Bishop L. Kiel, Sr. Pastor "Will You Be Made Whole?"

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power pack services where the lord moves by his spirit just like in bible days at full gospel you can be healed delivered and set free from the bondage of sin if you have a prayer request you may write us at p.o box 1928 marshall texas 75671 or you may call us area code 903-927-2717 that's full gospel holy temple a church for all people this morning the broadcast choir is coming to you with two selections and following the choir the next voice you hear will be that of the pastor of the full gospel holy temple church of marshall the bishop larry b kills senior and will receive him by the words of amen [Music] [Applause] wonderful is your name [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] you woke me up this morning [Music] you woke me up this morning brought joy to my days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] [Music] you woke me up this morning [Music] put food on my table [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] right [Music] [Music] oh uh [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] my [Music] and we need your protection [Music] you your lord [Music] your protections [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are children lord and we need your protections [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] touch me lord [Applause] [Music] not [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you know [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah yeah [Music] today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] search me jesus search me lord [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] search me jesus [Music] [Music] search me jesus [Music] [Music] search me jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on crazy [Music] [Music] y'all to get my other mic you gotta get my other mic [Music] [Music] oh you ought to be magnifying the lord you want the lord to set you along judge me [Music] anything lord ain't right take it out strengthen me if i want to be right i want to be a whole come on lift those hands up and give god some praise [Music] touch me lord how many want the lord to such i remember the day it was the lord that was touching me [Music] i'd rather for god than search within manchester [Music] y'all ain't gonna say amen put your hand over your head spread your legs shake down shut you but i want god to judge me whatever and me ain't right take it out get rid of it if i want to be right how many want to be right make me whole strengthen me give this choir a great big hand amen you may be seated listen we're in the time now where the church want to be primed but what i found out if you want anything out of the service you got to put some in it i'm old enough to remember when they had whale pumps uh some of us old enough the old younger generation don't know what we're talking about but it had a little sprout on it they had a ham handle that you pump it if you look at the mold western days you can see them going to that horse trough for the horse to drink they have a pump up there take that handle and you pump it but sometimes it can be idle but you always kept a bucket with some water in it because it was such thing they call priming in other words you have to prime that pump for it to work now water was plenty of water in the well but to get that pump going you have to take some water and put it off in it so you take that bucket and you pour water off in it and then you go to priming it up and down until they get added and all at once you hear that old they don't pump say glucose i'm gonna tell you something you better go get a bucket because the water from the come on out man and all the water just starts spearing out well if you want something from god you got a private sometime you got to put something in there in it you got to clap your hand you got to patch your feet you got to lift your hands and pray it's gone you can't let the conductor do it or require to do it you got to do it the bible says you got to worship god and spirit and in truth sometimes you got to get a little physical oh god what did it say when you come into this gates with thanksgiving into the gates with praise when you come in you got to come in with your hand lifted up giving god praise give the lord another great big hand [Applause] somebody give me those dates for november the week before thanksgiving i think it is that wednesday thursday and friday i want to thank god for all my many friends today that have tuned in my way of telecast want to preach appreciate everyone that are listening those that are calling amen the prayer line is open so get on the phone and call right now we got some capable prayer partners that would pray with you what what was it huh 17 to the 19 okay we got some prayer partners that will pray with you and believe god with you so whatever you're going through get on that phone right now uh we ain't going to have a toll-free number down it and let us believe god with you now you like to be in one of our high power packs service our service nights and wednesday night saturday night eight o'clock sunday morning sunday school nine four to five midday service is eleven o'clock and every sunday evening at 7 30 we have a time around this place amen you can be blessed of god don't listen to a lot of talk but come see for yourself what god is doing that he's still on the throne and giving our blessing to those that believe his word and we believe that god has a blessing waiting on you right here full god's holy temple church all you have to do is come out and claim your deliverance claim your blessing because god is moving by his spirit then that location gonna be 39 49 pinecrest highway 43 come and let god bless your soul now listen breakthrough crusade is coming to marshall texas november the 17th to the 19th and all the way from dallas texas on that friday night would be none other than our apostle herman l murray i want you to stay tuned because we're going to give you the rest of the speakers amen but i want you to get ready to be with us amen that week because we're looking for a great time in the lord break the increase christie coming right here 39 49 marshall texas november the 17th to the 19th we're gonna have a time in the lord meet us here in a great way all right get your bibles today i want to thank god for all our many friends and those listeners that have been listening to us for many many years we appreciate your encouraging words and praying for bishop i want you to say tell you that i really appreciate you praying with me and praying for me because i believe in prayer amen we going to saint john today the fifth chapter in the first verse after this there was a feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem bible say jesus went up to jerusalem now there is at jerusalem now there is at jerusalem by the sheep market uh by the sheep market there was a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda um it was called bethesda having five porches five porches five ways to approach this pool in these lay a great multitude of impotent folk and it said that that laid a great multitude of folks of blind it described some of their conditions blind halt halt wither waiting for the moving of the water waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain for it's saying an angel came down a certain time into the pool and to the pool and trouble the water and stir the water up whosoever then first after the troubling of the water oh stepped in whosoever first taken the opportunity first after the angels troubled the water stirring the water up was made whole of whatsoever disease was made whole whatsoever the disease was and a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years which had an infirmity for 38 years when jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto him he said unto them will thou be made whole the impotent man answered him sir i have no man when the water is troubled i have nobody but when this miracle of troubling of water happened to put me in the pool but while i am coming while i am struggling to get there another step is down somebody else stepped down before me jesus saith unto me rise take up thy bed and walk and immediately the man was made whole and immediately the man was made whole and he took up his bed and walked and on the same day was the sabbath and the same day was the sabbath give the lord a great big hand from the sixth verse of this lesson we want to talk from the words that jesus asked the man will i be made whole will thou be made whole that's what i want to ask this question today will you be made whole god want man complete he don't want him half he want him complete he want him to be whole and body mind in spirit for even the lord's prayers say and thy will be done in heaven be done on earth and that prayer saying like god has heaven he wants earth really to be the same way there's no incompleteness in heaven there's no disease in heaven no sickness in heaven well god won't man complain but we got people today that are in a state of disbelief and we're in a time now where people don't believe in miracles anymore um today's a miracle with even some religious believing believers amen they teach their doctrine that miracles have passed but i declare to you that god is still working a miracle somebody said bishop you're preaching and you down you're preaching on miracles well let me tell you something i'm believing god for a miracle every day i'm not in a position amen where i cannot say that god is not a miracle worker he is a miracle worker [Applause] you have to keep fighting for your miracle you can't be in a position that you give up because you're going through when you're sick amen god is still a miracle worker so every day i'm fighting every day to be better i'm fighting every day for a miracle and that same god that healed and days gone by the same god that healed now hebrews 13 8 say jesus christ the same yesterday today in forever which means that that same god that healed yesterday is healing today and not only in the healing today but he healing forever which means he'll never lose his power what we have today is people in disbelief man go back what he can feel one word that we use that man look for is something tangible something that he can touch he can feel he can taste he can hear but sometimes god is not like that many times he do it subtly he don't make a lot of noise when there being people that was at the pool of the tether uh the scripture said it was multitudes waiting for something what they were waiting for the water whether it start twirling twirling like a hurricane like a tornado whether it start bubbling where the foam came up on top of it i'm just giving you some examples whatever it was it was something that could see by sight they couldn't feel it but they could see it when the world started coming in the water or it started bubbling somebody immediately jumped in that person first that person that took the opportunity first got in the pool he didn't wait on nobody else we got we got people today they they they they don't seem to want to be first in god first in salvation first in their deliverance first in serving god first in living holy it's sad to say that they're trying to copy off everybody else following everybody else um but in god god wants you to serve him first not last you're supposed to put god first not second you're supposed to go to god first not third not your house not your home not the children god gotta be first in your life and we're putting god on the back burner whosoever that got in the pool first doesn't mean they have to be diligent got to keep their eyes on the water they couldn't be talking they couldn't be asleep they couldn't be doing other things gambling playing dominoes if they really wanted to be well or really want to be whole they have to be one-minded i'm going to get in there first and people today won't put god first for nothing they'll go anywhere they have all kind of pleasures in the bible all the way towards sin last only for a season god lasts forever it's not for a season we don't serve god for a season when we i feel like now i'm gonna serve god during the summer or when it's cold and we can't get outside it can't go harder i'm gonna serve god no that's not putting god first it's cold or whether it's hot you need to have your heart and mind into the lord people need saving faith [Music] that's the only thing we're gonna save the man he had to have saving faith so he had an excuse when jesus came by even though it had been a long time in 38 years of a long time i know he started out with friends by his side people will put up with you for a little while there's some people say well look i'm working with my brother or my friend my best friend he got drug addiction they'll put up with you for a while you can have the same old tune i'm gonna stop i'm gonna quit i'm gonna get my life together i'm gonna do right i'm gonna do it i'm not gonna do it no more i'm not gonna waste my money but after a while dad get older and those same people move on somebody was there with him for a while you might have been one of those person was not attending a looking show for the water for the slight movement of the water and every time he's just gonna step in somebody beat him to the punch when jesus walked up and asked him a question will he be made home are you tired see you got to get tired oh help me preach of the condition that you're in you got to get tired of being in sin you got to get tired of doing wrong you got to get tired of the drugs you got to get tired of alcoholism if you're not tired of running around you're going to run around to your old man or old woman shake gone you ain't firmer than it used to be but you still they got a word for you start chasing young men you become a cougar [Applause] they ain't chasing you now you chasing them you stalking oh god it seemed like you'd have been hung up your banner a whole a long time ago in a cellar down but you still trying to dress sexy i'm talking about with them short skirt can i say it how can i say them booty shorts mama's still fine all those cellar lights showing it ain't firm like it used to be sagging now somebody said look like you got four rather than two of them [Applause] i ain't talking about nobody i've been preaching how did i get on that i don't know i you know i don't know how i got on that brother album but if you want to be made whole you're willing to give up certain things god want man complete when the man was in the tomb night and day cutting himself naked couldn't go home wild howling it was bad to play around the church you know the quickest way to get demon possessed is to play church you don't know when the devil is in you can y'all help me preach you say i know i'm not demonstrating i still love the lord but when you're giving god glory there is what you call a religious spirit a religious spirit will praise god but he won't give him full glory he pretend to be something that he's not he's really not serving god this man was out of his mind he wasn't complete nobody it's completely a whole when you're going around naked and cutting yourself he was abnormally strong because even maybe society tried to help him realize that he wasn't whole family might have put the authorities on him because you say no man could bind him no man contain me which means that he got natural help somewhere some people ain't even looking for natural health rather than spiritual here sometimes it's not just much a necklace problem it's a spiritual problem he was not whole his mind was not right night and day howling and we got people today are coming in the mind can't sleep at night come in and if you ain't very careful they'll torment you don't call me in no 3 o'clock i'm going to tell my what did you dream me some was chasing me and i couldn't make it out just a little big black ball coming at me what you think it mean bishop i don't know so i'm trying to get i don't know i ain't trying to figure it out well and then they'll keep you on the phone with the same thing what you think you i i don't i told you i don't know well it was shaped you told me it was shaped like about yeah but see but it had things coming out now remember that things that was coming out like it was uh little spikes and what you think it mean i told you i don't know you you're on the phone 30 minutes saying i don't know there's a spirit of trying to keep you warm don't wake me up with that what you need is jesus in your life saving faith is not head knowledge it's not just something that you think of head knowledge you got to have saving faith in the hall we can give you a solution to your problem but it's up to you to accept the solution to your problem many people don't want the solution they reject the solution because sometimes they don't want to give up to what they're doing the young man amen solution to the problem he don't want to stop chasing man i'm tired of all these children what i'm tired of all these children here you got four women pregnant and then on the fifth one and you say you tired then do what it takes to not have children you say well i'm a man well listen god is still a keeper get in christ christ is what saving change man life if any man be in christ he is a new creature that person become new that he's changed the way he walked he changed the way he talked he changed the way he dressed he changed the way he look at life because now he got christ in his life see if you don't realize that you need to be saved the man need to be saved when he saw jesus being pure he said i judy by god tommy now what people today are rejecting the very things that come to help them people are rejecting the holy ghost what they're saying today we don't need the baptism god's not feeling with the holy ghost by speaking another tongue who told you that life i speak in tongues majority is congregation that is here today that's saying speaking tongue i've seen literally hundreds get filled with the holy ghost at once speaking in other tongues so what are you talking about you talking about something that somebody got up and said that they don't uh we don't do it anymore trying to uh indoctrinate you rather than read the script of the bible and say when they were filled they spoke another tongue that the spirit gave us what they do it gives you power over the enemy and that's what the church needs today is power the man needs power he couldn't help himself because he had something in him man he help himself doing wrong when he got something in him that possessed him to cause him to do wrong a late apostle you just talk about the men that were bound by alcoholism he said he tell himself i'm not gonna drink anymore i'm taking my money home i'm not gonna spend my money and waste it on the alcoholism i'm gonna pay my bills take my buy my wife something so he go cash his check and start home he might pass by one liquor store and successfully make it by one he might even make it by two but as he continued to drive that thing in him holla i want a drink i want a drink i don't want to start feeling he tasted a little bit and he know his way home he know how many liquor stores there because he took the rap and that's people say you got one more up there just by one beard you don't need just one he stopped to get that one bit he drink it so fast before we get home and that the spirit tell him to turn around you need to go back and get some more because you're gonna you're gonna get all the way home then you're gonna drive way back just go get just in case and before we know it he's gonna turn back around and when he got him a whole case and before we get on me then almost he didn't drunk half of that case and he walked in high instead he walking in that sophie walking that drunk because that thing on the inside said ah want a drink he had no power to fight it that's the way the spirit of the enemy is the spirit of the devil when he possesses a person he has no power to resist it jesus told him if you want to be made home he said julie my god don't torment me now jesus asked me a question he said what is your name because he understood that the man was not talking to him it was the thing that was in him that was talking to him he said my name is legion for we are many jesus said come out of the man thy unclean spirit and that shame the devil came out of me not only that he came out he brought up more with him out of him and ran into the herds of swine and the scripture said it was two thousand swine that means this man had 2000 demons in him but the next time they found this man he was whole because he was sitting at the feet of jesus clothes and it is written in the right mind some people ain't in their right mind because you got demons that coming in your mind you want to be a whole you got to get christ in your life you got to let him come in you got to believe his saving faith will change the man life quoted the scripture a while ago if any man being christ he is not he going to be give me the 10th chapter i believe that the 8th chapter 10 and 8 of romans i believe it is 10 and 8 i got a clue but what sayeth it but what said this the word is nigh thee the word is not thee even in thy mouth even in the mouth the word this word right now is 90. it's even in your mind and in thy heart it's in your heart the word get all down in your heart see if you're willing to accept the words you have accepted in your heart in thy mouth in the heart that is the word of faith it is the word of faith which we preach otherwise you accept it by faith by believing that god is a deliverer god is the healer god is a miracle worker god is a savior god is a holy ghost filler god is a life changer you don't look at what you bound by what you need to deliver from you ain't looking at how big your problem is you're looking at how big god is i promise it should not be so big that we can't look to god god our problem ain't bigger than god come on read what it says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth if you confess with your mind the lord jesus the lord jesus and shall believe in your heart that god has raised him in your heart not your head see that's what's wrong with people today they're believing with their head not their heart that inward mind knowing that god is a changing god knowing that god is keeping god knowing that god is a healing god knowing that god is the delivering god believe in thy heart thou shalt be saved thou shalt be not maybe might but you shall be saved for with the heart man believe it under righteousness he believe it unto righteousness you believe you can change you can believe you can go straight you can believe you can be righteous you can believe you can stop what you're doing you can believe you can come to god you believe amen god can change your life you believe all things are possible to them that believe will you be made home do what it takes to be made whole it ain't hard giving up it's making up one mind seeing that christ is your solution to your problem i wish the world could see this that everybody had christ purely pure in their heart that they realized christ is delusion to the problem you are the only one to hinder you you hinder yourself by not being obedient to christ what did jesus tell the man after he told him i could not beat the other people in the pool when i get in one step in jesus said will thou be made home take up your bed and walk what is he saying to you now believe me believe me to the saving of your soul believe me and want our savior so believe me when i make you whole believe me won't i deliver you believe me when i change to believe me that's all he said if you believe in me i will set you free what happened what happened what happened to man did one thing he obeyed the law he don't say overwhelmingly that he felt the power he just acted on the word he obeyed what he couldn't do he started doing it see in just a minute we're going to pray we're going to believe god with you i often ask those that are here that's unsaved and walk down this eye now ain't gonna be up to you whether you believe god or not it's up to us whether we believe the word that you're going to obey him you can be made whole the woman with the issue of blood would make home the woman that was had were bent all over that had a spirit of infirmity and their wives couldn't lift herself up jesus said you're loose from thy infirmities blind baltimore's cried out the more when they told them to shut up because he wanted jesus jesus asked what would i do lord that i might receive my sight go thy way thou faith have made thee whole the woman with this your blood touched him with his garment he was made whole of the disease that was in her body because she got in the press it's up to you the question is put to us today will thou be made what hindered you from serving god what hindered you from being whole what interview from being complete whatever hindered you we must put our faith in god and if you're having a fight a physical fight keep fighting because your deliverance is on the way help whoa hell is on the way don't give up don't quit stay in the race don't fall by the wayside don't start looking at the pain and condition but start waiting on god saying you know that god is coming hell is on the way come on stand on your feet [Applause] come on lift those hands and give god some praise [Music] help me love jesus hear me lord jesus come on lift those hands up and give god some praise i want to be saved i want to be a whole come on help me lord the devil is coming in and coming in my mind lord god can make your mind be at peace whosoever keep his mind standing under him shall keep him in perfect peace that shame god is here right now [Music] oh you [Music] to accept him as your deliverer [Music] it's up to you he died for you he bled for you he took 39 stripes on his back you two can be saved and we bother ahead young people i'm told to you will you be made whole you're tired of being angry can't control yourself road rage don't want nobody to sing unto you god loves you but he hates seeing it that shame god is here today you're tired you can't get over that hump that same god is here today [Music] you're tired of that sickness these brothers gonna pray with you today that same god is still a miracle working god and we bow in our head there's one right now say bishop i want to be saved i'm not asking you to join the church but i'm asking you to make a commitment to christ will you come today while we're praying get ready to pray that's one that need prayer oh i know you're here today the word didn't come for nothing my word will not go out of return ball it's up to you while we're standing come on lift those hands up and give god some praise come on give him some praise [Music] us [Music] a clean heart [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i wanna be [Music] i want to be [Music] you
Channel: Marshall Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 330
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: FGHT, Full Gospel Holy Temple, Bishop Larry Kiel, Evangelist Margaret Kiel, MFGHT, Marshall Full Gospel holy Temple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 46sec (3826 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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