FGHT Dallas: "He's Coming Soon"

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hallelujah [Music] other really great for hearts I'm looking through the building trying to find somebody that still loves it come on say I love you can I hear you I love you forever with all come on that's it [Music] but I love you forever forever you are all that can you talk to him lift those hands a television I Love You Lord [Music] I love you for it I love you with all yes [Applause] let me hear you say [Music] I love you forever forever you are or you know in time to stop he's been a shelter tell him my shelter my shelter forehead [Music] oh yes you it time [Applause] [Music] my shelter a shelter for it wherever you are forever you are manatee [Music] Oh come on can you just tell them Oh forever come on just let go or lift those hands forever you are oh no wonder angels mad down before forever you are that's it oh let music fall forever you are come on let me hear you say it sighing one more time for ever you are hallelujah kingdom my life I crown thee now then shall the glory be now lest I forget I won't Oh lead me to Calvary think you see if you can king of my life I crown thee now [Music] then shall the glory be Oh lest I forget now leave me to Calvary rado King Jesus [Music] no man Oh Ronald King Jesus oh no man cannot hinder hinder the rattle I named the bump on this for some of y'all King Jesus no man [Music] [Music] oh no man yeah cannot hinder hinder thee [Music] in that grave cannot morning heavy wear [Applause] in that grade all in that region among [Music] happy we're happy very well cuz there's a land that is fairer than day and by faith I can see it afar where the father waits over the way to prepare me a dwelling place there there's a [Applause] there is fairer than day and by faith ha I can see the fall he's waiting over the way to prepare me a dwelling place there in that sweet [Music] by hanging bad we shall meet on that beautiful Shore in that sweet Lord in that sweet back by and by we shall meet on that beautiful Shore some glad morning [Music] when this life is over Oh [Laughter] I'll fly away [Music] [Applause] [Music] too badly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you take you see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] shall cover it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on your way to your seat look at somebody tell them I got somewhere to go when it's all over down here [Music] I'm gonna take your seat [Music] [Applause] go ahead take a seat [Applause] ha [Music] parents [Applause] [Music] it was [Music] it's sad [Applause] god bless take you see thank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] forgive me I get excited thinking about home [Music] [Applause] that's the homeland of the soul and my soul [Music] is go out there often no no more sickness No [Music] No [Music] [Music] she got a raise to the place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God is an amazing God yes he is he's so good [Music] [Music] my god [Music] Oh [Music] would you just take some time right now just lift those hands nobody's worthy but gone Nomad is worth it but the Lord yes yes Lord [Music] my lord thank you lord come on that's it [Music] [Music] one of things he has done come on we exist to praise Him what to God that's it all to come be the claw [Music] Oh my card is he's so good and is so real and I know somebody might be looking on trying to figure out what the world of these people gonna put you just don't know yeah come on look around here we far from crazy and same as we are if this is our response to it then it's got to be something real it's got to be something powerful it's got to be something that calls the shift in our lives and that's why we praise him today well would we be if it were not for the Lord you know a man just look over me I just a man get excited talking about the Lord my soul loves Jesus yeah that's how deep it is my soul loves [Music] lord have mercy this is really why we come some people only come to see what he can do for them I come to find out what I can do for him and if lifted my hands pleases him if worship is pleasing to him then that's what I come to do have we seen hurry up and bridge my soul my soul of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh I'm trying I'm trying [Music] thank you Lord just let those hands hit the lip my soul loves Jesus o my soul [Music] loves Jesus bless his name I don't have a strength the holiday day y'all gonna my soul loves Jesus my soul my soul loves Jesus but my soul my soul loves Jesus that's his name do you love him my soul my soul loves cheese my soul my soul loves Jesus whoa my man my man man that's all Maseo las Diez yes he is he's a wonder [Music] [Applause] in my my sword [Music] he's a wonder in my soul oh he's a wonder in my bless his name since the barber go ahead go ahead close it [Music] [Applause] he's a wonder in my in my soul he Jesus is a wonder [Music] yes you may [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right take your seat if you can well I tell you it's some kind of praise going on and anything yes Lord I tell you he is an amazing and amazing God you know I was sitting and praying and meditating one day in thought crossed my mind and I came back and I actually preached about it a sermon entitled what does God get out of this you know so many times we come and we're just depending on God to give us everything we want question is what does he get out of this he gives and the fact that he woke us up this morning is really enough and gave us the activities of our lives he's he's been a good God but you know when we come to church we come near hear a word we come to shot we come for God to heal us for him to make a way for us but what does he get out of this amen sometimes we gotta take the time while we want to have a good time when we come in let's make sure he has a good let's make sure we do something to show our gratitude to the one that wakes us up every morning they used to sing a song that says I hold my all to the greatest one of all and I tell you he's a mighty good god look at somebody and just tell them leave it as a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God you got your Bible with you uh-huh you didn't tuck it away did you all right god bless you hold that power thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God the book of first Corinthians the fifteenth chapter and I I want to talk to you today a man I know somebody say well you didn't already used up most of your preaching minutes amen amen I rebuke you in the name of Jesus let's let's talk for a moment or two amen first corinthians the fifteenth chapter and the 51st through the 58th verses that's first 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 and 58 amen and when you have it's a man it's not enough of you when the rest of you get it you can join us amen verse 51 read what the Bible says in a moment in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible oh it's going to happen and we shall be changed uh-huh for this corruptible must put on incorruption for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal uh-huh must put on immortality must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality smaadahl shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up death is swallowed up in victory in victory Oh Oh death where is thy sting where is that sting o grave or grave where is thy victory where is it uh-huh this thing of death is C sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law ah death only hurts those that are in sin the sting of death is sin for those that are not in sin death is just a doorway it's a friend not an enemy uh-huh but thanks be to God but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory that gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore therefore naam they tell me whenever you see the word therefore you got to go back and find out what it's there for in light of everything that he has just said that for me my beloved brethren my brethren when you consider everything I just told you uh-huh Bebe's steadfast the steadfast unmovable unmovable always abounding always abounding in the work of the Lord the work of the Lord for as much or as much as you know as you know that your labor your labor it's not in vain in the Lord is not in vain in the Lord now go with me st. Matthew 24 I guess you say I just can't get away from this 24th chapter of Matthew Matthew 24 and verse 44 and I want us to read this together amen Matthew 24 and 44 yeah you got it don't you let's read it together therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as he think not the Son of man cometh let's read that again therefore be he also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh one more time to make sure you got it therefore be he also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh and I want you to look at somebody and just tell him he's coming soon that's what I want to talk about today and I guess I'm just all in my feelings I was reading this and then we got to sing and about some glad morning and there's a land that's fairer than day and I know what summers say that it feels like a funeral good cuz I hope somebody killed a flesh today we get rid of it and get ready to go home to be with the Lord I listen moment ago is sister Hayes evangelist Hayes began to read about behold I show you a mystery and I heard the response of those that were listening that it struck a chord with some people started respond - hearing about the fact that he was coming again with a favorable tone that was a time when the greatest expectation of the believer was to see the day when Jesus would come for them whether it was coming personally however come in by way of the clouds it was a great reason for expectation yeah the day that he comes to rescue us because you know that's really what it is when he when they come he's coming to rescue us from this fallen world of sin that we are in and that amen for all intents and purposes I was the greatest expectation of the believer and I still believe that the great expectation of every child of God every scene every one that would call themselves a Christian is not for carnal things I don't believe Amen that that's why God has us here simply so that we can come looking forward Amen - every carnal thing so that it changes our affection and it begins to sway our expectation now it's got a good God yes will God heal you yes that's God want you to live the best life you can live down here I believe that it does but more than all of that God wants you to be ready because time runs out and if time runs out and that's all that you had stored up for your relationship with God then you're going to end up having a good time but a bad eternity and touch somebody and tell them and I'd rather have a bad and a good eternity then to have a good time and a bad eternity in the middle hissing of all that God has done and all that God is to win let us never forget that he is the lover of our souls and we should choose to go after the object of our love which is Jesus the Christ we can never get so tied into the system down here that it changes our affections or our desires and so many people are only living for what he can do for them now without the understanding but even if he blesses you to gain everything it would still not be worth you losing your soul that means we've got to live with proper priorities understanding that it's a wonderful thing for God to shower us with his best down here but after a while we've got to prepare to leave all of this stuff behind us the richest of men have died and left it all only what you possess in your inward man is going with you when he calls you out of this existence and into the next from what the scripture teaches us we are in this but we are not of this world oh they've been saying that for many years we're in the world but we are not of this world that means that this is really not our home and I know that we feel comfortable here amen but on the inside of us every born-again believer that should be a Herning for greater things should be learning for something beyond what it is that we have now and I know a lot of people don't even like talking about this they don't like talking like it amen because they're scared to leave it this is all they know you have a connection with God I can appreciate this but don't get too comfortable because this world is not powerful you know that was a time with the Saints look forward to that day when they could leave this all behind and go and meet Jesus face-to-face that don't mean we're a bunch of suicidal nuts Amen that's waiting and looking at a today now today what we say it we're just saying that whenever he's ready for us y'all get quiet he's ready for me one of my good friends his wife's great-grandmother they would always popped him in and say oh they love you they watch you all the time and one day he called me and he said you know a great mother went on home to be with the Lord yesterday he said she went and ate and when she would an eight she got dressed she got a close on a minute she was preparing a mantle chef of the day she went in the living room sat down and then she got a trunk of coffee and went to her bedroom sat in a chair and when they came to get her hot to prepare her for the rest of her day since she came in the room and she was sitting in the chair and mother had gone home to be with the Lord but next to her on the little coffee table next to her seat was a letter she went to her room and wrote a letter to the family and said mother is going home now she said listen I won't you out a limb holy I want you to live because I want you to stay with God [Applause] his face hidden peace well well somebody was telling me the other day I can t remember who it was they were talking to me about their loved one that was dying and they were talking about how I see him I I see the Angels here and the angels are here and somebody said what they look like they said I know huh that is for me to tell you and I said you know I had heard this before has gotta be some to that a man cuz a friend of mine uh was dying and when she died she was telling Lord Jesus just showed up he's here I'm getting ready to go and her daughter said mama what does he look like she said oh no you just got to live right so you can see him for yourself now you got to live a holy so you can see him oh god I don't need faking your whole life and then when it come down for you the preacher so he can lead you through the shittest path you've been singing in the crime preaching all of this time you gotta make sure you write before you leave is a liar you got to live so that you are ready if he calls you home this evening you would have no qualms about it this is why we do what we do this is why we live like we live because this is our dressing of rule and our desire is to be ready whenever he come Eevee's ins five and twenty seven I get that I want you to read that today Ephesians 5 in 27 that he might present it to himself that he might present it to himself a glorious church what time the track of Laureus church a glorious charge here it read having spots not having a spot or wrinkle or a wrinkle or any such thing it is such thing but that it should be holy but that this church that he's coming back for should be holy and without blemish without a blemish that means that we gotta be right when it gets here you can't be trying you must be right but do you know what's been give me the assurance that I'm actually right and ready to say god you're wasting time look at what he says 2nd Timothy 2:19 3 nevertheless nevertheless a foundation of God the foundation of God standeth sure standeth sure having this seal what is the sale the Lord knoweth them that are he oh the Lord knows who's right and he know who's faking oh yeah you can you can shout and I told you last night you shake the power so he says nevertheless the foundation of God stems sure having this seal that God knows who belongs to him so that means everybody don't belong to the Lord can I say this to you as I hasten everybody that go to church and go into heaven now y'all getting quiet again everybody's singing the choir ain't going to heaven it takes more than singing it takes more than just showing up God's not looking for your activity God is looking at your life and you given God and God is saying when I read it want is your life having this seal the Lord knows who belongs to him you can fool the preacher sometime but you won't have a fool God or know you you'll never fool God you'll never get back that's the reason why it all makes sense to fake it when you can have the real thing why would you be saved for real having this seal the Lord knows who belongs to him and let everyone then name it the name of Christ and let everybody that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity depart from him you know why because you're not going back with Jesus in your sins you better stop listening to line people talk you better stop listening to lying preachers y'all getting quiet you ain't going to heaven in heaven what we're hearing now what's how all of us in who told you that the Bible says being then made free from sin you became the servant of righteousness you're not even a servant of God until you have been made free from seeing see that's the danger now without reason why he has this word and so we can straight out because when he comes he's coming to himself a glorious without a spot without a wrinkle why any such thing you can even have many look like a spa nothing that looks like a wrinkle because God is not going to accept anything less and the best so when it comes he's coming for those that belong to him and he knows who they are God knows who's really safe from those that just lonely I tell you I used to think when folk with faith with a church that meant they would say now I understand some people just lonely at the house and don't want to be that bad itself they know when I come to church at least I can be around some fool for a couple of hours and don't have to look at these walls and ain't nobody kickstand Intermatic call and so at least I can go touch my neighbor a few times and actually have a conversation with somebody but they don't mean you save just cuz you come to church y'all getting quite they don't mean you say gosh you dress right at church god no y'all gettin quiet enough see I told you you think God is looking at your activity God is looking at your life cuz some Fogler the Holy Church but when they get to the house and they nobody looking at them then they can do what they want to do and feel okay about it but the Papa never said the preacher got to know who's here it says God knows who belongs to him and you can take it in front of the preacher but listen when he comes if you're not here you my friend going to look at the word hasten you can try to fool me you'll never fool him and I know people don't believe this stuff because you really don't hear this message bit and you know as late as the hour is now anybody with a deserting spirit can tell you that something is about to take place you can feel it in the atmosphere seem like the atmosphere is contracted now and you can feel that something is about to take place and what saves us is standing ready to come and get it stretch you got people in the church don't be HIPAA the next 100 years Jesus proud this afternoon somebody last night in the middle of the night sent me a text and somebody said you got to live as if Jesus died yesterday rose this morning and coming back this afternoon that's how we ought to live as the people of God and stop listen they don't mean you can't settle yourself so that if God does delay his coming that you can live listen get you a 401k get you some retirement funds but just do it with a view and with an understanding but if he comes I can afford to lose this but I can't afford to lose my soul no the church doesn't matter came up apostle can I have your truck I said just wait to the rapture and when it happens then you can have the keys and the truck is yours cuz I can afford to lose that but I can't afford to mess around to lose myself and I know people don't believe this let me talk about this stuff anymore as close as we are to the coming of the Lord preachers don't preach about it what is that about what is that about when Jesus said and I told you last week when you see all of these things come to pass because your Redemption draws nigh and it's even at the door but as often as we look up and check some off in the scripture Wars rumors of wars pestilence famine disease the love of many a waxing town we're seeing everything Jesus saying what happened people talking about this why are we discussing this one way or the other why are we not talking about this because it's not a profitable message people would rather make merchandise out of you or they don't want to offend you cause up their fingers you're gonna stop paying if they don't [Laughter] [Applause] not somebody internal we going to happen over here well don't believe this you talk to people about this they think you're the crazy one keep on building like you're gonna be hip ever you know the Bible talks about a man that was doing good in life looked at himself and said that I gotten much Goods laid up for many years this man was planning on living for many years and said I'm only good cuz I got a whole lot of stuff huh oh I'm gonna make it for a long time I got this set up and if I don't work another day I can still eat for many years and the Bible said God looked at him and said you're a fool Lord the man God called the food God said you were fool not because it was wrong for you to store stuff up but because you were rich in this world and made no provisions for the next and then he said that's nice see that's the problem some of us only living for the next fifty years and don't even realize he could call us tonight it's good if you make it for the next fifty years you have some he called you in today what in the food because he had some stored up he was a fool because he was planning to live in this world but did nothing to prepare for the next one and how many people how many of you up in here today preparing to live in this world for the next twenty thirty years I can't wait till I retire honey I'm gonna live good okay what if he call you in before you retire like God said then whose shall those things be which you have a cry and you think they don't bury you with all them watches and with all them rings and all them expensive purses I hate to tell you they gonna go right up to one of them department stores and buy you two finished rings you ever worn your finger and that's ring got all them diamonds only that watch that got diamonds all in the band harlot you think they gonna put that in the ground that don't grow they plant seeds ain't plant no juries who go y'all getting quite put away your shoes you think you taking this stuff with let me see some of y'all look like you ain't thought about this folk always complement your stuff okay you know I just they're my favorite shoes they're my favorite shoes they measuring a foot next to yours right now and you think they don't put you in ain't gonna get a feed no way they can wash you for your funeral now bring the trash put a hat on you put clothes on you now bring your socks but you think they gonna put shoes on you but ain't nobody gonna see his feet now away who shall those things be that you happen y'all getting glide like people don't want your stuff they'll take the glasses off your face pop your lenses I'd go put them solo and walk around wearing your glasses who shall those things be why you prepared by the next fifty years you better be ready if he comes back tonight I know people don't want to hear they don't believe it what is that second Peter 3 yeah second second Peter 3 and what are the three knowing this first yes yes no one best first that there shall come in the last days in the last days scoffers Lord and we have them right now they call us crazy and I'm trying to figure out Lord we crazy when you were buying $5 drinks in the club you had to buy because they turn the air off and using their sweating didn't realize it was all a trick they turn the air conditioner off in charge you seven dollars and fifty dollar fifty cent for the drink they gonna sell you and you buying two and three of those and getting drunk and driving home I was over the freeway bumping in the trees ran into the garage wall and foger you had a good time but as soon as you came to church and gave your heart to the Lord you crazy you had to go on Marva to find out who the baby daddy was cause you don't bid with everybody in the neighborhood conditions you don't live ain't mad at you cause it's your life and here your son is three years old and doesn't been up there five or six times trying to figure out a dish my dad is that my dad that ain't my dad the one I'm calling that a my dad who my daddy but then as soon as you get saved and stop letting folk abused you and miss you now they'd say how you going overboard scalpers making fun of us because of what we believe how you don't do this let's see that's just got a wreck all day see see what paper don't understand what they don't understand is that holiness is not about rules and regulations it's about dancer play and you know what I found out about discipline discipline is it teaches us we're going to do that not here cuz I'm when I say that by myself I'm dreaming myself to hold a what God is saying in this our brief scoffers walking after their own lusts walk it after that because they want to do what they want to do they'll talk about you for doing different oh they'll go to another church where they can live in a kind of way and then talk about you because you don't live like they live and I keep trying to figure out if done that's written left for gospel why are we still only lips if you gone big poof Big O but you've been gone five years and ain't nobody even you just went after your own laughs and because we haven't changed like you change now you got a problem with how we live when you used to brag about living the same kind of holiness that's why don't let folk for me if you so right then why we still on your lips walking after their own lust just what they want to do read and sing and say where is the promise of this coming where as the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation from the beginning of the creation when I heard about this stuff for many years from the beginning of creation things have still been going up and you know now everybody's trying to discredit the Bible through science I know they said this and I know they said that but now everything science has proved listen because things are going on like they have been since the beginning of creation everybody feel like the Bible is such a lie God wouldn't do that try and poke preaching and tell you God is gonna do this God is gonna destroy the world so you mean to tell me God use water to drown the whole world look like if we ain't careful I know he said he wouldn't destroy to worry about water no more but look like we come in close I know what angle happened but it look like we right on the edge and here's a backup but the Bible said the one thing that ignorant us is the fact that he's already done it before see people are telling you what God won't do but they ain't telling you he already did it before and if he's the same yesterday today and forever see we take that to mean that he's a blessing God he's still a healing God but can I say he's still the same consuming fire he's always been can I tell you the truth about God God is a killer I told you a few years months ago we're saying about the fact that God is the healer oh we cover we sing about that God is a blessing I'm waiting on somebody to write a song about God is a killer because we want to see God like we see the dollar where the last time you looked at the backside of a dollar you're you talk about that does that mean is nothing back there we see the front side we focus on that side but we don't in kind of dollar over and look at the back of some of us can you think about what it look like does that mean that there's nothing back there is there all the time and we talk about this part of God and and God is this but what about that stuff we don't talk about it's still there they act the rid of the fact that he's already done it let me hasten get me verse 9 of that saying saying the chapter the Lord is not slack he's not are you listening to me I want you to hear me because I'm closing what I get through saying whatever I want to say after I say this [Applause] you want to know why he hasn't just ended everything now hi they used to scare me about that when I was a little boy they scared me and getting safe I got saved twelve times before I was fifteen years old cuz they scared me you know why he has not just called it over as of yet the Bible says because he's a long-suffering God think about this sons and daughters if he had to come the week before you got saved where would you have been if he came the week before you gave your heart to the Lord where would you be if he had have said it's an OP is there anybody here on this side of the church glad that he's a long-suffering God he's alone suffering God think about the fact that you still got mothers and fathers and Amos and children he's trying to give them a chance to know him in a saving way or his long-suffering don't equate to his weakness he's on showering because he's a loving God and it's not yes well that anybody should perish but that all should come hmm Matthew 24 and 40 for you you've already been there let me just say this as I hasten the Bible says therefore be y'all so ready what an hour that you think not the Son of man cometh when you least expect he's coming I don't know we get so used to things being normal until we just get set and things just look like they're so constant and everything is going to be constant everything is going to be stable and one day everything's gonna be normal until that split second Jesus come and listen I'm not making itself the Bible said he's coming I don't know why people ain't telling us this because the Bible said he is coming why don't creatures preaching this why don't they say anything about this because the Bible said he's coming just like that nothing is going to be normal a first Corinthians 15 says it's going to happen in a moment in the twinkling of an eye they have a Greek word called in a tunnel that means in the atom of the moment not smaller atom is in an atom of time in a tunnel in the twinkling of an eye in an atom of time just like that things are going to change and they don't change forever keep talking about that ain't never happened nothing ever happens until it happens that's tough ain't never have level nothing happens until it happens and the Bible said I show you mystery this is what the church has referred to as the rapture it is the catching away of those that love God and when he comes remember he knows them that are he is and so according to Jesus who shall be in the field but he knows who belongs to him so he's just not taking everybody in the field one shall be taken and the other one left two women grinding at the meal and remember he knows who belongs to him so he's not taking everybody in the meal he's taking the one that's ready and the other he'll be left Lord it gets deep Lynette too shall be in the bed and just because your husband saved don't mean that his salvation covers the whole family he knows who belongs to him that means if you're not saved you gonna wake up in the morning pull the covers back and there gonna be some pajamas laying up in the bed you gonna sit there and try to figure out how did he get out of his pajamas and they still laying in the bed like he in them go check the door to door lock from the inside the burglar alarm is armed for the night the windows are closed bedroom doors still locked from the inside but he's gone what happened Jesus happened it's coming the Bible says this mortal must put on immortality this corruptible must put on incorruption but when this mortal shall have put on immortality on this corruptible shall have put on incorruption then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory o death where is that victory o grave where is that saying the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ then he says therefore therefore when you look at everything I just said be steadfast didn't know what the Bible says steadfast that were steadfast means to be seated be settled and firm in the truth stock fast say no time the backslide y'all getting quiet and I've seen it I've seen where husbands try to take their wives out of holding this and wives try to take their husband listen you better leave them right where they are [Applause] I've seen that I've seen women pray for their husbands for years that God's saving and then soon as God save him then I'm gonna go over here and I want to go I'm not going to church the more then they blacks like the devil is a liar listen God I never told you to follow no matter the hell know if two shall be taken in one Chevy left you got to make sure that you're the one taken not the one that's left behind then he said not only steadfast but he said unmovable that means not to allow anything to shake your faith away from the hope of the gospel care what nobody tell you stay rooted and grounded in the truth that has set you free number three always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that what you do is gonna be rewarded always abound instead to your feet in the work of the Lord he's coming and he's coming soon he's coming to catch away the Saints the Bible said even those that are in the grave coming up first can you imagine that people don't they don't think this stuff is reality they think this is just fiction this is just the stuff of legend all right all right but what if everything I'm telling you actually happens see we believe some of the scripture but we don't really in this I will believe everything not the average person we don't believe all of it we believe a lot of it but this stuff that's just yeah I told you they tell us one of our founding fathers took the Bible and cut whole passages out because he said most of it is good but all them stories about walking on water all that that's just too outrageous and so he cut all of that out the scripture and said it wasn't for this the Bible would really be a good book so all that outrageous stuff he just took a pair of seals and literally cut it out the scriptures and said if it wasn't for that the Bible would be good we can accept all that other stuff but all that I've read your stuff really all right I hope all y'all walking that saved I hope you already deliver if not you going the wrong way so we believe that part that we choose to believe but all that other stuff ah we ready for that but what if what the Bible says actually happens because of everything else it says what's gonna happen has happened I'm persuaded to believe all of it is true I won't ever got to be true are you ready cuz he's coming soon and the thing about it is and he don't come at the rapture you don't know whether he's coming for you personally my grandmama used to tell me he was coming child she that was he carrying for she was riding would you be that same kind of ready if he came for you if not ever had bowed every eye closed if you cannot say of assurance this morning that I'm ready to meet the Lord I want you to come I want you to come come on come on somebody's gonna leave here and I want you to be ready come on if you're not saved you don't know the Lord I want you to come come on backslider I want you to come you know it's a sad thing for those who have once known the truth - what kind of truth and still think that they're going with Jesus you're not going if you're not right and ready I want you to come they're coming come on oh yeah mmm they're coming come on they're coming god bless you come home young man young lady come on listen if you're sitting close to somebody and you're afraid to walk that out I want you to grab them by the hand and I want you to ask him if they'll walk you this way they'll do it but when you get here you got to stand before God where yourself do it they'll let they'll walk you to this out come on I don't want to blow this opportunity Oh Lord will you they're coming come on come on come on will you you oh yeah [Music] you and the risers will wait till you get here come on boys coming like a thief in the night children get your hearts right I don't want to be laughing I wanna be ready when he comes yeah yeah elders would you come or when he comes they're still coming come on come on [Music] you know if you want to be saved lift those hands they're praying with you come up come on that's it thank you Jesus come on this pad to get it together [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 34,361
Rating: 4.830832 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: qFb5C4U7as0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 12sec (5532 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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