FGHT Dallas: This is Your Season of Restoration

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[Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] that's it we serve a great and he's worthy to be praised come on oh yes look [Music] thank you Jesus or lift your hands and tell the Lord thank you somebody oh come on take a moment [Music] and thank God for what he's doing that boy that was short come on I mean take a moment just give him praise and thanksgiving just grateful for what it is the Lord has done he's been better than we deserve and I tell you my soul a man magnifies the lord god bless you take your seat if you can I am just a man just excited about what the Lord is doing in my life amen I'm glad about what I seen him do in your life a man he's pouring out his favor and his blessing he met upon those who are the faithful he meant the Bible declares to the faithful he'll show himself to be faithful a man and I thank God for His faithfulness and I think God's Saturday night a man around Full Gospel Holy Temple is special deliverance name Amen what is special deliverance night that's he meant the night that's geared towards building your faith he made you know four gospel holy temple was was set to start a man one Sunday morning in the year of 1961 a man but that Saturday night while they were there cleaning up that little barbecue pit because that's where we come from man some churches started out in a you know nice spacious church a man folk gospel the temple started in a barbecue pit a man with six members and that's Saturday night while they were there cleaning up sweeping mopping and singing and straightening things out even a man came in heard him singing thought church was going on walk through the doors a man needing to be delivered and that night a man instead of waiting till Sunday morning a man since he was there they went on and prayed with him and God saved him and filled him that night a man so instead of starting on Sunday morning we actually started on the Saturday night for gospel a man and upon summer and never forgot that and that's the reason why he kept Saturday night going if people want to know y'all have church on Saturday night yeah what else we gonna do on a Saturday night we ain't we ain't with that other crowd we used to be with hey man if you're saved you ain't got nothing better to do on Saturday night than be in church a man and so he turned this night special deliverance night whatever you stand in need of if you've got the faith God has the power to meet you at the point of your need and the good thing about it is Amen we're not all just telling you what we heard I'm telling you what I know I'm telling you what I've seen what I have experienced I've seen God Amen do the supernatural and the miraculous I've seen God heal even I have seen God raise the dead y'all think I'm crazy I see a man I saw a man Oh dad and I seen the men of God go lay hands on them and rebuke them when nurses have declared this man is go I so God raised him up from the dead right before my very eyes Amen I've seen God heal cancer I've seen God heal AIDS well y'all done got quiet again I know God can do it amen if you believe that he can't look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine I broke mine you got yours come on hold that power faint God amen because everything else is going down but what but the word of our God the book of Joel the 42nd chapter a man Joe 42 and I want to begin reading verse number 10 a man Shoaib 42 and I want to begin reading at verse number 10 and let's read even all the way down to verse number 17 that's Jo 42 verse 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 and 17 and when you have it's a man read what the Bible says and the Bible says that the Lord turned the captivity of joy when he prayed for his friend and the Lord blessed job with twice as much as he had before 1 bread with him in his house over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon all of those people that had been there to eat bread in his house they now come back and the Bible said they bring job a piece of money so the Lord blessed the latter end of joy than his beginning he had 14,000 sheep my god he had seven sons and three daughters the name of the second k'sia and the name of the third Karen hat book and all in the land were no women found so fair as his daughters of Job and in all the land there was nobody more fair than the daughters of Joel Reid and their father gave inheritance among their brother come on the Bible says and after this lived job a hundred and forty years and he saw his son and his son and his son's son even four generation job so the Bible said four generations so Joe so Joel but died being old being old and full of days the Bible said did you read it then the Lord called gave job twenties as much as he had before so the Lord verse 12 says bless the latter end of joy more than his beginning then there was a whole lot that happened between the latter end and the beginning but God bless the latter end of Joe more been his be kidding the Bible said God gave him twice as much as he had in the beginning he had something in the beginning but he lost him but God blessed the latter end of job more than the his beginning look at somebody close to you and tell him me but this is your season of restoration I want to talk to somebody tonight Holly Lord look at somebody else and tell them this is your season of restoration I wish I could find at least 16 and a half of y'all that believed what I'm trying to tell you amen this is your season Holland of restoration hey God to restore the things that you have lost and let's be honest that there's a whole lot more than just our our natural carnal possessions that we can lose some of us have lost sleep some of us have lost peace of mind some of us Amen we've lost some cool points if you would hate men some of us have lost ourselves in the turmoil and in the trouble that we found ourselves in but I want you to know tonight that God is a restorer amen if you'll just trust here and I trust that a man I'm talking to some people tonight that see the sensibility and trusting in the Lord you know it doesn't matter where you find yourself jesus said in Saint Mark the 11th chapter he says have faith in God that's where our faith must be rooted that's where it must be grounded that's where it must remain we cannot have faith in people because people will let you down I don't have to tell you hey man you've been now I don't have to tell you people many times have good intentions amen but just don't have the power to do the good that they desire to do and so many times we look at people that were so quick to use that word he means you got some people who honestly and honestly Amen intended to do what they said but they found out that their human ability pants is just not sufficient for the task a man and you know you get disappointed with people a man that's just the proof that people will let you down that's the reason why you must root your faith and somebody a man that has a better track record than your mama hey man a better track record than your friend hey man you've got the roots of faith in the God brothers and sisters sons and daughters you got to understand that life is difficult all by itself Amen sometime it's just hard amen living life and I tell people if you wanna die dying is easy to live so dying is the easy part is difficult out of you effort and energy and takes your shrimp it requires so much of you just to get up and determine next you're gonna make it from one day to the next when you're trying to figure out what is the world from where I was just a few days ago look at that some I don't know if I got too many witnesses here tonight but now I'll be I'm trying to figure out in the world I was brothers and sisters brothers got some people that are just like gets greater than later amens you got every reason to live you got every reason to hang in there you got every reason to put your foot on the floor in the morning and say this is still today [Applause] things are not going to ruin your life they always he came seeking somebody God said listen have you considered my servant Shu you've got to realize brothers and sisters there are times when you're trying to figure out how did I get here and you don't even understand that the only reason why you're there is because God recommended you to suffer no God would do stuff like yes he will the Bible said God brought job's name up when he did I want you to notice Satan's response I didn't say who is Joe point me in his direction he said yes Oh [Music] [Applause] material that you say that to your face I want you to notice what Satan didn't say he never said make job do anything this is the God job running don't like you Joe just loves what you do for it and if you let me talk [Applause] and so the Bible says that see that comes in and possession it's a bishop he takes all eldest brother's house [Music] [Music] [Music] some people say that she was just sad what suffering like this [Music] [Laughter] Oh [Music] [Laughter] the job's friends God listen you didn't represent me right you were talking about me but you're dead represent me - right away you didn't have the job correctly so what I need you to do I need you to take seven bucks and go see Joe job to pray for you because I'm not gonna hear you but I will Joe come to tell somebody that's why you ain't gotta get ugly because people treat you ugly it's gonna send them back to get you fired Oh job skill to pray but I want you to notice what happens here they come the job with seven blocks but it's up to job now to accept it to forgive them I was sitting down earlier in the office and I was trying to understand why it is that some people come to the prowl on Tuesday from the garden always there and nothing is happening some of us gotta forgiveness issue y'all gonna get as quiet as your whoa now what do you want do you wanna be right but do you want peace and win job right for his friends that's when Gao turn things in his paper and somebody here the nothing as bad as you have suffered you came ready forgot to time some things in your favor well I got some good news for you this is your season bearish something good but you gotta forgive that what God does he blesses job with twice as much as he had job went from having nothing to heaven twice what he had in the beginning it reminds me of JA the second chapter when the Bible talks about how the local send Palmer worm and the cankerworm had devoured not only the plant but they ate the seed y'all getting quiet it's one thing to eat the plant but it's another thing when you eat the seed that means that only do we do not have anything today but you ain't got nothing for word to the enemy got some of you that right now well you got it hard today and you're already telling yourself you have nothing to look forward to is a liar the Bible said God will respond to your the years God will restore to you the years some of you worried about what I get a chance to enjoy it can I go ahead and tell you yes you will cuz God said imma give you your yes [Applause] after this show neighbor tell him you paint that now you gotta live cuz you gotta enjoy this stuff so could a dot what God gave him 140 years so he could enjoy this blessing and that's what I come to tell you God's gonna give it back what God's gonna give you enough time to enjoy the blessings of the loud [Music] after this job lived 140 years he got a good chance to enjoy what God put in his hands and somebody here tonight you worried cuz time is quickly passing you by but God said no I restore the years and I redeem you God don't give you enough time the engine everything you feel like you've been missing at all God will give it back to you and then give you enough time to it y'all get quiet again I'm not just talking about this carnal stuff peace of mind some of you need some peace tonight I come to pay you God it's gonna restore it the devlins set you at variance with everything in your house and you wanna walk away but something in you it's telling you hang in there something in you it's telling you it's gonna get bad after a while God is at the restoring business and tonight he's gonna restore somebody help decline and quickly you got some things up before God God is a restorer what do you have to get divorced y'all don't get quiet why do you have to leave the house it's just we can't stay together why not why not those whom God has joined the devil quiet I told you friend of mine told me a story of that woman and every time I tell it I get text messages and notes and phone calls this woman was dealing with a man treated her like dirt said every time she cooked he had a problem with everything he would even taste it just look at it don't look right if he taste it and it didn't taste right he just take the whole plate and throw it on the floor cook it over again and she wasn't like some of you I start saying most of you but you saved oh you would have never seen a neck work so hard I don't know who you think you talkin to y'all get quiet touch them out again and tell them neighbor don't let nasty people turn you nasty see that's the problem with some of you you don't become just like the people you detest they don't treat you bad now there and got you to treat them you have become the very thing you don't even like but you got ahold to some kind of integrity and they say you treated her like dirt for years when Sunday morning she went to Sunday school and got to the church and said I wonder if I left that Stovall and turn around and went back home walked in the house what is that that I hear from youngest bedroom she goes to the bedroom and opens the door and sees her husband on top of another one y'all gettin quiet she closed the door and went and sat on the couch and waited yard auntie I know some of you would have wouldn't an start cooking grits warlord hey man you you know crank the car left garage down and the garage door open to the house and whatever happens just happen but she went up to the living room and sat on the couch and waited and he was so twisted I guess he felt like since she done caught us he don't need that stuff she know now so he kept going and she said that why y'all looking at me like that she sat that waited when they got through doing whatever they was doing the young lady gets up puts her clothes on and rushes through the house trying to get out and the woman sitting on the concept baby you ain't gotta run she's at the last the least you owe me as a conversation come sit down on this couch and talk to me and the young lady sat down on the couch and she said she told this young lady you don't have to do this kind of stuff you better than this and told her that God loved her that God wanted to save her and sanctify her and fill her with the holy cows and said that young lady lifted her hands tears started streaming down her face and she gave her heart to the Lord God saved her and filled her with the Holy Ghost sitting on this couch in this woman's living room her husband in the back room listened to the whole thing he came out the back with is rolling down his face set next to this woman lifted his hands and she led him to the Lord sitting on the couch in the living room and when it was over she looks at the other young lady she said listen baby you ain't strong enough yet you need to move in here so I can teach you how to live holy now I know some of you said I would have stopped when she started speaking as the spirit gave the utterance but that was her and now this same husband it's traveling this country preaching the gospel his wife is traveling with don't tell me God will restore I listen to brother Fred everybody's standing brother Fred Thibodeau testifies all the time when he came to the Lord him and his wife went to different places and he asked God to put his home back together and he kept believing God in spite of what he heard and in spite of what he had seen and God who is faithful and just on at the faith of this men of God and brought this man's wife back home with him I know sister Cheryl that's you hold your hand up let them see brother Fred care for those wife still say still feel with the Holika and they stand together God is a restorer you may have lost everything maybe you lost your home and you live it with everybody else and they getting tired of you God is a restorer maybe your health is declining God is a restorer this is your season of a restoration if you can believe God and hold on to your faith the Bible says with me and it might be impossible people may have tried to help you they can't do any more than what they've already done but not with God because with God all things are possible and somebody tonight has to believe God somebody tonight need to put you all on the altar and in the middle of what you're in now stand and declare that I still believe and if you can believe God the Bible said God bless the latter end of job more than his beginning no matter where you are some good is coming your way oh yeah and if you're watching doesn't matter where you are on this journey some good is coming your way sometimes in the middle of the battle you lose things and some of you've been fighting with everything you've got and you have lost some things in the battle God is a restorer your strength is a weak why don't you let him restore you tonight you're trying with everything you have to hold on and keep going let him restore you tonight I want you to come if there's somebody here first of all if you're not saved you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come if you are saved and there's something you need God to do for you I want you to come tonight I want you to come believe it maybe you're one of those people you have never never been without a job you've always worked and now you're trying to figure out what in the world is going on I wish I could tell you all the what's the winds the Y's the where's I don't know none of that all I know is who and the Bible said if God before us he's so much more than the world against us a young man came to Jesus and he said Lord show me what I need to do to make it in Jesus said listen I'll tell you you just do this do that and you'll have treasure in heaven the Bible said this man walked away because he had a whole lot of stuff Jesus turns around and says to the disciples no man nobody that loses house land mother father in this place for my sink if you lose this on the journey he said you'll find it I'll give it back to you in this world you don't have to wait till you get to heaven to enjoy God's fever he said he would give it back to you in this world and then when you die you get to go to heaven he's a restorer if there's another that's coming come quickly some of you in the valley of decision you're trying to figure out the way forward before you make a move talk to God about it before you make a mistake that's gonna cost you extra time come talk to God about it he's a restorer he's restoring marriages so many people are suffering the enemy is trying to rip you apart sometimes it's not really anything it's your mind but then there are times when you got all the proof you need but I want you to know even in that the Bible said acknowledge him in all your ways you still have an obligation to do things God's Way and if you'll let him have control keep your integrity something good can come out of this I preached the message a few years ago God is making me a testimony and that's what's happening there's so many of you at this altar he's not just giving you a testimony because if he give it to you you got to give it to somebody else God is making you a testimonial everything that you're going through is God carving you into a testimonies of his goodness and His grace if there's anybody at this altar that need God to save you and feed you with the Holy Ghost lift your hand right where you are god bless you come young lady you can come if there's another I want you to come come on [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] that's the power of God receive it the rest that I want you to get your mind on the Lord come what if you believe it he's the God of all grace come on him honor your faith tonight [Music] let him out of your face tonight come on let him do it for you hallelujah oh that's it come on somebody hallelu [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can chase a snake come on it's [Music] receive it in Jesus name [Music] I got let him receive it now Jesus name
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 21,270
Rating: 4.8578682 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: tCmJ5UhExkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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