FGHT Dallas: Turn Around and Come Back

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[Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] for the rest of my life [Applause] ah [Music] shall not stray from Jesus's love and even know Satan tries [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the way through [Music] [Applause] yes I will [Applause] [Music] for the rest of money [Applause] [Music] shall not stray from Jesus's love and even know Satan tried dip my soul [Music] I got a rich I'm in amount [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh bless his name [Applause] Oh Oh hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh brazen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or living somebody tell him I gave God my word and I'll serve him for the rest of my life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh put those hands together celebrate the lawn today [Applause] [Music] what a mighty God we serve god bless you take your seat if you can for the rest of my life my whole life I'll serve [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touch the matter tell them I'm gonna give it my whole house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody from Casper agent [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yes [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelu [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelu take your seat if you can I would have religion I can feel some time [Applause] I would have religious [Music] feel feel feel sometime look it's a matter tell them if you're talking about Jesus [Music] tell him he is a friend of mine [Music] if your talk in the pound please [Music] what did I heard somebody say dude Doraemon Hey [Music] what man names been shot [Applause] [Music] into so grandma's names been shy [Music] thank you see them together if the Lord don't help me I can't stand I can't stand the stone take your seat up you can walk with me walk with me [Music] walk with me [Music] Wow [Music] tedious cha tedious turn here I [Music] want Jesus [Music] - are with me take you see somebody he's a great God and we praise him for the rest of my life I'll serve him that's my commitment to the Lord for the rest of my life been too good to me you know he he saw so many people walk away from him as long as he was feeding and blessing and healing they were good but at the moment he started talking about eating my flesh and drinking my blood the Bible said so many people left them he looked at the disciples and said if you gonna leave now's a good time while everybody else walk it out while they're gone if you're gonna go this is a time for you to do it and they looked at him and said but Lord if we leave you where are we gonna go who's gonna love us like this who's gonna hold us like you can hold us who's going to say to us the things you can say that'll pick us that's a matter to the man going nowhere if I leave where can I go who's gonna treat me better than you can treat me I'll serve it for the rest of my life somebody lift your hands right now and just give him a praise would you thank you long Alleluia yes Oh for the rest of my life we get the chance to serve Him it's a privilege to serve Him and then that's not it when we die we get to go to heaven and be with him viola oh we got something to look forward to look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the word of our God I love it so much I broke mine you got yours come on hold that power up today thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God and I've said it before and I'll said again every solider ought to have his or her own sword amen this is what we fight with we don't fight he meant with knives and rocks and slingshots and catapults we do our fighting with the word of the Lord the Bible said the weapons of our warfare see we fight a very different kind of warfare the weapons of our warfare are not carnal amen to get the things done that you need done amen you can't take a gun and get that amen you've got to fight this with the Word of God the Bible said it smiley even to the pulling down of strongholds and I still believe in every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord Jeremiah the sixth chapter and I want to begin reading at the tenth verse so Jeremiah 6 and let's begin the reading at verse number 10 then I want you to come with me if you Ward a man to the Book of Proverbs the 22nd chapter and the 28th verse he meant jeremiah beginning at chapter 6 verse number 10 and then let's go to proverbs the 22nd chapter and the 28th verse amen Jeremiah 6 and 10 when you have it see men the Bible gives us this intelligence to whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear behold their ear is uncircumcised and they cannot hearken o the one of the Lord is unto them a reproach they have no delight in it therefore I am full of the fury of the Lord I am weary withholding in I will pour it out upon the children abroad and upon the Assembly of young men together for even the husband with the wife shall be taken the aged with him that is four days and the houses shall be turned unto others with their fields and wives together for I will stretch out my hand upon the inhabitants of the land saith the LORD for from the least of them even unto the greatest of them everyone is given to covetousness they just desire the things of others things that are not a right and proper for them to have they want what everybody else has from the least to the greatest every one of them is given to covetousness and from the Prophet even unto the priest everyone deals falsely from the Prophet even unto the priest every single one of them or dealing falsely they have healed also the hurt of the tatars of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace were they ashamed when they committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall they fall among them that fall at that time that I will visit them they shall be cast down saith the Lord thus saith the law stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where in where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls but they said we will not walk therein also I said watchman over you said hearken to the sound of the trumpet but they said we will not hearken come back to this old path we ain't coming hearken to the voice of the trumpet we ain't tryin to heal that proverbs 22 28 Bible says removed not the ancient landmark which that fathers have sent don't change the prescription don't deviate from the standard don't try to enlarge the borders to encompass things that are not right for you to have y'all gettin quiet oh landmark was a place of demarcation it was it was the outlining of APE area or a perimeter and it was past so that every man would stay within that which was he is and not infringed or rather go into areas that were not for him to occupy or to inhibit it was vast so that people would have a clear understanding of how far it was that they could go and still be within their rights legally and it would show them at the moment at which they offended the law or offended somebody else's territory it was there so that nobody had a misunderstanding of how far it was that they were allowed to go but what would happen at nighttime people who were conscious and greedy would find themselves getting up and trying to move the parameter so that they can occupy a space or area or land that was women that varistor occupied and I'm saying today that there are so many people that are now in this town and trying a man to move the landmark the landmark that had been set for so many years and so many generations the Bible calls it an ancient landmark it's been there for a while now y'all get quiet payment but people who have become publishers and who would love to inhabit or to occupy places that were not right for them to occupy they are now trying to move the landmark to encompass things that are not right for them to have and brothers and sisters we're just at that time now where people have gone so far outside of the will of God but does anybody really care because he said listen I'm holding your back and I'm saying come back to these all pads the way it was a man and people are saying we ain't coming by y'all hearing me he said not only that but you've got to hearken unto the voice the sound of the trumpet but there said we ain't trying to hear all of that he said I tried to talk to you but you are just so dead set on having your way on doing what you wanted to I'm going as far as you want to call that you don't care what God says you don't care what nobody says you gonna have what you want in spite of the fact that it's against the word in the spirit because you want to do your own holiness is still right you didn't spot it you can't change it that's why he said listen I'm a holy God really don't change and if you're going to be a people that are characterized by being the holy then you've gotta line up with the holiness of a holy God but no I know we're at a time now when it seemed like a right and wrong become relative to the individual what's right for you may not be right for me but listen the Bible has already declared what God feels about the world was a different gospel which is not another gospel is what I'm trying to tell y'all did I talk about the boys you're not in the will of God okay if you say I'm a true love you and your true love I go into a true hell y'all hear me do that according to the word of the Lord the Bible still says only Mary come now let us reason together saith the Lord he said though your sins be as scarlet wash them and make them away our God and I know people don't like it I know they have against it now but listen to the world and do what God have called us to do I'm so glad that God in this last hour is raising the people now who have no Amen allegiance to the world whether they like you or not it's about whether or not God is pleased with your life that's what we should desire we should decide that God is pleased with our and that means that if we got to stand by our selves as long as we can declare what God has because now at the church [Laughter] God is crazy our Lord you'll notice he said today Jeremiah the first chapter opens with God giving Jeremiah the assurance that I did call you to prophetic ministry I did before I formed you in the belly and out of the womb because if you're not careful I don't want you to be afraid just want you to deliver the word that I give here because I will be with you to feel what a man can do to me see when they start threatening you trying to get you to back out for the will of God [Applause] three for the time will come when they one endure sound now brothers and sisters when people are not tolerating sound doctrine tell them what they want to hear even they realize that is not going to benefit them in the spirit just despise the truth of the word go oh we at that point now when people don't want the truth they want to go to church but they want the pastor to preach all the things that are gonna make them feel good about themselves yah I cried again they only want the preacher to give them large that are going to brush all over the fact that they're not living holy yah I got quiet here alright y'all gonna get quieted mo keep preaching till God gets the glory you come to Jeremiah the sixth chapter Jeremiah the sixth chapter opens with God trying to get a message to the people he's letting them know that because of your sin and your error something wicked this week come o he says to Jeremiah he said I want you to return to Jerusalem like a great gatherer to reap the remnants that are left behind and sometimes brothers and sisters that's all we seem to be gathering just remnants because the downward road they're still crowded and people are going by the masses into a place of rebellion all we seem to be attracting are those that are just just disposed to want to hear oh the masses of people that will not even give the word of the Lord and opportunity to penetrate their hearts oh they don't like it he meant they don't appreciate it but the people according to Jeremiah had what he called uncircumcised point now when people are just so hard to the Word of God they don't want to hear it they don't appreciate it it is foolishness but disdain for the Word of God only ensures that they will be caught up in the perils that are you hit on the way if you will not hear the word of God do you know brothers and sisters the Bible says that God always sends warning before destruction and you got people that are sitting right up in church and no they ain't right so then talk about the preacher talk about the Word of God and then go right listen let me tell you some if I ignored the warning of God I'd be scared to move was a time when people understood because you're going to that was a time when you could reach oh hell and everybody a church that wasn't save would find themselves to the altar and a few sane people that had some doubts would have been down there too I just wanna make sure I'm right but now you can preach on hell people will sit and clap your hands and say hey man and no they goin people's hearts become hardened to the warning of the Word of God the problem is when people ignore the truth then they are susceptible to a lie and can I give you a further warning brothers and sisters the Bible says that because people would reject the truth God would send among them strong delusion when I look at people who used to shout and cry and speak in tongues and and do all music I'm glad you better watch your mouth you honestly believe now that where you are is truth but where you were was a lot with while you were had you live in holy you are not there sleeping around with nobody's white dog and quite you wasn't drinking liquor you wasn't killing yourself with cigarettes but as soon as you leave and you go out and you're doing everything you used to not do now all of a sudden this is the truth no there has been a strong delusion this is why let me say this to you understand now keep your hands you know what I'm saying [Applause] God verse 13 says that the people were more prepared Lord can I take my time they were more prepared for a life than they were for the truth he said from the Prophet to the priests everybody's dealing falsely brothers and sisters we are at a point now when this is how you can believe this is it that's the reason I tell you when you come to church bring your Bible with you you don't have to take a man's word for what God says you've got to hold the preacher accountable to preaching to you the word because if you live according to Allah they don't mean you're going to heaven that just means you were deceived the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but he's got to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord but the profit and the priest everybody was Dylan falsely we're at a point now when people will stand in the pulpit and will tell us what God no longer requires this is a dangerous time because let people tell it God is no longer a holy God but he makes concessions so he can get more people into heaven let me explain something to you when you read through the Word of God look at revelations it tells us that heaven is a city built Foursquare do you know what that means that means there are specific dimensions to heaven well y'all don't get quiet again heaven has a specific dimension to the Bible says it is as the measurement of a man twelve hundred square miles it's a cube city and according to the word heaven ain't get no bid that's what makes salvation so important touch the mat and tell the neighbor you better make reservations cuz space is limited menhaden drove out of town the other other weekend we got that kind of late and so I went to my favorite hotel that I stayed and they told me they had no more availability so I had to go and find a subpar hotel for me and hated mistake it was okay but it wasn't like the hotel I normally stay it and then what nobody's found and hated loves it daddy why we not stand there it was my fault because I didn't make no reservations I thought I could get to the gate and talk my way and some of you gonna be surprised when you get that no I did not prophesy in your name did not preach it tonight I catch that Devils in your name but he's gonna look at you and say we got no availability Wow Isaiah 1310 says to us the people that will say to the seers see not I know your prophet but don't listen to God don't prophesy don't say what gods don't do that and to the prophets they said prophesy not unto us right things don't prop us out a truth to me but it said that they would say to the prophets speak unto us smooth things something that's not offensive please he said they would say prophesy to us deceits Lord he'll and that's what they're saying right now lied to me preacher I'm telling if I don't come to your church three weeks and here you prophesy new cars I'm going somewhere else just lied to me tell me I'm okay tell me I'm going to heaven even though I'm still shacking up tell me I'm still gonna make it in even though I'm not living like I used to live lot of me helped me a lot preacher just make me feel better about myself and you know this is what people want now but I come to survey the scene and tell you to come on back because you going too far come on back turn around you missed your exit turn around come on back because you went too far the one of God is clear he's not like people in the country that give you directions Lord some of y'all from the country you you know exactly what I'm talking about oh you looking for Miss Maddie's house go down at that Dairy Queen make a right at the Dairy Queen you gonna see listen that ain't how God give us directions God tells us clearly what it is we need to know you know when people say oh it's right around the corner you'll be driving thirty minutes right around the car God is not like that God gives us clear directions that's just the memory preach the message years ago she said if you asked me how to get somewhere down here I probably couldn't tell you but if you want to go to heaven I can tell you how to get there she said turn right and go straight look at somebody and tell them turn right and go straight [Music] let me hasten to a close after I say whatever I'm going to say when I get through saying this just give me a feel-good prophesy something that does little to make me feel better beyond this moment but instead jeremiah says to the people you've gone too far stand in the ways and see and ask for that old path we think that God has to update himself like your phone see we're so used to things collapsing and failing and becoming useless over time that we feel like God is like a high phone that you have to update every now and then to make sure that he's still current with the times but can I say this to your sons and daughters God lives in eternity God will never have to upgrade himself what he said in the beginning is still relevant right now the problem is people just don't want it now see y'all getting ready to get quiet and get mad I can see it on your faces we feel like God got to change to keep up with the new millennium can I tell you something God lives in eternity he was in the new millennium y'all getting quiet here before there was a new millennium he said I'm at the beginning and I'm at the end and I'm happy right in the middle God has already been here he's here right now so God doesn't have to upgrade the problem is we feel like we do we feel like now he's no longer enough and we're listening to a media that is sitting around just trying to degrade the church trying to degrade Christianity and you got people now that honestly believe that the church is the problem and now you got preachers and church folks shine away Nancy for years the chants are so mean and nasty we just we ain't tryna gettin out of it to tell people whether or not they goin yes it is who else gonna tell them if you don't tell him the thing is you just have to tell them in love if they y'all getting quiet and you know ahead and listen people now saying some of the dumbest stuff and using that as an excuse for how they are petitioning themselves positioning themselves just some of the crazy stuff alright so much I guess they must been talking about me got nothing to tell me so I need to go out there and smoke dope before I can tell the dope smoker to Jesus say that's the dumbest angle so your doctor gotta have cancer before your trust what'd he say y'all getting quiet makes it so so your doctor have to go through the same thing you go through before you will trust what his now come on we've got to stop letting the devil put the brakes on that progress we just at that place now where it's going to take some real strong preaching to bring common sense back to this generation because common sense is now really not that common at all and the devil's trying wrong let me Harrison let him hasten he's trying to deceive the masses and he's doing a good job people now have placed God in a category where God is desperate for people to worship Him so he's now just opening the floodgates and accepting anything when the Bible said he seeks worshipers who are going to worship Him in spirit and in you when you lift your hands to God God want you to lift holy when you present your gift to God God wants a clean give let's say to now is pushing people too far I used to hear people say if the devil can stop you short he'll push you past and that's what he's doing people used to backslide and just leave the church now they're backslide and justify backsliding while they're still a part of the church but Jeremiah said listen you went too far turn around and come on back look at what we got now we got bigger churches but we got less deliverance we got more members now but you don't have people living wholly in the pews people come to church and they shout and they go home and they still live in iniquity and y'all look like y'all want me to be quiet and we're justifying this stuff that's why God said Jeremiah I need you to understand who you are I called you or danger as a prophet to the nation don't be afraid of their faces because they are trying to intimidate you if they can y'all know 101 preaching that stuff now how we talking about this how we talk about how ways holiness and you can't do this and you can't do that hearing about what I can't do it's about what I don't want to do you always Santa I don't want to do that stuff because that's that pleasing to the Lord used to go to holding his church but when you get over to how they tell you you're gonna do this and you gotta do that throw your last year you don't got your tattoos mixed up but you get to do it get to do it so he says property of let me close don't move the ancient landmark I know it's been there for a while but just because it's been there for a while don't mean there's something wrong with it are y'all hearing me we look at and we say that's outdated but just because it's been there for a while don't mean something is wrong with it so you're gonna get rid of everything that's been there for any length of time what you saying to your mama and your grandma ain't nothin wrong with it just because it's been there for a while y'all gettin quiet on me now but we're at a place of such rebellion and you see it wearing on what they're in we're not going to harken that rebellion is so rampant now until anything that has a standard is wrong look at this generation anything that has a standard is automatically wrong if they tell you that you have to have this then their own and they were talking the other day about job employers are now having to change the rules on their job because this generation don't like rules and if you tell them they came where this or they came where that they'll just walk off the job and leave you needing somebody to work they just hate for anybody to tell them anything and this spirit is even over here in the church world now anything that has a standard is automatically the enemy you tell a young man to cut his hair oh yeah they're infringing upon your individual rights to be who you are you're an individual you don't ask somebody for a job and then get mad with them because they tell you the terms of your employment why won't they just let you be great just just just let you be who you are but why don't you sign your own check see so you don't be employed and tell the employer what you will and when does anybody have a job that will let you go down tomorrow and tell those people what hours you go work how long you gonna take your lunch break I ain't coming back on June 3:30 really so you got that kind of job listen which one is it cuz it's a whole lot of people in here would love to work where you work I had a friend that worked I forget was it for coca-cola I think it was coke and he told me at the plant that he worked at out of town it was against the rules for them to drink a Pepsi product on the campus but y'all hearing me I don't help apps is my favorite drink you fired Pepsi was your favorite drink I dare you to sit in the break room and break out of Pepsi just because that's my favorite drink they could have those kind of rules but then you'll look at God and say the gods you can't tell me how to live but you still want to get to his heaven come on now I heard G Craig y'all blame G crazy Craig said the spirit of dumb is going straight across this country the spirit of ignorance going straight across the country and that's what this new way is all about it's all about you it's not about God it's not about what he desires for you it's about you having everything you desire for yourself that's wrong that is erroneous I was thinking I was talking to the pastor this past week and I'm and I'm closing and we were talking about the standard of truth and holiness how now anything that has a standard is the enemy of the people anything that has a standard is the enemy of the people you got people demanding this demanding that and all they're saying is take your bonds away from us just don't confine us just don't tell us what we have to do that has become the enemy of the people and even in the church people are trying to throw out regulations and standards even now you know the church didn't look like they look now and people say stuff like well see y'all just put too much emphasis on all of that stuff that's just way too much emphasis on clothes and too much emphasis on this listen you're going to the doctor he'll tell you to take off all your clothes turn around and lean over the table and you ain't said a word to him about that he gives you that little thing that come right above your knee without conditioning in the back and you put that on and they'll walk you down the hall with that you trying to cover them and won't say a word to your doctor but as soon as God says that a woman should wear that which pertains to a man or man put on a woman's go soon as God say anything well the zippers on the side so it doesn't pertain to man boy Yaron got quiet enough I mean as if the church can't have no kind of standard no kind of step i remember lady danielle preach one what one sunday and she was talking about how how full gospel Holy Temple women don't do certain thing and that thing went viral straight across the country France native flu gospel Holy Temple Santas women on those women are don't we know that church why are you getting mad about how we live and the sad thing is they grandmama still living like we live it's just this new generation Yahweh's saying it better get you all up in your leg [Applause] [Music] leavens the whole lump I look at what's going on now in the church world and it almost breaks your heart to know that people have allowed the enemy to so deceived them you know Isaiah said that Satan would say I will exalt my throne above the stars of God didn't he say that he wanted to sit in the mountain of God he wanted to be exalted in the holy place and I look at what's happening now you know a few years ago gospel artists started bringing secular artists on their projects to promote themselves couldn't say was to promote the gospel because the gospel changes lives and people who are not change cannot promote the gospel so it wasn't to further the message of Christ because if any man be in Christ he's a new preacher but we got them same old people put about our CDs because we wanted to promote ourselves and when people talked about it and said this stuff got to change we don't need this folks started talking about the Holiness Church ha now the Bible is bringing people together jesus never said that jesus said I came to bring a sword I came to put variance between mothers and daughters yahweh's he said I came to force you to make a choice who you won't you won't your mama or you want me because of you come after me don't hate your mother and I saw an article this past week that says now the number one album on the gospel Billboard charts his snoop bigoted dog congratulations gospel artist you played yourself now the world has dethroned you on your own billboard choice Satan has been trying since the beginning to sit in the mountain of God he has been trying to exalt his throne about the stars of God and now gospel orders gotta take a backseat because something matter who never said he was done with the world nobody who ever said that they were going to stop doing all that other stuff they never said that but we brought so many of our projects until now they don't need us but we bind to get on they project so we can still be relevant in gospel music you played yourself congratulations how in the world that we think that we could sanctify the profane so now on gospel choice gospel artists got to take a backseat I told you so but they want to call us crazy when the Bible said light has no what does that mean so how do we justify that how do gospel artists justify what's going on now when the Bible said life has no fellowship with what does it mean to come out from among them and be separate we're operating listen you went too far turn around come on back come on back to win gospel award show had choirs where they cry robes on and they were shouting always saying nothing come on back you went too far you tried to move the landmark and it didn't work and now the devil have put you out of your own space y'all stand to your feet ah I didn't see some of y'all saying ain't coming back tonight well I'm gonna be here I've said it so many times that Satan is such a trickster he deceives angels who were already in heaven it's lord have mercy do y'all realize this God would just act like you're hearing this for the first time and listen to what I'm about to say angels who stood in the presence of God who solved the raw power of God who were where we are trying to go we still never got which they're trying to get there they were already there and he was so convincing and so deceptive that he convinced one-third of the angels who were already in they were already there and he convinced people who were already that to side with him and leave that's how deceptive he is you ain't never been there you trying to get there but you'll never make it listening to that rascal he got a third of them kicked out what you think he gonna do for you he's just lying trying to get your attention and if he can get it he's gonna have you going down that wrong path I don't care if you're trying to get to California if you're going east on i-20 you'll never get there well I'm on the path yeah but you're going the wrong way you'll never get there and so many people are talking about I try to path I'm home to Pat them and you don't realize yes you're on a path but it's the wrong one here you're wasting energy and effort and time and you never going to get there unless you turn about I told you we went four hours in the wrong direction one day on our way for hours and when we caught it we had to turn around and come back to the place where we got mixed up at and correct that mistake something out of here today's you got off on the wrong path the only way you're gonna get that right you got to come back to the place you got all fed and do this all over again the Lord loves you he cares about you but Satan is such a deceiver if he can keep you going like you're going your mind will say it's all good when in reality where you're trying to go you and never make it you gone too far turn around come back whatever head is about somebody's here today you're on the wrong path and you've been on it for a while you know and that's the thing some people can look back and they can see when their life started spinning out of control didn't do that right I mess that up bad was the moment when things started going left for me but God loves you and God will send a word and say to you if you can't go nowhere else you can come at home but grace is only for the living that's the thing about grace once you died grace runs out but today if you'll come he says come back to that old path you remember when you first got saved huh how you were so gung-ho for God but now you're living according to this new doctrine and everything that gave you joy in Christ you don't even enjoy that anymore you're less spiritual but you're still bragging that I'm free how does that make sense you've been listening to the voice of a devil that same devil that talk to Eve in their garden and told her you can get away with this you can do yeah I know what God said but and the Bible said Eve listen long enough until the devil started making sense and I'm telling you that if you've been listening that long that what he's saying is starting to make sense that means you you have listened absolutely too long because that orosco jesus said when he tell a lie he talking of him all of his own stuff it when he speak he's speaking a lot because he is a liar and he's the father of lies and God is calling you maybe you made a bad decision you made it you got outside of the will of God and now you just had there roaming around it was a mistake but you made it don't make a second mistake to come up for the first one come on back to the Lord come on you can turn around and come back it's the devil that's telling you you've gone so far you might as well stay out here now that's the devil God is saying come now let us reason together I'll change I'll wash is there another somebody needs to come if you need somebody to grab them by the hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way they'll do it I just want you to come come on the Lord is calling somebody thank you Jesus elders would you come hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] how'd it lose come on somebody let those hands and fries thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] and a thank you for it now Jesus name oh come on somebody lift your hands and praise alone [Music] receiving it change the snake [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 30,381
Rating: 4.8764706 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: LCw-5zr2A24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 32sec (5552 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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