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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications I'm ready for this you ready for this how about level 600 ish how's that just a dumb old I just say the product Navigon home [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to feed and grow fish now in case you missed the previous episode we now have access to a mod for feeding growth issue that basically allows us to play as any creature in the entire game which is incredible and also spawn like a million of them which is also incredible but last time I noticed that we had access to this worm I think it was called the vampire fish no vampire worm I don't know vampire leech yeah that thing looks real gross actually but I thought it would be fun to try it out cuz it's it's like a sea cucumber but with really nasty looking teeth is this a real thing like I mean I know leeches are real things but like is this really what they they look like cuz I don't like it it's making me feel really comfortable you're you're freaking me out man whose teeth and just like no eyes do they have eyes I don't see any eyes anyways let's just play as it and what I'm thinking is that this thing's probably really hard to play as oh my gosh it's so little it's adorable oh my gosh it jumps what I don't even understand seriously zero damage is this for real how am I supposed to level up you guys if I can't actually eat stuff uh okay okay new plan new plan we need to find a fish that is smaller than this thing the vampire leech what is smaller than a vampire leech do you think we can eat this thing wah wah it's a watch room ah basically what I need to do is give myself food that I can eat whole cuz clearly I cannot eat a starfish because I'm doing literally zero damage so okay let's let's resume here I guess what we could try spawning a a single fish that's too big you're way too big what did we have the watch nope you're too big - oh no don't eat me don't eat me I'm a I'm a very very little worm I'm a helpless little vampire worm it's so little you scared me at first but now you're just kind of adorable but how do i level this thing up I want to make this the most powerful bleach worm monster ever take down the Megalodon so that thing's too big what about a jellyfish can we can't eat a jellyfish it's too big come here jellyfish stop running from me Oh zapped me that did not work either Oh No do you think I can eat other leeches whoa that's interesting when I when I latch on I'm like I'm stuck to it I think oh yeah like I'm stuck to it for a second that is so weird so maybe I can get XP by like sticking myself to two different creatures I think I can stick myself to this sea urchin here let's see let's try it's not doing anything I'm again I'm doing zero damage how does this thing work okay so uh this guy just kind of stinks but I guess like the leech is supposed to latch on to creatures and absorb their XP I guess maybe the way it's supposed to work I don't actually know but we're gonna try it doesn't do anything when you latch on to the starfish certainly doesn't do anything when you latch on to a sea urchin but maybe if we latch on to like this this nice little crab over here that could do something maybe come here crab I'm just I'm such a lonely little little sea leech it's disgusting I'm actually pretty fast when I just crawl I shouldn't jump I should not jump where are you going where are you going let's do this I died I instantly died okay uh that didn't do anything so you know what actually what I could do is just spawn like a nautilus I guess like a single Nautilus and then try to latch on to him let's see huh come here no come here you stinky Nautilus here we go there I'm oh come back come back it's not wait wait a second I do see there's this little yellow gauge right does that little yellow gauge indicate that I'm sucking the life out of this Nautilus I don't know I missed come back come here there it's going up mmm we might be on to something maybe so maybe if I spawn like a much bigger fish the problem is is that if I spawn a much bigger fish it's gonna kill me Oh Bebo's no no no no no dole no be boss ah the peoples are gonna eat me get away from the bee buffs run you stinky little leech run for your life ah sir there's the bee buzz aren't even behind me anymore okay I'm totally fine I'm being way too dramatic everything's fine what I want to do is spawn a big old fish so like you think I can spawn like a great white shark and then just latch onto it from behind like it won't even notice me right I'm not even here I'm so little why are you even bothering trying to eat me I'm so so little also I'm underneath the BAP please let me out no I attack the great white shark did I get him I thought that I got him there oh oh look at the gauge look at the gauge it filled up so fast oh that's amazing okay please don't eat me please stop No don't eat me ya hate me I asked him not to eat me aunty he ain't me not cool great white shark not cool I did see the gauge going up though and it went up really really fast so maybe if I spawn like tight tanta cthis maybe this guy would be good oh it's filling up do I just need to keep doing this is this basically I just need to keep attacking him no babe aus stupid Bebo's he boasts ruins everything for everybody you're not invited to this party anymore I'm leaving this vampire leech is out of here what what I got to get away from the Bevo's they're not nice he's a little guy he's booking it I love it you're awesome what a cool little creature okay so maybe oh you do what actually we can eat those little colorful bits it's like the Cheerios of the ocean let's go get them give me my cereal breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I have to admit a lot of times I don't eat breakfast don't tell my mom give me the pixie dust give it to me let's see let's see if we can oh yes we're leveling up we're actually leveling up this is glorious I just I need to get like yes level two okay I mean it's progress albeit very very slow progress but maybe we can actually do damage now I mean we are level three and we're getting a little fatter get a little chubbier can't help but notice oh great white shark that's the guy that I spawned should we go after him again probably not then then well the first time and I gotta say the Cheerios of the ocean much easier to eat than a great white shark but I do want to figure out what happens when you fill up that yellow gauge cuz that's got me thinking like maybe you're actually like pulling the XP out of the monster once you fill up that gauge and it gives you like loads of XP so I can spawn Megalodon I could plug Natha dog let's do that there's no way you're gonna see me here there's no feasible way that you could turn around and find me and immediately eat me big bully okay so that didn't work I'm gonna spawn another one and I'm gonna try again now this guy is obviously gonna wreak havoc in this world but that's okay can I please bite you come on let me I got him I just leveled up oh my gosh I'm leveling up now I absorbed his XP that is so cool this thing is really cool do it again do it again give me all the XP I filled it up I filled up my gauge how did that work where did I get that XP from so what do I do now that I have a full gauge I actually don't really understand it to be honest with you but the prognathic don does not like it when I latch on to him he's real mad about that uh okay well this is really strange the bleach is just such a weird weird creature but now that I'm level 2 I actually want to see if I can do damage let's see if we can actually take out like this thing now what are you doing can I do damage zero zero damage ah that's not gonna work we got to go back to the Cheerios that was like our best bet definitely eating cereal in the ocean it's that's the life I've chosen to live as a seal each vampire leech I really want to make this guy work cuz seems so cool he's just so little and vulnerable and so easy to get eaten by big big monsters and I don't know why they're going after me I mean you know the saying pick on someone your own size clearly they're not doing that hey Dori can I try eating you don't you dare eat me okay we're gonna work this out I'm latched on to Dori right now and it's doing nothing that's really disappointing so what does the yellow gauge actually do I gotta check this out hold up where are you vampire leech there you are was that say lifesteal while being bitten into something alive drain life and experience from it so it works exactly the way that I thought it but it doesn't really work if that makes sense I'm supposed to be gaining XP from these things but I'm not that's a little disappointing got to be real but there is still Cheerios so let's go get our Cheerios and try getting up to a higher level and then maybe once we get up to like level 5 maybe we can actually start doing some kind of damage but maybe this guy is actually designed to never do damage like he solely relies on the ability to just suck the XP out of other creatures it's weird and if it worked the way that it was intended that would be awesome but I don't feel like it's working the way that it should and you know admittedly like the vampire leech is technically not supposed to be playable but because we have this awesome mod we can use him so I'm gonna and I'm gonna make the best of it there we go level 5 I can actually please let me out I'm stuck the cameras all weird I don't know what's going on with the camera it's being really really strange it's eat these cereal bits give me all the XP ok level 6 this should get us to level 7 I would think yeah we're leveling up really fast so of course the question is now that we're actually a decent level can we do any kind of damage so I need to find like a sea urchin or starfish that'd be super cool any starfish round here I don't see any starfish we are level 10 now level 11 look how fast we're leveling up holy moly so like once we actually get to a point where we can start gaining XP I feel like will level up really really fast but we first have to make it to that point and maybe that's the hardest part about being a vampire leech okay so now I need to go find something that I can eat that won't eat me back so that doesn't mean the prog Natha Don which I just saw over there yep yep there he is don't come over here proggy please don't come over here there's a starfish let's try this out starfish zero damage continues to do zero damage so the only way I can level up is by eating Cheerios in the ocean I don't know about that I do have to say though we're leveling up really really fast which is nice I'm stuck get me out of here these things scare me I like how I can climb stuff too I didn't realize that I can just climb up these I don't have to jump up them that actually makes this whole process a lot easier I was being kind of dumb before making it a lot harder on myself so I should be able to just climb up this thing oh look at that that's awesome dude this vampire leech is really cool let's just try to make him work I'm gonna go to level 20 and then we'll try chewing on the starfish again but like I said maybe he just can't do damage like that's not the way that he's designed just a little disappointing but if you get him to a certain point if you get him up high enough maybe he can just eat stuff whole I mean he's got pretty big mouth yeah I'm latched on to the starfish but he's not doing anything so what I could do is I could just spawn like a baby let's try jellyfish let's see if we can can we eat a nope can't eat jellyfish but can I can I attach myself to the jellyfish I can but it's not really doing anything for me okay good to know good to know let's go I guess deeper I'm kind of scared though I know what's down there at the bottom of the ocean and most of the things down there are not very nice [Music] there's mahi-mahi they will eat me they will eat me entirely whole but I was looking for more magical Cheerios find anymore so I guess I'm gonna pick a fight with the mahi-mahi just to see if I can get some XP off of this guy mahi-mahi where are you why are you hiding from me I'm the big bad leech everybody's scared of the leech nope this is bad this is very bad yeah no stop I just give me your life force dead [Music] the life of a vampire leech right there in a nutshell okay so I have discovered that with this mod tool you can actually just level up your creature in an instant I didn't know that so now that I do know that I'm gonna use it so all I should have to do is press you shift you control you never mind you hold L and you press you whoo that was too fast that was way too fast but actually amazing okay wait a second I am now a level 76 mega slug I mean vampire bleach what in the world is even happening anymore look oh that is just awesome looking oh gosh so uh Prague Macedon you want to do this buddy you want to do this I actually don't think I can I can fight this guy at least not yet I cannot believe how quickly you can level up you hold L and you pressing you oh my gosh that's incredible why why did I even bother with all the other stuff look at this I am consuming everything whole oh my gosh this is glorious okay Prague Natha Dodd look let's let's just see if we do damage at this point I mean if we don't do damage at this point it's safe to say that the vampire leech will never do damage a level 117 sized beasts also my health isn't going up as I level up that's really bizarre I guess I have to eat other things to get my health back or like latch onto them I don't exactly know how it works but this thing is something else oh my gosh this is amazing okay let me try latching on to the star it it didn't do anything that is amazing it did zero damage to it to a starfish oh no no you are gonna kill me you're gonna kill me I wasn't high enough level to take on the Prague Navigon yet but are you serious like being able to level up that quickly in an instant is kind of amazing so let's go higher uh yeah just gonna gonna keep on going here sure how about level 322 in the matter of seconds oh my gosh it's hideous and glorious all at the same time I love this mod this is so stinkin cool so uh I just oh I just ate that thing whole can I eat proggy here entirely whole I don't know if I can actually he's coming for me I'm scared I'm actually still scared of this guy oh no oh he's still he's coming at me he's attacking me you're actually attacking me you really want to do this alright let me show you something you ready for this you ready for this how about level 600 ish how's that just a dumb old I just say the prog method on hole it only took me you know being level 584 what what is even happening anymore this is amazing telling you guys this mod it's it's unbelievable so with the mod we can do stuff like for instance spawn a Megalodon let's see if we can yep we can eat a Megalodon entirely whole so that means that like we could spawn like all these megalodons and just eat them all in an instant did I really just do that did that really just happen I need to go deeper into the water because right now I can't see anything cuz I can't really zoom out oh my gosh we have to see this in all of its glory come on vampire leech you got this buddy oh you are just magnificent you're kind of disgusting though but at the same time you're glorious this is the weirdest thing ever and it's awesome okay so I'm just trying to get a little bit lower in the ocean okay are we good are we good so let's spawn 1 Megalodon and just no don't do that he attacked me did you see that what a stinker he tried to attack me I he's he's attacking me I don't I I don't even know where that XP was coming from though wait a second if you latch on and then you hold that's how it works I think what you have to do is latch on with left-click and then you hold right click to suck up all of the XP so was I doing this wrong the whole time I may have been doing it wrong the whole time so I'll tell you what I mean we know that we can get back to this point very very easily I mean look at this I'm just I'm spawning like a billion megalodons and then instantly eating them just holding zero and then holding right click and instantly eating the megalodons although they might kill me they're attacking they're going full force attack right now and I think I'm too big I think I've become too big to do anything I don't even think I can move oh there we go got dislodged I just I had to jump I don't even know what's happening anymore you guys this is just ridiculous and amazing I love this mod I love it it is my dearest friend now what else can I say it's magic okay okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and kill myself which I guess all I have to do is press D and X at the same time Oh instantly dead giant vampire leech there you go let's go back to being a teeny tiny little baby ah Bebo's all come back from you Bebo's I will come back for you I will have my day no stop eating me seriously you guys it's very rude I'm gonna spawn a Megalodon and oh oh am I stuck I'm I'm in the ground oh this is not good I can't move I yeah I got it I got it end myself try that again try not to fall through the map though this time basically what I want to do is try this this theory that I have of how to actually use the leech Megalodon you've got to let me attach myself to you and you're not you're being very rude about this whole situation you know what let's just do it to the starfish here okay so we leech on and then we hold right click I hold right click wall I'm know it didn't work shoot I really thought that I was onto something there I'm gonna I'm gonna try again Megalodon you're being a real knucklehead you know that and also like I'm very confused right now everything's turned upside down and it's making my brain hurt okay you know I'm just gonna make myself a little bit higher level not enough to kill Megalodon but just enough to like get to it please let me don't mean latch on don't leave don't leave me don't leave me there no I had it for a second come back come back I'm just gonna let me let me leach your life away why are you not thinking about the leeches so selfish okay spawn another one no I had it for a second no comeback spawn another one no it pushed me through the ground oh I survived cuz I somehow latched onto him okay I'm just gonna keep spawning until I figure this out okay I got on nope that it didn't work it didn't work the way that I thought it would it's really disappointing but at the same time you just do this oh I got eaten I got I got real badly eaten I think I spawned too many megalodons up here and it's getting real dangerous up here probably not the best idea in hindsight okay let's level up now that we're out of there and let's just get ridiculous no I it's like I bumped into a Megalodon while I was leveling up and now they have consumed all of my XP hope you guys enjoyed that didn't made it I didn't need it I can give myself XP instantly okay so I went ahead and I just restarted the map because I kind of broke it by spawning all those megalodons but I was thinking like now we've already experienced life as the vampire leech but what we can do as well is we can spawn like an army of giant level I don't know five hundred vampire leeches did I pass it there you are vampire leech okay so basically I can set the level right here and I can just get real real crazy with it so I'm just gonna take this up to probably level 500 and then I'll get back to you guys before we start spawning an army of giant vampire leeches now why would we do something like this well simply the answer is why not I love this stuff so let's do it okay level 500 so let's go a little bit deeper into the ocean here and there's no that's a great white shark so you know what let's just see what happens if I spawn one right here let's see if they get into a bit of a battle here gosh that is horrifying that is it it's like an alien just made its way onto our planet and is now taking over are you gonna are you guys gonna do anything or okay the shark oh he ate him he just ate that great white shark okay yeah vacuumed him right up so if I do like this I just spawned four of them in an instant oh gosh that is terrifying they are taking over the ocean I'm gonna spawn four more of them and while I'm at it I'm gonna spawn four more of them over here and we're just gonna spawn a whole bunch of them over here and Oh buddy oh oh you think this is scary look at this look at look at my my little army here what do you think of my my army of giant sea monsters yeah those are giant vampire fish leeches I don't even know nothing makes sense anymore the Megalodon is definitely attacking one of them are the hearts of each is gonna fight back I mean at level 500 they should be able to eat this guy whole right he's trying he's trying to get these guys but I don't know this just this is weird maybe they can't eat the Megalodon just flopping around I don't know what to do with themselves oh this is awesome I love it let's break the game we're gonna spawn a lot work yeah yeah okay okay I better stop I better stop let's get out of the ocean here and just see what we've created oh there's there's meat flying in the sky so there's that yeah did that said that's a thing that's a thing that that happened when I held down the zero key for too long I don't know about you guys but this is kind of horrifying yeah but guys I think that's gonna do it for this episode we definitely tried our best to play as the vampire leech in a legitimate way it's just he's not designed to like survive in this world but when you cheat no problem make yourself level 1,000 and then just start swallowing megalodons entirely hold because why not always the answer so guys that's gonna do it for this episode I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 4,836,917
Rating: 4.8527198 out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark, vampire leech
Id: 7-tLfe9RZ2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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