I LOVE MY BABY SEA UNICORN! (AKA Narwhal) | Feed and Grow Fish

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications how do i oh do I just stand still it's how you do it yeah that is so cool oh man look I'm just I'm just one of those sparkles in the ocean [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome back to feed and grow fish so I thought today we jump back into the survival mode and play us some of the animals that we haven't played as before I think the last time that we did this we made a family of robot Bebo's which was kind of awesome but there are so many other selections that we have so like the angler fish I haven't tried the black tip shark I haven't tried that guy I think we played as this guy and it was like super super hard he was not very good the narwhal seems actually awesome then we got the beluga but I think we played as the whale shark in the Orca remember the whale sharks those ones were hard to get to grow up because remember in survival mode your goal is to raise your family and that is hard when you have no teeth who would have thought speaking of small creatures with no teeth a lot of you guys have been asking about my newborn son Seth he's doing well he's actually doing really good as of recording this video he is 16 days old so a little over two weeks and he's doing fantastic he just had his two-week checkup at the doctors everything is a-okay so yeah I guess I'm doing my job as as dad still trying to figure everything out but you feed them you let them sleep you change them when they're stinky that's pretty much the secret to Parenthood at least right now so I thought I'd give you guys a little update but I think what I really want to do today is try out the anglerfish and the narwhal the narwhal seems so cool I've never played as the narwhal I mean it is a unicorn it's the unicorn whale it's the unicorn of the ocean right majestic and rainbows and all of that sprinkles too so we'll try out the angler fish first and then we'll move on to the narwhal angler let's do this let's see what baby anglers look like I don't even know I mean it's not exactly the cutest fish in the world at least the adult versions so well you know the baby version is not exactly cute either okay he's a little cute but not not my number one pick of baby fish okay so right off the bat there was a crab there trying to eat my my brother or my sister I hope that they made it I don't know if they did but I would like to get out of here because this place scares me I need to go find starfish and sea urchin that's like number one these are my these are my family right these dots here are these other angler fish I think they are but they're like adult angler fish they're what I strive to become I don't like it here though I want out is scary and dark in this area please I think we're escaping finally we are starving to death though that's less cool that is definitely not something that I want to experience right now oh good a whale shark you're gonna vacuum me up aren't you oh you're so nice and beautiful okay thank you for not eating me I mean honestly I probably don't need any help because I'm probably just gonna starve to death look at how slow I'm moving now oh it's so sad I hate it when my little baby creatures start to death maybe I'm not as good of a dad as I thought I was oh another whale shark please don't eat me okay thank you for not eating me again please starfish see your chin please there's very big crabs down there they scare me oh we are so dead look at our health it's slowly draining no this is the saddest existence of a poor little angler fish I've ever seen okay good start great excellent job see like I said parenting so peasy super super good at it okay let's try that again Hey look there's meat waiting for us please please let me have it let me have it oh let's go okay that's a great start we got a little head start there all right where should we go like I felt like I was heading in the right direction but the food was so far away that I couldn't make it in time so like what should I eat in the meantime to get to where like the starfish in the sea urchin are cuz they don't like hanging out here it's too dark and scary I guess I don't know can I eat this sparkle please sparkle I thought these are my my people but maybe maybe these are like glowing plankton I don't know please come back you're too fast my little angler fins can't catch up with you please please sparkles wait there's sparkles on the side of this rock that aren't moving aha doorman sparkles we can get those oh let's go that's that's what I'm talking about that's the XP that we're looking for okay okay I thought that these were my people these are not my people these are what my people pretend to be and then like an unsuspecting fish goes up to glowing plankton and then it turns out to be an angler fish and it swallows them whole which is pretty sweet and exactly what I want to do one day come here sparkles don't you run away from me nope come here they're too fast wait this sparkle miss sparkles going the wrong way no hahaha devious sparkles I can't get you there we go okay we got we got a level up now we just need to do that like two more times easy so easy angler fish life is too easy who turned on easy mode okay I lied it's hard I don't like it we gotta get these sparkles before they go I got one that's that's better than zero I hope I think the math checks out I think it's good okay maybe those sparkles over there are easier to get probably not they're probably the same difficulty if not harder than those sparkles but they're in a slightly different location so it's much more exciting sparkles sparkles oh it's so good one of those sparkles gave me ten XP instead of nine XP you see those are high level strats that you're only gonna learn here next level Sparkle catching feed and grow fish MLG here we come hey hey these sparkles are going way deep I don't like this cuz there's like scary sharks down here too there's there's those ghost sharks I think is what they're called I don't know if I like it down here hey where are you going oh that okay that's just a whale shark that's not so bad I just ran into the sparkles neglecting to actually eat them at this point I deserve to die come on yes okay I got one I bumped into another one but I guess that's okay here we got figure out where they're gonna go oh they ran right into the rock what are you guys doing you guys gonna get eaten Koerner oh I got one okay grab another one come on Oh Oh what godwe sparkles are the worst they're the worst kind of food they run away I just need to figure out like what they're path is if I can figure out where they're going before they get there then we're on to something but instead I'm just following them in circles and I'm never able to catch up because they're faster than me this is not a smart strategy why am I doing this hey you know no still too far okay great what about you guys oh they're so close I can't get them you where you guys going Oh smack right in the rock I like that yes now you can be eaten Oh let's go now we are a full-fledged angler fish I don't even know how to use this guy's like special ability how do i oh do I just stand still how you doing yeah that is so cool oh man look I'm just I'm just one of those sparkles in the ocean Hey yeah I'm just uh just a boring old Sparkle oh I fooled you I got out of my cover too fast though that was a little too fast but kind of get the point I was a little too ambitious I'm still kind of learning how to use my awesome new abilities but that was still pretty sweet I'm very proud of myself anglerfish wins now I need to go find another angler fish and I have no idea where they are to be honest with you they're so sneaky they're sneaky like me how am I gonna find them okay where would hang glare like to hang out I don't know those aren't angler fish well that's definitely not an angler fish no thanks I mean I would assume that they would hang out with all the sparkles what we need to do is find a sparkle that maybe isn't moving that much do we see any deceptive sparkles just kind of chilling I don't most of them are moving very quickly where are my people at you there we go angler family there you are oh he's getting attacked he's getting attacked I don't like that okay let's make some angle babies let's do it oh I got four eggs I get more hey five angler babies sweet I don't like that there's a ghost shark here cuz he's kind of big and scary he's gonna attack me no okay where are we gonna take our angler babies we gotta go somewhere safer I don't like it here okay this is getting better sort of it's not ideal but it's better than where we were lob fish I wouldn't mind eating them they don't really attack okay I'll tell you what let's let's get our angular babies over here okay all right so we'll just wait for those little guys to pop out oh look at this fish this fish thinks that I'm bait oh man that's so good I love it angler fish is cool now hatch my little precious egglets why are you guys hatching man you take forever guys just taking your sweet time huh taking your time huh okay guess that's that's cool I wish you would come into this world oh there they go there they go they're moving around they're ready come on out and they are all right we gotta okay so now we need to feed them oh I'm scared of the big crabs though big crabs are scary but the blobfish the blobfish should be good XP if I can get them I think I think this will work out I just need to get my little guys over here so that they can eat the blobfish it's just chew on him for a while okay blob fish has way more health than I was expecting is he dead think you dead oh there's my little guys there they are eat it up eat it up my little oh that was so fast I've already got one full-grown angler that is amazing okay let's do it again blob come here blob oh I love the angler fish he's so cool whoo I don't like that sound no you killed one of my babies you terrible blob monster you're awful I hate you he's so gross looking - thought we were friends makes me real sad now now they're gonna eat their own yeah that's that's kind of messed up okay well at least we raised what three of them we only got one more to go no no Bob let go of my baby you got kill my baby yeah that's right know your place blob fish I'm sorry I'm getting real aggressive I was worried about my my little baby angler there you go eat that up little guy eat it up here I'll bite it down into little more edible morsels there you go there you go we have successfully raised an anglerfish family that is pretty stupid cool but I think the time has come to move on to another much more mystical creature of the ocean that's right the unicorn of the sea I've never played as the narwhal so this is gonna be a new experience as well actually what I should you is just go in here and let's see so passive is slash deals additional damage with sword on contact and the damage is scaled by their velocity sweets let's make some shish kebabs oh my gosh you are the cutest little thing I've ever seen except for my own son of course he's break you - but you're like second okay oh my goodness this is this is too much these guys are so adorable I love them I love them so much look at him move he's so cool okay so now what am I supposed to eat though like it's real cold out here that no don't mess with the seals that's scary seals will eat me okay we need to we need to go like maybe maybe the blobfish actually they're probably not too far from here oh no span seal sit seal No get away from me you terrible creature No please let me go where's my protectors protect me yes mama protect me ouch okay that hurts okay warm up to unicorn life it's alright it's alright we'll get through this please Orca don't eat me there's a lot of clicking and squeaking it scares me I was so close to the blobfish they were my hopes and dreams they were taken away from me so quickly maybe I can like stab one of these things oh no I can try this could be a really bad life choice but I'm gonna go for it huh poke I poked him it did four damage that is just about nothing probably not the best strategy I need to get out of here I need to go where the sea urchins are and the starfish I need sea urchins and starfish it's too cold over here I am also quite hungry oh and there's big old monster whale great this just keeps getting better it's worth mentioning to that if I die two more times I won't be able to respawn as a narwhal because I won't have enough money so let's let's avoid dying shall we I'm not doing a great job of that actually right now I'm doing a very very poor job I am now starving to death super fun real real cool oh you poor baby majestic water unicorn please just go a little bit faster there's gotta be something good down there with the crab Krusty Krab I need a krabby patty please oh oh the hunger pains they hurt they hurt oh look at all those delicious fish down there look at them we're not gonna make it there's no way no way we're gonna make it oh this is really frustrating oh okay well we got one more chance here to make things work Louie alright where do I go great question you know what I'm gonna jump out of the water and kind of get my bearings maybe I can find the seals not the seals don't go to the seals what I'm looking for is blob fish I know the blob fish are nearby I just don't know exactly we're here let's try to zoom out a little bit maybe we can you can make something I just want to see above the water please please just oh ha I see where I should go ooh sardines yes sardines are good sardines very good eat sardines eat I took two small are they too big for me no that can't be please vacuum vacuum the little fish place oh yes okay we can vacuum these little things so that is fantastic news this will keep us at least alive for the time being boy narwhals don't turn very good okay yeah keep doing that no don't don't hurt me I need to get the level eight gosh this is gonna take forever at this rate okay I managed to hit level two it only took about I don't know 45 minutes or so I'm just kidding and didn't take that long but it did take quite a while so this is probably not the most efficient way of leveling up my baby Narwhal but so far it's probably been the safest way I don't know I'm kind of torn between just continuing to do this until I hit level 8 or trying to go somewhere new and trying to get some faster XP but you know I mean when things line up they actually work out pretty good look how fast I got all that XP that was awesome so I don't know the sardines are good they're just kind of hard to catch a little worried though that I'm running out of sardines so I might have to just go somewhere new okay I think the time has come to try and get out of here the great journey begins I do see more sardines over there but I also see other creatures that might actually eat me is that a baby Beluga I think that is it's very cute let's try to get these sardines I do see that the big old monster fish is over here too so that's that's a little scary I don't I don't know this is a great idea yeah he's he's real big and and real mean and and he's actually really close so I'm gonna leave now go ahead and head in this direction actually this is the way that we were going before so this might actually be good we didn't make it last time cuz we starved to death but this time we're full sardines oK we've escaped the cold area I don't know things are much better over here though as I can try getting these crab maybe I poked him real good but it didn't really work he got away let's try again huh oh I poked him poked him again continue poking yes poking very effective it's like I killed it okay crabs are good let's see how much XP that gives us for all the effort oh my gosh this takes forever I attack it with my my nose sword there we go Oh a whopping 19 X beat which is exactly what the sardines were giving me for way less effort okay so maybe this wasn't the best idea I don't know these little guys are giving me one XP that's that's really depressing okay maybe this was a poor choice if I could just find some more sardines that are perhaps not mere anything that's super deadly that would be just super oh no I'm getting hungry sardines yes my favorite source of XP please don't run away from me yes okay we're getting fed that's all that matters level 4 we're halfway there This Is It this is the last bit that we need if I can eat this piece of meat this should get me to well there we go oh my goodness okay so we are finally a full-grown narwhal which is awesome I'm just gonna eat up the last little morsels here okay so now we need to find another Oh Narwhal right there Orca don't hurt me don't hurt me don't even look at me let's start a Narwhal family you orcas and narwhals get along are we all friends please we're friends okay what one that's it okay apparently you get you get one that's it that's the family oh but they're so cute oh my goodness I love it I love my little Narwhal family but unfortunately I have to care for the needs of my real-life family I am out of time for today but we managed to get our adorable little baby Narwhal so cute love it is the best leave how happy is just swimming around me oh my goodness I love it but guys that is gonna do it for this episode of feed and grow fish I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,039,826
Rating: 4.8834467 out of 5
Keywords: feed and grow fish, feed and grow, fish, feed and grow fish update, fish feed and grow, feed and grow gameplay, feed and grow fish gameplay, family friendly, feed and grow shark, feed and grow game, feed and grow fish game, keyin, kindly keyin, feed and grow fish online multiplayer, shark games, feed and grow survival, sharks, whale shark, megalodon, giant megalodon, giant whale shark, giant shark, feed and grow giant shark
Id: Gf3BuvpJ2Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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