anymore I don't want to be associated with your kind extremely inconsiderate my goodness we need to find a new place to eat maybe this is far enough away hopefully it's not far enough away to the point where we'll actually die but hopefully it's far enough away where they won't it what am I supposed to do about that we're just gonna continue on try to keep our cool here just chop this thing down and eat it before that jerk comes over and swallows everything hold there we go yes yes and we're full grown and now we're probably gonna mate with the bully who's been taking all of our food this this is weird weird decision that I've made but you know what it's fine it's fine we got baby turtles incubating right now five more seconds and we should be good to go now we are gonna have to compete for food with the bully wherever he went there he is yeah oh you need to be on land to lay eggs that's really cool okay is this is this dry land up here it is all right let's go up here and let's lay some baby turtles we are extremely slow okay let's do this and we yeah okay we laid our little turtle eggs oh my gosh they're actually not very little at all they're huge okay please please don't die in the water just just hang out there for a little bit yeah yeah you guys gonna hatch soon I will protect you and nature of the this mama sea turtle just lays her eggs and then leave she bolts she's out of there you guys are on your own but in this case we're gonna protect these little guys you guys gonna hatch any time now please please tell me you're not dead oh here they come yes yes my little babies yes come to life my little sea turtles this ha ha ha I love you guys oh they're so stinking cute I can't get enough of it our you guys chopped down on this little starfish here and we're gonna go find you guys some more food I think that there was some crabs around here the crabs could be really good food for our little babies and hopefully there's enough of them to go around yes yes there's a crap let's go get this guy oh oh you're dead you're dead buddy you are going down come here don't you run away from me remember I can get on land too so you can't escape uh-huh I need to eat some okay now you guys can get in on this all right let's go find some more crabs because those are really good food and they're very very easy to kill at least for Mama okay I see no crabs anymore they apparently have all left I guess maybe we can go down a little bit deeper but you know obviously that makes me a little bit nervous I don't want my little guys to drowned either that would be awful let's just get them some of these urchins here chew those up yet grab that very nice little guy hope there's another sea turtle family over here all right let's get some air let's let's breathe up a little bit guys okay yeah yeah okay now we can go back down and let's try to find some more food just be aware of your surroundings watch out for giant sharks Oh oh my gosh we are so out of focus right now holy moly can we fix this I don't know how long I was out of focus there I apologize that I was just a ball of blur we should be good now though I think yeah yeah everything's in focus now sorry about that I should have noticed a lot sooner hopefully it wasn't too long all right let's chew up some of the starfish action right there yeah get in on that boys oh there's a crap no no you don't attack my babies and I attack you I'm turning you into food right now come here where are you going where are you going no you cannot escape my jaws of death ha gotcha all right let's turn this guy into meat and I should probably eat up some of this because Mama's hungry too actually Mama's gonna eat up all of the crap sorry about that little ones but there was another crab somewhere over here I thought I saw I'm over here okay maybe not well let's let's chew up the sea urchin and you guys can get in on that come on guys yeah yeah get it get it get it while the getting's good come on yeah eat it up there you go nicely done there's one more piece there we go all right we got a starfish kind of hiding in the wall here let's chew that up these guys can get in on that yep yep yep hey do you guys need to breathe let me know if you need to go up for air you know what we should go up for air you guys have smaller lungs than me come on follow mama get some breathing done I don't think they're smart enough to know when they're actually drowning all right yeah get some air breathe it in little guys alright everybody happy now yeah we're good okay let's go back down and let's grab this perch in here although we have some competition oh no no get get out of here this guy's bigger than me I don't know if I like that I need to get bigger than him so that I can bully him around okay we're definitely getting a lot deeper now I'm a little bit nervous about this there's a crab let's grab that crap come here you are turning into baby food right now that is what is going to happen to you thank you very much for making it so easy on me there we go come on babies get in on that chew that up mmm mmm that's some good crab meat are we safe everybody's safe okay everybody I think is okay I'm gonna eat up these little bits because they're really not worth anything apparently we got some barracudas over there I don't think I want to mess around with those guys hey hey hey oh we got a cult fish here let's kill the cuttlefish no no bad cuttlefish get away from my babies you stop eating my babies stop it stop it No No is it dead I don't know if it's dead yet I think I think it's dead yes it is dead it is super super dead did we lose any babies we didn't lose any babies all right we were able to protect them from the evil cuttlefish whoo oh that was scary little guys oh we got one that's got some damage to his back no little guy it's okay let's let's go up let's see let's get out of here I don't want to mess around with any cuttlefish right now you guys took a bit of a beating there mama was able to protect you but I don't know if I want to go through that again it was terrible hearing your squeals of death all right we got some sea urchins over here let's do this this is easy food for you little guys yeah yeah yeah eat that up all right very nice these guys take a lot of food they take a long time to grow up all right come on there you go yep get in on that all right very nice little guys ooh octopus let's get this guy hey come here come here you're not scaping me no no you are turning into baby food just like I said okay there we go I need to eat up a little bit - we got another octopus over here don't you get away from me no don't you know come here come here you stinky little octopus come here nope stop running away from me I'm so fast I'm impressed I'm impressed with this octopus speed okay fine yeah you get to live another day there's a whole bunch of crab down here though so this this is gonna be fantastic Oh oh no my little guys what what oh there's a hammer a shark no no these little guys will get eaten by that hammerhead shark so fast I don't think I can take on the hammerhead shark either he's way way too big okay these crabs where are they going they're just they're just running away from me yeah they are okay you know what I'm gonna grab this guy while he's floating down tried to turn him into crabmeat mmm that's some good crab meat where are my babies where are you guys oh no not another kind of fish nope Oh No we lost it until we lost two babies to the cuttlefish oh I don't like that that's awful this little monster needs to die yes good job guys thanks for protecting your mom hey there's some great meat over here you guys should really get in on this please please eat that up yes heal up there you go little guy okay so uh yeah we lost two of our little babies that's pretty sad but but you know it's that's just the way things are sometimes that cuttlefish came out of nowhere I don't like the way those cuttlefish kind of just show up oh my gosh there's a hammerhead shark you know what let's go to the surface guys we're definitely gonna be a lot safer if we just go up to the surface get some air take a little bit of a break from all the deadly creatures that are around us and just chill out all right is everybody good I think everybody's good so you should be able to go back down and it looks like there's a bunch of starfish over here and I didn't see any super deadly predators at least not recently so hopefully my little guys will be okay let's grab up this perch in over here actually I should probably eat up some of this all right you guys can eat the rest no you can have it I'm not gonna be mad just eat it I'm gonna be more mad if you just let this food just sit here I worked hard to find you this food come on there's one more little piece right here I'm up there ya go thank you and then we got a starfish bits over here you guys need to get in on this okay listen I gotta tell you sea turtles while they are unbelievably adorable as babies they're not very smart you guys need to eat please eat it okay you know what I'm gonna eat it there's another starfish over here guys yeah you didn't on that that's good it's good stuff right there oh we got HD asaurus over there I'm not gonna mess around with them I've seen what ichthyosaurus can do to turtles because I was the ichthyosaurus eating Turtles bad things happen when you start a fight with ichthyosaurs yeah eat that up you guys want that chew it up come on yes get in on that it's delicious I'm gonna eat it and then there was a fish down here what kind of fish is that I don't know what that thing is I'm gonna chew on it I'm gonna chew it down oh it's about Fitz fighting back oh I don't know if I like that I don't know if I like that get in on it little guys oh there's a shark there's a shark no we need to go we need to get back out here you guys run run for your lives you little buggers Oh No do not get involved with that guy Cup don't come on get up here he's chasing you No run away please escape the shark oh my gosh I just watched one of my babies get brutally eaten by a shark that was absolutely terrible he's gonna eat all my sorrows away oh guy he didn't stand a chance you could see his big eyes he's swimming to his mom please save me mama and I did nothing but watch I'm a terrible mother all right let's try to put that behind us and move on we still have three healthy babies here at least two healthy babies one of them looks like he almost got cut in half but it's still a win if we can get these little guys to adulthood come on you guys eat up these starfish yeah that's a good boy here we got more over here yeah yeah get in on that okay very nice there's another one right here eat that up eat it up come on guys yes yes we got one two full growth and we got 24 points for that that's pretty good all right come on eat it eat it I know you guys are all close to being fully grown but you gotta eat okay you know what I'm gonna eat it because you guys are waiting way too long and it's getting frustrating here there's a sea urchin over here look your brother he's already full-grown he's off on his own he's living his life why can't you guys follow his example all you have to do is put the food that I've already found you in your mouth just eat it yes yes very good thank you okay there's two more pieces here guys there's two more pieces yep yep it's just right in front of you come on guys right there guys I don't know what to tell you you know what if these guys never grow into fully grown sea turtles maybe maybe the species is better off that way I hate to say it but my babies are kind of dumb all right we got crab here let's eat up this crab yeah you guys know how that works and then you put the crab meat that we just got into your yes yes swallow it okay I'm gonna eat it up and and oh okay okay taking some initiative you took down a starfish by himself very good oh we got a zebra fish over here at least I think that's what these guys are called aren't these poisonous I feel like these are poisonous maybe I'm wrong though let's let's just chew this guy up and get some more fish meat for our babies this guy's pretty tough but we took him down and he is super dead now we just need to chew him up into little bite-sized pieces that our babies can enjoy where are you guys doing here yeah get in on that that's all there we go we got another one okay one more yes eat it up there you go get in on that no don't just crash into it you have to actually open your mouth you have to open your mouth and swallow the food yes yes very good very good yes we've done it we've gotten our babies to full growth okay that is absolutely awesome but now what I think I want to do is not worry too much about starting another family because we have experienced what it's like to start a family and grow a family to maturity as a sea turtle but I think that I want to grow this sea turtle up to a much larger size so that we can start taking on maybe some bigger predators and maybe even try to like take down the the Mosasaurus I don't know if that's even possible but it's a nice idea oh the shark is tearing up these cuttlefish over here holy moly hey we got to protect our little guy over here so let's take down this cuttlefish who seems to be attacking our little man get out of here is he gonna die I hope he doesn't die okay yeah he survived he's good and I'm gonna take all this meat for myself no it can you source no no no no no no no that is bad news that is very very bad if the source can absolutely chew us up and oh no no get away from me get away get away get away no no no no no no no no no no I don't want to die like this get away from me I can't give my life is a sea turtle completely destroyed that exists or was ruthless just did not care did not care at all look at the octopus he's like hey did something happen over here but I just I heard some commotion I just wanted to see what was going on nope nothing okay I'm out of here that guy showed no mercy whatsoever and just devoured all of our hopes and dreams okay I think I want to give this another shot and again we're gonna focus on just growing up our sea turtle to the point where we can fight with bigger predators I think I want to try to get to the point where I can take on a Thea source maybe it's not actually possible as a sea turtle because the a catharsis is essentially a dinosaur but hey you know I mean sea turtles they're they're reptiles - all right so let's try to get this guy to full maturity and then we'll start eating a bigger food once we get to full grown and we'll try to make it as big as we possibly can to try and take down an egg via source okay so we are officially fully grown so I think that right now I'm probably just gonna focus on eating crab because they are just like super easy to take down and they give like really decent XP so we're just gonna look around here from little crab ease and chew them up and I'm not going to worry too much about growing a family or anything like that I just want to focus on growing this little sea turtle to a size that we can be proud of all right chew up all these little crab bits that is delicious and delicious crab meat take that to the sushi bar wrap it in some seaweed add some rice maybe a little bit of cucumber and avocado and you got yourself a delicious California roll here we go yeah it has some good stuff right there chew that up mmm 40 XP that's delicious why am I on my side like this I don't like this it's very disorienting when you're playing a game sideways now these crabs are becoming a little bit more scarce I think they heard that I was hungry for crab and they all kind of started running away there's a couple over there okay so let's hunt these guys down I imagine though as soon as this guy gets taken down the other one is gonna notice and probably run away they tend to do that or he's just gonna come straight to the action oh my gosh I was not expecting you to try to be a hero and look at what happened look at what happens when you try to be a hero you get eaten by a sea turtle I'm like an evil villain or something it's awful but I kind of like it all right we are just about to hit level 10 if we can take down this little guy oh I think no he didn't get away he was tried to sneak in through that little crevice that I couldn't fit through but we were able to grab him just before he got away of course we could have just gone around the bone but I liked the idea of thinking that that would have been his final escape and he just didn't quite make it so we made it to level 10 not too shabby and it's been pretty easy with all these crabs around I mean there are tons over here that is awesome let's take advantage of this and just chew all these guys up as much as we can look they all run away where you guys going no come here come here you are going down hey don't get in on my food we got a bully sea turtle over here is trying to take my food that I worked hard for that is not allowed no no no no it's mine you better get your wrong get out of here we could probably start making our way to kind of the main area of the sea I'm still a little bit nervous about it but you know I mean we're gonna have to make that transition eventually anyways I'm gonna eat up these little Bebo's that are just kind of hanging out over here oh oh they're attacking me hey hey oh my gosh look at them they're vicious holy cow maybe this wasn't such a good idea oh my gosh get out of here no no no no no no no no okay okay I was just kidding oh my gosh those guys are vicious they will eat anything that stands in their way they don't care how big you are all right we're making our way into kind of the main area oh my gosh look at all of those shrimp ah they were just it was just like a ball of shrimp yeah I don't know if I really like that I'm gonna eat these little Nemo's Oh can I not I can't I guess not oh there we go okay yeah we can eat these guys I just can't swallow them whole I wonder if we can take down those shrimp although the shrimp kind of scared me I've attacked them before and they do way more damage than it seems I'm gonna try I'm gonna attack him okay he's definitely running away from me and not attacking me so I think that we're strong enough to take down the shrimp yeah no problem easy easy XP right there and really really good XP too so we should uh we should focus on taking down these shrimp as as quickly as we can where did they all go did you guys go there were so many of them around here oh they all drop down there okay I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna start chomping down on these guys oh man there's some good good XP yes oh oh they're eating their own little guys holy cow these guys are ruthless I just turned one of their own into meat and they came right to it started eating it up that's messed up alright we got another one over here you're going down buddy yep these pieces of meat are still too big that's the thing about the sea turtle the mouth isn't very big so you can't take like big old gulps of giant chunks of meat you really have to chomp it down Wow you can't do decent damage with your bite it's just not a very big mouth if that makes sense chomp him down there we go that's good stuff all right level 13 not too shabby oh my gosh we got a lot of death going on over here holy moly oh there's a bass let's see if we can take this guy down oh he's gonna try to eat me he's biting me he's attacking me oh I think we got it oh my gosh there's a shark there is oh oh holy just ate the meat that I made right in front of me okay you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and go up here I'm just gonna mind my own business get some fresh air oh ho ho Frye's the shark didn't go after me he's a big boy that is a very big shark he has no reason to be scared of me okay I don't like it here anymore let's maybe fight an angler let's go after the angler sure let's give it a shot Oh yurts he hurts he's got a good bite oh there's another shark my goodness the shark won't leave me alone oh-ho-ho please please don't eat me please don't eat me I'm leaving I'm leaving I didn't mean to bite you I'm sorry about that I'm really really sorry about that oh there's a little angler fish let's get this guy and just get some food cuz we got to eat something okay there we go whoo I don't know about that what was he coming for me oh they're both coming after me no please leave me alone are they are they behind me there they're kind of chasing me oh yeah oh yeah they didn't like that I took a bite out of them I'm leaving guys okay we got some eels down here let's let's get some eel oh man I love eel at the sushi bar that's some good stuff right there Oh what the heck why are there sharks everywhere that I go I didn't stand a chance I gotta be real with you the sea turtle not much of a predator more of just a lounger he's just kind of a dude who hangs out he just likes cruising around the ocean doesn't really like bothering people if he gets hungry he might eat a fish here and there but he's not out there trying to eat whatever gets in his way it's cool playing as the sea turtle but definitely not as powerful as some of the other creatures that we played in the past but I think that is gonna do it for this episode of fish feeding girl guys I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo on it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but that is going to do it thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 3,192,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, fish, feed and grow shark, family friendly, feed and grow gameplay, survival, feed and grow fish, ICHTHYOSAURUS, feed and grow fish update, Feed and Grow ICHTHYOSAURUS, giant fish, kindly keyin hello neighbor, keyin, fish feed and grow, cuttlefish, feed and grow game, feed and grow, hello neighbor, kindly, ichthyosaurus, feed and grow fish game, kid games, feed and grow fish gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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